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File: 297 KB, 513x600, âMâïèZ01a(Æå).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5902680 No.5902680 [Reply] [Original]

Where does Gilgamesh's Strength to be on par with Arcueid come from?

>> No.5902684

He's blond with red eyes.

>> No.5902688

>Herp derp powerlevels

>> No.5902692

Just ignore those threads, they keep the autistic kids occupied.

>> No.5902695

His strength is not on par with Arcueid's the same way if he fought Berserker in melee, he would get his ass handed to him on three platters. He only has a firepower advantage against Arcueid that makes him a match with 30 Arc.

>> No.5902696

>on par with
Funny way of writing, 'stronger than'.

>> No.5902697


>> No.5902701
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>> No.5902708

It's his spaceship.

>> No.5902729 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5902771

I'm hoping they're going to scrap these designs and do Tsukihime 2 with Mahoyo's art style.

>> No.5902783
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I prefer this form.

>> No.5902799

Well, Arcueid's stats are about the same of a Servant 筋力:B+ 耐久:C 敏捷:B 魔力:D 幸運:E

But against a Servant, she gest the power of 2 Servants single entity stats, which is roughly the equivalent of Heracles.

>> No.5902813


Its based on some fag's suggestion that if he wields weapons x and y and rides his spaceship under c conditions, that he could beat Arc. Its fanon faggotry.

>> No.5902820
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Lol no, Arcueid is stronger than Gil. True Arcueid is 100% Arcueid anyway.

>> No.5902822
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>> No.5902830


Speaking of dicks, the mods should also ban people for posting pictures of their penis on /jp/, even if they ARE woefully small

>> No.5902827 [DELETED] 


>> No.5902837

don't tell me you got butthurt because of that.

>> No.5902840

and !ARCIkc4cG6 should be auto delete

>> No.5902842

Q. Whose stronger, Gilgamesh or Arcueid (30%)? While Arcueid has the strength of 4 Servants, I remember reading a scene in hollow where Gil was the equivalent of 5 Servants + a.
A. In the definition of Arcueid's strength, there's this thing where "her output can be changed in accordance with her opponent". As an absolute order taken from her backup, the planet, she is only allowed an output that is slightly stronger than her opponent. So. Single entity ability of Arc to a Servant is roughly the same.

Servants use their respective Noble Phantasms while Arc uses her unlimited backup to fight, and differences occur depending on affinity. A simple-is-best Arc is an all rounder, and so generally her chances of winning are only high, but there are those opponents that she just has helplessly awful compatibility with.

For example, in cases where even if the guy's stats are about the same as Arc, he has a ridiculously large number of weapons, and with high versatility. As the amount Arc is allowed to take out is based on "unit ability", against types like Gil-sama, well, you see?

And the 5 Servants + a is simply a comparison in terms of "firepower". Like with the "corpses", where each won't have to bother fending off attacks from foot soldier level opponents, the one who'd have the lead is the one who has the more weapons. In Broad Bridge, the reason why Servants excellent at one-on-one combat didn't stand out was because of this. Also, for normal Arc, she would get approximately the equivalent of 2 Servants single entity stats.

>> No.5902847


On the contrary, I'm rather tickled that BOOF made the Anon so enraged that he posted pictures of his dick.

Did somebody say, "WORK SAFE BOARD", though?

>> No.5902850

Thanks, now this proves that Gil-sama is the strongest Type-Moon of them all.

>> No.5902851
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>> No.5902857

Work safe board about porn games, heh.

>> No.5902858

but /jp/ is always full of pictures violating that. I don't think is something to deserve a ban. Boof's joke was nice (yet pretty unrelated and thus properly deleted along with the thread to avoid shitstorm) and that anon overdid it by posting a penis. Everything being deleted sounds good enough to me.

>> No.5902862

Lol, too bad Nasu retconned it recently by statating that Arcueid is the strongest character in his major works (Tsukihime, Fate, KnK and DDD).

>> No.5902864


/jp/ looks pretty clean to me most of the time, brosap.
But hey, what do I know? I'm a retarded tripnigger.

All I know is, /b/ is full of people posting pictures of their dicks, so yeah!

>> No.5902869

The Comiket anticipation threads have been filled with H-doujin covers.

>> No.5902881

Yeah, now that you mentioned /b/ I was about to post "It's like I'm really on /b/!" to that post.

Anyways, back to the topic somehow (I hate to post in powerlevel threads but I refuse to derail this so badly like we already did):

I'm playing tsukihime now and I should play f/s n after. One of the things that pisses me off the most is the "fragile yet motherfucking invincible" protag. I know it's something typical and normal in action VNs or anything of the same genre, but god... Is Shirou like that too?

>> No.5902899

If you disregard the hundreds of bad ends maybe.

>> No.5902903

He didn't put Servants in there cuz ppl like you would rage if Gilgamesh was on top

>> No.5902909
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>Is Shirou like that too?

>> No.5902915

There's actually a good plot reason why Shirou doesn' die when he's killed, and it only really applies for the 1st route so don't worry.

Besides, with crazy lolis, messed up priests and penis worms, there are a LOT worse things than death.

>> No.5902918

Shirou works out every day and doesn't have a history of passing out a lot, so it makes more sense.

>> No.5902923


>> No.5902929

What's so objectionable about this thread again?

>> No.5902938

Nope, the top three characters were:

1. Arcueid
2. Void Shiki
2. True Demons

Both Arcueid and True Demons are stronger than Gilgamesh, but not Void Shiki, it would have turned into a mess if Nasu would have included Servants.

>> No.5902973

>>There was another question about "most powerful character in your works"(excluding Servants and Types) directed at Nasu. This is for all of his works: Fate, Tsukihime, Rakkyo, DDD. So anyway, Nasu basically had it like this.

>>1. Arc
>>2. "Ryougi Shiki"
>>3. Primordial demons

>(excluding Servants and Types)
>(excluding Servants

>> No.5903352



Find something else to post.

>> No.5903388
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LANCELOT>1. Arc>"Ryougi Shiki">Primordial demons

>> No.5903411
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strongest on top

>> No.5903412

Yukari can kill Types, discuss.

>> No.5903420
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That blind fuck?

>> No.5903423

Nasu did NOT say that Gilgamesh is stronger than 30 percent Arc. Just that Arcueid has a styles disadvantage against him. Remember that Gilgamesh finds ways to lose in the jaws of victory a lot.

>> No.5903426
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>> No.5903439
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where's your waifu now?

>> No.5903455
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they simply cannot resist

>> No.5903463

Arcueid is stronger than Lancelot. Remember that Berserker-class Servants are the pretty easy opponents for Arcueid. The only beings stronger than Arcueid would be Divine Spirits (presumably on the level of Zeus and Odin) and Divine-class Dragons.

>> No.5903465
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Rin was tight

>> No.5903466

>Implying that blind fuck can dodge Gates of Babylon, endlessly firing. Good luck cutting every single weapon.

>> No.5903480

>>5903455 Sakura
>not resisting
Cue hilarious reply.

>> No.5903482

>Power levels

Not this again!

>> No.5903484

Gilgamesh has the most firepower in the series, but he's a dumb, arrogant fuck. As I see it, that handicap is what really dooms him.

>> No.5903492

>>5903466 implying
Fuck off.

>> No.5903495
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its a proven fact actually, you didn't read the manga right

>> No.5903503

>Not canon

>> No.5903513
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>> No.5903522
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Oh, you bitch.
It's spring.

>> No.5903527
File: 112 KB, 721x1024, Tsukihime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki is faithful to Arcueid.

>> No.5903533 [DELETED] 


>> No.5903546 [DELETED] 

Truth and hope in our Fatherland!
And death to every foe!
Our soldiers shall not pause to rest
We vow our loyalty

Old traditions they will abide
Arise young heroes!
Our past inspires noble deeds
All Hail Britannia!

Immortal beacon shows the way
Step forth, seek glory!
Hoist your swords high into the clouds
Hail Britannia!

Our Emperor stands astride this world
He’ll vanquish every foe!
His truth and justice shine so bright
All hail his brilliant light!

Never will he be overthrown
Like mountains and sea
His bloodline immortal and pure
All Hail Britannia!

So let his wisdom guide our way
Go forth and seek glory
Hoist your swords high into the clouds
Hail Britannia!

>> No.5903616
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>> No.5903653

Again and for the final time, no. He's got one weapon in his arsenal that has any hope of destroying Arc's body, and the remainder will slow her down or actually injure her. She's a higher level spirit than he is--even if he DOES wipe her body, she'll come back and be even more pissed off, ripping him to shreds before he can charge it again. And then she's off to tear an asshole in the remainder of humanity since she'll have lost her sanity and control at that point.

>> No.5903660

why are his hands bound? I can understand his eyes, but how is he supposed to cut things with his arms tied up!?

Oh, and the strongest characters in Type-Moon are the main characters, because they have plot armor.

>> No.5903681

Gungod called. Your number's come up.

>> No.5903695

Ea can destroy the world so that's good enough to down Arcueid down for good yo.

>> No.5903715

>gilgamesh doesn't even have the power to use ea at that output

>> No.5903727

>didn't read Fate Zero

>> No.5903730

maybe for added gar. for example if he gets into a bad sitituation he just say... "well it can't be helped. i have to use "that". Limiter releaaaase!"

>> No.5903737

If Gil ever tries to destroy the world, Counter Guardians and shit will come out of nowhere and start dog piling him.

>> No.5903745

>gilgamesh doesn't even have the power to use ea at that output

>> No.5903751

>didn't read Fate/Zero volume 4

>> No.5903758

Not how Enuma Elish works, not how the Alaya works. Go research it more.

>> No.5903760


>> No.5903766

Alright, out of all the Type-Moon characters, who would win... in a cooking contest?

>> No.5903767

>gilgamesh doesn't even have the power to use ea at that output

>> No.5903773

>then what did he do in Fate Zero

>> No.5903774

I always though that it was more along the lines that it destroys "worlds" like in Reality Marbles pocket worlds, with it ripping appart reality and all. The thing doesn't seem to be able to destroy an entire country, maybe a city, Hollow Ataraxia wise.

>> No.5903775


>> No.5903780


>> No.5903785

>implying he destroyed the entire world

>> No.5903796
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>> No.5903811

>copypasta taimu
"Awaken, Ea. A stage worthy of you is ready!"

Ea was the name of the god of earth and water formed from the splitting of Heaven and Horizon.

The Sword of Separation of that name was itself the primordial sword that was there at the creation of the world in the time of gods.

In other words, the role that the sword of beginning performed was none other than the separating the formless into heaven and earth distinct.

Now, as the sword of the gods suddenly spun and rotated a ferocious torrent to once again perform the miracle of genesis, the golden King of Heroes declared with triumph,

“Behold, the Enuma Elish!”

Heaven screamed, Earth shook.

An enormous cluster of supernatural power was released, causing the laws of the universe to screech.

>> No.5903813

Ea is a reality-ripper device, not a beamspam splits the world a la dbz device. Fake layer of time/space is a direct imitation of existence as it was before planets/stars/sentients were born, so it can rip into basically anything it wants to (the reason it deflects Excalibur's cutting strike). The only thing immune to its destructive power is Avalon, which shuts out all outside interference, including Ea's fake time/space layer and the five sorceries.

So no, Ea's not a world killer. It can just kill the nature of the world.

>> No.5903817

The point of the sword that Archer swung wasn’t even aimed at anyone.
He didn’t have to aim at “someone”. What the Sword of Separation was cutting wasn’t going to be just the likes of mere “enemies”.

The earth before Rider and his mount tore apart into an abyss.


To Rider who slowly questioned the threat occurring below, the momentum of Bucephalus was no longer something he could halt.


Waver stifled a scream at the unavoidable fall. But of course, the ones who were carrying him weren’t a horse or a rider that would be daunted by a threat of this level.

The heroic horse answered to the tug of the reigns by Rider and with one kick from its powerful back legs, jumped into the air.

It was a heart-stopping leap and glide. At the end of that brief moment, an eternity to Waver, Bucephalus once again landed on what was sure enough the other side of the torn apart earth.

But with no time to feel relief, the color in Waver’s face drained as he saw the disaster of the following cavalry.

>> No.5903821

The imperial guard didn’t have the jumping power of Bucephalus and was unable to cross the rift in the earth. Like an avalanche, they fell helplessly to the bottom of the abyss.

The rearmost riders stopped right before and avoided that same fate, but that was only the start of the disaster.

“Boy, grab tight!”

Urging him, Rider grabbed on to Bucephalus’s hair while holding Waver.
As the heroic horse sensed the danger and jumped to safer ground, the fissure in the earth widened and swallowed the surrounding earth and riders.

No, it wasn’t only the earth.

The tear extended from the earth and up to the empty sky, where it distorted space and sucked in air, blowing away everything into the void with swirling wind.

“This, this is…..”

Even the King of Conquerors was stupefied at what was happening.

>> No.5903823

The Sword of Separation of the King of Heroes. Its one attack pierced not only the earth, but the very [bold] world [/bold] itself reaching to the sky. Terms of precision and power couldn’t describe it. The troops, the horses, the dust clouds, the sky, all things that existed in that space torn apart were swallowed by whirling nothingness and disappeared.
While Bucephalus leapt with all his might and withstood the pressure of the vacuum, the hot desert formed by Aionion Hetairoi cracked apart, was pulverized, and crumbled into the abyss of oblivion like the end of a sand clock.

Everything before the swing of that sword was only meaningless chaos,
After the swing of that sword, the new laws separated heaven, sea, and earth.

The released upheaval of the creation of heaven and earth wasn’t even in the realm of anti-castle Noble Phantasms. It was beyond anything else, crushing not only things with form, but all creation. This was the true identity of the “Anti-World Noble Phantasm” that defined the King of Heroes as a transcendent being.

In the midst of the falling of the sky, the smashing of the earth, and the returning of all things to nothingness, only Archer’s Sword of Separation shined with brilliance. That light, like a star of creation first shining on a new world, brilliantly signaled the end of the destruction.

Rider and Waver couldn’t see through all of this to the end. The Reality Marble they were in was held up by the collective magic energy of the summoned Heroic Spirits. Before the world itself could be obliterated, the barrier fell apart the moment it lost the majority of the army, and the twisted laws of the universe went back to their normal form.

>> No.5903827

tl;dr it's the walking equivalent to Lina's Ragna Blade.

>> No.5903845

So... he broke a Reality Marble... since when did that equal destroying the world?

>> No.5903873

i'm reading it that he broke the world inside the reality marble and the reality marble fell apart because there was nobody left fueling it. two different things.

>> No.5903882

world in reality marble =/ world itself

>> No.5903900

don't think so man
text makes a difference between reality marble disappearing and world cracking apart

>> No.5903920

no, you're just trying to make it sound like gilgamesh can actually destroy the world when all he crushed was the reality marble itself.

>> No.5903922

That world that was cracking apart, IT'S INSIDE THE FUCKING REALITY MARBLE.

>> No.5903924

but he can
text proves it
stop denying it by rationalizing it

>> No.5903930

you're not reading it right, you moron.

>> No.5903931
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it has happened before

>> No.5903937

neither are you fool

>> No.5903951

yeah sure, fap some more to gilgamesh why don't you?

>> No.5903967

I must say that the freaking loop world from Hollow Ataraxia didn't ended when Gil pulled Ea at freaking max. So i really doubt that he can destroy za warudo just like that. At best he broke reality in a whole city.

>> No.5903978

right believe whatever you want pal even when the author says different

>> No.5903983

He has buffs.

>> No.5903995

Should be canon.

>> No.5903998

>author says different
>the text tells us that he only broke the reality marble's world, not the world
what's different? NOTHING, you fucking faggot.

>> No.5904011

>ignore wall of text

>> No.5904029

>selectively understand only parts of the wall of text
>ignore everything else
>faux news style of analysis
good game kid

>> No.5904038

>reads only what he wants to read

>> No.5904043

I dunno who are the worst of the bunch, gilfags, arcfags, ryogifags or shikifags.

>> No.5904046

>talking about himself

>> No.5904101

why don't you try reading the whole thing for real and not assuming it's reality marble only?

>> No.5904160

Why don't you read it yourself, you fucking moron?

>> No.5904166

Dunno what's up with you two, what i read it's that Ea pretty much crushed reality and the world inside the RM, but said RM did fell down before Waver and Iskander could see how much the whole thing could fuck up that "World" to the end.

>> No.5904181

i read, mr. i don't know read.
why don't you tell me what this says also

not even firing just charging.
