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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 381 KB, 682x518, bf0c65c3eae32193f65c47e3e5084ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5897903 No.5897903 [Reply] [Original]

What can we do to make /jp/ more friendly? I love you guys but you can be really spiteful and bitter sometimes.

>> No.5897908

Take it to /a/. Reported.

>> No.5897910

Contribute. Like translate something and post in on /jp/. A good doujin would be fine.

>> No.5897915
File: 6 KB, 161x115, friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all become friends and then search for more friends on other boards!

>> No.5897914


>> No.5897919

You're too naive, Anon.
Cherish that innocence.

>> No.5897921

#/jp/ and #meltanjp's looking for more members. You'll fit right in.

>> No.5897922

I hate you, OP, and I hope you'll die soon.

>> No.5897925

/jp/ would be distracted for 5 minutes while they fap, then go back to bitching. Doesn't seem like a long term solution.

>> No.5897932

That's how he shows you his love

>> No.5897958

Then I would gladly accept his love... After he's dead.

>> No.5897979

By not telling everyone when you report them, for one. It's good to take pride in helping the mods and keeping the board clean but by posting about it constantly you make the board seem hostile.

The "secondary" and "primary" terms have to go too. People who call themselves primaries who talk about the lowly secondaries ruining their fandom are hurting the fandom more than the kids who indulge in memes do. If the people who make 9 and pad jokes like Touhou enough, they'll study up on the games and the manga and grow out of that phase eventually. But when you spend a lot of time studying the canon so you can discuss the content in depth with others and see sages everywhere and remarks about "secondaries," sometimes it makes me think "Are these are really the people who share my interests?"

I guess complaining isn't really helping the environment seem any friendlier either though. Sorry about that. I wish we could all just love each other and live in harmony harmony oh love.

>> No.5897987

Just take it easy.

>> No.5897992

/jp/ doesn't need to be friendly. /jp/ does not need more people. /jp/ does not need to change to appeal to more people. Fuck you and your shit. Reported and filtered.

>> No.5897999

Stop making shitty threads, especially metathreads, and we'll be nicer to you. Easy, isn't it?

>> No.5898002

>butthurt attentionwhoring tripping new secondaryfag trying to butt his way into the /jp/ "in" crowd

>> No.5898008
File: 148 KB, 732x485, 1280496447634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ doesn't need to be friendly to appeal to more people, it just needs to be more appealing to the people who already spend so much time here. And I had your post filtered too because it had "sage" in the email field and contained the text "reported;" I only unhid your post so I could see what you wrote, so fair enough.

>> No.5898010

>Are these are really the people who share my interests?
Go boil your head. I don't want to be associated with you.

>> No.5898012

you must be kidding /jp/ loves meta shit.

>> No.5898016

No, and you better not be the retard contributing to that shit.

>> No.5898018

>obvious /a/ fag from /b/

>> No.5898026

/jp/ needs to be more friendly to itself (we used to be relatively so, certainly more than we are now) but hostile toward outsiders.

>> No.5898031

Legitimate solution:
How about we start ignoring dumb shit instead of responding?
Because at this point I know it's jp's retarded duty to respond to every troll that makes an attempt.
How about making more of an effort to completely ignore dumb threads
rather than bitching it out with sage or worse bumping it every time

>> No.5898037

Can't stop samefags.
And trolls love to help each other.

Only solution is better moderation, but we're never getting that, so yeah.

>> No.5898034

I agree op.

>but if /jp/ isn't slow, our raids won't do anything!

how do you op is making shitty threads and meta-threads, if the only thread that is known to be made by op is a good one?


>> No.5898035

I was pointing out it out. Anyone can verify that just by going to easymodo and looking at all the 100+ post metathreads

>> No.5898038

>filtered because it had "sage" in the email field

Wow. Simply amazing. /jp/ has always used sage liberally and you're filtering all people who use it? Enjoy your flood of /a/ and /v/ posters. Actually, with a name like yours, it's no surprise you're from /a/. Go back.

>> No.5898041


>> No.5898043

It's weird that /jp/ was much more friendly yesterday when I made that "Please be our friend" thread.
Maybe /jp/ is pissed because of monday?

>> No.5898048

Yesterday was a Sunday in the US, so you got all the weekend posters from /a/.

>> No.5898053

So basically, this topic is made by dumbfucks from outside of /jp/ who want to change /jp/ into their playground. I'd say, get the fuck out already, niggers.

>> No.5898060

Pretty much as you stated. It reminds me of what Gaia did to /b/ and /a/.

>> No.5898075

no. if /jp/ had more people and didn't sage good threads, we would be more immune to raids.
if /jp/ didn't act hostile towards people just because they are from other boards, /jp/ would have people to turn to in case of really bad raids, or just whan needing advice in matters other boards understand about.

people who want /jp/ to be alone are people who hate /jp/. fact.

>> No.5898076
File: 20 KB, 300x214, 1280049814520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I see a thread I'm interested in that would have a reason for sage to be used in a polite manner, like a long-term translation thread or an image dump, I'll turn the filter off. But in a thread like this where it's just a silly discussion, it's better to have it on so I don't have to see all the inevitable "go away, eat shit and die"-type posts. And of course I'm from /a/. /jp/ was once /a/. We are all from /a/.

>> No.5898082

>didn't sage good threads

Please learn what sage does before you think you know what's good for /jp/.

>if /jp/ didn't act hostile towards people just because they are from other boards, /jp/ would have people to turn to in case of really bad raids

So basically, let in a bunch of shitposters and spammers so we can spam and shitpost on other boards? No thanks. I like /jp/ as it is being the most isolated and elitist board on 4chan.

>> No.5898083

This is why your name is shitposter, shitposter-san.

You're obviously new-ish both here and on 4chan so please, just leave.

>> No.5898086

How about you fucking lurk more and blend in instead of trying to get everyone to change so that you feel welcome.
Also reported for starting shitty metathread.
Go to fucking /r9k/ or /adv/ if you want to make friend.

>> No.5898089

all those "eat shit and die" posts are obviously not saged because they aren't being polite or holding back and want responses, if you filter out sage that's all you'll see

>> No.5898091

>or an image dump

Image dumps are /a/-level shit. Not surprising you'd want to participate in them.

>> No.5898094

/jp/ used to not be such an uninhabitable shithole. Any regular here knows that.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.5898097

I've lurked here since the day of the split, and even when I post anonymously (which is what I usually do, since I only decided to adopt a trip recently to spice up my posting adventures) /jp/ is still full of people that get very angry for very little reason.

>> No.5898098

This please, we can't start catering to every person who comes in here and gets offended.

Whatever happened to the time when new people knew how to lurk in a board before posting.

>> No.5898099

And here's a few more for you. Eat shit and die. Lurk more. You can go back to /a/ once you realize that you don't like it here or you can try to blend in and lose the trip. For your information, most Chen fans are /a/ shitposters.

There's nothing your filter can do about this post because I don't have sage in my email field.

>> No.5898100

It's the /a/ in your posts. We can smell it.

>> No.5898109

Not participate, just sit back and watch. It's nice to see a cool picture you haven't seen before appear right in front of you without even exerting the effort to scourge the backpages of pixiv and various booru sites.

>> No.5898111

Well that's probably because you post like such a transplant that people can tell. I normally don't try to use memes, but just deal with it. You're a shitposter and will always be. Atleast that's what it seems like.

>> No.5898113

And you wonder why /jp/ lashes out at people like you. Perhaps you should try lurking more in /a/.

>> No.5898118

Definitely the trip or your posting style.

>> No.5898120

Heh, it's funny how I'm a newfag who only started browsing 4chan almost a year ago, yet no one on /jp/ complains about how I post, and I see /jp/ is fine as it is now ( not as good as I see in the old threads that I read on the archive though)

>> No.5898124

>Please learn what sage does before you think you know what's good for /jp/.
sage leaves good threads on page 5 while trolls bump their threads to page 0 and fill it with shit.

>let in a bunch of shitposters and spammers
not every alien poster is a shitposter. we.. okay, YOU can't hate anyone just because they are not from /jp/. people who say they came from different boards are not nesserily trolls (even if they ARE attention whores, or just don't know /jp/)

and another person who hate /jp/ and comes here just to troll detacted. drop the mask, you have been found out.

imagedump are a good place to turn your attention when the board is being raided. you are

>> No.5898126

I thought you already filtered all SAGE posts?
Why are you responding to me? Can't filter my hidden sage right so stop whining and lurk quietly faggot.

>> No.5898128

/jp/ is fine. Today it seems like there was moderation for most of the day and the spammers have really lightened up lately.

>> No.5898133

No man, you really don't get it. See, this is why you stick out so much.

>> No.5898138

What is a good thread to you? Things you think are good might be off-topic.

>> No.5898140

okay, enlighten me. what am I talking about? or rather, why am i wrong?

flaming is low level.

>> No.5898142

Actually, your post was hidden because it contained the word "die" and I only turned it off to see what you responded to my post with. <3

I tend to like reaction images, so you've got me pinned there. And I'm also outing myself by posting with a trip. My posts never garnered so much hate when I posted anonymously... But I kind of like posting with a regular trip, everything seems more interesting this way.

>> No.5898145

Let's have less of those.

>> No.5898155

any thread that normal /jp/ers enjoy is a good thread. my tastes my differ from yours though.

leave me alone.

>> No.5898169
File: 154 KB, 1100x1200, 1281320622401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck.
Go to sleep.
Faggots, the lot of you.

>> No.5898174
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1279676317640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really see nothing wrong with emoticons if they're used sparingly. It can be hard to detect the author's intended emotions in short posts, and they can easily be used to lighten the mood of what might otherwise sound angry, given the context. But I know they're not accepted here and I expect to be flamed for using them. But it's better to be flamed than misunderstood, in my opinion.

>> No.5898177

And that's why you're hated.

>> No.5898180

Use your words.

>> No.5898183

Welcome to my filter, shitposters from other boards.

>> No.5898184

How do we hate people who post on other boards? I know for a fact that most people on /jp/ visit other boards. I for one visit /t/ for the occasion gem and /d/ for my needs. My waifu is fine with this so don't argue.

We don't hate them for going to other boards, we hate them because they feel the need to post non-/jp/ shit on /jp/. Maybe you should read some actual /jp/ related threads and see how /jp/ really is. Ofcourse there'll only be hate in /a/ threads. But I guess all you do is post in /a/ threads on /jp/. You're your own problem. Maybe it's time to self reflect.

>> No.5898185

We've had this discussion time and time again. We don't need to go though it again. Just don't do it, man.

>> No.5898192

We don't particularly hate people from other boards, we hate people from certain other boards because they bring the shit from their own board.

/a/ shitposters with their emoticons and anime.
/v/ shitposters with their >implying, reaction images, doubles

>> No.5898200

When in /jp/, act accordingly.
I think it's reasonable to not act friendly to newcomers that bring their shit in here so that they discontinue whatever they're doing wrong.
I don't think it's too bad how it is, once summer is done most of the tourists will leave.

>> No.5898204
File: 58 KB, 848x480, DAI FIRENDCIRCLE 4 LYFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends? On /jp/? It's more likely than you think.
Look at this picture, aren't we a wonderful group of friends?
One of them left us yet still browse /a/, one got tripbanned, one not seen anywhere on the Internet for a week, two constantly have cyber gay hatesex on /jp/ everyday

>> No.5898209
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 1277118613415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people jaypeers think they can fool anyone into thinking they're too cool for anime
>also, dubz get

>> No.5898219

It's because anime goes in /a/. Leave it there.

>> No.5898221

Sup ☕Chen !zXfxhHONK

>> No.5898242

>hurr durr friendship
>12512512512 posts with "ALL MY RAGE I HAET YOU!!111111111oenon"

So predictable and pathetic.
Hope you will go back to school soon.

>> No.5898249

White Ren posts almost every day and White Ren legion is always posting every day, keeping /jp/ free of shit.

>> No.5898255

Hi again ☕Chen !zXfxhHONK, or maybe shitposter-san? Whatever, my samefag detector is already broken as it was since I thought that Saten spammer was just Sion changing his tactic.

>> No.5898256

White Ren posts almost every day and White Ren legion is always posting every day, keeping /jp/ full of shit.

>> No.5898258

I really like to make myself cum.

>> No.5898261
File: 34 KB, 350x401, 1270533889906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your stupidity...This is unbearable.

>> No.5898262 [DELETED] 

>keeping /jp/ free of shit
You've been brainwashed. No one takes them seriously. Hell, they don't even take themselves seriously.

>> No.5898264

White Ren doesn't shitpost at all. Aside from that, if you shitpost, you get reported.You just got reported.

>> No.5898268

The true White Ren is Keeper of!SajuukntOY. The White Ren that you see everyday, reporting threads is in fact a part of the White Ren legion.

>> No.5898272
File: 30 KB, 238x259, 1270843668607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blah blah blah, shitton of useless words.
Give me, no, all /jp/ a favor - do not talk at all. Just stop visiting this board with your heavy autism.

>> No.5898302

I got banned there before I even joined.

>> No.5898326

I think reporting people cos you are hating them is against rule 1 of /jp/

>> No.5898322

promote me to moderator

>> No.5898341
File: 409 KB, 1435x2000, REPORTED 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like reporting what is in your opinion a shitpost does anything. Being a dumbfuck isn't a violation of the rules nor is it illegal. You reporting them only serves to satisfy your own problems that involve a loss of purpose in your life, so you report others in the hope that they will get banned and "make this board a better place." Like I said, reporting does nothing, especially on /jp/ when god damn near everyone is all too happy to abuse the "report" function. Think about it as customer service. Someone who posts something that poses a real problem (spamming, illegal content, etc) is never taken care of because of all the reports for HURR DURR SHITPOSTAN REMOVE PEOPLE FOR DOING STUFF THAT I DON'T APPROVE OF KTHX.

This board has seemed to master the use of "sage," but it's going to be a cold day in hell when we can learn to report properly.

>> No.5898343

Join #bun instead. Now that Jones is dead, #bun would have less cyberbullying and more friendly to new people. Have you joined #bun today, Anonymous?

>> No.5898347


>> No.5898349

Please have in mind that many people use "reported" responses as something to troll, be funny or sarcastic. I doubt most people actually report. (I do, but I don't announce it like those probably joking or being stupid)

>> No.5898456
File: 167 KB, 789x600, sanae_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ can't be friendly, they have anti-socialism within their blood.

>> No.5898473

This picture is like... Nerd in rage, he's at the limit and going to attack someone.
But it's all fail. And his next day will be much more horrible.

>> No.5898477

I love this image ever since anon posted it together with the text "Japanese family drama"

>> No.5898482
File: 4 KB, 126x126, sanae_umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5898494

We should ban everyone who's into NTR. They are all gloomy people who just go around spreading their misery with everyone else.

>> No.5898503


what server?
