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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 344 KB, 600x800, 206dc3a8e6af25a92a98d114769096cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5935666 No.5935666 [Reply] [Original]

Captcha is the worst thing of the year all years. If I have to cycle through a dozen more strings of upside-down greek to find something I can even attempt I'm going to have a rage stroke.

>> No.5935683

Or just leave out the retarded bunch of chickenshit. Or type nigger like everyone else outside of /jp/ does.

>> No.5935689

It also makes it pretty much impossible to post on 4chan while intoxicated, although that might be a good thing.

>> No.5935694

No more drunk-high Arc posts...

>> No.5935690

I fucking hate when the word impossible to type is the one that has to be typed.
Captcha: tugarnl half.
The fuck :(

>> No.5935693

You do know that you can type whatever for the first word, and you only need to enter the second word correctly?

>> No.5935701

Stop being so autistic and replace the indecipherable crap with nigger.

>> No.5935702

Έχουμε πρόβλημα με τα ανάποδα ελληνικά, φιλαράκο;

>> No.5935704

Extremely unreadable stuff is just a trick. You can type whatever word for that one.

>> No.5935705

I wish it were stronger so it could filter out people who start shitty off-topic threads like this about the captcha.

>> No.5935717

you do know one word is fake? if you can't read it, you will be fine typing asdf if you want.

>> No.5935721


Sage for captchacorp viral marketing.

>> No.5935723


>> No.5935726

Can't do CAPTCHA? Easy! Just press the refresh button, and do a different one. Quit bitching, enjoy life, and doing something slightly useful while posting.

>> No.5935747

But it wont be canceled.
Funny thing is that after week of ReCaptcha, Moot tried to replace it with simple one, that was so small, that it was impossible to read and after turning it off completly, spam came back almost instantly and people started bitching Moot to turn it on back again..

>> No.5935749

No, it's never only the first one, it differentiates between first and second. If you look at it for a second though, it should be easy to understand which one is the one that needs to be typed correctly. Usually it's always in the same font, and distorted usually distrorted by the same filters. This makes you able to recognise which one is the one that needs to be correctly typed.

>> No.5935783
File: 340 KB, 600x700, 2c0eecacc08a5c1c133e42a6be39d8d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her alone.

She's trying the best she can.

Captcha: legismi reinforcing

>> No.5935787

read about it. The "trick" word is scanned from some book that they want you to transcribe for them. So if you put in "nigger" it'll accept it and that's what the ebook will end up saying.

>> No.5935794

Why are we getting nonsense captchas now anyway? Revenge by the folks at recaptcha for /b/'s nigger antics? Couldn't blame them, to be frank.

Got "gandel moot" this time. What.

>> No.5935835

"deviant^10 orly". Orly?

>> No.5935871


Perhaps that was the purpose.

>> No.5935883

Scanning books is a good thing. Go back to /b/

>> No.5935892
File: 131 KB, 1600x1200, 1281218893037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido likes Captcha, don't bother him about it

>> No.5935914

It makes quick reply real fucking difficult to use. Even the so-called "decipherable" words are almost never actual words anymore.

>> No.5935923

>So if you put in "nigger" it'll accept it and that's what the ebook will end up saying.
That's exactly why we're spamming it with "nigger".
Recaptcha is a good and novel idea and would actually help humanity a bit. Thus 4chan tries to destroy out just out of spite.

>> No.5935936

The "nigger" thing doesn't work you retards, it cross-checks it against results from other sites.

>> No.5935943

>Thus /b/ tries to destroy it out of spite, because they're all 13-year-old FUCK THE SYSTEM types

Fixed that for you.

>> No.5935946

>That's exactly why we're spamming it with "nigger".
"we" my ass, /b/ and underaged rebels STICKING IT TO THE MAN are doing it, enjoy your redardation

>> No.5935947

>Recaptcha is a good and novel idea and would actually help humanity
Did you just walk straight out of 2003 or something?

>> No.5935953

Nah, all of /v/ does it too.

>> No.5935956

Personally I've been filling the unreadable garbage with MOE

>> No.5935987

but /v/ is /b/ 2.0 so yeah

>> No.5935994

You say that as if there was a difference between the two.

>> No.5935995

That's because /v/ is /b/ now and this is a bad thing.

>> No.5936015
File: 99 KB, 700x700, abkanadesignboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Captcha is worst thing of the year all years >: (

>> No.5936029

You do know that Google has been failing at that whole "don't be evil" thing for a couple of years now, right. Fuck'em.

Though I usually change the "trick" word to its antonym if it's english. Typing "nigger" or "Schmidtsucksniggercock" is reserved for words I don't understand.

>> No.5936067

>I don't like Google's privacy policies!
>I better screw with reCAPTCHA, that'll be sure to communicate my discontent to them!

>> No.5936078

>screw with reCAPTCHA
What the fuck are you dumbasses talking about. It doesn't matter what you enter.

>> No.5936086

Look, spam bogs down the site and is always either a botnet link or that unreadable AT shit. It doesn't do anyone any good and wastes 4chan's resources. Plus it is annoying as FUCK when it is bumping random near-dead threads and generally looking ugly/posting the same pictures over and over again all the fucking time.

>> No.5936095

I have no illusions of "sticking it to the man." It's just easier to type "nigger" than "雙" which it won't accept anyway and I don't feel bad about doing so since google doesn't feel bad about reading my student e-mail (it was forced on everyone at my university) and using it to better target ads at me (which are blocked anyway but it's the principle of the thing).

God that's a long sentence.

>> No.5936098

I'm fighting against the world by lowering recaptcha's confidence ratio of the correct answer for random words from 98% to 97%.

>> No.5936103


I can filter that stuff. Only idiots get caught up in botnets, and anontalk is more or less defunct. I can't filter having to type in some stupid phrase every time I want to call one of you lot an idiot, so it takes priority on my shitlist.

>> No.5936120
File: 2 KB, 300x57, eflotat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No seriously, what the fuck are you talking about. Sometimes it's literally impossible to type the second word. What the fuck else am I supposed to do?

>> No.5936125


Some of the spam was getting basically impossible to filter (and was getting posted so often it was outnumbering real posts on some boards)... that was pretty much the tipping point and why Captcha came about. Idiots doing that 4chan.hta thing which allowed bots to clone old posts/pictures.

>> No.5936144
File: 156 KB, 1055x602, evil_captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936168

it works

>> No.5936186


So ban said idiots, don't make us suffer.

>> No.5936192

The problem with that is botnets being able to have as many IPs as they feel like.

Long story short, there is no impenetrable defense. You just have to adapt step by step to keep up with the enemy.

>> No.5936194

At /3/ the spam was 96% of the posts there.
Until /v/ and another board came to 'help' them.

>> No.5936207
File: 3 KB, 300x57, pachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP: If one of the two captcha words is indecipherable symbols, just type [unknown]


>> No.5936212

/vp/ had no 4chan.hta spam at all. I wonder what that means?

>> No.5936213

That's good enough for me. I usually just refresh until I get something I can read, though.

>> No.5936214

That's probably what Google will interpret 'nigger' as from all the /b/ posts.

>> No.5936215

Is it really perpetuated through a botnet? How common are botnets these days?

>> No.5936218

In that case, I hope they're not going to digitize Huckleberry Finn.

>> No.5936237

The .hta script wasn't made to attack /vp/.
I think the script was made before /vp/ was created.

>> No.5936240

Do you work for Google or something? Who cares.

>> No.5936284

In the beginning, there was this big jumble of text that told you to save it to a word file and run it as a script. The script posted itself back on 4chan telling others to do the same.

Then, there was an image telling you to save and rename it. This went through many different incarnations; being killed by moot then reincarnating in slightly different forms months later.

Most recently, there was Cornelia. The smartest and cutest botnet yet, she will probably be back bigger and stronger in a few more weeks.

>> No.5936303

As long as the bots skip /jp/ they can do whatever they want to do

>> No.5936304
File: 92 KB, 1038x1024, Cornelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornelia can't read Captchanese, she'll never be back

>> No.5936305

The last one was just self-replicating, it didn't have any malicious code.

>> No.5936320


I love how dumb she looks in that picture.

>> No.5936340
File: 18 KB, 300x57, Screen shot 2010-08-14 at 4.01.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More moe than Cornelia ever was.

>> No.5936347

One day a genius at anontalk will be born
The day CP will be legalized'
The day Moot lost his power and becomes the little girl

>> No.5936355

And here I thought I was the only one getting greek letters.

>> No.5936363

What does that mean

>> No.5936371

She was spayed and neutered.

>> No.5936376

Good thread.

>> No.5936579

Moot hates Captcha as well.
He resisted for quite a while despite people insisting we should use it.

Now that he's forced to make us use Captcha, I can see why as at times Captcha really does seem more annoying than spam... I think I'm starting to see that 4chan isn't really meant for Captcha.

>> No.5936602

I always type nigger whatsoever.
