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File: 377 KB, 800x1000, 1279443470146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5951614 No.5951614 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>5950702

>> No.5951623

Is there any Claire fanart out yet?
I adore her character design.

>> No.5951625
File: 24 KB, 129x98, kyrieeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people stopped thinking just because of the Tea Party

>> No.5951627

Two more threads after this and we'll hit 20 in a row, all linked.

Also, reposting Claire's theme again because it's still awesome:

>> No.5951632

DO you want again to see Battler telling a his magical story - it' all rainbows?

>> No.5951634


>> No.5951635

Get the fuck out Kyrie.

I hate you.

>> No.5951637

What's her full name again?

>> No.5951639

The BGM of this EP is pretty crappy, aside from Ridicule, the executioner and Golden Nocturne. Seriously, what's with all those Vocaloid songs.

>> No.5951640

We stopped thinking because we solved everything.

We just want to see out bittersweet ending.

>> No.5951641
File: 419 KB, 800x800, 12611504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Rifyu.

>> No.5951642

Claire Vorb Bernardus or something like that, IIRC.

>> No.5951646


>> No.5951648

does that mean something at all?

>> No.5951649
File: 29 KB, 608x328, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing can beat this so they stopped trying.

>> No.5951650

Calire VON Bernardus

>> No.5951653

The most disappointing thing is that I wanted a Kyrie culprit.
But not like this, she is just a crazy murderous bitch.
No plan, no awesome manipulation, just "There is a lot of gold and I have a gun, oh well time to start killing".

>> No.5951657

It's not crappy, it's just different, that's all.

>> No.5951659
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Same here.
Japan doesn't give a fuck though.

>> No.5951661

That is not liberatedkierater.

>> No.5951663

Hey, at least we got "I have never loved by daughter" and Eva at maximum awesome.

>> No.5951668

I must ask, what is that theme that plays when Eva confronts Kyrie? I love it.

>> No.5951669

I must make this clear.

Is EP7's Tea Party really part of the real event?
Kyrie and Rudolf really killed children?

>> No.5951671

It's even better. Just listen to it. I know for a fact that you can't have even gotten past the intro by this point in time yet.

Just keep listening. Don't skip around. Just listen from the beginning to the end, and you will agree:
It is fucking awesome.

>> No.5951673

Yes and yes and yes.

>> No.5951675



>> No.5951676
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>> No.5951677

Bern wasn't running the gameboard in question. Which at this point in time puts things firmly into the Holy Shit category.

>> No.5951678
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>> No.5951684


>> No.5951685
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>> No.5951686


>> No.5951687
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Fuck...why Rudolf.
What the hell.....

>> No.5951689

>Yo, Shannon, long time no see!
>Battler-sama, you came?

>Wahaha, surprised, Shannon?

>Why did the old men regress to an infant?
>It was probably a scaring experience, wasn't it.

>> No.5951691

Are you implying that 黄泉津比良坂CORRUPTION was terrible?

Shit that was the best one

>> No.5951692

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.5951695
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What I don't understand is if 'this is all truth', what is Beatrice doing there? This is the world where Leon exists, right? Isn't it heavily implied that Leon = Yasu = Beatrice? But that Beatrice can't exist in Leon's world?

Doesn't Kyrie kill Beatrice and Leon, too? Like, separately? In different scenes?

I smell word play or general bullshit from Bern.

>> No.5951697

I just don't want tainted love. Lion is male, Will is male. Do not taint that with petty genderswaps.

>> No.5951701

Uh... there are two gameboards in episode 7. One with Lion where no one dies, and a secondary gameboard during the tea party that Bern isn't the GM of. That secondary gameboard is where all the murder happens.

>> No.5951704

you don't mess with Shannon.if someone can edit the translation into the 4koma that would be nice

>> No.5951711
File: 170 KB, 400x225, battlerthiking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting tired of Bern.

I want already someone to shut her fucking tramp and disgusting lies.

Come on Battler, you can do it.

Also EP8 cover could be revealed when?

>> No.5951719

Play the game.

Beatrice appears as Shannon or rather Yasu who dress like her in the room with the gold.
Leon isn't there of course, Leon and Yasu/Shannon/Beatrice are the same person after all.

Kyrie killing Leon take place on a gameboard, basically Ange doesn't want to believe this is the truth so Bern shows her the gameboard with Leon and introduce the epitaph.
Parents solve it once again and Kyrie start to kill, Leon included.

>> No.5951722

I can, should I do it?

>> No.5951725

Will and Battler will beat the shit out of Lambda and Bern.
They must avenge their waifus.

Though, if Leon is dead, Will is probably dead too. ;_;

>> No.5951727

Anyone have a copypasta of the whole ep 7 summary

>> No.5951728

EP7 was really good.
Actually one of the best(only young Kinzo part was pretty derptastic).

After boring fest that was EP6 I am really happy.

>> No.5951736

please and thank you

>> No.5951743

>Will and Battler will beat the shit out of Lambda and Bern.
>They must avenge their husbando and waifu.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.5951744
File: 31 KB, 480x360, erika_scythes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my crazy lil Detective ;_;

>> No.5951745

change "probably" to a "horribly scaring experience" then, it's more correct.

>> No.5951747

Will is better in every single way, so don't worry.

>> No.5951750
File: 677 KB, 579x818, 12612474_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks fucking awesome

>> No.5951753

Excuse me, but who's that? Is it a fanmade character?

>> No.5951766
File: 179 KB, 320x256, 1280740475902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd play the game, but I cannot read Japanese. My understanding of it is based off of several spoilers from various people, some of which might be incorrect or contradictory. Sorry for the confusion.

I think I understand what you mean now, thank you for clearing it up.

>> No.5951768
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never meet her before

>> No.5951772
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>> No.5951777
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I love Claire's character design.

>> No.5951783

I love Kinzo headed Virgilia

>> No.5951787



>> No.5951789

Do you mind the first bubble with tiny font? can't fit it

>> No.5951791

Finally we're getting fanart

>> No.5951792


>> No.5951799
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>> No.5951801

Fuck yeah.

>> No.5951802


Seacats Arts Design Class?

>> No.5951807
File: 12 KB, 477x268, brbtakingmyboardback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys, I'll save the 8th Game!

>> No.5951810
File: 821 KB, 1000x1400, 12611926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on here

>> No.5951816

need more creepy Kyrie and WillxLeon homolust fanarts

>> No.5951818
File: 701 KB, 750x1000, 12612474_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5951820
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Also Seacats Sketch.

>> No.5951824
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>> No.5951827
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then something like this, pretty rudimentary and the second bubble is a bitch thanks to Battler.

>> No.5951829
File: 172 KB, 544x800, 12611652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5951831
File: 681 KB, 1134x888, 1264546451948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we will have some Kyrie/Rudolf in EP8. I want Kyrie to crash and burn when she learns that Battler is her son.
Pic unrelated, Kyrie doesn't give a fuck about Ange's birthday.

>> No.5951836

Am I the only one reading Leon's lines while imagining Kurama's voice speaking them?

>> No.5951838


>> No.5951844

thanks.aah i want more.Rifyu new 4komas

>> No.5951845

I just mix Yuu kobayashi with Inoue Marina in some kind of abomination.

>> No.5951847
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>> No.5951850

Kyrie and Rudolph being the murderers was heavily hinted by Beato in EP4 when she asked Ange "So, what if your parents were the culprits?"

>Attempt to solve your family's slaughter
>Your parents were the criminals

>> No.5951855

Even if they take away his other arm and his legs, he will never let go of Leon ;_;

>> No.5951857

i don't remember.really, Beatrice really asked Ange that?

>> No.5951862

The only one who loves Ange in this picture is Battler.
Heck, the only one who ever loved her was him ;_;

>> No.5951864

>Hate your only living relative
>She loved your more than your mother

>> No.5951868

Before the explosion, I mean.

>> No.5951874

>She loved your more than your mother
Nothing against Eva, but it's not like this is a difficult accomplishment or anything

>> No.5951876

Is there a video these are from? Or are they just individual edited frames?

>> No.5951878

At least Bern and Lambda didn't lie...
Even if they found a kakera where they all survived, she wouldn't retrieve her parents.

>> No.5951883
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>> No.5951886
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>> No.5951887



>> No.5951890

Eva......had said that to Ange today.
We are connected because we are aunt and niece. But, we are also connected in that I have lost a child, and you have lost your parents.
And we cannot trick ourselves into thinking of each other as replacements for our lost family.
Even so, I think of you as my own child.
So if you......could allow that, then I'd like you to think of me as your mother, and I want you to rely on me for whatever you need.
Eva had hugged Ange as she said that.
To the young Ange, Mom was Mom, and Eva definitely wasn't. ......However, she understood the the meaning of those words, and the affection verging on sorrow.
But as would be expected from a child her age, she needed some time to accept this......


>> No.5951893

Much thanks.

>> No.5951901


>I'm so sad Erika died... Ryukishi08... Yopu make me love, laugh, cry roar with anger... Please make up your mind your driving me insane D,X


>> No.5951908
File: 291 KB, 1000x1000, 3600077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We better get more happy Ange and Eva art out of this episode too, dammit.

>> No.5951915

I like how some are crying over kyrie being an evil crazy bitch. No one should be surprised that K&R slaughtered the cousins, some1 HAD to do it....


>> No.5951920

So was the future with Eva and Ange fake?

>> No.5951921

It's not a vital detail, but Nanjo says the faded engraving could actually have been a double-headed eagle originally, and the wiki about that Castiglioni guy says he worked in Costantinoples.
The Bizantine Empire's flag was a double headed eagle, though I can't remember any legends on Bizantine gold.

>> No.5951922

>Ange biting Eva's tit off.jpg

>> No.5951925

Yes, Ange was on her typical ragemode saying she wanted the culprit of her family, that Beatrice killed her family, etc... then Beato asked her what if her parents were the criminals, and Ange told her to shut up.

>> No.5951927

"Without love it cannot be seen"
This means that because Ange didn't love Eva, she couldn't see that Eva was trying to protect her from the truth. The truth that her real mother never loved her.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.5951933

>Episode 7 opening
>Kiri no Pitos

>> No.5951934

This is what Okonogi says at the beginning of EP4.

>> No.5951937
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"You mustn't feel happiness. You musn't feel joy. .........You must never forget the sorrow of losing your family. ......And stay away from the demon who will try to make you forget that, who will try and decieve you. .........Ushiromiya Eva will try and crush that resolve many times with her sweet words. But you must never listen to them, alright...? Eva is a demon who will try and steal away your family for all eternity. *giggle*. No, she actually DID STEAL THEM AWAY."
"M, my resolve won't be broken...! Until my wish is granted, I certainly will not listen to Eva oba-san's words...!! So please, grant my wish, Witch-sama...!!"
"Yes. As long as you continue to keep your promise, ......then in the end, I will definitely appear before you and grant your wish. ......It's alright. I will definitely not ignore your pure-hearted resolve. ............*giggle*."

The next morning.
Ushiromiya Ange clearly announced it to Eva.
They were, ......the magic words that would bring forth the miracle of her family coming home.
And, the words were a curse that the cruel witch had made her say.
From that day on, ......those words stole the smiling faces from Ange and Eva...for all eternity......

Eva is a demon who will try and steal away your family for all eternity. *giggle*. No, she actually DID STEAL THEM AWAY. <-------I LOVE HOW R07 ALREADY HAD THAT IN SO EARLY

>> No.5951944


EPIC TROLLKASTEL SETUPZ. She used Ange's love for her own family to screw her and eva. They would have been relatively happy if it wasn't for bern. i love bern so much.

>> No.5951959

Will died swearing to find a happy ending for Leon. You better fucking deliver, Battler.

>> No.5951960

>Rosa happened to be near home that day, and had decided to be together with Maria at least for lunch. Maria had wanted to give the present to her then, but Rosa was in a bad mood and kept insisting she had to leave, so she had secretly slipped it into her mother's bag. ...In truth, Rosa had returned home as a sort of atonement. She was going to be with her new lover for the next few days, so he had intended to return home to fill in that gap of time. ...And she had impressed upon her daughter that she wouldn't be returning for a few days because she was busy.

>...Haah. I'll acknowledge that I'm a terrible mother a hundred times over. Slighting my daughter, and keeping secret relationships like this...! But you know, Maria. I may be a mother, but I want to be a woman, too! I still want to experience passionate love, alright?! Aah, I'm not telling you to understand that. When I'm with Akihito-san, I forget all my hardships and remember all the happier times! It may be true that he has a thick beard. It's so thick I'd like him to shave it three times a day. Ah, but they also say that guys with thick beards can be the strongest men~

Fucking Rosa.

>> No.5951963

Am I the only one who cant stop listening to Golden Nocturne?

>> No.5951965
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Lion makes bitches submit with his Asspinch of death.

>> No.5951969
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If only it were evil genius Kyrie instead of "welp money, gotta kill sum kids" Kyrie.
Then again, there might still be stuff to come in EP8.
Or not.

>> No.5951973

How does it feel knowing that Maria's father is most likely Rudolf?

>> No.5951975


>> No.5951978


>> No.5951982

>implying he's anything but a he

>> No.5951983

well, I think people have understood that his gender is not confirmed by now, it's just a chore writing "his/her" or "he/she" everytime, so I just chose one.
Or do we use "it" in this case?

>> No.5951989

THEY might not be, but SOME1 MUST HAVE slaughered kids+everyone. I do like how MARIA didn't get fucked up, just drugged. Any1 noe how she died in 7?

>> No.5951990
File: 62 KB, 500x597, 1281768551782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if there were to be a Chiru anime (I know, I know), who would you cast as Will and Lion?

>> No.5951993

Will doesn't matter man though.
Lion female so he/she can be a trap

>> No.5951995

Can you write 'her', just for me? I like to masturbate to her without feeling gay.

>> No.5951996

If he ends up being a she, I'll have to kill someone.

>> No.5951997

>Beatrice portrays George and Jessica nobly fighting demons for the sake of their loved ones
>in reality Kyrie and Rudolf just shot them and mutilated their corpses

>> No.5952002

Starts after the intro video up until Bern declares the game has begun.

Temple Somewhere (Rokkenjima?)
- Will is entering a temple while it rains outside. Will signs in the log book of visitors that Kanon presents him. This is someone'w wake.
- Will wasn't sure of what happened here and Kanon seems surprised. Will presents a letter to Kanon. Kanon lets him inside the main funeral hall.
- People are inside in mourning. Kinzo is seen crying for Beatrice who has apparently died(?). Members of the Ushiromiya family and servants are inside. Natsuhi and Genji try to console him.
- The adults say they haven't seen him cry since their mother died.
- Will approaches the altar and coffin, turning some heads in the process. The coffin is lined with gold roses.
- The coffin is empty save for a book. The book's front has an inscription: "To my beloved Beatrice. October 5, 1986"
- He places a gold rose on the coffin. Krauss introduces himself as the eldest son and asks who he is.
- A blonde haired... person introduces itself as Leon Ushiromiya to Will. He inspects Leon.
- Genji says preparations are complete in the anteroom and calls everyone in the family in.
- Will wonders why Leon calls Krauss father when Jessica is supposed to be their kid. Leon says Jessica is the younger sister.
- Leon asks what Will is doing here and what his relationship to the deceased is. Will says it's a long story, but Leon wants to know.
- The family has moved to the anteroom. The funeral hall is empty. A girl's voice is heard in the room speaking about the Will and the

>> No.5952003

Ogata Megumi as Leon. Since Kobayashi Yuu is Kanon.

Also, for perfect seiyuu compatibility, Nobuyuki Hiyama as Will.

>> No.5952005

Will - Fukuyama Jun
Leon - Kugimiya Rie

>> No.5952008

> In a twisted fantasy kakera that Bern dredged up somewhere [...]
Fixed that for you.

>> No.5952010

Will loves Leon either way, anon. Why can't you?

>> No.5952011

yusa/loin is a lady gaga level tranny

>> No.5952012

> The adults say they haven't seen him cry since their mother died.
They actually say he's crying more for Beatrice than for their mother.

>> No.5952015

- Bern appears in the funeral hall. Will is not surprised at all and says he's retired. Leon asks that Bern get off the altar. Bern asks Will anout the "story" in this event.
- Bern states in wonderment why a person called Leon Ushiromiya is here when such a person never existed in previous games. Will wonders how this came to be and Bern says Leon is another piece in this game board. He concludes that Bern is the game's GM and Leon must be her piece.
- Bern says that given Beato's use of the game board, Leon existing as a piece is merely one of many possibilities to be born on the board.
- Will asks if Leon is a subordinate like Erika was. Bern denies knowing an Erika. Giggles galore.
- Leon is naturally perplexed at this discussion. He tells Leon not to bother thinking about it. Will asks how the succession is going.
- Leon said that after Kinzo it would be Krauss and then Leon when Leon comes of age an 20 years old. Will asks what would be proof of this.
- Leon presents a silver ring depicting the family emblem to prove Leon is the next heir. Will says that the games never had multiple rings present to indicate the succession line (think of the previous games where only Kinzo has a ring). Bern appears and says something about rewriting the contents of the stories.

>> No.5952016

So who is considered the true culprit, Kyrie/Rudolf or Beatrice/Yasu?

From what I can see, Kyrie and Rudolf just killed on an impulse.
The other stuff were prepared by Yasu, even if she didn't kill anyone.

>> No.5952018

- Leon is shocked at Bern's rudeness and asks that she show more respect.
- Will seems at odds with this entirely new presentation. Bern asks Will to challenge this game and extends her invitation. He refuses.
- Will says he has retired from this type of work. Bern calls it (?) a waste of talent.
- Bern seems to extend some sort of warning about Will being not able to leave (?). Will asks what the reward would be. Bern says the reward is to learn about the truth of Beatrice (I think I mistranslated this).
- Bern apparently offers Leon as Will's ally in the investigation. Leon of course is confused. He says Leon seems unfit for this sort of thing.
- Bern asks only to be entartained and again demonstrates her fickleness and being easily bored.

>> No.5952019


>> No.5952020


>> No.5952021

Will Vs. Bern
- Will approaches the coffin and states in red Van Dine's 7th rule, that it is forbidden for a corpse to be hidden. (A corpse must be presented).
- In blue Bern states that the lack of a corpse does not prove there is no corpse, and that this is part of the mystery.
- In red Will states the first Van Dine rule, that all clues must be properly presented.
- In red Bern states that he should not worry because all the clues are complete.
- Will is uncomfortable with this setup. He will however continue with it.
- Will restates that the mystery is about the death of the person who's corpse should have been in the coffin, and asks that he be allowed to do things his way.
- Bern grants him his request.

>> No.5952024

- Leon is still confused about all this. Leon agrees to help anyway.
- As Will and Leon leave the hall, Bern's voice seems to mock them. She speaks about the game and how Featherine gives her the GM role being the witch of miracles.
- Bern declares the game's start. REQUIEM OF THE GOLDEN WITCH. Her laughter trails off.

>> No.5952028

Stop clogging up the thread for no reason.

>> No.5952031

Leon - Mizuki Nana

She can pull off that androgynous voice quite well.

>> No.5952032


>> No.5952034

>- Will: Van Dine's 7th rule states that a corpse must not be hidden.
>- Will: Van Dine's 1st rule states that all clues must be properly presented.
>- Bern: Don't worry because all the clues are complete.

>> No.5952036

>Bern says the reward is to learn about the truth of Beatrice (I think I mistranslated this).

Bern says his reward is that she'll let him leave. She's trapping him there until he does what she wants.

>> No.5952039

> - Bern: The lack of a corpse does not prove that there is no corpse, and this is part of the mystery.

>> No.5952044

When does the asspinching take place, by the way?

>> No.5952045

Seriously, knock it off.

>> No.5952046

So Knox and Dine is all dandy and all but..
Are they even of use if the "mystery" isn't following those?

>> No.5952047


All over the place.

>> No.5952049

Your Japanese is awful, please stop.

>> No.5952050


>> No.5952053
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>- Will asks if Leon is a subordinate like Erika was. Bern denies knowing an Erika. Giggles galore.

>> No.5952058

As I thought.
Bern did the same with Erica.

>> No.5952060

Do you mean Rika? from higurashi?

>> No.5952061

Just a quick reminder for the ones in last night's stream, I'm gonna start it up in about 2 hours.

>> No.5952068
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>> No.5952072

I still wanna see killer shannon in 8

>> No.5952077

I left the stream sometime after Kinzo met Beato-prime. How far did the stream go after that?

>> No.5952079

>>I left the stream sometime after Kinzo met Beato-00.

>> No.5952080

Not really far. I got tired and we called it a day.

>> No.5952084

I'm up at the part where Will hears Maria.
She says Rosa once showed her a photo of "papa", a tanned men in swimsuit. When she asked to see the photo again, Rosa got angry and said that there's no such photo, and even if there was there is no more. She also gets incredibly angry and hits her when Maria tries to sketch papa.
The virgin thing was Maria trying to justify her sorry situation with the Bible, where children can be born without a father through the Holy Ghost.

>> No.5952107

>a tanned men in swimsuit

Now I'm curious. I hope Ryukishi tell us more about him, though I doubt it.

>> No.5952117

Mamoru Miyano as Will
Maaya Sakamoto as Lion

>> No.5952121


Lyon isn't a fucking guy. Lyon is neither male nor female.

Lyon is a Hideyoshi.

>> No.5952122

Have any of the new character pages been translated yet?

>> No.5952127

clearly FAT FAT is pregnat.

>> No.5952129



>> No.5952133

Ushiromiya Leon

Krauss and Natsuhi's first child.
Jessica is their second child.

He has been given the silver ring which indicates the next head, and it has been arranged for him to succeed the position of the head on his twentieth birthday.

Gentle and well-mannered, he is an agreeable youth with no particular faults.
Overlooking his young age, he is more suited to be the next head than anyone else, and even Kinzo dotes on him.

TL Note: All of this is completely gender-neutral in Japanese, so whether Leon is male or not is still a mystery.

>> No.5952136

But Hideyoshi is male. Unless we're talking about another Hideyoshi.

>> No.5952139

So all episodes were just pure fanfiction giving us few hints here and there? Seriously?

>> No.5952140

Willard H. Wright

A member of the “SSVD”, the repentence enforcement agency for the 8th District of the Great Court of Heaven. Chief Heresy Inquisitor. Holds the rank of Archbishop First Class. Popularly known as “Wright of the Twenty Wedges” or “Wright the Wizard Hunter”.

In his younger days, he was the ace of the heresy inquisitors, feared for his cold and merciless methods. However, at some point a great change occurred in his approach, and his formerly striking service became a thing of the past. These days, he is said to be fickle in his work, sometimes lethargic and sometimes obsessing over the smallest details with violent intensity, and everyone has given up trying to understand him.

He has submitted a letter of resignation, and it has already been accepted. In mere days, he will no longer call himself “Wright”.

>> No.5952142

Yes, seriously

>> No.5952143


One of the repentence enforcement agencies under the direct supervision of the Great Court of Heaven. In charge of the 8th District.

They have a long history even for an enforcement agency, and are known for both their rigidity and their fundamentalism.

They are often criticized for not adapting to the times, but they also receive praise for preserving the original intentions of the past.

By tradition, the Chief Heresy Inquisitor inherits the name of Wright.

>> No.5952148 [DELETED] 

Willard H. Wright

A member of the “SSVD”, the repentence enforcement agency for the 8th District of the Great Court of Heaven. Chief Heresy Inquisitor. Holds the rank of Archbishop First Class. Popularly known as “Wright of the Twenty Wedges” or “Wright the Wizard Hunter”.

In his younger days, he was the ace of the heresy inquisitors, feared for his cold and merciless methods. However, at some point a great change occurred in his approach, and his formerly striking service became a thing of the past. These days, he is said to be fickle in his work, sometimes lethargic and sometimes obsessing over the smallest details with violent intensity, and everyone has given up trying to understand him.

He has submitted a letter of resignation, and it has already been accepted. In mere days, he will no longer call himself “Wright”.

Ushiromiya Leon

Krauss and Natsuhi's first child.
Jessica is their second child.

He has been given the silver ring which indicates the next head, and it has been arranged for him to succeed the position of the head on his twentieth birthday.

Gentle and well-mannered, he is an agreeable youth with no particular faults.
Overlooking his young age, he is more suited to be the next head than anyone else, and even Kinzo dotes on him.

TL Note: All of this is completely gender-neutral in Japanese, so whether Leon is male or not is still a mystery.

I don't think Claire's is translated yet.

>> No.5952150
File: 2.25 MB, 4400x3965, 1baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu_vec_by_add899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My bad. Umineko's Hideyoshi is so insignificant I forgot he existed in the face of this superior Hideyoshi.


>> No.5952151

What about claire's character info?

>> No.5952161

The guy who translated the other ones hasn't read up to where Claire is introduced yet, apparently.

>> No.5952166

Part of me is a little sad Bern didn't think to troll Will by invoking his own third rule against him.

>> No.5952172

>However, at some point a great change occurred in his approach, and his formerly striking service became a thing of the past.

Will confirmed for Battler.

>> No.5952179

Nico seems to like this theory too.

>> No.5952183

Let me say this again. The tea party is not the TRUTH of the real ROKKENJIMA. It's probably the Truth of Bern's gameboard.

>> No.5952185

You can say it again, but you'll still be wrong.

>> No.5952189


As much as i'd love to think this....that red truth....;_;

>> No.5952192

If the world with Leon is the super rare kakera with 0.000001% chance of happening then EP7 Tea Party can't be the real and only truth since Leon exist there.

>> No.5952200

Ah, so you don't understand what happened in the Tea Party. Got it.

>> No.5952203

Except Leon doesn't exist there.

>> No.5952206
File: 56 KB, 400x400, 8e4ba6c5a8e318d1dd5c55f7b574979b458c28ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosa should have been doing the massacare in that tea party. She has every reason to do so as well, She doesn't give two fucks about Maria we all know that, She hates her siblings, needs money, discovers a way to get all the gold and gets away with murder. It would have been perfect

>> No.5952215

She would have done it, Kyrie and Rudolf were just faster

>> No.5952218

Why would Battler appear saying that he'll show them the real truth then?

>> No.5952220


He's an expert, he probably has a loophole/defense/trap against an argument like that.

In other words, you're just stupid, Bern doesn't fall for shit like that.

>> No.5952221



>> No.5952222

Because Bern only showed a small part of the truth.
What she cared about, how the murders happened.
There is still a lot to show.

>> No.5952223

What are everyody's rewasons to get their hands on the gold? All I know is that Rosa's clothing line is bankrupting. Why do Krauss, Eva or Rudolph need the money so desperately?

>> No.5952225

Battler clearly DENIES it. He wouldn't have said that if he agrees with it.

>> No.5952226

Because what Bern showed is the truth, but it's an incomplete truth. There's probably more to the story and we'll be getting Kyrie backstory next episode.

>> No.5952230

Bern only showed how the mureders happened, but she hasn't show these people hearts - reason, why, when

>> No.5952233


Forgot their reasons but it was explained in EP1. EP5 explains krauss's and Natushi's finiantial situation in detail (God that man is an idiot)

>> No.5952234

Actually he doesn't denies it.
Stop making shit up.

>> No.5952236

There's holes in the story. Probably, knowing other bits of information can change our perception of what happened (if you ask me, Kyrie was probably coherced since she was a girl by her family to infiltrate the Ushiromiyas). But for now, It's Kyrie time NO AUNT NO is what happens, no more, no less.

>> No.5952244

Don't forget her child.
You will have a BAWWWW story about how she slowly went crazy after losing her child.

>> No.5952248

>Bern shows what she calls the "truth".
>Battler appears saying It's shit. I'll show you the real truth.

He agreed with it, amirite?

>> No.5952249


Not only does she get 10 billion worth of gold but she gets to kill off the child she hates for being her obsticle of getting a solid love life

>> No.5952253

such details Bern hasn't showed us

>> No.5952260


I remember how people heavily hated Erika in EP5 for being a bitch but started loving her in EP6..

>> No.5952261

Kyrie and Rudolf as killers seem a bit too obvious. They had by far the biggest financial problems and were really desperate to get money.

There are still many things we don't know.

>> No.5952268

It's simple, really.
Which backstory is left to expand?
Kyrie and Rudolf.
What mystery is left to solve?
Battler's birth

Episode 8 will be about Battler explaining everything about Rudolf and Kyrie and what drove them to this to Ange.

>> No.5952270


You mean to show that Kyrie and Rudolf arent just some complete mosters

>> No.5952271


>> No.5952277

There is pretty much nothing else to solve except these.

>> No.5952278

EP8 might focus on GOLD FUCKING SMITH which is what I've been waiting for.

>> No.5952280

>They had by far the biggest financial problems


No. Krauss and Natsuhi had the bigger finantial problems! all because of Krauss' incompetence

>> No.5952283

Everything about Kinzo has been explained, even the way he died.

>> No.5952286


We already had alot of him in EP7

>> No.5952287

yes, that they are humans

>> No.5952289

Rudolf could have gone to prison if he couldn't pay.
I'd say it was worse than Krauss

>> No.5952296

What piss me off is that all the closed rooms and the big slaughters of the first twilight from the previous episodes are all useless and irrelevant fiction that never happened.

A lot of people wasted days or weeks trying to solve them.

>> No.5952297

Krauss could also go to prison.

>> No.5952302

Personally, I'm a bit resigned to take what Bern showed at face value. Unless I'm mistaken, she said "all this is truth" in red? Truth has been a very vague concept throughout umineko, no?

>> No.5952306


If I remember from EP5 it seems that Krauss was also at a risk from the law since he claims to have done something 'illigal' (something around those lines)

>> No.5952308

So, was the whole "personalities can die" true or not?

>> No.5952310

They had fun trying to solve them. That's what's important. Having fun.

>> No.5952314

There are two gameboards in episode 7. Bern is the GM of the one where no one dies. She confirms that she is not the GM of the gameboard where all the horrible shit happens, with Rudolf and Kyrie murdering the children, etc...

>> No.5952326 [DELETED] 

Bern also has said that she can't change anything and she isn't a gamemaster.

>> No.5952329


No. Kyrie and Rudolf were in a much worse situation.

>> No.5952337

Actually, Bern trolls Leon after destroying Ange by showing him that even in Leon's world, the exact thing ended up happening. After the main game ended, Kinzo unveiled the epitaph for Leon to solve at the family conference, and Kyrie took advantage of it and slaughtered everyone.

>> No.5952339


Except she's shown to be badly conflicted in her own treatment of Maria. She's a shitty parent who doesn't care for her child enough, true, but it still looks as though she hated herself for it. Try again.

>> No.5952340

Bern is not the game master of the Tea Party, since it's reality and not a game.

>> No.5952350


>> No.5952354

Krauss could be sent to jail for embezzlement, you know.

>> No.5952357

So detective authority was also pure bullshit since all episodes never actually happened?

Damn you Ryu...

>> No.5952362

Isn't it possible that AuAu was the GM of the Teaparty board or something like this? She said she came to some kind of conclusion and wanted Bern in EP7 to confirm everything, so maybe that is her interpretation after she got everything she needed.

>> No.5952365

Let me try to clarify. I agree that Kyrie and Rudolf being murderers, and everything else that happened in the teaparty being a true representation of the events that transpired on that gameboard. What i'm a bit reluctant to accept is that gameboard being the original, true events that transpired on Rokkenjima. I'd say that you could call what really happened in any gameboard truth.

>> No.5952384

Does Kyrie kill Yasu as well?
Do we see it happen?

>> No.5952387


Rosa would be capable of killing Maria at that time if she was in insane greed mode like Kyrie and Rudolf were. It would be written off as an accident anyway.

Of course I wont deny that she might feel guilty afterwards. Besides Rosa WAS willing to do the exact thing Kyrie and Rudolf had done its just that Kyrie got ahead of her.

>> No.5952390


So kakeras confirmed in Umineko?

>> No.5952395

Yes, on both boards where Kyrie and Rudolf kill everyone. In the "reality" one, she shoots Beatrice last of the people in the gold room. In Leon's world she killed him by setting up the Episode 4 test bullshit along with the other cousins.

>> No.5952399

I'm only disappointed with "reality" because it seems just so... random.

I thought that the real fact would have been based on factors that would be immutable in every world, not just on Kyrie having enough luck to be randomly placed on a favorable position after everything started to fall apart without her doing anything.

With this result, almost every game was only relevant in determining Beatrice's identity, not the crimes themselves.

>> No.5952404

If by kakera you mean fanfiction, yeah.

>> No.5952407

Hey man, all I'm saying is that there are two gameboards, and one isn't GMed by Bern.

>> No.5952416

A gameboard is a gameboard. The Tea Party one isn't what really happened. It might be Featherine's interpretation of the murders. Don't call it the truth yet.

>> No.5952419

I wonder what Yasu was planning to do by starting the bomb and sending the letters.

We know that Kinzo died of happiness after seeing Yasu dresses like Beatrice, he at least didn't create a huge plan that Yasu was supposed to follow.
So it was her idea.

Well no matter what, her plan was destroyed from the beginning since the parents managed to solve the epitaph during the first night.

>> No.5952425


More like they were only relevant in hinting ShKanontrice. Everything else was pretty much meaningless.

>> No.5952430

Tea party of episode 7 didn't take place on a gameboard.
There was only 1 gameboard in this episode and it was Leon's world.

It's normal, after all each game focus on 1 gameboard that keep being rearranged at the beginning.

>> No.5952432
File: 72 KB, 354x438, kyrie_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't resist shooping it.

>> No.5952438

>I wonder what Yasu was planning to do by starting the bomb and sending the letters.
"Battler-sama, now we can finally be together FOREVER! LET US GO TO THE GOLDEN LAND!"

>> No.5952445

the teaparty feels kinda rushed and weird if you assume it to be the original event. I merely see it as a reveal of the culprits, Kyrie and Rudolf.

>> No.5952446

Kyrie having some fun

>> No.5952447

According to Battler, game record = game = story = kakera.

>> No.5952452


OH GOD THIS IS HILARIOUS! fuck I'm a bad person

>> No.5952454

Bern says that she's not the GM of the gameboard. It's clearly a gameboard since she says she's not the GM.

>> No.5952459

To be fair, we got plenty of characterization hints that Kyrie was a crazy bitch.

>> No.5952460

>The GM of the teaparty i mean.

>> No.5952465

Not plenty.
And nobody wanted the disappointing truth that she just went trigger happy.
I think everyone thought that she was very suspicious, but we also thought that she had a huge plan that was fucking well prepared with plans in plans within plans and shits.

It's just disappointing.

>> No.5952466


Rudolf's insane pleasure of killing people and not giving two fucks about his son (apparently) was out of the blue though

>> No.5952469

Tea Party in a nuttshell?

>> No.5952482



Basically the whole 'Kyrie culprit' in this game was 'FUCK IT WE NEED SOME MONEY, THERES A BOMB LETS GO KILL SOME FAMILY' out of a fucking impulse desition with Rudolf due to greed. And the who "Who cares about that shitty brat" that also made it worse.

>> No.5952484

If Beatrice III doesn't exist in Leon's world who was that woman that Maria encountered ? Kumasawa ?

>> No.5952486

What I don't get is how he goes from 'Family, I may be killed tonight' to 'Self Defence is FUN!'

Also, the suggestion is that it's due to Battler's sin that they're this way.

>> No.5952499

If Battler hasn't come, Yasu wouldn't have started the bomb.
She wouldn't have sent the letters and told the parents through Maria that they really should work on the epitaph.
Basically nothing would have happened.

Kyrie and Rudolf may be the murderers but don't forget that they aren't the ones who started everything.

>> No.5952505

The teaparty isn't the original event, and Kyrie DOES have a plan. But it fell apart quickly, because Kyrie expected to have more time before the epitaph was solved. Therefore she went on a rampage with Rudolf. This is evident by how the murders in EP5 seemed really unorganized, a gameboard where they also solved the epitaph early on.

>> No.5952515

So Early Epitaph Solving = KILLING SPREE!!

>> No.5952516

Kyrie has no plan.
She didn't know about the bomb, how the fuck could she have a plan?

>> No.5952517

Yasu/Beatrice3 still exists in Bern's EP7. It's not "Lion's world", it's just Lion that got taken and placed in Rokkenjima, and the family memories adapt.

>> No.5952525


Just because she didn't know about the bomb doesn't mean she can't make a plan anyway with her current knowledge

>> No.5952528

>She didn't know about the bomb
Are you a hundred percent certain of that?

>> No.5952535

doesn't the whole family get warned about the bomb? Eva knew about it when she killed Kyrie

>> No.5952540


The bomb is WHY the murders happened.
Just think this way, Kyrie is far from being stupid.
She wants the gold but she also knows that killing people = PRISON
Can't enjoy the gold this way, right?
But the bomb made everything possible, why?

>> No.5952545

Beatrice told the parents about the bomb, the fact they only have 24 hours left and the way to stop it.

>> No.5952551


I don't see how she could have a plan without the bomb. Without something to erase evidence and kill any potential survivor, I don't see how she could plan to kill the entire family just with Rudolf's help and escape with the gold.

>> No.5952554

Basically, yes. Though Rudolf joining in isn't guaranteed.
Well, here's a thought. She had already figured out the epitaph, but thought that the cousins(possibly including Rudolf) would get in her way. So she prepared a plan to murder them all at the family conference.

>> No.5952556

I don't get if people are talking out of their asses to troll or because they're genuinely clueless/used ATLAS

>> No.5952563

Will you clever bastard...
You discovered more in 1 game than Battler in 4.

>> No.5952567

Mion, Shion, Lyon, Shannon, Kanon...

On, on, on

It's all the same shit.

Fuck you R07!

>> No.5952570 [DELETED] 

also pic

>> No.5952574

If the bomb is why the murders happen, then why do the murders occur during the other EPs where the epitaph isn't revealed?

The only other major difference is that the servants are dead after the first twilight in EP3. But it's revealed that they aren't the culprits anyway. So even without the bomb, one of the family members is on the island with murder in mind.

>> No.5952582

Kyrie didn't have a plan.
If you look at the various episodes, the murders are very disorganized when the epitaph is solved and the gold discovered.
Which basically mean that Kyrie and Rudolf wants the gold and go on a killing spree.

But when the epitaph isn't solved, the one who kill isn't Kyrie, it's Yasu.
And the crimes are done in a very organized way, showing she had a plan.

>> No.5952584
File: 121 KB, 657x537, umi46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also pic

>> No.5952590

Technically, we don't know if the epitaph wasn't solved in the other eps. We don't know what was going on with the adults as the night went on.

>> No.5952596

Because Yasu has her own plan.
If you look at the various episodes, Kyrie/Rudolf kill people in episode 3, 4, probably 5 as well.
Though not everyone, some murders are still done by Beatrice or by accidents.

Yasu kill people in episode 1 and 2, when the epitaph isn't solved.
She has her own reason to do so, she isn't driven by greed.

>> No.5952602


Why are you in the impression that Rudolf don't want it as much as Kyrie does? that there's a possibility that he's not completletly sure about the killings BOTH were on it together.

>> No.5952609

Doesn't matter.
We know how the various killings went in episode 1-4, it was solved by Will in episode 7.
When we see Kyrie and Rudolf dead, they are really dead.

For example Hideyoshi, Rudolf and Kyrie killed each other in episode 3, confirmed.

>> No.5952621

Hideyoshi and Eva, the most awesome parents.
Even Hideyoshi managed to kill these 2 fuckers himself.

>> No.5952629

So... uh... why did R07 introduce Lyon again?
Couldn't this be solved with Shannon alone?
After all, the one who got the whole white horse promise was her and not Yasu/Lyon, no?

>> No.5952641

Well, I'm assuming either that Rudolf had second thoughts, or wasn't aware of the plan until near the moment it was set in motion. I believe it's foreshadowed by how he thinks he's going to be killed on two occasions, possibly for refusing to cooperate.

>> No.5952643


It's entirely possible that one of the servants found the gold and set the bomb in some of the kakera. Remember that Kinzo did say that anyone can solve the epitaph for the gold and headship, including the servants.

Plus, we have evidence that Kumasawa was actively trying to solve it.

>> No.5952650

How are we sure that Kyrie doesn't know about the bomb?

>> No.5952654

Yasu solved the epitaph.
We see the scene.

>> No.5952657
File: 86 KB, 1175x539, Umi47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinzo you sick fuck.

>> No.5952660

To show that s/he's actually a good person driven mad by a horrible life.
Also a world where Kinzo is alive and his backstory is actually true without ghosts helps.
Also his relationship with Will has more chemistry than ugh... Shannon.

>> No.5952667

Because she is as surprised as the rest.
Because she wouldn't have let everyone get guns if she knew about it, she would planned it better.
It was a clusterfuck and she was lucky to last as long as she did, someone as smart as Kyrie would have planned it better if she knew about the bomb from the start.

>> No.5952672
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>> No.5952676

We don't need Lyon to know that the real Beatrice is a good person, driven by a sad life. That's something anyone could tell even before Chiru started.

I don't think we need Lyon for Kinzo's flashback either.

Oh well, hopefully the Lyon Battler will encounter will be more interesting than Shannon.

>> No.5952690

Isn't it possible she had a plan, but didn't expect them to solve the epitaph, thinking that it's way too hard for the lowly cousins to solve. This is supported by how rarely the epitaph is solved without the help of someone like erika. Speaking of Erika, it's also possible Kyrie has a slight narcissistic tendency, believing her plan to be perfect, even including the guns. The epitaph being solved being the one thing she'd never expect?

>> No.5952698


Kumasawa feigned illness to take time off of work.

Kumasawa actively tried to solve the epitaph.

Kumasawa is shown to be one of the original Beatrice's, Virgilia.

There are various Beatrice's, as explained in episode 7, and Beatrice is a Golden Witch. Episode 6 shows that Endless Witches are people that have figured out the truth of the Rokkenjima incident.

>> No.5952705

When the epitaph isn't solved, Kyrie dies without a doubt during the first twilight
So her having a plan doesn't bring anything since she can't start it.
Anyways it's doubtful.

>> No.5952709

Well, starting up the stream at livestream.com/seacatsbgm

We stopped at the Young Kinzo part, so feel free to join

>> No.5952718

how are Natsuhi and Krauss bad now?

>> No.5952722

They are terminally retarded, not bad.

>> No.5952736


Or it could be that he wanted to tell both Kyrie and Battler that Battler is really Kyrie's son.

When you think about it Rudolf could have saved some people if he actually had the balls to spit the truth out

>> No.5952740

I actually believe that EP1 is just another gameboard, so yeah. Back to the age old multiple murderer factions theory.

>> No.5952745


And tell me then. Why should both die because there morons? Really.

>> No.5952797

>288 posts and 41 image replies omitted

Guys we may need a new thread

>> No.5952814

Leon exists to hammer home the fact that Beatrice is <i>not</i> Shannon, but the product of many different aspects and things. Leon exists. When Yasu solves the portrait, Kinzo tells her that her name was originally going to be Leon, and she takes it as her own. And then goes absolutely crazy.

She didn't want to kill people because of the PONY or anything like that. Even Beato describes her undying love for Battler as a sort of sad twinge now and then while she's playing with Maria. It's that she felt that her life was beyond her control once she realized the truth about her origins. That it didn't matter what she did or what dreams she had, she was destined to be miserable forever.

>> No.5952824

Yeah that's why she wanted to go to the golden land where everyone is happy and her love could be fulfilled.

That always has been part of the Shkanontrice theory.

>> No.5952833
File: 64 KB, 1024x600, xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without love, it cannot be seen. Since EP1.

>> No.5952844

She didn't believe in the Golden Land. That was bullshit to make Maria happy and she already knew it wasn't going to happen. The reason she pinned her hopes on Battler is because she wanted to believe that things could be changed for her.

She hadn't set the bomb when the parents arrived.

>> No.5952851

So why does she kill in episode 1 and 2?
And don't tell me Kyrie did it, Kyrie clearly died and Will showed how the murders happened and they were clearly done by Yasu.

>> No.5952852

The bomb was set-up.

>> No.5952857
File: 116 KB, 656x538, Umi48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so there was a Shannon who was also from the same orphanage.
I forseen a terrible future for her

>> No.5952859

There is no EP1 and EP2. The letter bottles/episodes are just her plots to kill in various different ways. Notice how the door to the Golden Land is the island exploding, not a magical paradise? Yeah.

>> No.5952862

so do the real stakes see her?

>> No.5952863

No it wasn't. Eva thought it was and was freaking out, but Beato insisted that it wasn't set and Krauss believed her. Midnight passed, proving that Beatrice hadn't set the bomb.

>> No.5952869

Pieces can't act against their personalities.
You can't invent motives and make someone innocent a killer.
So Yasu had a reason to kill, and she did.
Even if the episodes are fictions, it doesn't change anything.

>> No.5952872

No one ever talks to "Shannon" except Yasu. She's Yasu's ideal servant, the kind of person she wants to become.

>> No.5952876

The EP7 tea party points out that any of the adults could have done it, really. It's not against their character.

>> No.5952882

so she was just writing in her diary how she'd have killed them all if Battler ever showed up, and when he does Kyrie fuck everything up , kaboom, eva survives, the fanfiction plans are found?
That's what you're saying umineko is?
Also, sorry if I ask, did you use ATLAS or are you moonspeak-able?

>> No.5952889

I don't want to spoil myself too much by looking through the thread, but I have a few questions...

1. Is it a "normal" game where the twilights are carried out? If not, when do they stop?
2. Any Lambda?
3. Since Battler isn't around, is the brown-haired guy the main character?

>> No.5952891
File: 91 KB, 654x535, Umi49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yazu is a pretty terrible nickname
Let's call him/her Noel since is the total opposite of Leon
>given a pink bed

>> No.5952902

but...there's no mention of pink in that screen. Are you using a translator?

>> No.5952908

yep, cooler

>> No.5952909

Are you blind or stupid?

>> No.5952918

So, I'm trying to read EP7 with ATLAS (never used it), could someone explain how to use it?

>> No.5952921

I'm moonspeakable and played without Atlas. I was very tired and went through it rather quickly, so there might be some minor details wrong, but the theme of the game is very obvious.

Also, the reason why everyone that's played is flipping their shit over Leon and Will is because they're really great characters, especially for the time they're allotted. Leon especially is very convincing as Beatrice's one _tiny_ ray of potential happiness, which is why it's like being punched in the gut when Bern snuffs it out.

A few more things people seem to be confused about. The Tea Party is not "Bern's game" or "Bern showing the truth". Bern is sitting there in the audience watching it play out too. It's solely the "corpse" of Claire without any magic of love to hide anything. Bern even says in the ura Tea Party that she didn't really get to be GM yet.

>> No.5952927

appalled at your stupidity, if a shopped photo is your grounds to decide Yasu's gender.

>> No.5952937


>she didn't really get to be GM yet.

Oh shi-

>> No.5952948

I didn't post >>5952891
I'm just >>5952909 .
I never implied that the color of his bed is the basis of yasu's gender. I implied that you're colorblind/a moron.

>> No.5952963

Hey it very well be a clue, also im not>>5952909

>> No.5952971

Yes. She grabbed Beato's gameboard from Featherinne after they were finished and she and Lambda decide to have some fun, especially in light of the "sleeping witch" still around. (I assume it's the Beatrice in the coffin that Battler gave his story to in the beginning of the episode)

As for Battler in the end, he wasn't really talking about revealing THE TRUTH. He appears to soothe the heart of six year old Ange as she cries over thinking her parents are murderers. He tells her he's going to tell her a story, and it won't be sad or painful.

>> No.5952974
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you two? why? ;_;

>> No.5953007
File: 23 KB, 240x320, EVAFUCKYEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, the "demon who took Ange's family away" line seems much more cringe worthy now.

And man, if the ending that Battler has in mind still has Rudolf and Kyrie doing that to George and Jessica, holy fuck.

Poor fabulous Leon, seeing his little sister killed and his older cousin murdered. And Ange's mind basically exploded at this particular part.

>> No.5953008

So basically, all the parents are fucked-up and capable of killing everyone?

>> No.5953018


Pretty much.

>> No.5953030

No. Rosa, Rudolf, and Kyrie are evil, Natsuhi and Krauss are stupid.

Eva and Hideyoshi are good guys. They both ended up killing Natsuhi and Krauss because Natsuhi and Krauss fired at them first.

>> No.5953034

>And man, if the ending that Battler has in mind still has Rudolf and Kyrie doing that to George and Jessica, holy fuck.

Battler better set things straight in EP8

>> No.5953036

Eva and Hideyoshi are moralfags. Everyone else wins PARENT OF THE YEAR ALL YEARS

>> No.5953042

No, they didn't. There was a struggle and things got heated, but it wasn't because Natsuhi and Krauss started shooting at them. Also, Eva is the one that set the bomb in the first place.

>> No.5953055


No. Eva was stupid. She got into a scuffle and killed Natsuhi by accident. Naturally Krauss would get pissed too but got killed by accident by Hideyoshi

>> No.5953058
File: 27 KB, 516x480, Rudolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ore wa Jacku Bauer....


>> No.5953065

Wrong, she did not set it, she just chose not to disarm it. The person who set it was, of course, Kinzo.
Of course, her intentions were to save everyone and cover up the deaths of Krauss and Natsuhi, whose hot-headness has caused the "conflict" in the first place.

Rudolf and Kyrie had other plans.

>> No.5953066



>> No.5953071

Scuffle was Natsuhi's fault.
>"And then.. Natsuhi could be seen... pulling out a gun?!"

>> No.5953076

>her intentions were to save everyone and cover up the deaths of Krauss and Natsuhi

You mean Cover up the deaths of Natsuhi and Krauss considering thats a prison sentence.

>Rudolf and Kyrie had other plans.

you also forgot Rosa

>> No.5953104

I said she was covering up their deaths, read what I write silly.

Natsuhi's GUNG HO YEAH HAW nature got her killed in this episode, much like George's kong fu didn't do shit to help him.

Things spiraled out of control because of Kyrie and Rudolf being jerks. Along with Rosa.

>> No.5953107

So the answer of Umineko is impulsive murders driven by greed.
Sorry if I find it stupid, Umineko was a waste of time

>> No.5953111

Was the bomb activated or not when the parents found it?

>> No.5953118

We need a new thread. We're autosaging

>> No.5953119

Welcome to 90% of murder fiction

>> No.5953137


New thread
