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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5938737 No.5938737 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. We heard you liked Comiket.

East R35a. You know you want to visit.

>> No.5938741

I don't like where this is going...

>> No.5938756

Gaijin leave this place

>> No.5938759
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>> No.5938770
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/b/tards in my /jp/?

>> No.5938771


>> No.5938777

/b/ is more /jp/ than /jp/

>> No.5938782

How in the hell did you get in Comiket again?

>> No.5938783

Not in at least 5 years.

>> No.5938794

What's yer offer?

>> No.5938795

/b/ = /jp/

search it in your hearts, you know its true

>> No.5938801

It sure is funny how retarded 4chan has become.

>> No.5938809

Did anyone scan their last doujinshi?

Also, EFG is rolling in his grave.

>> No.5938822

It's not that bad. It's usually just 13 year olds that go on /b/ and /v/ or something. Also, I make it my mission to not post crappy memes on /jp/.

>> No.5938839

Out of pure curiosity, how much did you have to pay for a table?

>> No.5938954
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Standard registration fee, a few thousand yen.

Scans available after Comiket. Here's the cover, though.

Man, that circle ticket sure makes buying popular stuff a breeze....

>> No.5938971


PDF of it here.


>> No.5938975
File: 403 KB, 1024x683, fujoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your work looks poverty.

/j- Er, /b/ on the right.

>> No.5939030
File: 24 KB, 430x383, engrish-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is being very poverty.

But I trying very hardness!

Let's Guts!

>> No.5939038

Why did they even bother?

>> No.5939043


>> No.5939058


As we said, it makes buying popular circle stuff a breeze. And yes, this DOES mean we're trolling the hell out of comiket itself.


>> No.5939066



>> No.5939070 [DELETED] 

Damn, epic comiket rave OP FTW.

>> No.5939114

In all seriousness, though, I think these Anons are super-lucky. I wish I could get into the door so early.... T__T

>> No.5939124

looks like rin to me

>> No.5939125


Yes and it was awful.

Is that Rin on the cover by the way?

>> No.5939173


>> No.5939197
File: 444 KB, 683x1024, IMG_6652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking kinda lonely there, Anonymous-chan

>> No.5939221

/jp/ is /b/ except about Japan.

>> No.5939233

Well, there's at least one thing I have to hand it to you: the cover looks better than last time. Is she supposed to be Rin Tohsaka?
Anyway, looking forward to see content. Hopefully, it's going to be leaked on /a/ in a short while.

>> No.5939244


Naw, just fapping in public. You know, the usual.

>> No.5939274


It is. And thank you; practice makes perfect.

>> No.5939311

Anon how did you get a table?
Was sign up easy? Hard? Did you have to know moonrunes? When did you start signing up?

Curious anon is curious.

>> No.5939344


Of course you need to know moonrunes.

>> No.5939376

Did you sign up for fuyucomi already?
When is the earliest one should sign up for comiket?

>> No.5939378

If anything /a/ is what has truly grown into "2D / Random", they post /jp/ related content as if it is a natural part of their board, and they discuss anime and the like for real unlike the /jp/ spam, and they have more 3D threads than we do.

They have basically been Anime / Manga, banned / exiled al bunch of things (/m/, /jp/ etc), but now they discuss everything.

>> No.5939395 [DELETED] 

Anime is discussed here pretty often when it't just a retarded reaction image. Also how many blazblue / MMO /v/ style threads are made weekly that don't get deleted? /jp/ is pretty off topic itself sometimes.

>> No.5939427

/jp/ - Umineko & Bitching About /a/ / General

>> No.5939476


We have a Mooninite member. He takes care of the paperwork, and we split the bill.
Not too hard, but it takes luck to get in. It's a lottery, basically.

>> No.5939489

But fighters have always been /jp/ related.
The whole jap arcades thing, it followed /jp/ from /a/ and stayed as it shouldn't be in /a/ due to not being anime or manga.

>> No.5939495

What's the weather like during Natsu/Fuyu comi?
Which do you prefer going to? Why?

>> No.5939504 [DELETED] 

Thread reported for advertising and off-topic /b/ shit.

>> No.5939662


Fuyu, but both suck. Now is muggy as hell, and blisteringly hot outside. Shirt was soaked in less than 30 minutes.

>> No.5939669

Why do they both suck?

>> No.5939671
File: 36 KB, 400x375, super-cool-story-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5939687

Oh, damn. Guess I was just projecting what I wanted to see.

>> No.5939692


Winter's ridiculously cold, but then you get inside and jockey for space with thousands of fat nerds, sweat, then it's back outside to freeze even worse because you're damp with sweat.

But still, good times.

>> No.5939794

How are the crowds like?
Do you get elbowed, pushed a lot?
How's the smell?

>> No.5939854

I thought it was Kuroko from Railgun.

>> No.5939988


The smell is horrible. The air is rank with sweat, and shoving/elbowing is very common. People can be real dicks when trying to get a spot in line.

>> No.5940002


I actually enjoy the shoving especially in the line to east hall, you gotta fight for your porn. Also it is probably the only situation in all of japan where you will see people shove in line so I savor it.

>> No.5940048

Are all areas in comiket chaotic?

>> No.5940076


There's areas of very dense crowds that you have to have strength to move through, line between halls (especially east hall on opening) and crowds around areas like touhou circles section come to mind. Actual circle lines are orderly and you spend some time sitting down in it, getting a nice tan and possibly heatstroke (natsukomi) or frostbite and a cold (fuyukomi).

>> No.5940092


Yes, and would be much worse if the staff weren't versed in crowd control. They only barely hold out against a legion of sweaty pedophiles.

...I like the idea of having to fight for your porn, though.

>> No.5940161

What are some tips you would give to a first time goer?

>> No.5940215


Don't be too ambitious. Lower your expectations on what you're going to buy and accept that you will miss out on a lot. It depends if you follow particular circles or not because if you do chances are they're popular circles that you have to dedicate half a day to lining up for.

If you're visiting in summer for the love of god bring something to cover your face, water and a small towel. If in winter do not underestimate how much warm clothing to bring.

Also anonymous circle dude have you ever attended without a circle pass? You don't get to experience what's it's line at the front of the east circle line on opening with one.

>> No.5940218

Are there a lot of kigurumi there?

>> No.5940232


Cosplay at comiket is always limited to a designated area that I have never visited so I don't know. I assume there are some.

>> No.5940255

I never go into the cosplay arena because of a fear of getting glomped. I heard the youkai are particularly aggressive.

>> No.5940273


Ticket is only on Day 3. Days one and 2 is in the line, but my friends friends has a group that camps out and saves space near the front, or else scores a spit in the staff line.

In return, I help with collective buying.

>> No.5940289


It's a zoo down there. Super crowded, with periodic human clots formed by hot girls surrounded by cameramen. Tough, but some beautiful costumes on display.

>> No.5940318


I see, though the east hall rush is the most intense on day 3.

I was thinking of visiting you guys at C76 but forgot where you were (didn't have you marked on my map) and I was stuck in the joker type line till 1pm, i'll probably try this coming fuyukomi.

>> No.5941081


I've lined up Day 3 in the past. It's a rush.

Fuyukomi isn't a given, but we've applied. Check our site for scans in the coming weeks.


>> No.5944573

So, I'll bite. I'm curious. Has anyone got any scans?

>> No.5944625

Nice table.
