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5889690 No.5889690 [Reply] [Original]

So. I was just wondering, if anyone managed to get this, despite it being little more than a week after it was released...well, I don't suppose that's a problem in this age, but has anyone yet completed this, or at least started a playthrough? I'm intrigued about this Muv-Luv installment, and wonder what it's like.

>> No.5889795

general consestus is that it was way too short and age milking some money. The day after was suprisingly good, but as I mentioned too short. Everyone hopes that the next one will bee longer. And then were some lol wuts with Beta-ko

and I havent played it yet myself but thats what I heard ffrom here

>> No.5889824

too darn short, previews were excess and unwanted. only thing to see is The Day After which is pretty short

Chicken Diver and the other one is much much more shorter and mediocre.

i ignored that beta-ko shit.

tl;dr not enough

>> No.5889833


Well, I'm wondering what The Day After was like. Information on Rain Dancers and Chicken Divers would be nice, though, and appreciated.

>> No.5889862


You know that the previews touched upon far more than the scenarios featured in this? They showed Total Eclipse, TSFIA, Euro Front and the still unreleased Operation Zero, plus all of this.

>> No.5889879


Chicken Divers is just like 20minutes of reading, POV is one pilot before he gets deployed to a hive

Rain Dancers is slightly longer, a squad defending an area from betas

They have several animations and CGs in them which is not bad to see.

>> No.5889895
File: 1.05 MB, 1040x658, muvluv-chronicles-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chronicles 01's main story is The Day After, detailing the exploits of a female Marine pilot a few months after Alternative 5 was launched; the Earth is totally screwed up, and there's still BETA around to fuck over the surviving remnants of humanity. Actually pretty decent, but is no more than a prologue -- the fact that Marimo is still alive suggests Takeru is a non-entity in this universe. To be honest, I found it fetishistic over funerals, battlefield farewells and last stands.

There's two short stories (emphasis on SHORT), Chicken Divers (about the Orbit Divers as seen in Alternative), and Raindancers which I think is supposed to the "Europe Front" story.

There's another hex-based strategy game, no different then the one in Total Eclipse (ie, too much of a pain in the ass to actually play) but a new story with the same characters in the TE game.

And of course, Beta-tan. I found her seiyuu to be quite cute in this role, especially when she starts begging to be cummed inside and made pregnant...lol. It's hard to take this more seriously than a joke omake which it definitely is.

>> No.5889896


Hm...sounds interesting, regardless of length.

Though, I will be honest, following Alternative's staggering death count, I'm also wondering if any of the noteworthy characters end up biting it.

>> No.5889923


I'm not gonna watch all seven varieties of the previews one by one with little difference in each other on this

>> No.5889945

All that shit was just filler anyway to make it seem like people just didn't spend an outrageous amount for what amounts to a prologue, two snippets, and rehashed minigame and a fucking bizarre bondage/humiliation rape romp featuring a some chick in a BETA hat with boobs designed to lactate profusely when sexually excited.

>> No.5889955

Nico Hulkenberg

>> No.5890038

>Age anniversary game
a prologue, a game demo, two short stories of 20-30 minutes each, a hilariously embarassing game
>Nitro+ anniversary game

>> No.5890791
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That's because Nitro still makes games. Age now makes marketing material for figs.

>> No.5890875

The After Days plays out in the Unlimited world (Marimo never died), so there's still a chance we might see Takeru. Then again I've heard he is shown dead in the manga, so unless its specified when he died we might not see him after all.

>> No.5890889

according to the story in alternative he survived 2 years in the unlimited world after alternative 5 started, so there is a good chance he might still be alive

>> No.5890913

Ah yeah now that you mention it, was awhile back i played Alternative. Well hopefully he'll at least make a cameo appearance in the next part.

>> No.5890978


Depends on when The Day After takes place. I keep seeing the date of October 23rd, 2001 on the trailer, but still.

And can anyone confirm the fates of the characters in TDA in here?

>> No.5890995

>And can anyone confirm the fates of the characters in TDA in here?
what do you mean?
Wil, Mel, Big Mom and all the other characters are confirmed dead by Marimo, only survivor is Lilia. It could be seen coming from a mile away though, what with the whole "carry on the legacy" and all that.
If you're asking about the Valkyries, it's all unknown. Takeru doesn't have memories past the operation Babylon, and since then quite a bit of time has passed. Could be they were KIA or they're all in good health.

>> No.5891031


Well, I meant those characters, so yeah. I see that ML doesn't shirk from killing off almost everyone.

I assume the same went for that dark-skinned purple-haired girl, whoever she was?

And, well, who was she, by the way?

>> No.5891045


Amendment, she was Mel. Still curious as to who she was, still.

>> No.5891079

Indian technician/mechanic, coming from a family of refugees that went to Australia. Bright and cheerful personality (she appears literally out of nowhere a few times after serious arguments between Lilia and Wil, providing a change of pace), with insight that lets her give important advice and so.

>> No.5891085

This junk has a 72 on EGS, even flyable heart is better I guess.

>> No.5891126

You can't really compare a stand alone game with a fandisk of an already established series. Scores on EGS aren't an absolute value of things.

>> No.5891133

>Scores on EGS aren't an absolute value of things.
Sure, but I should think there is still something to be taken from the 27 people who had rated it thus so far, and to the people that even provided reviews.

>> No.5891136

Doesn't The Day After play out 90+ days after the start of operation Babylon or did i misinterpret something?

>> No.5891143

No, that's right.

>> No.5891145

The fact that they charged full price for it, when it is so lacking in material, is just ridiculous.

>> No.5891150

She was also the best character. ;_;

>> No.5891185
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>> No.5891226


Huh, May 2004, eh...and Babylon was initiated around three months beforehand...I'll have to read through Unlimited, myself.

>> No.5891241

How much damage could the BETA cause in the WH40k universe?

>> No.5891265


Well, we've only seen them invading Earth, with regards to landing on planets, but they did a fine job of that. When they invaded Japan, they killed 36 million people in a week, and back when they landed in the 70s, they swiftly dealt with China and the Soviets, forcing them to constantly retreat with tactical nukes being the only useful weapons against thm at the time. And countless more exist scattered throughout the universe.

>> No.5891273

And yet they can't fly... How do they move from planet to planet, anyway?

>> No.5891285


>> No.5891301

unlimited and alternative take place in 2001 oct 22nd to dec

>> No.5891317

Their hives are used to make harvested materials and other shit leave the atmosphere, I guess it's something that warps gravity

>> No.5891326

Once shit gets serious, they'd probably get raped by anyone except Tau. Orks and 'nids have 'em beat on "swarming fuckhuge monsters" niche, and all other races can deal with orks and 'nids to some extent (Even though ultimately those two will probably win the galaxy. )

>> No.5891335

I wonder if earth is really worth the bother. Say that one of those "Soldier-class BETA Venarius" takes one human body to make. Surely they have spent a lot more than the entire world's population just to get central Asia and parts of Japan...

>> No.5891337


remember your MLA class, when hive gets matured, they spit out some unknown shit that flies to outer space

>> No.5891385

I am beginning to imagine /d/ material.

Say, a naked girl gets strung up on tentacles then gets mutated into a BETA

>> No.5891396

I prefer the Rance style: the girl is INSIDE the monster.

>> No.5891407

I want to imagine the girl being awake while she's being mutated.

>> No.5891421

>I wonder if earth is really worth the bother
You haven't played Alternative, right?
BETAs aren't even aware we are living beings. To them, living beings are silicon-based beings like their creators, while carbon-based beings like the BETA themselves are just lifeless material they collect. They are just collecting shit, they don't even know they have opposition killing them.

>> No.5891453

So they don't realize they are loosing biomass? Sounds weird for a life form supposed to be an efficient killing machine.

I mean, just because you think you have no real opposition,it doesn't means you will disregard gain-loss logics. There is no organized resistance to human occupation in Amazon and yet human population in Amazon is damn small and sparse. Why? Because it's not worth it.

>> No.5891463

The BETA know that humans are fighting against them, they just believe we were created, as they were.

>> No.5891499 [DELETED] 

>Sounds weird for a life form supposed to be an efficient killing machine.
they're not. They are collectors, them being almost unstoppable for human forces are just a side effect. Kind of like we build space probes and shit sturdily in order for them to be able to resist who knows what, the creators made them strong, but killing shit is not their purpose.

Don't mix them up with Tyranids.
When do they say that? If I remember correctly, when Takeru gets linked with the Superior, it tells him he doesn't even know what war means and that they aren't waging it. I could be forgetting things, though.

>> No.5891513

>Sounds weird for a life form supposed to be an efficient killing machine.
But, they're not. They are collectors, them being almost unstoppable for human forces are just a side effect. Kind of like we build space probes and shit sturdily in order for them to be able to resist who knows what, the creators made them strong, but killing shit is not their purpose.

When do they say that? If I remember correctly, when Takeru gets linked with the Superior, it tells him he doesn't even know what war means and that they aren't waging it. I could be forgetting things, though.
I understood it that they were treating human like we could a natural catastrophe or something, just because they were adapting to human threats doesn't mean they recognized them.

>> No.5891529

Unopposed, the humans from Extra's universe grew to technological singularity. They then transferred their minds to computers, becoming effectively immortal. After thousands of years of boredom, they decided to create a huge RTS game, the BETA are one of the game's factions.

>> No.5891614

should i be getting into the Muv-Luv series, im gonna read the translated one

>> No.5891783

While they don't understand the 'war' they understand that there is opposition. After all, the BETA themselves are 'weapons' aren't they? Even if they don't consider themselves life. Why would they shoot down flying targets, and attack the humans in senjutsuki first if they didn't understand they were fighting?

>> No.5891804

What do you mean, 'should' you be getting into it? It's better than most translated stuff out there, so I'd say if you like VNs then go for it.

>> No.5891830

The BETA (or rather, the Superior?) was aware of humans, but as a natural environmental threat to their operations, not as an enemy intelligence. The intelligence level of the Superior is that of a simple AI or a robot with advanced logic functions, it's totally incapable of realizing they are mining an intelligent lifeform. So the BETA can analyze humans and adapt their operations to deal with the threat of humans, but they'd never be able to interact with humans, no more than an automated drilling machine can interact with a pile of rocks except to drill at it. Talking to the Superior was mostly just "does not compute".

>> No.5891853

this >>5891830
It's like how we react to floodings by building dams and everything. They understood there was a threat and learnt how to deal with it accordingly over time.
But they didn't get that we were fighting them, they just thought it was something natural.
>After all, the BETA themselves are 'weapons' aren't they?
again, being built to endure/dispose of possible threats doesn't mean they are weapons/killing machines.
They are first and foremost collectors.

>> No.5891868

We never got to see the Creators, the being in the middle of the hive was just another BETA. It was through it we got to know about the Creators in the first place. All we know about the Creators is that they made the BETA for harvesting.

>> No.5891886

They humans think that the BETA are biological weapons but it turns out to be false. The BETA are in fact biological resource collection systems. Once you understand that, you can see how they would make good resource processors but shitty and inefficient weapons that rely on massively overpowering numbers. Figure the Laser-class BETAs are for shooting down meteorites from planets without good atmosphere cover. Capturing humans isn't for tentacle rape, they are just analyzing the properties of the human organism..

>> No.5891930

What exactly do the BETA use for resources on the moon and shit?

>> No.5891936

...and the kicker is, even realizing the truth of the BETA doesn't help humanity or the Earth in the least bit. They'd probably suppress the information because of the devastating effect it would have on morale -- ie, the desperate struggle of mankind against extinction is being waged against an automatic mining system that doesn't even we're intelligent beings, let alone consider us an "enemy".

>> No.5891956

But at that point the Superior is destroyed and so is the original hive right? It should seem like after that, it's just a matter of time before humanity mops up the rest. The given the way it was going with Takeru talking to the Superior at the end, I thought he was going to convince them that they were life or something. What was even the point in creating Sumika as a silicon based life? All she really seemed to do was pilot the Susanoo.

>> No.5891974


Except, well, it clearly isn't. And there's still all the other hives left, and the fact that most of the Earth has been razed and rendered barren by the BETA.

>> No.5891992

But now they have detailed layouts of all the hives right? Not to mention the Superior is no longer there coordinating the BETA. And the Earth isn't that bad. The US is still fine and Australia hasn't even been touched yet right? They can always fix the land eventually. It's at least a lot better than Unlimited.

>> No.5891996

Well, I think of Alternative was the bullshit miracle kakera that needed not one but two inter-dimensional beings and numerous re-tries in parallel universes before getting everything JUST RIGHT in Alternative. The reality of 99.999999% of universes is probably Alternative V and the end of human life on Earth. If you take dimension-hoping out of the equation, Earth is finished, period. MAYBE a small pocket of humanity remains which will eventually re-build into a new industrialized civilization after a few hundred years if there is enough of the planet that isn't a wasteland.

>> No.5892011

A story centered around those who escaped in Alternative 5, and maybe coming back to Earth someday would be pretty cool.

>> No.5892021


Well, compare that to China probably being made lifeless because the original hive and at least one other hive are within its borders, Russia being overrun and the Soviets having to take shelter in Alaska, countless other European and Asian nations being overrun as well, , and with humanity numbering about less than a billion and with only the US, Australia and maybe South America intact, it's not a lot better, really.

And this might be a misconception, but I kept reading that humanity only has so long before the next wave of BETA and new hives turn up.

>> No.5892028

Yuuko says that destroying the superior bought Humanity another 30 years, so it's not probably "just a matter of moping them up". Even without intelligence, there's still a fuckloads of them, they have colonies on the Moon and Mars, a few of these being greater than the Kashgar one.
For all we know, there could be other Superiors around.

>> No.5892039

Taking out the Original Hive just means that no new Hives will appear, and the BETA will no longer make coordinated attacks. But attacking one hive is a huge operation, and just blowing up the monument isn't good enough. Taking out the Superior just means there is now a light at the end of the tunnel, but it's still far, far away. And what if the other hives in the solar system send down another Superior upon realizing the problems on Earth? EVENTUALLY the Earth will be able to uplift itself on the magic rocks the BETA brought with them, but for the time being the Earth is very much a target for renewed BETA investments.

>> No.5892049

Even if 5/6ths of the Earth were no longer inhabitable, there is only 1/6th of the human population left so I don't think it's a huge issue. As for the BETA in space, I only wonder how they actually communicate, if at all.
Well there are a fuckload in space, all they would really have to do is stop them from dropping more on Earth right? Isn't that what they've already been doing? I'm sure the original hive was the most difficult hive to destroy, and how many guys did they do it with? I'm sure if they continued to improve their tech, 30 years is more than enough time.

>> No.5892070


It wasn't just the Valkyries involved- waves of aircraft were there, and plenty of naval reinforcements. That, and despite the skill of the Valkyries, they still all wound up dead except three of them, some of them before the final operation. The hive on the Moon is beyond even Kashgar, and the Moon itself was described as 'hell'. God knows what it's like on Mars.

>> No.5892083

But places like the Moon and Mars, couldn't they just nuke/bombard without any reservations?

>> No.5892094

As someone was saying, it took a lot of shaky conditions fullfilled for the Vakyries dropsquad to be able to take down the Superior.
Although you're probably right on the atmospheric entry thing. It's been a while since I played Alternative.
Since we don't know much about the BETA outside Earth though it's difficult to speculate on things. Could be another Superior will just learn eventually to land-drop en masse so that Earth's defenses can't cope with everything. Could be Earth's pretty much safe.
Let's hope this options are explored in future material.

>> No.5892098


Yuuko said they all but gave up even trying to fight on the Moon. I'd gather the situation is pretty hopeless, moreso than it is on Earth.

>> No.5892109

That's a viable tactic, but the resource commitment to build a fleet capable of saturating the Laser-class defense of a planet (especially ones with little or no atmosphere) with ground-penetrating nukes big enough to take out the Original Hive core and all the other hive cores would probably be on the prohibitive side.

>> No.5892112

If they would just make new material I'd be happy, rather than this spin off stuff.

>> No.5892157


For some reason, and criticise me as you please, I'm oddly reminded of the background of the Terran Confederacy, before it became the Dominion in Starcraft. 40,000 prisoners travelled, blindly, eventually, through space in supercarriers, landed on a planet and expanded from there. Similarly, here, it's 100,000 people, five 'supercarriers' instead of four, and they, too, land on an inhabitable planet. Noting similarities, is all.

>> No.5892173

You know what would be totally awesome? If the remaining hive cores realized they weren't getting orders, and then initiated a pre-programmed routine to select a remaining Hive to spawn a new Superior. That would be a pretty simple no-brainer disaster recovery routine for things which are supposed to operate many lightyears away from any kind of supervision for 10s or 100s or even 1000s of years.

Then we get to the see the reaction of the surviving cast that their epic achievements and soul-crushing sacrifices have been for NOTHING.

>> No.5892187

BETA = Zerg?

>> No.5892196

Alternative is basically a compilation of sci-fi tropes, it's not really that surprising to find similarities in other works.

>> No.5892203


Given that their standard strategy is for them to overwhelm their foes with numbers...yeah, I suppose so, too.

>> No.5892212


Well, there aren't that many survivors of Alternative, frankly. And considering the three Valkyrie survivors are getting their own sidestory, they might end up dead, too, if The Day After and Chicken Divers are any indication. Possibly Rain Dancers, though I don't know if they all die horribly or not. Can someone fill me in?

>> No.5892244

I won't be very happy if Age decides to kill off Akane.

>> No.5892316


Well, they've had absolutely no problem with slaughtering entire casts without scruples or compunction, so...yeah.

>> No.5892376


Well, of course. I myself would like to see those humans somehow returning to Earth.

Naturally, advanced TSFs may be in order.

>> No.5892398

you are now saluting izumi tai

>> No.5892493



I sometimes wish humanity didn't have it so rough in this series, but that's how it goes. I wonder if the authors have little faith in our species.

>> No.5892541

What was so great about Izumi anyway? Walken was better IMO. She has a pretty good cute side, but there are more attractive female characters in the game.

>> No.5892563

i grew more attached to her than any other character with her taking marimo's place and all in relation to takeru
i have a soft spot for misae and touko tho, they're so cute together

>> No.5892698

We didn't get to see much of Walken's personality and as >>5892563 nicely said.

>> No.5892702


>> No.5892706


Shame about Irma, even though the lack of a proper personality could be said for her as well.

>> No.5892731

I think Walken was supposed to be the "arrogant American" but the game handled the character well and made him likable. He was a Major wasn't he? In spite of being coming over as arrogant and overbearing towards the Japanese characters, he was always willing to hear out good arguments and would even listen to trainees in spite of being really far above them in rank. On a side note, Tsuyomi's character really shined in her interaction with Walken.

Izumi was a really likable commander too, but Walken was the type to command instant respect.

>> No.5892758

Walken was supposed to be the "arrogant american".

This part of the game was about 2 differing point of views but it never judged one of them as better than the other.

Heck Takeru felt closer to the american way than the japanese and he is the main character.

>> No.5892782


I wouldn't mind seeing a sidestory focusing on Tsukuyomi and those other three girls that accompanied her after the events of Alternative. They did survive, didn't they?

>> No.5892811

When Walken called Japan a childish country doing things like coup-detats with the BETA threat looming over the world, Takeru agreed with him intellectually, but emotionally, something was missing. The whole point of the arc was pro-nationalism. The question was crystalized by Tsuyomi well: "Imagine we learned to communicate with the BETA, and they offered you survival in exchange for living the way they want you to live." That may be survival, but is it really being alive? If you kill your cultural identity, if you lose your freedom, then it's the same as being dead. There is more to a person than just breathing and eating. The US was trying to seize control of the Empire via underhanded means -- was the coup-detat really wrong?

>> No.5892817

also maya side story like shown in the preview
seriously i thought mana was so awesome after i went from extra to unlimited/alternative but then i played fable and maya > mana

>> No.5892849

Maya was Yuuhi's attendant right?

>> No.5892957


Say what you will about the coup d'etat, but players' opinions of Sagiri are generally...negative, to say the least, regarding whether or not it was necessary.

>> No.5893009

I understand that culture and all that is important, but I still couldn't help but feel like the BETA is a more pressing issue. Why can't they have a coup and all that, once the BETA is taken care of? What is the point in protecting your freedoms and culture and all that if you get wiped out as a people?

>> No.5893217

>players' opinions of Sagiri are generally...negative, to say the least
you made me remember this guy who summed up Sagiri's actions in a hilarious post some time ago. It's a shame I can't find it on the archive.

>> No.5893331

that's right, but you only first hear and meet her in fable

that's exactly what takeru was thinking

>> No.5893791

Anyone have some scathing Japanese reviews of Chronicles? I can't imagine the 11s were pleased with this.

>> No.5893798
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>> No.5895912


The one that mentions the issue with the village and all? Can't find that either, but it was hilarious.

>> No.5896171

izumi fans rejoice, kimi ga ita kiseki completely new remake is releasing end of this month

>> No.5896191

also haruko maniax in sept

>> No.5896236




>> No.5896272
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>> No.5896294


Kjellberg does exist as a surname.

>> No.5896350

So, since Akane Maniax was released inbetween KgNE and Muv Luv, could this portend age making a new title?

>> No.5896370

i don't think so, seeing the amount of attention they're putting into the chronicles series, but who knows

>> No.5896402

I second that YES.

The hottest girl finally gets proper treatment.

>> No.5896607
File: 61 KB, 640x400, beta-superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hottest girl

.....the lifeform known as "Haruko" is unrelated to "hottest girl". Please rephrase your query.

>> No.5896696

oh hey this looks like an awesome ga-
>protagonist is the siscon little brother

>> No.5897557


>> No.5897945


...I assume that's a parody, from the dialect.

>> No.5898020


What is this character from? Google doesn't find her.

>> No.5898039

Muv Luv Alternative Chronicles vol.1
It's been just released and it's a really short story so I doubt she's that popular yet if at all, considering she's not really a great character.

>> No.5898224


You know of her personality?
