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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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590800 No.590800 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, /jp/s.

I recently joined teh Navy, and I'm getting shipped out to Sasebo, Japan. Probably going to be there for three to four years. Any recommendations for a future Resident of Moonland?

>> No.590809

Rape as many high school girls as you can.

>> No.590826
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Wield the Emperor's Holy Light as a flame to end the darkness of that Chaos-infested land.
Keep your battle-brothers near, and make your zeal a legend!

>> No.590830

Go to Japanese bars, talk very loudly in english, work as many swears into your talking as possible, sexually assault waitresses.

>> No.590832

I'm getting stuck on a Foreward-Deployed ship, so I won't really be in my home port all that much...but when I am, it'd be nice to know a few things.

>> No.590839
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>> No.590844

Would you /jp/s like me to keep you informed as I go about my life once I get there?

>> No.590853

Go, loyal Imperial soldier. Go, and let them fear your devotion!

>> No.590855

The thing is, Sasebo is on the Southernmost Island of Kyushu. The main Major Cities near my base are Nagasaki, Fukuoka, and Kurume

Not much to do down there...

>> No.590856


Unless you're personally stirring up shit, then no.

>> No.590864

Enjoy your suprise deployment to Iraq

>> No.590865


There's already enough bullshit going on there already, what with drunken Marines stabbing cab drivers and raping teh wimminz. It'll be all I can do as a Sailor to try and win even a LITTLE respect and welcome from the locals.

It's going to be rough the first few days.

>> No.590867

Enjoy being hated by the Japs. They hate military-type foreigners even more than regular foreigners.

>> No.590875


Actually, getting stuck in at Iraq would probably be the most lucrative point of my career; as it is a War Zone all payment is tax-exempt until I leave the combat area.

>> No.590901

All things aside, my main point in coming here is for advice.

What would most endear me the the local population so they wouldn't hate me so much? I'd go and ask the anons on /b/, but I doubt the thread'd stay on the first page for long...

>> No.590928

learning to speak the language is always a good start

>> No.590940


What? There's plenty to do in Fukuoka.

Be glad you're not going to Okinawa, they'd REALLY hate you down there.

>> No.590946

Rape some schoolgirls in the name of Anonymous.

>> No.590957


Already spent the past five years brushing up on my japanese...practically all self-taught from books, audio tapes, and yes (obnoxious as it sounds) from anime. Take away the subtitles and you pretty much HAVE to try and understand what they're saying.

But yeah, I've been trying to learn for years now. I fucking love the country.

>> No.590961


What exactly IS there to do in Fukuoka? I mean, sure it's the hometown of Sonny Chiba and Ayumi Hamasaki, but that's about all I knows of interest.

>> No.591437


It's a decent size city, and just a really nice place. Consistently voted one of the best places to live in Japan!

But being a good-sized city, there's just normal stuff to do. bars, clubs, beaches, awesome restaurants. And most of the good stuff is decently arranged around one main place, Tenjin. Nice subway system too.

>> No.591968

>>590800 I recently joined teh Navy, and I'm getting shipped out to Sasebo, Japan. Probably going to be there for three to four years. Any recommendations for a future Resident of Moonland?

Just follow the fucking rules set forth by the UCMJ and your command, and especially by the Japanese government. People who can't follow simple instructions are why we get put on lockdown for weeks on end. It'd be better to just fry the assholes who ruin it for us here in Japan.

>> No.592005

>What exactly IS there to do in Fukuoka?

Setting of Excel Saga. HAIL IL PALAZZO!
