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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 500x500, kogasayeaaaaaaaaaaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5941724 No.5941724 [Reply] [Original]

This one will probably be filled with penises and semen.

Previous threads:
My own fileshare:
http://www.mediafire.com/zeniththeone - Games, Touhou Porn
http://www.mediafire.com/stateofunrest - RemiliaJAM's fileshare - Music
http://robotmetal.net/c78/ - Music, Games and more.
http://www.mediafire.com/?4ec9gzccroy1c - Yuyucow's fileshare - Music, Games and more.

>> No.5941728


>> No.5941733

>penises and semen

>> No.5941735

my penis is ready

>> No.5941738

Is a porn upload thread that necessary? Should be in /h/ or /t-h/ rather than here considering most covers are not SFW.

>> No.5941743
File: 472 KB, 1052x1500, 1281649916886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sign of this yet?

If it's in the other thread, sorry it's late and I don't care about anything but Meiling's dick.

>> No.5941745

Take your "this shit don't belong here" back to /g/

>> No.5941752

Take your "your shit doesn't belong here" back to /g/.

>> No.5941757

This is 5 years old if not more.

>> No.5941762

Take your "your shit doesn't belong here" back to /g/

>> No.5941770

We have had it for awhile or is there a new one with that scene?

I just don't want it to get deleted.

>> No.5941771
File: 899 KB, 550x1774, C78kokuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and victim girls 9 and Eien 3.

>> No.5941772

Touhou 12.8 Fairy Wars
New Super Marisa Land

>> No.5941776

I express thanks to the anon who linked to the spreadsheet.

>> No.5941782

>Eien 3



>> No.5941786

Why won't Share let me search for two keywords at the same time like "C78 同人ゲーム"? I'm pretty sure it worked last time.

>> No.5941787

yes it is, stop being such a prude. i want my zepar porn.

>> No.5941789


No problem.

You can find two more albums from here:

>> No.5941806 [DELETED] 

I would just like to thank Hong, Remiliajam, Yuyucow, and everybody else uploads all this great stuff.

>> No.5941811

Contains gangbangs and all that goodness.

>> No.5941832

I would just like to thank Hong, Remiliajam, Yuyucow, and everybody else who uploads all this great stuff.

>> No.5941835


If only the series could get translated.

>> No.5941837

I wonder if the Bosshi's works are going to get uploaded this time.

>> No.5941841

Relinking my stuff if nobody minds.

http://robotmetal.net/c78/(C78)(同人ソフト)(東方)[SOUND HOLIC] 東方PVD (mds+mdf).rar
http://robotmetal.net/c78/(18禁ゲームCG) [100813(C78)] [[Escu:de] ふぃぎゅ@プリスター.rar
http://robotmetal.net/c78/(18禁ゲームCG) [100813(C78)] [ALcot] 幼なじみは大統領 My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT. ファンディスク.rar
http://robotmetal.net/c78/(コスプレ) [さえめくり(さえ)C78] 『レオタードふぇち』 ハイレグレオター.zip
http://robotmetal.net/c78/(一般ゲームCG) [100813(C78)] [WAVE STAR] フレーミングサマー.rar
http://robotmetal.net/c78/(同人ゲーム)(東方) [Black Rock ONE] 東方ドッジボール部(bin+cue)(C78).rar
http://robotmetal.net/c78/[AQUA STYLE]もっと!? 不思議の幻想郷 C78プロローグ編.zip
http://robotmetal.net/c78/[EAC] [100813(C78)] 薄桜鬼 キャラクターCD 幕末花風抄 雪村千鶴(flac+cue).rar
http://robotmetal.net/c78/[Audio-4U] (C78) EastNewSound - Felsic Mirage [ENS-0009] (東方) (flac+cue+jpg).zip

>> No.5941843

Number one finally got translated the other day. I suppose I could reupload it if you all haven't seen it.

>> No.5941856


>> No.5941864
File: 301 KB, 1034x797, aria_doujin_vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to let you know that that Aria doujin VN, Snow White, is quite good.

>> No.5941868

Reposting to get this thread going...
Tutti Sound - 東方交響音楽選 ~ 雅.rar
Genre: Classical Orchestra
(C78) [Druggy's Acid RacK] Physical Disconnect.rar
Genre: Techno, Electrical, etc

>> No.5941872
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1232257139781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god I had no idea. This is awesome.

>> No.5941883

Anyone already have Alstroemeria and Tatsh?

>> No.5941892

But is it PAAAFECTO?
Sorry, I can't take Alica seriously any more.

>> No.5941895

I can't wait for Nanahira's album. I hope it gets uploaded. Please don't do this to me, Japan.

>> No.5941903

Any sign of ABe's new books? They were day 2 as far as I know.

>> No.5941914

is it Hentai?

>> No.5941924

http://robotmetal.net/c78/[EAC] midnight school , ALTERNAIT , COSMIC COMIC - the 東方 set [同人音楽 100814(C78)] (takInCue).rar

Listening to this now. Amateurish, but I like it.

>> No.5941935

http://robotmetal.net/c78/(同人ゲーム)(東方) [月面玩具箱] UFO! 嫁と! 結婚させてくれ!(bin+cue)(C78).rar

>> No.5941949

It sure is. I'm not all done but there are Alicia and Akari ero scenes. I can'r read moon but Aria-chachou is there, too.

>> No.5941972

Should I get it if I cant read Japanese?

>> No.5942005

What are all the PVs on the new Kimena Kan? I saw the DL link but its going really slow

>> No.5942042

The artwork and voice acting is pretty good.

>> No.5942044
File: 87 KB, 640x1200, SL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for my metal toohoo music, comiGet is not fast enough.

>> No.5942054
File: 488 KB, 1824x1368, c78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the guy that uploaded butaotome/syrufit/kairo here.
I'm on a different computer now and this one, also not mine, does not have applocale on it and I'm not allowed to install any software on it. would anyone like a untagged upload?

>> No.5942066
File: 51 KB, 640x480, im taking it easy today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt find a link for it by quickly checking the fileshare-things OP listed, could you provide a link? (or tell what to search for, if the filename doesnt include snow white)

>> No.5942087

It's been linked on /jp/. Filename is C78@2DJGAME@SNOW WHITE.rar. So it should be on /rs/.

>> No.5942089

Yes please.

>> No.5942091

I like the hatsune miko and F306.
Don't worry about the tagging.
Got it covered.

>> No.5942094
File: 187 KB, 600x600, UFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5942104

The other Syrufit and Aftergrow please (Alstroemeria if possble)
Tagging's not a problem either way.

>> No.5942107

Uploads of Foreground Eclipse and A-HEAD would be much appreciated.

>> No.5942149


Its not
http://robotmetal.net/c78/(C78)(同人ソフト)(東方)[SOUND HOLIC] 東方PVD (mds+mdf).rar ?

>> No.5942201

That is Touhou mazinger and a few other vids.

>> No.5942210


[Studio "Syrup Comfiture"] Replica*
[Alstroemeria] of memories

These two would be great. I figure they'll appear on share eventually (I think Alstroemeria is already on share) so there's no rush to upload either.

Thanks for Syrufit - Where is Love btw.

>> No.5942212

alright, gonna start uploading Poplica* first since I had already ripped that one last night.
After that, I'll upload Hatsunemiko's

>> No.5942215

I love you

>> No.5942222
File: 773 KB, 1000x1271, remi_sakuya_swimsuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) [Dxtliant Child] The Hagoromo of the sky

Piano, orchestral.
This is by the same guy who uploaded his previous album on Share back when C77 took place.

"Published via Share-EX.
Encoded by Free Lossess Audio Codec File Filter 1.2.1.

Nothing much to say.Enjoy your C78.


>> No.5942232
File: 47 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Poplica*] Replica*

oh that guy, his album was average, but he was such a bro for doing that, and he does it again!

>> No.5942237

Master Burner Climax where
And that ZOE thing looks good to

>> No.5942241
File: 133 KB, 640x568, Sharpnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5942245

robotmetal.net here

My server's getting raped, (and I think there is somebody intentionally doing it) and since things are going slow, I'll put this up for now


>> No.5942248

My dick was out.

I waited for Crow'sClaw.

It never came.

I put my dick in my pants, and go to sleep.

>> No.5942247 [DELETED] 

>http://robotmetal.net/c78/(C78)(同人ソフト)(東方)[SOUND HOLIC] 東方PVD (mds+mdf).rar

It's going at under 10kb/s ;_;

>> No.5942251

Buta Otome?
do want

>> No.5942253

Awesome man. I appreciate it at least

>> No.5942256

Umineko EP 7 Soundtrack WHERE?

>> No.5942257
File: 246 KB, 760x349, main_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have this?
its the power up kit with the latest patch (ver. 2.005)

>> No.5942254 [DELETED] 

http://ftp.robotmetal.net/(C78)(同人音楽)[JUDGEMENT] 東京メリィゴゥランド (tta+cue).rar

>> No.5942264

Skyfight is out.

But, uh, with two torrents of slight different sizes, from the same group. What gives?

>> No.5942267
File: 48 KB, 300x299, cover7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko EP7 (full iso)

Part 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SFX6QWYR
Part 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7Z7DFJSX
Part 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RM93YNQD

Verified Working

>> No.5942273


>> No.5942274
File: 32 KB, 400x284, C78 Teng Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teng Soldier
Sorry if this was linked already

>> No.5942275

A few Umineko soundtracks are supposed to be out...

Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru musicbox -Kiri no Pithos-
Millenary for Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru
When they sing vol.3
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Arrange CD "Angel's concert"
Umineko Motion Graphic Vol.7

Hopefully someone will rip them once they're done fapping to the millionth Touhou remix CD.

>> No.5942277

http://ftp.robotmetal.net/c78/(C78)(同人音楽)[JUDGEMENT] 東京メリィゴゥランド (tta+cue).rar

>> No.5942281 [DELETED] 

http://ftp.robotmetal.net/[EAC] COSMIC COMIC , RIFF RAFF and ALTERNAIT - なかない君と贖いの幻想 アマネウタ Umineko Motion Graphic vol.7 [同人音楽 100814(C78)] (takInCue+files[CD-Extra]).rar

>> No.5942289

What ZOE thing?

>> No.5942291

I guess I'll download it already for the time it'll be translated.
Anyway, "[Druggy's Acid RacK] Physical Disconnect" is pretty nice.

>> No.5942292


http://ftp.robotmetal.net/c78/[EAC] COSMIC COMIC , RIFF RAFF and ALTERNAIT - なかない君と贖いの幻想 アマネウタ Umineko Motion Graphic vol.7 [同人音楽 100814(C78)] (takInCue+files[CD-Extra]).rar

>> No.5942297
File: 56 KB, 320x320, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love solfege' - 墟律のサンプル (mp3)
one of their best albums so far

requesting the lossless version

>> No.5942305

thanks for syrufit and poplica albums
requesting latest alstroemeria

>> No.5942310

Damn, I was just about to share that.
Well, here's a mediafire link, in case megaupload deletes it.

>> No.5942313


>> No.5942321


>> No.5942324 [DELETED] 

>uploading at 2500kbps
>the cd drive rips slower than the zipped album uploads to mediafire
mfw, etc

Alst coming up once the CD drive is done ripping.

>> No.5942330

/r/ new DJ Sharpnel Album

>> No.5942335

Can anyone rip the video/s from this iso?

>> No.5942336

Cytokine, please.

>> No.5942338
File: 207 KB, 600x700, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uploading at 2500kbps
>the cd drive rips slower than the zipped album uploads to mediafire
mfw, etc

Alst coming up once the CD drive is done ripping.

>> No.5942347

I'm getting a few problems here on this game, what am I suppose to type in when the program starts?

>> No.5942351

Can someone upload that eastnewsound album to mediafire?
I'm getting 5kb/sec from that poor overloaded ftp, estimated time over 1 day
I don't mind if it's not lossless.

>> No.5942352

err, here's the link
[発熱巫女〜ず] The Lotus

>> No.5942353

There's a torrent out there if you prefer

>> No.5942355

i just reposted the link.
where did you get it?
i'm craving for lossless.

found a chinese uploader link but it asks me for a reg

>> No.5942362

How hard is it to find it here?


>> No.5942370

is that the 360 strike witches game?

>> No.5942373

It's not asking you to reg. Click 电信1下载 (beside the orange button, above the timer) to start downloading. It'll take a minute but it'll start.

>> No.5942376



>> No.5942385

Anybody have the cover for this? [EAC] (C78) (同人音楽) [Zephyr Cradle] Zephyr Violin Duo

I missed the first thread and easymodo thumbnail cache sucks

>> No.5942376,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is Alltynex 2nd going to be released this C78?
Another shoot-em-up from the makers of Kamui.

>> No.5942398 [DELETED] 


>> No.5942397
File: 599 KB, 1024x1024, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5942408

Many thanks

>> No.5942421

not hard to find, but at 5kBps no thanks

>> No.5942466
File: 73 KB, 507x505, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alstroemeria Records - of memories
and other vorbis: http://www.mediafire.com/?gsybtbl4d7ypg

>> No.5942470


>> No.5942479

Still no sign of TAMUSIC's Angel Beats album?

>> No.5942482 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking of uploading fromadistace, do you happen to be uploading it already?

>> No.5942494
File: 83 KB, 340x340, yunari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-CLAYS - 悠啼 YU-NARI (mp3 320K)


>> No.5942515


>> No.5942518

[Zephyr Cradle] Zephyr Violin Duo (mp3 v0).rar
Cover >>5942397
Genre: Classical Orchestra

>> No.5942524

Are the Demonic Theater albums for Umineko, or the full OP for The Pithos in the Fog out yet?

>> No.5942547


Thanks a lot bro

>> No.5942560


>> No.5942570



>> No.5942581

Glad to help.

>> No.5942597
File: 134 KB, 352x500, 0fb926fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the Touhou Skyfight?

>> No.5942603

Yeah, there is a torrent for it.

>> No.5942620

Found it thanks.

>> No.5942625

thanks guys

man... so much porn... where do I start...

>> No.5942626 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 300x300, 1231568795102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if it's already been asked, but does anyone know if this has been upped yet?


>> No.5942666
File: 220 KB, 400x456, u7g100806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78)(同人音楽)(東方)[CYTOKINE] VOICE BLINDED COLOR (tta+cue).rar 同人音楽ニュースZ9ZXCTL600 334,335,646 e593e3181a534a855a267a060dcc6c73e1614eca

Its out.

>> No.5942670


Am I supposed to know or care?

>> No.5942696


>> No.5942701
File: 579 KB, 836x1200, 20100814201813_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5942702
File: 74 KB, 380x380, satoripleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am ok with this

>> No.5942710
File: 422 KB, 1000x1399, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5942716


>> No.5942719
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1279899530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiri no Pithos full WHERE?

>> No.5942735

Lots of people use JDownloader, right?
Am I the only one getting these plugin out-of-date errors for every mediafire link? It's been happening for a while, and I'm certain I keep it updated.

>> No.5942736

seriously? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.5942744

I probably shouldn't link Railgun doujins, so I won't. Gonna wait for all the Touhou things. I made a separate folder for all the non-Touhou porn on my fileshare.

>> No.5942800


There's a problem with g.e-hentai now?

>> No.5942815

Yeah, 'cause it's such a centralized piracy site and he's probably worried it's gonna get done in by all those big-time localization companies.

>> No.5942945

trying to download a full set off there is crap

>> No.5942949

This. Can someone put them on mediafire or something?

>> No.5942956

That, and you get lower quality files unless you've got your g.e cred. AND they took down all the loli.

>> No.5942958

Is this Sanae LION HEART game the kirby one?

>> No.5942962

I might as well, but I won't do it for everything that's out. Probably.

>> No.5942963

A mediafire link of this would be freaking awesome.

>> No.5942996
File: 155 KB, 600x600, 040010228254-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been uploaded?
title: 東方モヒ姦
circle: 全裸屋敷

I must know! Thanks!

>> No.5943005

[C78音乐情报][彩音~xi-on]東方志奏6th Spell -Undesigned Emotion- where?


>> No.5943016

No. Whatever is uploaded will be put in this thread.

>> No.5943104


>> No.5943122

Any word on the new Siver Forest albums?

>> No.5943145

HONG you should host a .txt with all the links posted so far. This would be good I think. Also just a suggestion. Also thanks for robotmetal.

>> No.5943173

Someone can upload Silver Forest one?

>> No.5943177
File: 284 KB, 600x414, kirinopithos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually out? Does anyone have it? Rabid Umineko fans need to know.

>> No.5943194


There's two, actually:
Circle: Silver Forest
Album Title: 紅き月のアリア
Official Website: http://www.silver--forest.com/red.htm
VGMDB Link: http://vgmdb.net/album/20542

Circle: Silver Forest
Album Title: 月光乱舞
Official Website: http://www.silver--forest.com/yuri.htm
VGMDB Link: http://vgmdb.net/album/20458

Gief :3

>> No.5943197

This. Also, we need Demonic Theater.

>> No.5943205
File: 155 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5943216

Well things are unusually slow for now so here's some half-time entertainment.

C78 limited items are starting to hit the auctions in force, the nanoha sets are getting ridiculous starting prices of 50,000yen and more, makes me wonder how many people are populating those lines just to reauction (the nanoha one is always one of the largest in the industry section).


>> No.5943228

Also I saw auctions for ishikei's books and judging from the pictures he did an omake with miku porn, good news imo

>> No.5943234

Good old 2D porn is always nice.

>> No.5943238

Allium Project, where?

>> No.5943241

Make me.

>> No.5943247

>an omake with Miku porn
Isn't that C77's?

>> No.5943257


No, this one isn't full color.

http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m75817700 <- NSFW

>> No.5943296
File: 9 KB, 1113x67, 99.8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I upload it if I can finish getting it.
Share is fucking with me.

>> No.5943317

Has collapse of the sky been released yet?

>> No.5943322

Game has some good anti-gaijin measure.

It requires you to type in some moon runes before you can start it.

>> No.5943329

Robot Metal down for anyone else?

>> No.5943332
File: 23 KB, 350x300, 12466424_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Well things are unusually slow

You can say that again. I'm still sitting on my ass waiting for the xi-on,UI-70 and Crow's Claw Albums. What the shit are they doing? Could the rippers not get their hands on one of their albums?

Or did they waste all their fucking money on one of these things? In that case I cannot really hate them,money well spent,damn well.

>> No.5943353
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, acchan_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought a paizuri one would exist.

>> No.5943362

Have m1dy or DJ Sharpnel released anything? I havent seen any links anyway, but its not like everything has been uploaded yet.

>> No.5943364

No it doesn't. It requires you to type in the passcode that was included with the game. Put in M87NERONGA.

>> No.5943378

What the fuck are these made off? Looks like cardboard.

>> No.5943379


I think a lot of rippers might not also have gotten redalice's album, apparently the line was goddamn nuts so I am guessing that will appear online in a week or so when people get a copy through doujin stores.

Also speaking of wasting money, the udon-ya set looks damn nice I might cave to YAJ prices


>> No.5943388

Well, obviously it isn't fucking with you as much as it fucks with me. I can't even use it. Although that isn't Share's. I just have shitty hardware. I hope I can finally forward ports like everyone after I move out in a week.

But my mind is put at ease now that I know someone is at least working on getting Cytokine uploaded somewhere us commoners can get it.

>> No.5943392


Yes there's a new Sharpnel, and m1dy released an album only a few months ago so I don't think he did anything.


Yeah cardboard, they're fans that you stick your thumb or whatever in the hole.

>> No.5943404

Still waiting for IOSYS
Trying to understand GSW

>> No.5943406

Kinema kaaaaaaaan

>> No.5943414

Is the Kinema Kan one out yet?

>> No.5943427

There's a Chen anime?

>> No.5943455
File: 325 KB, 600x600, sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now also in my fileshare.


>> No.5943491


>> No.5943499

Can someone reupload the mazinger dvd? The other link seems to be dead. Thanks!

>> No.5943509

how the fuck do i stay in the air? she keeps falling and dying no matter what

>> No.5943533

Kiri no Phitos full: http://www.mediafire.com/?2szv5f434niw2dd

Sorry about the crappy quality (64 Kbps), we have to wait the 320 Kbps version. Some upload this version plz...

>> No.5943536

Does anyone have a mirror/torrent for (C78)(同人ソフト)(東方)[SOUND HOLIC] 東方PVD (mds+mdf).rar? I can't connect to the site.

>> No.5943558

I downloaded (C78)(同人ゲーム)[さんぼん堂]幻想少女大戦紅(the TH SRW) a while ago, and tried running it now. However, Daemon says it can't read the file, and I can't extract it for the same reasons.

Is the download fucked? If someone can link me a working one, I would appreciate it very much.

>> No.5943568

iirc, The cue file is fucked up, just convert the .img file to an .iso

>> No.5943581

Kind of seconding this

I am downloading it atm but apparently 20 hours remain and I've been downloading for a few hours already.

>> No.5943597

The guy that ripped it originally messed up the .cue file.

Open it with notepad and fix it. It'll probably point to something like "folder/imagename" Just chop off the folder part.

>> No.5943623
File: 25 KB, 230x334, 1278384532035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this, worked pretty well. Thanks a lot.

But hey, thanks for the reply.

>> No.5943656
File: 112 KB, 1245x712, cytokine_finallydone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will look into uploading it if no one does it in the next hour.
Share is raping my upload bandwidth.

>> No.5943668

Can someone teach me how to download from hashes in Perfect Dark now? My boner aches for delicious doujinshi that no one here are providing.

>> No.5943669

Is it possible to get it converted into something more... digestible? Since it's apparently a DVD.

Either way, thanks a lot.

>> No.5943688
File: 77 KB, 960x540, 1279430876416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Umineko EP 7 Music Box and 320 kbps version of Kiri no Pithos

>> No.5943695

Gather -> Add download -> paste hash

>> No.5943703

I'm keeping an eye out for the Umineko CDs on both PD and Share. Hopefully they'll appear soon.

>> No.5943713

Nothing happens when I do that. Nothing new appears under downloads.

>> No.5943731

Sorry to be such a faggot but: has Touhou AoE been uploaded yet? I didn't find it from glancing over the previous threads.

>> No.5943736

Speaking of Umineko, when does the next Motion Graphic come out?

>> No.5943739

You will probably have to wait a while for it to find the file.

>> No.5943743

Have you pressed Connect?

>> No.5943747

So how long does it generally take for doujins to start getting scanned and uploaded? I know there's a few out right now but it should be a few days after right?

>> No.5943753

Yes, so go back to whatever board you came from and don't come back for two days.

Hell, don't come back ever, just get an RSS of http://www.mediafire.com/zeniththeone

>> No.5943754

anywhere from one day, to one month, to never.

Don't hold your breath.

>> No.5943755
File: 406 KB, 1200x1678, mican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5943757

Protip: Kill your excitement for a bit. Try to satisfy yourself with what's already uploaded instead of waiting for a certain something. It's easier this way.

>> No.5943761

seconding! Link would be much appreciated...

>> No.5943763

Is it just me or is there some stuff on PD that's not available on Share?
For example I haven't seen [Druggy's Acid RacK] Physical Disconnect on Share yet but it's on PD.

>> No.5943764

Doujins are the last thing to be uploaded, as Hong stated earlier (I think) to get good quality scans, most of the books have to be cut and taken apart.

Ripping CDs and uploading games doesnt take nearly as long, or as painful to whoever bought it as destroying their precious books to scan.

>> No.5943771

Oh. But how long? Because so far, though I haven't deliberately waited after initially seeing nothing happened, I've never seen a file being added from anything but searching within PD.

There's no connect button, but it clearly says that PD is online.

>> No.5943773

Not sure if this has been posted yet (or if it's even something people actually want), but I'll post it for the Touhou fags.


[DVDISO+480P MP4][東方活动写真馆]橙の幻想鄉音頭

>> No.5943778

Oh, sorry, I was thinking of Share. Just enter a few search terms and wait. Wait a very long time.

>> No.5943779
File: 531 KB, 668x666, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) [EastNewSound] Felsic Mirage

Vocal, electronic, trance.

>> No.5943870
File: 39 KB, 1053x354, dbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I'll just save myself the pain and go over to Share. Works much better.

This is my first time being particularly involved with this stuff, so what's the general policy on non-Touhou doujinshi? That's quite honestly the only thing I'll bother with, so if you guys don't care about that, I'll stay away from these threads.

>> No.5943885

I'm not a huge Touhou fan, and I'm sure there are others here, even if we are outnumbered. Go ahead and post them.

>> No.5943893

>[ARCHETYPE] AngelKneeso!
I bet it is fake, if it's true please share here.

>> No.5943901

i was looking for this

>> No.5943902


Non-touhou doujinshi can always do with help, it's very unrepresented as it is and there's people here like myself who appreciate it when people give them some love.

Hell I hardly follow any touhou circles at all.

>> No.5943905


If you happen to see any doujinshi by sys3.6.3. or エトワール侍, could you please upload them here? I'm still hoping to see their releases from C77.

>> No.5943907

Rule of thumb: If it doesn't have an id/tripcode attached to it it's probably fake. Not everything though so you might want to check it anyway.

>> No.5943918
File: 646 KB, 1096x1600, heat_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's Fountain's Square.

>> No.5943930

>K-ON futa
Hell yeah, thanks bro.

>> No.5943927 [DELETED] 

With that said I'll be trying to buy non-touhou music that doesn't get ripped as it's usually easy to buy them outside events, so i'll be trying to plug some gaps and hopefully music doesn't get neglected this summer.

>> No.5943933


With that said I'll be trying to buy non-touhou music that doesn't get ripped as it's usually easy to buy them outside events, so i'll be trying to plug some gaps and hopefully music doesn't get neglected this summer.

>> No.5943934

Awesome. Much appreciationed, anon.

>> No.5943935

I've been looking forward to this

>> No.5943937

Okay, I'll stick around, then.

Won't guarantee that I'll remember, but I suppose I can add queries for them and check once in a while.

Oh, that's good to know. Still, 15mb of wasted bandwidth isn't that bad.

Probably, it showed up suspiciously early.

>> No.5943941

I failed on >>5943934

Was supposed to go to >>5943933

>> No.5943955
File: 94 KB, 653x649, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fromadistance - historie
(classical touhou arrange)

>> No.5943957
File: 239 KB, 600x423, TMCIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TatshMusicCircle - Far East of East
>Synthrock, Eurobeat
v0 315kbps+

God-fucking-dammit Tatsh you suck at rock. Go back to doing stuff like D.C. Fish, Zenius -I- vanisher, and Scripted Connection=>. Warning to those with semi-decent headphones: Tintiness. Tintiness everywhere.

Yes, I visibly upset.

>> No.5943961

Thanks bro. I'll be enjoying this

>> No.5943968

I'm not the only one downloading everything posted here and then later try everything?

>> No.5943975

It might just be me but that link just sends me to mediafire's homepage. Something seems wrong with the url.

>> No.5943977


Yeah his new song for resort anthem is in that vein too and it sucks

>> No.5943978


>> No.5943983

So, (C78) (同人誌) [Digital Lover] D.L. action 54.zip was password protected, and instructed me to send a blank email to a specific address. Is that some typical scam for fake files? At least the rar contains 26 pages of something, unlike the other fake files, which just contained a heavily padded picture of the folder.

>> No.5943987

I wish they released off-vocal versions of their stuff.

>> No.5943994

everythink - music for me

>> No.5944001


Oooooh but I like the arrangement of 無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare Tatsh did.

>> No.5944005
File: 3 KB, 300x57, captcha..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is touohu aoe out yet?, Pretty much the only non platform game I would be able to play without knowing japanese. Also, how the fuck is this captcha generated, first time i see parenthesis.

>> No.5944018

Works fine for me

>> No.5944067

>reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA.


>> No.5944018,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'll be sharing my folder as well.

Wuala client, download at full speed, no caps. Always reliable. http://www.wuala.com/GreenVirus/Comiket%2078/

Permalnks as well.

>> No.5944092

So you're telling me that some old book has IOSYS in it? (somebody in the last thread posted their captcha that had IOSYS in it)

>> No.5944097

>ogg 180kbps

Not really complaining but is it possible for us to get a V0 or maybe flac?

>> No.5944099

I was unaware that eien 2 was released. Hope someone translates it soon

>> No.5944107

I'm pretty sure it takes words from /jp/. I've seen several touhou's names.

>> No.5944128

It was probably IO.SYS

>> No.5944139
File: 131 KB, 300x297, circle_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[EAC] (C78) (同人音楽) [sound sepher] 東方幻奏祀典4 “Excess” (flac+cue).rar どよーんworKeZibK9 496,046,353 fb97a130ab5b40b8daddf3341c64a7b566d05473
[EAC] (C78) (同人音楽) [sound sepher] Megalomachia (flac+cue).rar どよーんworKeZibK9 420,528,529 6e45e3e61487cc7faab3a4fc0869d43eadb9012f

Add both of this into your trigger.
Just came out.

>> No.5944140

Have any cosplay ROMs been uploaded yet? There are a few I'm interested in

>> No.5944147
File: 678 KB, 1115x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short, rough nutbladder-stimulating 4koma about tiny robo-meidos, and some rough illustrations.


>> No.5944156

Maybe it's digitalizing translated doujins?

>> No.5944163
File: 6 KB, 161x115, 1281550109091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this isnt a request for older releases or anything, but could anyone help me figure out what doujin this is from?

>> No.5944167

Can someone get these onto MF?

>> No.5944172



>> No.5944183

You realise that encoding at q5 aoTuV results in better quality audio at lower sizes and bitrates than v0, right? Or do you just want it in v0 for your PMP? A FLAC rip is on nyaatorrents, in any case.

>> No.5944194

i love you

>> No.5944196

Yeah. I need to re-encode it to other format.
I will grab it from nyaa. Thanks.

>> No.5944220

This, In fact, a proper aotuv vorbis encode is transparent to lossless codecs.

>> No.5944245

It seems I fell asleep because it suddenly is 9 hours later than it should. Many thanks to those who kept uploading things.

>> No.5944286

Mediafire seems to not want me to download that one. I either get redirected or it won't load at all.

>> No.5944325
File: 8 KB, 263x213, 1263708693481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN - Fairy Wars GST
>Trumpets where?

>> No.5944348

Holy shit, /jp/ actually knows shit about vorbis? I thought everyone here used huge mp3 files and shit, so I've been torrenting flacs and converting them myself.

>> No.5944358 [DELETED] 

(C78) (同人誌) [みりおんばんく(瀬之本久史)] カーテンコールハ貴方ト… (ハヤテのごとく)

Hayate x Hinagiku focused ero, some excellent illustrations of Nagi at the end.


>> No.5944368
File: 655 KB, 1103x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) (同人誌) [みりおんばんく(瀬之本久史)] カーテンコールハ貴方ト… (ハヤテのごとく)

Hayate x Hinagiku focused ero, some excellent illustrations of Nagi at the end.


>> No.5944373

Delicious, thanks.

>> No.5944374
File: 754 KB, 1122x1600, SAZIndex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like SAZ.

>> No.5944377
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1213840493029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5944386
File: 648 KB, 1121x1600, SAZWorking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5944391

I just listened to this. I have determined that it is amazing as fuck. Thanks.

>> No.5944394
File: 638 KB, 1126x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) (同人誌) [日本ワルワル同盟(有馬啓太郎)] もりやけ ver.1.5 諏訪巡礼レポート (東方)

Touhou non-ero, lots of weird shit happening.


>> No.5944403

What was that game that came out at C77 or 76, it was a 2D side view, you could sellect from couple different characters to make a pair. First there was a couple Buble Boble type stages then a boss that was a bullet hell?

There was lots of trolling that there was a hidden character.

>> No.5944410

Mystical chain or something.

>> No.5944413
File: 15 KB, 352x259, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now also in my fileshare:

>> No.5944419
File: 613 KB, 1115x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) (同人誌) [UROBOROS(うたたねひろゆき)] -MW- (WORKING!!)

Working!! ero, Poplar x Jun.


>> No.5944421

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.5944436

Ero for the Ero God!

>> No.5944440
File: 1.04 MB, 1110x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) (同人誌) [DO-RAKU7(兎塚エイジ)] おおむねマ王さまの本 3 ~マ王さまの夏休み~ (オリジナル)

Original characters, non-ero, 4koma format.


>> No.5944447

Any chance of robotmenatl.net being up again?

>> No.5944449

I think all the people downloading raped the server to death.

>> No.5944451
File: 638 KB, 1108x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) [Nippon Waruwaru Doumei (Arima Keitarou)] Arimadomoe (Various)

Contains delicious lolis


>> No.5944457

for some reason both part1 uploads from that other thread didn't work for me

>> No.5944460

>>5944440 non-ero
awww, that cover looks delicious.

>> No.5944461

Was about to upload that. Contains loli Maya, don't forget that detail.

>> No.5944471

As for the mp3 vs ogg thing, I don't mind switching to the latter. I actually prefer vorbis but since this is not something for me and I always thought most people would rather have mp3, I'm using it.

>> No.5944472
File: 479 KB, 1099x1600, 0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to cute appeal?

>> No.5944495
File: 64 KB, 535x536, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

いえろ~ぜぶら (Yellow Zebra) - 東方愁爽歌 ~Landing of Truth~
kinda j-pop with beautiful 藤宮ゆき's vocal
PS aotuv v5 just better than mp3, uploading flacs to hosts is too bothering

>> No.5944505

Personally, I prefer vorbis, but I bet most people don't have portable audio players that support ogg, so I fine with doing a bit extra work for myself.

>> No.5944510
File: 98 KB, 300x296, zyake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got this?

>> No.5944514

Anyone already uploaded this?

>> No.5944516

bumping for xi-on's 6th album

>> No.5944518
File: 291 KB, 640x480, sana_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What games are anticipated anyway? I saw this uploaded recently.

>> No.5944523

Personally I just download the lossless version of everything, delete what I don't like and convert the rest to flac with the tracks split into separate files.
That way I can just encode to whatever format at whichever bitrate I need at the time without worrying about crappy results due to reencoding. Having a perfect copy of the music I like feels pretty good, too. Not that it makes much of a difference compared to high bitrate MP3/Vorbis in terms of sound quality, mind you, that's not the reason I keep it lossless.

>> No.5944527

This game is frustrating and as far as I can tell not the much anticipated Sanae kirby.

>> No.5944528
File: 314 KB, 1878x1076, ASORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the new Kinema-Kan isn't up anywhere yet...OR IS IT?!

>> No.5944530

Perhaps, maybe, it's time for a new thread? Seeing as this one's fucking huge..

>> No.5944533

I saw screens of this and it looked really cute. Where is the download in question?

>> No.5944543

How about we wait until it autosages

Yesterday we had two C78 threads on page 0, it was kinda annoying.

>> No.5944544

It's up but on filesharing services you don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole. I will upload it but it will take a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

>> No.5944547


Yeah my only problem with vorbis is the lack of support, and uploading lossless is a total headache so when I rip for others I just stick with v0.

>> No.5944548

(C78) (同人ソフト) [LION HEART] サナエチャレンジ!FUSION ~ユルフワさなぽん驚天動地大侵略!の巻~.rar Wn4hyBAVUh 95,799,578 b926c3a24b87f593e5106ed7c30717a51ea7c32a

I think you'll find it on nyaatorrents too.

>> No.5944553

I only found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFMNBxCiP-A

>> No.5944555

Thank you.

>> No.5944567


What about a torrent? I think you would get seeders quickly.

I really appreciate it though, this is what i'm mostly looking forward to.

>> No.5944575

Sorry but with all the things I'm uploading it would take till Christmas with my seeding.

>> No.5944577
File: 873 KB, 1115x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) (同人誌) [RETRO(木場智士)] PING PONG PANG PONG (イラスト集)

Short, mixed-franchise picture book, /c/ and /e/ level stuff. Full color, except some bonus rough sketches at the end.


>> No.5944578


It didn't take that long to download.

>> No.5944583

Thats the whole thing. I downloaded the mp4 someone linked earlier.

>> No.5944592


Is this it? >>5943773

>> No.5944594

A FLAC rip of Cristierra (http://kobe.cool.ne.jp/linker/other.shtml)) is up on nyaatorrents (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=151429).).
It's a best of album, so if you've never heard SHIKI's works, and are a fan of trance/happy hardcore-ish stuff, then definitely give it a shot. Really nice stuff. Oh, and thanks for uploading all of this, Lighter.

>> No.5944608

You're welcome.

>> No.5944609

Has Hardcore Syndrome 4 been posted yet?

>> No.5944615


>> No.5944619

Not yet. Perhaps none of the regular rippers got a copy? I heard the line to REDALiCE's booth was ridiculous. I think someone in another C78 thread said he'd upload it if it wasn't uploaded within a week.

>> No.5944624


No, Doujincore managed to get 7 copies but I think they are all for people who paid to have them delivered to them. Maybe they'll upload one but I doubt it. Anyway, it'll certainly be posted eventually, just need to be patient.

>> No.5944640

Thanks a bunch! Any other happy hardcore stuff come out this year? Or in a similar style.

>> No.5944646
File: 110 KB, 240x337, toho_6th240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xi-on latest album (FLAC ripped with winamp) : http://www.mediafire.com/?5ksjbppdqsuptg1
Other albums that I have : yurika - Colorful Flower (Original), sound sepher, k-waves, alstroemeria.
Which one should I upload next ?

>> No.5944650

I want the 2 new sound sepher CDs.

>> No.5944657


Sound Sepher please. Do you have both or just one?

>> No.5944660

id suck your dick right now if i could. Thanks for the upload yo

>> No.5944661

Yurika, please

>> No.5944662

Oh god this is fucking adorable, especially all of them dancing together at the very end.

Now all I need are the Alice's Emotion albums and the rest of the various animations and I can doe happy until next comiket.

>> No.5944666

http://ftp.robotmetal.net/c78/ isn't working anymore?

>> No.5944671

Does anyone have an mp3 version of this for us that are not of the master race? If so I would be ever so thankful. I loved this circle's C77 release, I am looking forward to their new album with much vigor.

>> No.5944672

Sound Sepeher, if you could be so kind, please.

>> No.5944682

Anyone figured out how Touhou Skyfight netplay works?

>> No.5944687

Alstroemeria and Sound Sepher, please

>> No.5944690


Oh god

Oh god

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BRO I WOULD LET YOU FU-....Well,no I wouldnt but I love you! I seriously love you! Anonymous you are now mai waifu!

>> No.5944691

El Regreso (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lzya6azsuetpig7))

>> No.5944693

bump limit?

>> No.5944699
File: 1.00 MB, 1115x1600, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C78) (同人誌) [床子屋(鬼頭えん)] Saint Foire Festival (オリジナル)

Ero, original characters, seems to be in a medieval setting. Non-consensual sex with several disgusting men, and I suspect some NTR elements.


>> No.5944704

I have both of it. Okay, next is sound sepher then Yurika. Ripping sound sepher Excess right now, sorry it's gonna take a while.

>> No.5944718


I'm one of those people but I am certain it will be uploaded soon, it's fucking tano*c.

>> No.5944731

I want it too.

>> No.5944764

Still no IOSYS?
Still no Touhou AoE?

>> No.5944768

any chance if there can be a repost of where i can get Syrufit's "Where is Love" album? Sorry if this was already posted, but I don't have that good of an eye to spot it

>> No.5944769
File: 40 KB, 184x184, miku steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5944791
File: 353 KB, 469x469, 1268899686293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tanned loli with pointy ears

>> No.5944836

New thread

>> No.5944876

Thanks for linking the new threads by the way

>> No.5944983

What happened to this?

>> No.5945125

Dong Dong Never Die is out.


>> No.5945400

Whatever happened to that Angel Beats disc?

>> No.5945568

How the fuck do you control Touhou "Skyfight"? This game seems like a horrible idea if it's just about constantly crashing (because apparently nothing else can be done)

>> No.5945873

Tap Z to stay afloat. I didn't even beat the first level, its pretty horrible.

>> No.5946997

It's pretty fun once you get used to it, i beat the first level after about 5 tries

>> No.5946997,1 [INTERNAL] 


