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5937145 No.5937145 [Reply] [Original]

After arriving in the world of Gensokyo, you decide to persue a relationship with ONE of the females.

Who is it and why?

>> No.5937157

Being from europe, she probably speaks English or french.

>> No.5937156

[X] Meiling
[X] Jump in the lake.

>> No.5937168

Meiling, panties smell like chinese food

>> No.5937161

Remilia, so i can become the Master of SDM

>> No.5937174

[X] Cirno.
[X] Love makes people stronger.

>> No.5937176
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Mokou, because I want to see her cry.

Not because I'm mean, but because she's really cute when she cries.

And I want to hold her.

She'd be warm.

>> No.5937177

Pooshlmer level thread

And as I have said in every topic similar to this

☑ Head to hakurei shrine and hope I live long enough to see my waifu

>> No.5937179
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I would offer her my services as whatever she desires, I'll even take the ephemeral job of being the dinner.

>> No.5937184

Actually, Remilia will either speak Romanian or Hungarian, since I would imagine that the Mansion came from Transilvania, a region that both Hungarians and Romanians claim to be theirs, and have fought for it.

>> No.5937196 [DELETED] 



I invoke QUANTUM in this thread, and reject OP's colorless, uninteresting Gensokyo for the the Gensokyo that Hitagiri paints forus.

>> No.5937207

Silly me. Forgot the why: Because she's perfect and I absolutely love her and everything she does

>> No.5937203

Every five threads is about this same exact thing.

If I were Moot, I'd probably just go ahead and make a fucking monthly sticky for discussing who your current touhou waifu is.

>> No.5937202

Well, since we all know that my waifu is Rumia, I shall seek her out. I love her because of both she has the most inner and outer beauty that any man would desire.

>> No.5937212

More like German and French, that's what the nobles spoke there.

>> No.5937214



I invoke QUANTUM in this thread, and reject OP's colorless, uninteresting Gensokyo for the Gensokyo that Hitagiri paints for us.

Gosh durned OP made me so buttangery I made hell of typos.

>> No.5937220

Luna Child
Dammit, I'm not usually one for retard-moe either. but she just looks so wide eyed and innocent.

>> No.5937224
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She might even be a Vlach.

God, I can't begin to imagine Remi speaking with a Vlach accent

>> No.5937226


she's not retarded.

>> No.5937227

You must be new here.

>> No.5937228

Stickies are no fun because no one actually reads them.

>> No.5937232


1 : Because shes human. As a human, I would die relatively early compared to a youkai or other demon, and I don't want my mate to be sad for a long long long time after I pass on. So it would have to be a human.
2 : 'Cause Marisa is awesome.

>> No.5937234

Wait, am i the only one thinking of Cirno?
Anon, you really are the worst !

>> No.5937235

>erpa derpa
Sure, whatever. I prefer a pooshlmer thread than a sticky.

>> No.5937254 [SPOILER] 
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I want to touch her "inner beauty"

>> No.5937257

>>5937232 implying Marisa would ever die
She'd kill death and steal it's lunch money and you know it.

>> No.5937285
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Komachi has plenty of money anyway.

>> No.5937291
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Kanako is the perfect one for the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Armed Forces. Her legs are as beautiful as the Soviet Union itself, and her shrine ropes are as glorious as victory over capitalism.

>> No.5937301

For hating a thread with less of a subject than is even usual for this board?
Let us recall OP's post

>you decide to persue a relationship with ONE of the females.

>Who is it and why?

This thread is nothing. No creativity, no actual discussion topic...
OP decided to create a thread that will inevitably lead us only into 100+ posts making old jokes involving fanon memes 90% of which will basically state the meme outright and have most likely been said before a thousand times.

>> No.5937304
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>beat death up and steal its lunch money

/jp/-onii-san, /jp/-onii-san, Marisa is being mean to Komachi again!

>> No.5937305
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>> No.5937313

>current waifu

No, waifus are eternal.

>> No.5937320
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Is that you, Himmler?

>> No.5937340

Yes, no doubt about it. You really are new here.

>> No.5937342
File: 44 KB, 275x359, HimmlerB(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Fuhrer, I'm right here.

>> No.5937384

Learn to ü

>> No.5937719

I actually have a route planned for this, in case I fail something along the way.
-Head to human village, learn to fly, and, if necessary, Japanese. Hopefully learn basic danmaku skills, too, but those are optional for now.
-Court Yuuka after carefully scouting out whether she's batshit insane or not.
-Court Alice, probably get rejected.
-Never hope to see Nitori. I'm a bad swimmer anyway.
-Get drunk with Suika, get her to get me underground.
-Court Satori, however you do that.
-After a streak of epic failure, become bros with Yuugi or die trying.

>> No.5937862

I got it pretty easy for me:

Head to Moriya Shrine, become Kanako's servant/slave.

>> No.5937882

Satori, so I wouldn't have to talk.

>> No.5937888
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>> No.5937894

I would only like to be friends so i would go find Parsee.

>> No.5937944

Actually dude, you have an idea. You shouldn't even have to learn Japanese (If no-one speaks English anywhere else) to have a conversation with her. I'm pretty sure you can even have a go with Koishi.

The only problem is getting to her. I'm sure when we have a /JP/ meet up in Gensokyo we'll think of a way to get past Yamame/Parsee. I know for sure we'll have to learn at least a little bit of danmaku before we venture underground.

>> No.5937976

Marisa because she's butch da ze
Hopefully she has a cock

>> No.5938011

Futanari/trap touhou doesn't sound half bad... I hope there are trap/futanari doubles of characters.
