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5920415 No.5920415 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone who likes Kanako consciously or subconsciously wants to fuck their mothers.

>> No.5920425
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In the rear, maybe.

>> No.5920431

I subconsciously like kanako
I'm not very close with my mother

>> No.5920440


Same can be said for any male liking any women that was born a day older then them.

>> No.5920433


>> No.5920438

Shut up, Komeiji. You're just frumpy there's no surprise in your sex.

>> No.5920444
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But Kanako is a virgin.
Suwako is the motherly one.

>> No.5920452

I don't want to sleep with my mother but you're assuming I want to sleep with Kanako. I JUST LOVE HER.

Does anyone have that cartoonish / soul-eatery picture of a young looking Kanako? She's holding one of her log things like a chain gun.

>> No.5920461 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 350x375, stalin (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanako is my waifu. If you have a problem, I will send you to the gulags.

>> No.5920468
File: 21 KB, 350x375, stalin (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanako is my waifu. If you have a problem, I will send you to the gulags.

>> No.5920474

No roleplaying in here.

>> No.5920476

But wait, what if I want to be Kanako?

What then?

>> No.5920478

I hope he doesn't pull another Great Purge...

>> No.5920490 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5920503
File: 14 KB, 542x469, stalin (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Red Army cannot achieve victory if someone like you is my waifu. You will be boiled alive.

>> No.5920517
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>> No.5920518

Psychology is a shit "science".
People understand now that the shit Freud said was bullshit.
Modern psychology basically says it isn't true as well, but still uses it as the basis for all their bullshit calling it 'incomplete'.

>> No.5920537

I actually can't fap to Kanako because she reminds of my grandmother.

She was a real beauty back in her time and even has one of those withered leaf brooches Kanako wears, though I haven't heard any stories about conquering shrines from her.

>> No.5920547

How could I fuck my mom if she's dead?

>> No.5920549

coming from someone that don't even studied a bit of psychology. How usual.

Most common knowledge people have about psychology is actually bullshit when you are actually studying psychology.

>> No.5920571


>> No.5920577

Buttmad your major is utter shit? lmao

>> No.5920611

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.5920656


This is what people say when they're denying their Oedipal urges.

>> No.5920674

Good thing I like Yuuka.
inb4 people telling me I want to fuck my dad

>> No.5920692

I'm not even the person you think I am.

>> No.5920730
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in during

>> No.5920754 [DELETED] 
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hot father stepdaughter action

>> No.5920812
File: 140 KB, 480x640, werwerwearwerawrwerw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often have dreams where I'm having sex with my mother, but the other night was different. I was at some kind of doll shop, looking for a doll. Whenever I'd "test" a doll, it would morph into a life-sized version of itself, and I would lick it all over. I don't know why I would only lick it. I remember performing oral sex on many of them and having their mouths open and close like a fish out of water. I remember how smooth their skin felt as I ran my tongue all over it. I "tried" many of them but I never actually bought any because my alarm woke me up. I'm sure that if I'd have continued the dream it would have resulted in a wet dream wherein I had sex with a doll that morphed into a life-size loli. Pic related. They all looked like this. Azone?

>> No.5920833
File: 57 KB, 435x600, sigmund-freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone consciously or subconsciously wants to fuck their mothers.
Fixed that for you, OP

>> No.5920851

I don't like Kanako but I still want to fuck my mother.

>> No.5920849

I would, if my mother was decent instead of a fat 47 year old women who has different morals then me ;_;

>> No.5920847

Well it's a good thing I like Suika then

>> No.5920846
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I'm OK with this.

>> No.5920880

You weren't a customer, you were a new doll. You will soon find yourself shrinking in size until one day you wake up in an abandoned doll shop full of sentient, moving dolls, never to escape. Every night, you and your new sisters will change into human-sized versions of yourselves and "clean" by licking each other thoroughly.

>> No.5920987
File: 312 KB, 500x750, 1275957334308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young kanako

in her sluttier days

captcha: peasuple Aesthetic

>> No.5921007

I don't want to fuck Kanako I want to be Kanako

>> No.5921390

Oh really?

>Before psychoanalysis, which Freud invented, mental illness was almost universally considered 'organic'; that is, it was thought to come from some kind of deterioration or disease of the brain. Research on treating mental illness was primarily concerned–at least theoretically–with discovering exactly which kinds of changes in the brain led to insanity. Many diseases did not manifest obvious signs of physical difference between healthy and diseased brains, but it was assumed that this was simply because the techniques for finding the differences were not yet sufficient.

>The conviction that physical diseases of the brain caused mental illness meant that psychological causes–the kinds that Freud would insist on studying–were ignored. It also meant that people drew a sharp dividing line between the "insane" and the "sane." Insane people were those with physical diseases of the brain. Sane people were those without diseased brains.

>Freud changed all of this

So tell me, which would you rather have?

>> No.5921795

But then, doesn't that just mean they're bullshit?

>> No.5921810

That doesn't make sense. I'm a lolicon.

>> No.5921824

so it's not normal to want to fuck your mother? since when?

>> No.5921831

Post more Kanoko porn.

>> No.5921836

Nobody has taken Freud seriously sine the 1900's.

Introductory to psyc, on my first day I jokingly asked if we're going to discuss Freud and penises. Proff answered that he was full of shit (actual words) and we'd be doing some more serious stuff

>> No.5924242

Cool thread
