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File: 26 KB, 400x315, suika_flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
595188 No.595188 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, as the Touhou buffs you are what's your opinion on the rest of the fanbase and its, relatively speaking, most prominent members?
Speaking of which, pic related. I hate this guy.

>> No.595198

Walfas is a girl

>> No.595201

I like this guy.

>> No.595203

The Elevens love him.

>> No.595206

Walfas is a pretty cool guy eh, makes flashes and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.595208

Touhou is becoming shit so fast and Walfas is one the worst (although s/he was decent in the beginning).

>> No.595217


Explains the shitty humour.

>> No.595210


My contemp for her hasn't changed a bit even after this revelation.

>> No.595223

You know i have no idea what the fanbase is like or who the prominent members are i just care about Touhous and thats it.

>> No.595228


>> No.595234

Walfas porn. Do it guys.

>> No.595229

Who the fuck is Walfas?

>> No.595237

And thus is part of the problem.

Lack of connection in the community where there was a strong link.

>> No.595246

Lack of connection to a community make the chances of becoming an idiot smaller.

>> No.595248

You can't hate Walfas no matter how shit it is. He's one of maybe three people making original content that isn't Japanese.

>> No.595251
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Most of the flashes are tedious to click through, but at least the designs are cute.

>> No.595257

There's no love in Walfas' works anymore.

>> No.595268

The Touhou fanbase went to shit when Maullar left

>> No.595283

Whoa, I feel like reality is trying to cut into a rose-tinted flashback.

>> No.595286

Pretty much.

>> No.595308


>> No.595329

It's difficult to hate, but his shit only attracts more gaiafags into the fold, look at his fanbase.

Touhou doesn't need prominent anything. e-penis ruins everything. Imagine /jp/ with bullshit drama threads about "prominent" anything. This is why I fucking hate tripfags too. It's always about the e-penis and drama.

Touhou doesn't need to be centralized around certain people, that's not the Touhou I like and enjoy.

PS: I will continue to refer to him as such out of spite.

>> No.595331
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>> No.595324

Just like any fanbase, the bigger it grows the more likely you'll find people you will absolutely hate. The fanbase really doesn't impact anything though. Just because I don't like members of the fanbase doesn't mean I can't enjoy the games, music, and artwork any less.

>> No.595340

a community with connection, eh?

you mean like the sonic fanbase?

>> No.595347


>> No.595349

Sonic is full of win, nigger.

>> No.595359

It's not like Touhou is popular outside the internet

>> No.595372


And furfags who are into every kind of fathomable fetish.

>> No.595371
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>> No.595379

>It's not like Touhou is popular outside Japan

>> No.595392



>> No.595409
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Trying going to cons.

>> No.595415

Or outside Akihabara.

>> No.595417

Oh shit i just lose my eyesight!

>> No.595423

I still say this is the best Touhou cosplay ever.

>> No.595424

I demand my eyesight back!

>> No.595431

Nothing at a con is ever popular. Cons are the reason why things become unpopular.

>> No.595432

Oddly, that's how I imagine Tewi.

>> No.595434

I hope that Reisen wears underwear ;_;

>> No.595442

Funny, I hope for the opposite.

>> No.595448

You do not.

>> No.595443

Akihabara is the result of an internet buffer overflow overwriting reality, it doesn't count.

>> No.595445

>The Touhou fanbase went to shit when Maullar left
I fucking hate people like you who think Touhou community revolves around one person.
(that's not ZUN himself)

>> No.595461

I don't not!

>> No.595466

so why are we talking about fanbases? they all start sucking once something gets popular. it's just a shame that the part of the fanbase that sucks isn't able to admit to its fail, and once it becomes a large enough part of the fanbase it's impossible to speak of it outside small groups.

as for walfas, i lost interest once she started using touhou as blogging material.

the touhou mixers are pretty cool, though.

>> No.595474

Just leave if you didn't know the importance of Maullar.

>> No.595475

More like septic backup from an overflow of shit.

>> No.595477

That has more to do with the gene-pool, doesn't it?

>> No.595502

Ugly fuck + Ugly fuck = Double Ugly!

>> No.595517

>Just leave if you didn't know the importance of Maullar.

This is exactly the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. People start clinging to one person, which I'm not even saying anything bad about, but you people become so adamant that me saying anything short of OMG MAULLAR IS GOD is automatically an insult.

Don't you see?

>> No.595525

Who the fuck is this MAULLAR guy?

>> No.595534

Walfas is pretty awesome.

>> No.595536

>Touhou fanbase
It's shit and always will be shit.

>> No.595556

Maullar works were pretty much shit, but that wasn't the point.

With Maullar, Iori E, and the others, it was about heart; once Maullar left, there was none of the original of Western Touhou material.

>> No.595558

No idea. I assume it something about touhou RPing? Which I don't particularly think is all that "god status" worthy

>> No.595566

So which fanbase isn't shit then? I keep hearing shit this, shit that.

>> No.595568

4chan, pot calling the kettle a nigger, etc...

>> No.595564

Guy who drew shitty doujins.

>> No.595580

Walfas actually is the B^U of Touhou

>> No.595589

So he was a western guy who drew shitty doujins... whats the point? Theres 100000 japanese doujin artist that draw touhou everyday.

>> No.595604

Why do people always assume EVERYONE cares about these cliques? I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT BRAND NAME TOUHOUS.

If I don't fucking know who some obscure faggot who's dick you suck in IRC, then too fucking bad. I play the fucking games, save pictures, look at the videos and see some flash, but I'm not some obsessed fag that fucking worships the people behind the work.

I don't care who makes it, if they're awesome original work, then good for him, kudos, don't care beyond that. I'm not a fanatic.

>> No.595599

All communities suck nowadays.

Touhou was pretty much the last hope for communities.

>> No.595608

That's the point; Western Touhouism used to be so scarce here.

>> No.595615

>I'm not a fanatic

You don't belong here ;__;

>> No.595620

Just as this man said.

>> No.595621


>> No.595628

Why would i need shitty low quality touhouism when i can get the highest quality from japan?

>> No.595630

oh lol

>> No.595632

I'm not a fanatic of PEOPLE who think they're entitled to being worshipped because they did something that hundreds of other japs are doing much better.

Touhou on the other hand, is a different story.

>> No.595637

PROTIP: Every fandom has its good and its bad. Everyone has to like something, and just because people you don't like also like that same something doesn't make you "uncool" for liking it.

>> No.595645

Touhou is a community in where you shouldn't leech.

Touhou strives GREATLY on outside material and having another useless member just stabs the community even more so.

>> No.595646


>> No.595648

So, who is Mauller? first time I even heard this name was yesterday during one of the many theme-image threads.

>> No.595647
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Here's something better.

>> No.595653
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>> No.595656
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>> No.595660
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>> No.595663
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>> No.595667

Some guy, kinda funny stuff, but nothing to remember his name about, so don't worry.

>> No.595670

That author admitted that he half-asses that dojin and that's the probably.

Shit like this not only has no heart, but lowers the already low quality of Western Touhouism.

>> No.595669
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>> No.595674
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>> No.595677
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>> No.595680
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>> No.595682
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>> No.595683
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>> No.595685
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>> No.595688

Maullar was not about quality but rather as a link or optimism

>> No.595691

No, when you start acting like an elitist FAGGOT like >>595474, then you are fucking ruining Touhou community. We don't need to fucking know who you are. If you wish to contribute, then contribute. If it's good, then awesome. But do NOT expect us to be kissing your ass and acting elitist in your name.

>> No.595695

So he was Barack Obama?

>> No.595704

Amusingly the best fanworks from the west are from two guys called Wong and Kim.

>> No.595700



>> No.595720

Say goodbye the a great community then and watch fall into neo-/b//Gaia quality like it is now.

>> No.595726

Yeah but aren't they amusing for the wrong reasons?

>> No.595730

this cosplay is an eyesore

>> No.595732

Pretty much.

>> No.595739

They dont sound so western to me.

>> No.595737
File: 44 KB, 1271x896, 1210446318335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan is actually a very talented artist.

>> No.595740
File: 181 KB, 768x1024, 1210446342057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like bunnies? :3

>> No.595748

That's not a bunny D:

>> No.595752

Dan is a pussy.

>> No.595746

Why does the face look so korean?

>> No.595758

Wong is a Korean-American and Kim is a Korean-Canadian.

Also, leave 4chan if you don't know who Kim is.

>> No.595762

These were horrible

>> No.595760
File: 56 KB, 400x764, 1210446446946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay guys i herd you like me

>> No.595755


>> No.595769

No shit.

>> No.595774

2-tone drawing on a computer is one of the easiest methods, and Dan has a habit of making things look lifeless when he does it.

>> No.595775


The gaia quality that clings on like groupies to elitist faggots?

>> No.595778

We liked what you represented; that's it.

That's the point; no heart in Western Touhouism today.

>> No.595779
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>> No.595781


>> No.595783
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>> No.595801

Don't forget the role playing!

>> No.595818
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>> No.595825

This is great, people are mad because Touohou is LESS INDIE than it used to be.

>> No.595831

Dan Kim loses for being a fucking Canadian. A fucking lazy Canadian.

>> No.595834

/r/ rule 34 on touhou.

>> No.595835

I wish to be the Touhou BNF

how does I do that?

>> No.595843

Hurr durr it's mai birfday.

>> No.595851
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>> No.595872

Wow, this thread is a real piece of work.
"Oh no, my little obscure hobby no one knows about is picking up new fans. Now I have nothing to obsess about on my own. BAAAAAAAWWWW"

>> No.595881

sometimes i like pictures of the touhous
other times i do not like pictures of the touhous

there have been a few times where i have fapped to pictures of the touhous, but this is pretty rare

the only official touhou i played was shoot the bullet

>> No.595895

Hey anons let's be realistic how many touhou games did you play? Not counting IAMP and SWR.

I played PCB, PoFV and MoF.

>> No.595897

the way Dan does it? I'm curious about what you consider a comparable but better example of the same style, could you name an artist or two?

>> No.595909


I played all of them except for 1-3

>> No.595911

All of them

>> No.595907

MoF, IN and EOSD

>> No.595915

the way Dan does it? I'm curious about what you consider a comparable but better example of the same style, could you name an artist or two?

>> No.595917
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>> No.595919


I feel like I dont fit in here anywhere...

>> No.595921



>> No.595932

all of 'm except the pc98 ones, and I liked IN best

>> No.595936

I've played all the official games but I have only completed 3, 5-9 and 10. I've also played a lot of fan-made games including Patchcon, Moedan, Super Marisa World, CtC, and several flash games.

>> No.595938

I'm in the If there's worse, fill it in here.

>> No.595945

I played EoSD.

That's it. Can't beat Cirno on Easy mode.

>> No.595946

All the them.

PC-98 ones are quite good.

>> No.595955

How does someone become a prominent member among the Touhou fanbase? Do they have to draw shit?

>> No.595958

Are you new to touhou or do you just hate the games?

>> No.595963

Put up a website and host shit.

>> No.595970

Depends on what part of the Touhou fanbase you think... i think China is quite prominent here for example but not so on /touhou/ and other shit... but hell i know i'm only on /jp/...

>> No.595985

All. I found PCB on a friends computer ages ago. Wasn't until I heard IN was out that I discovered the fan stuff existed.

1cc Normal on all the windows games, extra on PCB/MoF, looking forward to TH11. Prefer CAVE shmups, but there's no community based around porn for those.

>> No.595986

You really can't nowadays.

>> No.596042

wait, when did people turn on walfas?

>> No.596059

Since I started saying that her work could be better and that she just halfasses everything.

>> No.596062

Don't mind them it's just Deviantart-esque asshattery.

>> No.596063

There's quite a few people in the fanbase that bother me, but I still like Touhou stuff regardless.

>> No.596065


>> No.596074

No; I hate DA and sort of like Walfas' art.

It's everything else about Walfas I don't like.

>> No.596089



What if we still play them?

I've played all except the PC-98 games and IAMP. I regularly play IN, and do some PCB and MoF.

>> No.596096

>This is why I fucking hate tripfags too.
>Adjutant‮TACELBAT ‪‪‪‬‪‬ !FUX4cHAN.6

>> No.596110

Well i envy you Anon. I somehow lose interest in everything thats single player after i finish it once or twice. I only play MP games for a long time. I only play the SWR demo and thats only because i got a gamepad a week ago.

>> No.596135


Obviously the trick is to not play them often, and only play them when you have nothing better to do. Play the Touhou games whenever you have that urge to play a shitty Flash browser game or something.

If you want to play a game *very often*, obviously you'll need to find something that doesn't get boring fast. Unfortunately, that's pretty much impossible.

>> No.596200

I hate all of you, regardless of what you like or what you do.

>> No.596660

>>It's difficult to hate, but his shit only attracts more gaiafags into the fold, look at his fanbase.

Ahaha oh wow. The other day you were saying how it pisses you off when anime fans play the elitism card, yet you do the same faggotry when it comes to Touhou.

Adjutant, an underaged, hypocritical faggot? I'm not really surprised.‪‬‪‬

>> No.596678



>> No.596710

I dont give a shit about whats his mauller and I could care less about iori and I dont know shit about kirby or walfas. The god damn touhou community has gone on for plenty of time without shitty western artists drawing their shitty doujins and these faggots that think the existence of a western touhou community matters one grain of shit to the world make me shake my head in shame.

Touhou is like anime. Even with no western fanbase it will do just fucking fine.

Just as I am a consumer of anime I am a consumer of touhou doujins. I appreciate the translation effort but I do not suck dicks and I will not worship a specific person or group for their efforts.

>> No.596713


I thought Walfas was pretty good when I first got to it, but nowadays I think Kirbym is running out of ideas, the humor is starting to get pretty stale.

But other than that I don't know much about other touhou fanbases, I've been to /touhou/ and shrinemaiden a couple of times, but not enough to make an solid judgment.

>> No.596720

>I do not suck dicks
Why not? What about futa dick?

>> No.596749

Basically, all the fags complaining ITT don't realize that their shit stinks just as bad as everyone else's.

>> No.596771

I'd rather be part of a happy community than on my own, surrounded by a fuckpile of stuck up retards.

Oh god, what am I doing here?

>> No.596777

Being a stuck-up retard?

>> No.596796

Who cares what the fanbase is like. Enjoy Touhou for your own reasons, and if you see faggotry just ignore it.

>> No.596804

I don't deny it.

>> No.596819

What if we enjoy raging about the fanbase?

>> No.596835

The point was never whether Mauller was a good artist or not. It was shit when he came up with his ideas, it was shit when he drew it, and it was shit when he scanned it. He has the talent of a retarded five-year-old and you need to be drunk to get a laugh out of it. However, back when he was making shit, it was some of the only Western touhou fanwork around. It was garbage, but he was one of us. There was a warm, fuzzy feeling in knowing there was a western fan who liked it as much as you, liked it enough to draw it. Now, every derp and his brother shits out fanfiction and aborted visual novels. Even Mauller doesn't seem like he wants to be associated with them, which is pretty sad. They aren't any better than Mauller's stuff, but they're everywhere. If you lived in a gated community and Mauller was the lovable leper, now your town is overrun with lepers spraypainting nines everywhere as if it was the funniest thing they've ever seen. Is it so bad to want the disease-ridden scum to leave your little enclave?

I don't really blame Walfas for it, sooner or later it would've happened, no matter who did it. Do I still like Touhou? Yes, I love it, and I wouldn't leave it for anything. However, it's turning into the next Bleach or Naruto, but unlike them Touhou was actually GOOD at one point. Now it's painful to watch, and there's not much to do besides yell at the retarded fanfic writers when they come around.

>> No.596940

Seems 1 is the magic number for terrible shit.

>> No.596977

Good fanfiction is rare and makes me happy.

I wish there was a way to read it without bothering to even sample the trash.

>> No.597043

You are the cancer that's trying to kill touhou but fails

Actually, you're just another butthurt faggot with a strange sense of self entitlement. The internet is full of you

The growing western community, no matter what your opinion towards them is, doesn't mean shit to the Touhou machine and it never will be.

>> No.597048

It's popular now so it's cool to hate it

>> No.598370

maybe if artists weren't namefagging it up when they contribute shit we wouldnt have this problem

I made the first edit of those honk honk comics. I was the one to edit 3 frames of chen looking over the check and then 1 frame of honk honk. That was the first edit and then we have namefags taking credit trying to make their e-penises big.

I post anonymously, the way all artists should. Its about a community where everyone and anyone makes something for the good of all, not some HO HO I WANT TO BE POPULAR SHIT

>> No.598381

You should have just said, Anonymous did etc.

>> No.598383

He somehow managed to get into Berkely though

>> No.598390


>> No.598391

4chan = communism

Believe it.

>> No.598400

EoSD is about communism.

>> No.598409


>> No.598416


Oh wow there. You made a shoop, so you're an ARTIST

Not that I disagree with your point, but wow. 3 seconds in mspaint and it's a work of art.
Everything I've ever contributed, I've done anonymously. Even stuff that really did take awhile.

>> No.598444

fucking idiots

maullar is a failure of a human being, someone go to berkeley university and cap that twit for drawing toddler's scribbles of touhou

>> No.598454

I like Walfas. His/Her stuff's decent. not exactly the pinnacle of OH GODLY, but at least it isn't shit.

>> No.598458

2-5, 7

>> No.598498

Walfas is the site name. KirbyM is the guy's name. Get it straight.
