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5931720 No.5931720 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else fantasize about quitting society and staying in their rooms all day and night?
I cannot handle work, people, and any responsibility..

>> No.5931763

Not worth it. Did something akin to that for over a year. Does not feel good man.

>> No.5931780

I'm doing that right now.

>> No.5931793


what happens when you get older, like 35 years old. At some point you need to step out into the world. What happens when your parents die. Who will support you?

>> No.5931803

in b4 doll joints

>> No.5931805

we all like being productive members of society here

>> No.5931811
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>> No.5931883
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>> No.5931932

At that point, you're bound to have some kind of mental defect. Just apply for disability or something.

>> No.5931951

You will all be dead.


>> No.5931965


cheers man. Sounds like a good plan. I suppose I can fake a mental illness anyway if I needed too.

>> No.5931993

Eating fast food is unhealthy and makes you fat. More at 11.

>> No.5932037

This is pretty serious stuff, and this study has plenty of backing. Go ahead and shrug it off though. You won't care anyway after your heart fucks you over.

>> No.5932057

Fast food doesn't make a person fat. Lack of movement and genetics makes a person fat. I only eat fast food and I'm not fat. That's because I move around a lot.

>> No.5933245

I think a lot of people feel that way.

However if you actually end up going nuts in the absence of things, you probably have some pretty bad assburgers or similar. I couldn't last more than 6 months in a job without having abreakdown.

Of course, it depends on the job. You just have to hold out for one you can actually do and enjoy to some extent; you don't have the same tolerance for shitty work as everyone else does(not that anyone should have to work a shitty job anyway, hopefully technology will solve this some day soon).

>> No.5933275

Makes you fat =/= will make you fat under any circumstances.

Most smokers won't die of lung cancer. That doesn't mean smoking doesn't cause it.

>> No.5933292


It's not a fantasy. People do that.

>> No.5933305

That lifestyle is very monotonous. I can't really think of any other ways I want to live, but this way is boring. You need some balance, somehow.

>> No.5933309
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I used to be like that, but being unproductive just leads to depression and delusion in the end.

>> No.5933325

I hate working. Made me want to kill myself.

>> No.5933331

Living the dream

>> No.5933334

I do... no really...

>> No.5933348

You learn something new every day in the NEET lifestyle. For example, today I learned that you can get pimples on your penis too.

>> No.5933372

Did it for almost two years.
Life got better after but now I'm kind of slipping back.

>> No.5933377

I'm hoping for a near future that negates the necessity of physical existence. Another, virtual reality that is as valid a reality as our first. Brain-machine interfacing that allows seamless control and complete immersion. Whether it be nanomachines tapping into your neurons or direct probes into the brain, there would be a market for it. Though the physical body wouldn't handle it without some form of primary reality exercise. Manageable, but undesirable.

My proposal is that we merge with our ideas. When the fruit of biomedical engineering reaches the market in a biologically-competitive form, create a market among those who have no need for it in the traditional sense. We can make it a paradigm shift in human thought: Remaining purely biological is the most unhuman thing you can do.

When we can avoid growing fat, then we can live in our constructed reality. A more fitting and more human reality. Live, work, breed online. Not for genetics, but memetics. Our ideas will be our children, and our children will be our thought-constructs. When you create your ideal daughter of data, unleash her upon the internet for the cyber-pleasure of all, for the procreation of another intelligence. A more human intelligence. The creative intelligence.

This will come to pass within the next 40 years. We will create our new reality, together.

>> No.5933406
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>> No.5933431

Goddamnit, working sucks dick. Maybe it's because I spent almost two years as a NEET, but I started to work two days ago and it's AWFUL. All I can think of is when I can finally go back home and forget about everything. If this doesn't changes in two months, I'm quitting the job and going back to taking it easy again, screw it. My job is easy, the co-workers are nice and my boss is actually a family-friend, but all I want is to be able to relax at home forever and ever.

Fuck, I hate being lazy and useless.

>> No.5933453

Think of it this way.

Your boss could be incompetent, your co-workers could all be assholes and the pay could suck.

>> No.5933467

become a teachers assistant.
very chill and take it easy job. plus adorable children who love you.

>> No.5933469

The pay does suck, I'm just an intern there.

But if that was the case, I would quit right away. In fact, I want to save the money and then buy my time as a NEET for a while. Besides, it's not like my parents can't feed me anymore.

>> No.5933591
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Care to see yourself in 10-20 years time?

>> No.5933699

Been a NEET or almost a NEET for 6 years, it's pretty nice tbh. Next year i'll only be 1/2 NEET though (at university). I hate people.

>> No.5933898

Well, uh, I pretty much did that for 2 years. Gotta keep up with free MMOs or find ways to pad your bank account with cash. For some reason even though I haven't worked in over 3 years I still have money to buy soda 2 or 3 times a week. Mostly through stretching birthday gifts or something. Download anime, read manga online, I have no time for anything else.

>> No.5933941

Kind of, but studying is pretty nice for me. It gives me a feeling of having a "direction" in my life, yet I dont really have to do many annoying things and have loads of free time. I can see myself just living doing nothing in the future, though - my country pays you for being unemployed, and it seems like you can live pretty comfortably if you find a cheap apartment and dont spend too much on things you dont really need or want.

>> No.5933982

9 year NEET here with no intention of changing.

>> No.5933989

Have you tried online surveys? It gives me enough to buy things off amazon every month. Although it's tedious and monotonous.

>> No.5933993

High five!

>> No.5934022

>Download anime, read manga online, I have no time for anything else.

Sure is virgin loser in here.

>> No.5934036

You're new to these parts aren't you? Run along I think they have a camwhore thread on /b/. You don't want to miss that.

>> No.5934042

At least you know you're a lazy and useless nigger. Fucking failure. Go get a girlfriend.

>> No.5934055

No, I'm not new to /jp/

You're a neckbeard, nerdy loser. Faggot, /jp/ is your only sanctuary but it will be over run by normal fags!

>> No.5934068
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>> No.5934071

A shame, but I have other places to fall back on.

>> No.5934089

Just wait until you're 35, haha faggot loser.

Either get with the program, or hate your own life.

>> No.5934095

I'm pretty content, besides it's not like I'll live forever.

>> No.5934091

He'd still be a loser and a failure even if he got a girlfriend, as with all of us.

>> No.5934106

yep, sometimes I wish to have a serious accident or disease so I can be a useless piece of shit at my home...

maybe I should jump from the roof and break both of my legs or something...

>> No.5934121

I can saw off your right leg but only if I get to keep it afterward.

>> No.5934127

Way too many girls in this thread, ridiculously easy to spot too.

>> No.5934129

He can be ALPHA AND SUCCESFUL if he choose, being a loser is a unconscious/sub-conscious choice, not something given to you.

It boils down to the decision you want to go in life.

>> No.5934140

If you're truly content, good for you. However, if you're only "content" to put on a happy facade (but you're miserable as fuck inside) you're lying to yourself.

>> No.5934141

Too bad you aren't ultra-orthadox heebs /jp/, they don't have to work like the rest of us : http://www.theage.com.au/world/israels-ultraorthodox-a-growing-burden-on-the-state-20100813-1236a.ht

>> No.5934164

Sure, sure, but the process is not as simple as just finding a girlfriend. There are way too many losers who somehow still manage to find a girlfriend for that to the be ultimate solution.

>> No.5934167


>> No.5934170

Oh. They're jews. And jews aren't people.
