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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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591768 No.591768 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a good run /jp/; those first couple months that I was learning Japanese were some of the best in my life. But it can't go on any longer. I'm tired of sneaking around learning Japanese behind my normalfag friends backs and have decided to give it all up.

And with that, I thank all those that posted in my Japanese threads in the past and pray you all lead successful lives that lead towards our great motherland.

>> No.591785

Shame to see someone giving up. If you're going to start it I think you should finish it. If you really loved learning Japanese so much at the beginning, why let the normalfags keep you down? Fuck them and what they think, you have no obligations to anyone but yourself. Do what you want to do and fuck anyone who gives you shit for not being normal enough.

>> No.591791

lol weeaboo

>> No.591807

Pretty stupid that you have to sneak around to learn another language, unless you have red neck friends who are xenophobic. Otherwise, you're just a large faggot who gives up because he's afraid of what might happen with his friends.

You can always just separate the two things, it's not like you are pronouncing japanese words during your conversations with your friends.

>> No.591812

why does learning a language have anything to do with your friends?

>> No.591813


>> No.591814

> it's not like you are pronouncing japanese words during your conversations with your friends
.....or is it?

>> No.591816

>Pretty stupid that you have to sneak around to learn another language, unless you have red neck friends who are xenophobic.
I found that pretty funny.

I live in Alabama.

>> No.591818



>> No.591843

If you have to be a faggot, be a faggot that's true to himself instead of a fag who cares about what others think of him. Suppressing your power level doesn't mean you have to do it in secrecy. You're not Batman.

>> No.591848

So you're giving up your friends? Yeah, I did that too.

>> No.591855

Then what are you doing here?

>> No.591857
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>You're not Batman.
You sure about that?

>> No.591861

I thought OP was going to kill himself at first.


>> No.591877

I'm pretty sure Batman does not live in Alabama.

>> No.591889

lol japan fag

>> No.591891

ITT: Butthurt Koreans (nice pic)
