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5893863 No.5893863 [Reply] [Original]

If you woke up in Gensokyo, where would you head first?

You can bring one set of clothing and one other item from the human world.

>> No.5893868


>> No.5893873

If I'd feel cocky I'd go straight to SDM.
Otherwise to the Hakurei shrine.

I'd bring a Nintendo DS as a present for Yukarin.

>> No.5893875

If you could resurrect one dead president to bring with you to Gensokyo, who would it be?

I pick Teddy Roosevelt.

>> No.5893874


>> No.5893876

Nice ShrineMaiden tier thread bro

>> No.5893877

[x]jump in the lake

>> No.5893882

Does it have to be a president, or can it be any leader?
I would bring Trotsky.

>> No.5893883

I would take a bus factory with me and become a millionaire monopolist, since we all know that there are no buses in Gensoukyou.

I would spend all my money on Reimu so she has sex with me every day

>> No.5893895

How are you supposed to give a present to woman who has literally EVERYTHING? Somehow my idea of Yukarin has changed a bit after I realized this.

Hopefully, if I ever, despite everything, do end up in a situation where I am to give the Yakumo Yukari a present she will hopefully be a good person enough to appreciate the thought behind the action regardless of what I get her. She's probably well aware of the situation and all.

>> No.5893906
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George Washington

>> No.5893907

She doesn't have your cock until you give it to her.

>> No.5893909


Conquer the moon for her.

>> No.5893936
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I'd probably help reimu with the shrine. Hopefully cirno will come along.
i'd probably bring a weapon of some sort.

>> No.5893941

I can give her neither a cock or the moon ;_;

But I guess I can always give her my appreciation. Not that she can't gap her way to that if she wanted to.

>> No.5893972

>>5893941I can give her neither a cock
how did you lose yours?

>> No.5893985

I would try for the Moriya Shrine, I guess. Something tells me it would better than Hakurei's place, since they originate from the outside just like me. It would be easier to explain my situation and I think they would be less vary of me.

But apparently it's quite hard to get there, so if I don't make it... admittedly the Hakurei Shrine is a good first stop, but something tells me Reimu would just try to push me over onto the other side again. Maybe the human village? Keine seems like a very nice and helpful person, so if I could come in contact with her I am pretty sure things would work out.

As for what to bring, probably something that can be used both as a weapon and a tool. Maybe an axe or a crowbar or something. Either that or food.

>> No.5893995

An experience. There's no way she can have experienced everything too. Take her to an amusement park or something.

>> No.5894014
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>But apparently it's quite hard to get there, so if I don't make it...
No worries!

>> No.5894021
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><30 year old
>Give an experience to someone who's 1'200+ years old

>> No.5894022


>> No.5894024

head off to the main protagonist so we might survive this.
wait why hasn't anyone said rinnosuke yet? he would the most logical and sane and not try to kill you with the most connections.
plus getting to his shop you can explain what all the little gadgets he has but he could never figure out how to use, which then you work at his shop and live a good life with some interaction with the touhou girls visiting once in a while.
i want to live guys so ill go to the only reasonable touhou, a man.

>> No.5894033

I would bring a laptop loaded with Touhou fan work. I would take it to Aya and she would pay me in sex for the risque images.

>> No.5894043

Hey, there are plenty of people who prefer ....experiencing things with ....younger people.

>> No.5894044

>i want to live guys so ill go to the only reasonable touhou, a man.
Why is this so true, 2D or 3D men are always the most reliable.

>> No.5894050

I'll go in my cosplay clothes (silly hat included) and bring a Rubik's cube. Then I'll just sit around in the forest and wait for hungry youkai to approach. I'll tell them that if they want to eat me they'll have to solve the cube first, if they can't they will have to bring me food. I'll lounge around the woods living on the expense of the silly youkai.

>> No.5894056

She's probably bored of everything
I probably would've killed myself by year 100

>> No.5894057

We don't yet know how Rinnosuke would respond to meeting another man. My guess is that he'd get you into lots of trouble by taking you with him on his perverted quests.

>> No.5894067

I'd bring a nice pair of running shoes.

I'd probably go to Rinnosuke's shop. Offer to work there, explain the function of some of the items he has. Acquire some small savings and donate to Reimu's shrine.

>> No.5894081

Normal clothes, and a laptop with a solar powered battery cell and an internet provider that reaches gensokyo

I'd probably go to hakkurei shrine, as it's the only safe place where I wouldn't get bombarded by danmaku on the way. Also, my waifu hangs out there sometimes.

>> No.5894088

>implying rinnosuke doesn't go to the human village

>> No.5894093

item: fusion bomb
target: human village

Let's see how those monsters respond to humans becoming a rare commodity. That said, it's a mercy killing.

>> No.5894095

>Name: Rinnosuke Morichika
>Species: Human /Youkai half-breed
>Abilities: Able to recognize the name and purpose of an item at a glance.


>> No.5894103


>> No.5894113

Bringing a gas mask and visiting Rinnosuke first sounds like the most reasonable plan here.

Rinnosuke coul'd give you work, so your basic need for food is covered because he has to get SOME profit out of his shop and as a Youkai he does not eat much.
(No, there are other males in Gensokyo. They are just plain boring peaseants.)
You coul'd try to sell some of his computers to the Kappas. If you explain to them what they are Gensokyo would reach a new level of technological proress.

But you better watch out for your behind when dealing with Kappas or they going to hurt you.

>> No.5894138

If I ever went there the first thing I'd do is get myself killed on purpose
This thread is reported

>> No.5894142

I would head to Rinnouske's shop with my big bag of cash and buy and sell his ass out of Gensokyo. After taking over his shop, I'll make it run better by actually stocking it with things people like. Then I'll take over Mystia's stall and I'd have taken over the two most powerful businesses in Gensokyo. After that I'll go mad with power and try to take on a Youkai with a rifle or something and die.

If they don't accept my currency, I'll exchange my bag of money for kilos of pure cocaine. Might be interesting seeing everyone turn into junkies.

>> No.5894147

I bring no clothing.

>> No.5894153

Stay in the human village for a while, then find out about how to turn into a youkai (either a magician or you turn into a tengu).

>> No.5894157

Forget it.

Yukari's fucked up the foundations of their knowledge, on purpose.

>> No.5894167

He knows the name and use of any item, he doesn't necessarily know how it works.

>> No.5894185

Your plan has three critical flaws.

First of all earth currency is worth shit in Gensokyo.

Your second fault is to assume that your economical power after taking over Mystias stand is great enough to compete with Mokou foodstand.
Remember, Mokous food is always well roasted.

And your third and most important flaw is that you assume Gensokians to be in need of drugs.
You know why the forest of magic is called the FOREST OF MOTHERFUCKING MAGIC?

Seriously, you are going to fail hard.

>> No.5894208


>> No.5894216

>implying /jp/ has a life

>> No.5894233

Never read Saya no Uta?

Get brain surgery and keep living happy at your own room.
You will even get three meals a day and you won't even know where they come from.

>> No.5894240

what how did you

Yukarin is that really you

>> No.5894244

I'll need a silly hat to prevent imminent death, probably head to the human village.
Andrew Jackson, eh kills banks & indians and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.5894246


>> No.5894247

Whoa shit what?

>> No.5894266


He knows what stuff does, but not sure how it does so. He could look at a grill and say "This is a grill. It cooks food," but he wouldn't have a clue on how to cook the food. He would assume that you put the food in and cover it up, and the darkness somehow cooks it.

He thought a Game Boy was a world-destroying device because the purpose of it he discovered was "to control the actions of someone or something other than yourself in their own world," or something. He didn't know it was just for entertainment.

Give him a computer and he'd be absolutely clueless on how to work it.

At any rate, I'd rather hang out with Reisen. Sensible bunny girls with sharp outfits and killer legs are the best.

>> No.5894306

I bring camo and my imouto, since lolis get superpowered in touhou Im sure she could protect me.

>> No.5894396 [SPOILER] 
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Look for nuclear waifu.

I'd bring SICP

>> No.5894410

I'd bring a whip and sexy S clothes.
I'd go straight to Eientei, and have Eirin wear the clothes and whip me. Feels good, man.

>> No.5895468

Cirno's vagina is so cold your dick would break off inside her.

>> No.5895491

I make a break for the border so I can escape this madhouse deathtrap and get back to sane civilization.

But I'd still be in Japan, so I guess not.

>> No.5895624

Safest places seem to be the Hakurei/Moriya shrines, Rinnosuke's shop, and the human village. Idunno, I'd bring seeds for various plants, since normally shit doesn't exist in Gensokyo unless people don't believe in it. So by that logic the residents have never seen a pineapple before.

>> No.5896621

To Reimu. I'd work for her to pay off my staying at the shrine. I'd bring my sketchbook with me.

>> No.5896635
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SDM. Tie up and rape sleeping China, enter then proceed to rape everyone while staying out of sight thanks to my infiltration skills.

>> No.5896644

Go to the Human Village and get a job.

>> No.5896711 [DELETED] 

I would either find Rumia and let her consume me, Or head straight for the Moriya Shrine and become Kanako's slave.

>> No.5896734
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To Moriya Shrine, with my OpenWorld pass, of course.

>> No.5896737

>What would you bring

Nuclear warhead, hardlined to my cardiac muscles. If my heart stops or displays signs of elevated stress, the warhead detonates. If the warhead is tampered with, it detonates. If somebody rips the wires out, it detonates. If an EMP blast hit it, it detonates. It wouldn't have to be exceptionally large, as a small warhead would easily wipe a house off the map. Oh, and I can't do anything about it. They could torture me half to death and I wouldn't be able to stop the nuke. It's permanently locked in.

>> No.5896739

Honestly? I would move out and become an apprentice farmer. I ofter wonder how my real life would be if I were to become a farmer. It seems like quite a nice job. It can't cost very much to purchase a few acres of land to plant on, can it? Is anyone here a farmer?

>> No.5896740

I'd sit inside and chill or tend to a garden outside my home. Why bother doing ANYTHING when you're surrounded by so much goddamn HAXX?

>> No.5896742


Are you me? I was planning to do the same thing.

I would grow and sell cannabis.

>> No.5896741





>> No.5896748


Yukari can still use her OP borders to put you on the moon where the Lunarian capital is. Then she will laugh when the nuke explodes when you suffocate.

>> No.5896751

I would sell fruits or vegetables of some sort, but nothing that grows on trees. I don't want to wait for the trees to grow, you know?

>> No.5896763

I would either find Rumia and let her consume me, Or head straight for the Moriya Shrine and become Kanako's slave.

For my clothing, I'd bring my SS uniform, and my item would be my iphone.

>> No.5896768


Let's see what smarty-pants Yukarin does when I run in her house, slit my throat, and expire before she has a reason to seek me out. Forcing her hand, so to speak.

>> No.5896778

Straight to the Hakurei shrin for protection against youkai.

I'd bring a portable LCD TV (you know the ones that run on batteries?) or a portable DVD player and use that to bribe Yukari.

Also a piece of paper written in Japanese explaining that I don't speak Japanese, would like to stay in Gensokyo and the reason I'm black isn't that I'm a youkai, but because I'm African so please don't exterminate me

>> No.5896780

I don't think you've thought your daring plan through.

>> No.5896785


Jihading myself?

Well, /jp/ says that entering Gensokyo is an instant death sentence due to wild youkai and scheming Mikos, so I'd better go out with a BANG.

>> No.5896786

Kiene says that never happened. Now what?

>> No.5896790


You, sir, seem to think I want to permanently wipe out Touhous.

According to /jp/, you can only kill a Touhou by hurling them into the sun. I just want to destroy.

>> No.5896802

>According to /jp/, you can only kill a Touhou by hurling them into the sun.
Hide their hats. A touhou without a hat dies eventually.

>> No.5896811

Yes, but they can easily be revived with a drop of tea or a morsel of cake.

>> No.5896833

Then eat all the cake and drink all the tea. That should be easy enough.

>> No.5896837

But then they'll just get some other hat. You'd have to destroy every hat in Gensokyo.

>> No.5896847


1. Steal all the hats

2. Blow up hat factory

3. ????

4. Profit

>> No.5896856

My dream is to open a cafe or inn on the outskirts of a village in Gensokyo. Of course I'd be open to any species.

>> No.5896868

I'll just set up a youkai brothel.

>> No.5896869 [SPOILER] 
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Clothing? What I regularly wear.
Item? Mp3 player.

I'd head to Sanae. Why? 'cause I love her.

>> No.5896881


marisa and Rinnosuke got that horse out of the gates way before you, man
