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File: 390 KB, 624x472, george!!!!!!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5917253 No.5917253 [Reply] [Original]

Your parent will never say this.;_;

>> No.5917262

What about the beating to death thing. Will I get to do that?

>> No.5917266

loving parents are like pure love, exists only in fiction or very very, rarely in reality

>> No.5917310

I wish I had parents like that. :(

I'm 19 and my parents are going to kick me out soon since they say I'm too old not to be independent, even though I'm doing really well in school and working towards a degree...

I'm going to have to drop out of college when they kick me out since I won't be able to afford it on my own.

feels bad man

>> No.5917321


>I'm 19

You're too young to be here.

>> No.5917324

loving parents are not rare, bro.maybe its just you.

>> No.5917329

Only if you want to massacre the whole family afterwards.

>> No.5917331

It won't be me. It'll be a large bomb, codenamed BEATRICE

>> No.5917338

It's not fun this way.

>> No.5917340

Well excuse me for being for not being a 30-year-old NEET like most /jp/sies

not everyone that's into touhou and eroge is a complete failure, you know

>> No.5917349

I will not excuse you. Go play with your transformers, or whatever it is you young people do nowadays.

>> No.5917373

your parents will never raise you to be a person who thinks chastity before marriage is important.;_;

can someone please post that screencap.

>> No.5917380

You're getting a college education but yet you think that you'll have to drop out when your parents stop paying for you?

You're retarded. Put in some effort, go to your adviser, ask them about loans/grants/scholarships/anything to help you afford school. Fill out the forms. And you're done!

If a college went through the trouble of accepting you, they want you to be there, and they will find a way so that you can afford it. NEVER will somebody be accepted to a university and then have them turn around and go "no, you can't go here anymore because you are poor." If you are really too poor, they will give you the aid you need.

Second, you say "LOANS?! I'll be in debt!" That's the most overused line (excuse) that uneducated people use to justify the fact that they dropped out or turned down an acceptance letter. I guarantee you that the jobs you can find with a degree will more than pay for your debt. The debt is not unmanageable. They make it so that any idiot can pay them off, it's not like they ask it all at once. Learn to be an adult, and set aside a small portion of your income to pay off the loans, LIKE EVERY ADULT DOES with their rent, energy bill, water bill, car payment, and house payment.

It's about learning to grow up, and "bawwww I can't afford school" isn't an excuse. Get a loan. Get your degree. It'll open up many more opportunities later. Even if you get a shitty job, your manager will give a college graduate a promotion way before he gives a high school grad one. Anyone who has been in the workplace knows that.

>> No.5917383

I do freelance programming jobs and graphic design commissions (mainly business identities). But sure, playing with transformer toys. That's what all 19-year-old CS majors do. Yep.

>> No.5917388

I'm pleased to find out that I'm not as out of touch with the young ones as I thought.

>> No.5917391


What this anon said. I pay $25000 a year out of my own pocket for school, made entirely myself from actual work. It's not that hard.

>> No.5917425
File: 435 KB, 1200x945, you really must try this cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents disowned me. But I still live with them, because I can't find a job. It's kind of awkward.

They just pretend like I'm not their son.

>> No.5917443


>> No.5917509

Why'd they disown you?

>> No.5917538

You will never karate kick your mother in the face as she dresses like a magical girl. ;_;

>> No.5917544

I'm socially awkward and not fit for actual work. So all I'm doing is to sit infront of my computer all day, chatting and posting on 4chan.
My father used to bug me into sending out aplications and shit, but like I said.. I'm just not cut out for that shit so I only pretended to send them, but actually kept them in a drawer of my desk. This went on for a few years. One day, a few months ago, my father accidently found all of them and my parents are on the warpath with me ever since.

>> No.5917546

You should've just thrown them out.

>> No.5917552

Parents like this exist, and they are terrible. They are the people that won't let you browse the internet for more than 45 minutes per day, make you report every single test result you get at school and force you to study more if it isn't an amazing test result, force you to do all kinds of other stuff because 'it's for your own good'...
You'll lose your freedom, and always being busy, you'll never be truly happy, and it's very likely it causes depression at some point. Moreover, it's people with parents like this that often go completely out of control (party like mad, drop out, lose yourself in drugs and alcohol) once they are finally released. When finally given freedom, many of them immediately try all the things they weren't allowed to do - with disastrous results.

Trust me, it's the worst way to raise your children. "Loving parents" is one thing, but completely dominating their lives will only backfire.

George confirmed for culprit.

>> No.5917563

>"Loving parents" is one thing, but completely dominating their lives will only backfire.
This. I had (and have) an Eva-tier overprotective mother. Depressed since age 15 (been 4 years now), mostly due to her.
You Do Not Want Eva-tier parents.

>> No.5917657

My parents were strict, but looking back, I wish they were stricter. Once I reached my teenage years I realized that I didn't like the way they were raising me, so I enforced rules upon myself. I forced myself to become studious, not because my parents made me, but because I knew that thy were wrong in _not_ forcing me to. Honestly, how was I supposed to take care of myself without my parents instructing me what and what not to do? I didn't have common sense. I wasted large amounts of time and money playing games an d being childish. I imagine if my parents were stricter I would be even happier than I am now.

Now they're raising another kid and there's nothing I can convince them to do differently. He's 12 and has the personality of a 12-year-old. He's completely wasting his life, and they're using his age as an excuse. Yes, he will act his age, but that doesn't mean you can't fucking correct him or try to mold his personality.

>> No.5917677

>Once I reached my teenage years I realized that I didn't like the way they were raising me, so I enforced rules upon myself.
And that means they succeeded as parents. Their goal isn't to make you do shit, their goal is to make you make yourself do shit. Doing your best is meaningless if you only do it to satisfy your parents and stop doing your best once they're out of sight.

If parents are too strict, the kid will have an aversion to doing things for themselves. If the parents are too lax, the kid will be too lazy to do things for themselves. However, if they raise a kid well, the kid will realize that they should do things for themselves.

>> No.5917683
File: 130 KB, 282x306, 1276299720345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you do

Captcha: seemed preferred

>> No.5917712

Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill with Eva. She was a bit strict with him, sure, but George has Hideyoshi as a dad, and I'm sure he was the chill parent in the situation. Eva wants her son to succeed, and a bit of that is living vicariously, absolutely, but she is the only one who cries when George dies. Eva's love is genuine and pure.

Much more worrying is Natsuhi and Krauss, because they are pretty much EXACTLY what you described. Luckily, they're also idiots, so Jessica can play her GITAH so long as she stays at school and whatever.

Although I think Jessica and her parents are fine.
At least I hope so.

Goddamn shitty maid.

...I suppose episode 7 will show us the rape dungeons that every parent in the family has put their children through, though..

>> No.5917752

Jessica: Stay in the cupboard until you remember you're the next head.
Maria: Look Maria I got you these bunnies, and this lion-thing? What's that? They're broken? Well why's that? WHOSE FAULT COULD THAT BE?!?!?
Battler: He commited a sin and his mom got scared and said 'you're moving with your auntie and uncle' in Bel Air.

>> No.5917760

>He's 12 and has the personality of a 12-year-old.

wait... what is wrong with kids acting their age?seriously dude.


>> No.5917764

Except in my case my parents wholly discouraged me from what I was doing. My father especially disapproved. He was constantly insulting me and claiming that I take morals too seriously, and held my life to some ridiculous ideal that I suppose he formed by watching too many teen movies. To him, those years I spend improving my character and pursuing education should have been spent partying bullshitting with friends.

>> No.5917773

Actually my mom is pretty much like that......
It was after i choose Physics College over Law college....
I feel bad for breaking the tradition of 25 Judges in my family.....
To be a shitty unemployed Physicist

>> No.5917777

Oh god, episode 7 is going to be each of the cousins reveal that they were behind the murders, then getting very embarrassed when they all announce their motives at the same time.

>> No.5917779

Parents' love can be genuine and pure, but that doesn't necessarily make them good parents.

And yes, in George's case, he was lucky to have Hideyoshi as a father, otherwise he would've become yet another 'FUCK YOU ALL I'M GOING TO DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU TOLD ME TO ARE YOU HAPPY NOW'.

>> No.5917794

Yeah, Jessica had one of the shittier childhoods, not as bad as Maria's, but man, while stupid people are bad enough, over bearing stupid people are even worse.

Thankfully she seems to be a moralfag.

>> No.5917800

My father would always make me read a few hours of book a day....He timed it...Actually it was kinda fun because he allowed me to read some great books like Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie series.....My father was always really strict...He wanted me to be the best in everything....And he was pretty succesfull in what he was doing, however due to family problems i had to go live with my mother and leaved my father behind....If i could say my father was a diligent worker...My Mom would be the complete oposite....While i'm doing Physics College, my mom and her boyfriend don't give a shit and think that College is for retards....And they praise my cracko Cousin who is selling illegal products on the internet....
I wished i could live with my father again but he is already married again and his wife have kids so it wouldn't be fair for me to join them....
Strict parents are good.....Listen to them

>> No.5917842

Out of extremely limited personal experience, you unconsciously make the association between 'strict parents' and 'wise parents'. This doesn't have to be true at all. My dad was much stricter than my mom, but my mom is much more intelligent than my dad. My dad made me work all kinds of shitty jobs because it would look good on my resume (protip: it doesn't unless you're applying for an equally shitty job). Strictness != wisdom.

>> No.5917851

Agreed. Being strict doesn't necessarily mean being a good parent, if they aren't being intelligent about it.

>> No.5917914

my mom is just a typical dumb single mother who i've never seen work in her entire life, and you know it's pretty much sucked for someone growing up seeing that, i've had to pretty much do everything as a kid by myself

i wish i was whipped into shape because im just a NEET right now with problems finding work knowing if i had better parents who cared about my future i wouldn't be as lazy or careless right now

sometimes you say "well its your fault" but when it comes to developmental shit, habits dont die out that fast and you live with em for a damn long time

>> No.5917946

Yes.Now we can all agree that Natsuhi is the best mom.

>> No.5917948

Laziness can be solved with discipline. Force yourself to do shit. I'm lazy as well, so I know how difficult it is, but create situations where it's impossible to be lazy. It helps a lot.

>> No.5917949

How could anyone deny Natsuhi? God tier mother, for sure.

>> No.5917953

Actually my mother is exactly like that, without the kicks.
It's annoying sometimes.

>> No.5917964

She's a babykiller and still the best mom in Umineko. That just tells you about the competition.

I still want to find out about Mrs Kinzo though. All these tales of loves and revenge and we never found out about the woman Kinzo jilts to spend time with Beato?

>> No.5917970

Yeah. I mean, she's the mother of some rather messed up kids... And she was married to Kinzo! She must be a rather unique individual.
