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5942636 No.5942636 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to the average joe, what is touhou.

>> No.5942647

Is OP's image a troll?

>> No.5942650

Girls in frills shooting each other for fun.

>> No.5942654

get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.5942665

A cute curtain fire shooting game with a large folowing.

>> No.5942668

Stuff you, /g/ is awesome, and so are its browsers.

>> No.5942691

Well basicly touhous is about a bunch of demons/creatures from either western or eastern culutre but they are all designed to look like littler girls. Well they have these battles where they shoot a bunch of bullets at eachother for pretty much any reason, be it a enemy acting hostile, a friend just being a firend or just a stranger comming out of nowhere. Now mostly what will go down is that something wierd happens or nothing at all happens and Reimu and Marisa that are the protagonists and humans of the games head out to fuck shit up. Then they fly through a stage with a bunch of totally useless little enemies that die from 1 or a few shots until they meet the boss of the stage where they will shoot bullets at eachother until one gives up and usually becomes Reimus bitch.

>> No.5942693

OP here

I understand its a game but what is all this other stuff about touhou?

>> No.5942713

I Played all the Touhous and i think that the way you guys like the story is similar to the way some people like the street fighter story.....I never could really get into touhou but i keep playing all of them anyway....

>> No.5942721

Here's a short summary of all Touhou games, Reimu is the main character's name:
Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage.
Touhou 3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress.
Touhou 4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her.
Touhou 5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise.
Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest.
Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived.
CoLA: Reimu mugs a youkai for reading.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties.
Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion.
Touhou 9: Reimu attacks Cirno for no good reason.
Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions.
Touhou 10.5: Reimu endorses slave labor
Touhou 11: Reimu cuts back funding for alternative energy sources
Touhou "A Summer Day's Dream" : Reimu misplaces her donation box and picks on librarians.
Touhou 12: Reimu illegally seizes cargo from a merchant vessel a-la Somali pirates.

>> No.5942733


>Reimu is the main character's name


Fuck this fandom for tricking me.

>> No.5942741

Another bullet-hell shooter

>> No.5942743

Mostly fan creations, it has a huge following so a lot of ground to make the fannon around touhou.

>> No.5942752


It all makes sense now


>> No.5942768
File: 243 KB, 600x1550, touhou_compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this too, reimu is such a badass.

>> No.5942799

Summary of the girl that is in on the game icon for every games since she became playable.
Touhou 2 : Marisa is a Satan worshipper
Touhou 3 : Marisa mocks an older girl's appearance and manner of speech. Then she adopts said appearance and manner of speech and pretend she came up with this "cool new trend" by herself.
Touhou 4 : Marisa blows up a girl's house and plagiarises all her moves, claiming that she actually came up with them all by herself.
Touhou 5 : Marisa beats up Alice for no reason.
Touhou 6 : Marisa's first instinct upon learning she has new neighbors with common interests is to break into their house and rob them
Touhou 7 : Marisa beats up Alice again
Touhou 8 : Marisa teams up with Alice, only because she promised to let her beat her up and steal all her stuff once the adventure is over
Touhou 9 : Marisa beats up a civil servant and Justice of Peace. She also robs them
COLA : Marisa pawns off the priceless treasures she steals for useless garbage
Touhou 10 : Marisa beats up a shy nerd who only wanted to be her friend
Touhou 11 : Marisa is a three-timer
Touhou 12 : Marisa mugs people

>> No.5942826

touhou 7.5 marisa beats up alice yet again.
touhou 10.5 marisa beats up alice... again.
touhou 12.3 cirno beats up marisa. sweet justice.
touhou 12.8 cirno beats up marisa. again. hmmmm....

>> No.5942867

Wow, you just decimated your post's consistency.

>> No.5942872

>touhou 12.3: marisa baited Cirno to fight a strong youkai.
>touhou 12.8: marisa toyed with Cirno while watching the sakura and then letting her win out of sympathy.


>> No.5942893

Accurate depiction of Touhou games:
Touhou 4: Marisa feels like kicking ass, hopefully before Reimu does it first.
Touhou 5: Marisa feels like kicking ass.
Touhou 6: Marisa is bored, and then starts feeling like she should kick some ass.
Touhou 7: Marisa is cold and wants to kick some ass.
Touhou 7.5: Marisa wants to party and kick some ass.
Touhou 8: Marisa wants to kick some ass with Alice watching.
Touhou 9: Marisa was bored.
Touhou 9.5: Marisa wants to kick some slutty tengu ass.
Touhou 10: Marisa is curious and wants to kick some ass.
Touhou 11: Marisa wants to explore and kick some ass, impressing Alice, Patchy, and Nitori.
Touhou 12: Marisa also likes treasure but must kick ass in order to get it.

>> No.5942907
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>> No.5942919

Sorry guys....but i still can't see how Touhou is any different than the usual Anime crap.....

>> No.5942923

Its a game. Not anime.

>> No.5942937

You lost me...

>> No.5942938

You know what i meant....
Since you guys play it for the story

>> No.5942946
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>Since you guys play it for the story

>> No.5942954

I don't see the villain being the protagonist very often in anime.

>> No.5942971

>playing Touhou for the story
>laughing /jp/ers.jpg

>> No.5942983

If you guys don't play it for the story than why the fuck is the Touhou fanbase full of fanarts and everything for the characters???
Would you play Touhou if it was a space ship shooting bullets??
And by the way i played Touhou and Reimu isn't the villain.......It seems that you guys created entire personalities for the characters based only in a few lines of text that they say before the battles in the game.....And that is what i can't comprehend
Is there something like a book of Touhou that everyone is hiding from me??
Because i can't understand how you guys worship Touhou with the few content that is given for you guys trough the game........

>> No.5942995

Maybe you should lurk more?
Plenty of people play Touhou games when they get released on comiket. Most of them dont even care about the dialogue and just play to 1cc them.

>full of fanarts and everything for the characters
It is because of silly hat and frilly dresses.

>> No.5943001
File: 1.56 MB, 793x2800, the birth of reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book of touhou
actually there is... pic related.

jokes aside, I like touhou for the charecters, but it does not mean i like it for the story. the chars, their personality, is the work of not one ZUN, but of entire fanbase... they are deeper than any fictional charecter you ever known.

>> No.5943022

>If you guys don't play it for the story than why the fuck is the Touhou fanbase full of...
Exactly because there barely is a story, so the fanbase "made" one.

>Would you play Touhou if it was a space ship shooting bullets??
There are some fans of the "fandom" if you catch my drift, it's possible they wouldn't like the sci-fi thing.
As a fan of the games I certainly would though, I always played them for the gameplay.

>It seems that you guys created entire personalities for the characters based only in a few lines of text that they say before the battles in the game
That is exactly it, the loose setting of Touhou and Gensokyo has it's appeal in how you can colour it almost in any way you want.
You want it to be Grimdark? Let it be Grimdark. You want it to be Noblebright? Let it be Noblebright.

>Is there something like a book of Touhou that everyone is hiding from me??
Touhou is fandom built on fandom built on a few lines of text ZUN wrote when he was drunk.

>> No.5943026

It's not deep if a character can be every way the fans like.

>> No.5943028
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well timed bullet patterns matching the tone of the boss and the feel of the music.

There are better shooting games, but Touhou comes in a nice little aesthetically pleasing package. A quick 20-30 minute run through of a game on Hard will leave me completely relaxed and content with myself after defeating the boss and hopefully doing better then before.

>> No.5943030

>fans of the "fandom"
The secondaries never play the games anyway so it doesn't matter.

>> No.5943034

it is if an entire fanbase share an image that he itself built for the char. their personality is being built, not in the games, but in the doujins and pvs.

>> No.5943050

That line of concept isn't that rare actually.
If you visit /tg/ for an example you see things like it all the times.

How are Elves?
How are Dwarfs?
How would relations between Elves and Dwarfs be if 'X' and 'Y' was 'Z'?

King Arthur was a cool fellow, how would Arthur do 'X' when 'Y'?

'A' is interesting, how would 'A' do 'X' together with 'B' given 'Y'?

>> No.5943075

but on /tg/ they've got settings, according to one setting the characters and the world would be like they are, touhou is one setting, there is no such thing as any thing being real (well, maybe except for ZUN few lines). For me it's like having a box with everything and then someone tells me it's good overall because there was what that person wanted while ignoring the rest of the stuff. Sorry for my bad english, but I hope someone understood what I mean

>> No.5943080

The games are nice, at least nice enough to have fans of their own within the genre.

Touhou outside of the games however are more or less only popular cause it's popular.

>> No.5943086

>Touhou (...) only popular cause it's popular.
mouth spitting pearls. couldn't say it better myself.

>> No.5943099

>on /tg/ they've got settings
Well sure, that's true.

But the settings often clash against eachother, not being compatible on ideas and concepts.

Let's take Dwarfs again, in the dwarfs source, the Norse legends, dwarfs were highly different than how they are often portrayed today.
The modern stereotype dwarf actually has no real source other than spin-offs and futher spin-offs on spin-offs, aka fandom.

Besides, if they discuss a custom setting, or something like GURPS, then things all of a sudden aren't as defined due to the lack of a chosen setting.
Then it's up to them to make their take on it all.

>> No.5943124
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Op, read this. It should answer most of your questions.

>> No.5943126

Sure they clash with each other, but thats why they separate things with settings. But yeah, everything is based on something, just like someone already wrote in this thread "Touhou is fandom built on fandom built on a few lines of text ZUN wrote when he was drunk.", I think I just respect more originals than some fan created stuff of it, so if I dont like the normal Touhous for the characters then there is near to none chance for me to find the fan stuff more appealing to myself. Maybe thats why I also like more roleplaying games based on something entirely new or just be itself original without being based on something.

>> No.5943133

Wow, Forgot the link.


>> No.5943141
File: 176 KB, 900x636, 1277984331522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it is safe now to take this thread to /tg/

>> No.5943171

>traditional portrayal

More like typical western portrayal.

>> No.5943189

I will answer this question with two simple words
The Music

>> No.5943273

Hey OP. /jp/ isn't doing a very good job, and while Touhou can be a bit complicated to expalin I'll do my best.

There's the Touhou games; the games make up the main part of the Touhou canon, and they were all made by one Japanese man under the pseudonym "ZUN". The first game was released in 1998 and latest game was released just the other day. The series can be divided into two "eras"; game 1 to 5, and game 6 to beyond.

There are other things that also compliment to the Touhou canon; a few informational books written by ZUN, a series of short stories, a few mangas and a series of music CDs with complimentary short-stories.

Then there is the Touhou-fandom; games, music and manga made my the countless fans of the series. There are many, both mainstream and alternative ways of portraying the universe and it's characters. Because the original setting is very vague and none of the fictional characters can be taken by their word, most of the relationships and events are open for further interpretation. The fan-works make up about 98% of the Touhou-related material that exists. Many people get into Touhou because they like the games and the music; but most end up staying and getting very absorbed into the fandom because there is so much material.

Getting "into" Touhou is a long process. There is no "secret book of Touhou"; fans must learn everything and experience everything manually. Maybe it doesn't take that much time to learn about the characters and the setting but learning about all the alternative ways of comprehending the characters/settings can take a very long time. It took months for me.

>> No.5943287

Reimu in the last frame sort of looks like Nekomusume x:

>> No.5943821

my eyes have been raped

>> No.5943873

bunch of badly drawn girls by a guy who can't draw girls shooting each other with rainbow circles.
