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5883670 No.5883670 [Reply] [Original]

Weekly VN Discussion.
Now with 75% more miko rape

>> No.5883679

what about burning at the stakes?

>> No.5883682

Can`t fap to this, bro.

>> No.5883686
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Postan' HNNNNG title screen after completing Shinsemilla.

>> No.5883700

so could you give small review of it, as I'm quite interested in it as it seems to be rather well received. And was wondering what makes it so good

>> No.5883704

Mikos were made for raping. Playing loli-dragon-raising right now.

>> No.5883709

Try not to post spoiler, I'm currently playing it.
Ginko is awesome

>> No.5883723

Aoishiro is not exactly a recent read, but just noticed Ba Rouryuu may draw from Balor. He's a foreign demon with a ridiculously strong magical eye and is the king of a people that dwell underwater (Fomor probably came from fo "under" and muire "sea". ) Not to mention Fomor is easily corrupted into Huor, and Balor to Ba Rouryuu, when you hang around for what, 800 years?

In other news, this Atlach=Nacha torrent better finish soon because I really don't want to suffer another run of EnA.

>> No.5883725
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True. Took m FOREVER to finish that game...

>> No.5883733
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Still Gekkou.

I like every character introduced so far. Anna is Moe. Romeo is awesome. Carmelo is the bet thing ever and the loli was UBER cute.

>> No.5883810

It's not a "oh wow best thing ever masterpiece" VN, but it has some interesting thoughts about japanese culture and did fairly good at spreading the plot points through the routes.
And the fact that every female character has her own route (or bad ending, for the aunt) has earned points with the players. The staff took a lot of time answering questions at the OHP every week.
If you play it without expecting too much, you'll definitely like it. My only complaint was the subheroin routes being kinda short and the feeling that the final route could be better than it was. But it was not bad at any means.
Also, blood related sister as main heroin is refreshing. Sakuya is not the usual clingy sister, she keeps some distance from her brother, but without being all tsuntsun or hating him like you see a lot. That title screenshot is probably the only screen where you'll see that bright smile for the whole game.

>> No.5883838

Sounds good, thank you, adding it to my rather long backlog somewhere

>> No.5883856

So it's a slice-of-life romantic comedy? Any yanderes? (I assume not or someone would have mentioned it by now). Does it have a decent drama level? Trying to find reasons to play a slice-of-life comedy VN.

>> No.5883937

So I've been meaning to ask this for months now, but how in the hell does シンセミア romanize into "Sinsemilla"? Is there something in the game itself (or other official material) to support this? Because to me it sounds like a fairly retarded romanization. I have zero interest in the game itself, way too busy with the more interesting July titles.

Captcha: Edinburgh wommers

>> No.5883994
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Currently playing KonoUta as its something I have been looking foward, just passed the point where trial ended. So no differenting opinions from trial yet. Its entertaining to read aslong as you dont except anything deep.
Akane is pretty nice charactter too, if you like those playfull elder sister types, it's not like after you have been overworking a bit and she appears and offers a late night lunch for you and takes you to a bar, after she gets a bit drunk. Later you have to drive her home and she invites you for some coffee, hey it's not like anything is going to happen right? it's not that she'll trip and force herself on you or anything like thaat

>> No.5884024

It's slice of life with some light horror/SF elements.
No yanderes, but there's some body control stuff.
The question about drama is very subjective, but i liked some scenes, like Sachiko and Iroha routes.

They are spanish words. (sin semilla)

3. sinsemilla 152 up, 3 down

buy sinsemilla mugs, tshirts and magnets
a conjunction of the spanish "sin" (with out) and "semilla" (seed) to mean "without seeds" when reffering to cannabis in a smokeable form. Usually pure bud.

>> No.5884041

Oh, i copypasted the wrong part.
Well, that link shows the pronnounce.

>> No.5884042

>reffering to cannabis in a smokeable form

Yes, I figured this out, but... does this have anything to do with the game? Plus the Spanish pronounciation of "sin semilla" isn't all that close to シンセミア anyway.

>> No.5884168

it's a metaphor to the drug of immortality.

>> No.5884264

Any more games with game over rape gameplay?

>> No.5884309
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I downloaded Remember11 on a whim on Thursday night, and couldn't stop playing until I finished it yesterday, which seldom happens to me. Seriously, I was completely and utterly transfixed. The ending made me shat bricks, but after looking around on the ye olde net, some things began to make sense. I'm looking forward to seeing the translation coming out for it, as it means there'll be discussion, even if it's just a little. It's one of those vns that I'd probably play again sometime in the future, so I'm thinking of buying the PSP version for whenever that time comes.

I'll probably go and download Ever17 later, since I'm one of those extreme slowpokes who still hasn't read it.

>> No.5884323

I've been playing Ikusa Megami ZERO, the gameplay is addicting.
People laughing at Type-Moon for using sex as mana recharge should play this. There's h-scenes for defeat punishment, magic recharge, contract binding, poison healing, divine prayer, barrier weakening, magic rituals and regular love.
It has a lot of monster girls too, so I can't complain.

>> No.5884331

It's Eushully, of course there is a lot of sex.
But at least it's hot there.

>> No.5884385

well in IMs case, its far more sensible. Its like every day thing there, and in Serikas case its pretty well explained too. And it used pretty regularly trough story too which contributes to that too, not just in some really special ocassions. All that doesnt really make it feel so out of place or ridicilous in my opinion.

>> No.5884678

OP source?

>> No.5884855
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>the loli was UBER cute
She seems to be sick, I'll take her to the doctor immediately.

Speaking of Muramasa, I don't think my body is ready for the fandisc next week (and a song single, to boot). What are your opinions on how much time it'll take the Moonland hackers to crack their new DRM?

>> No.5884866
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3 hours.

>> No.5884874

with Muramasa's following? I'm not aware of the japanese hackers status, but if they're anything decent they'll be on it like bear on a pot of honey.

>> No.5884964
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I`d be her doctor.

>> No.5885016
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Replaying Hello, World for the first time in months, still have one route to do.
All in all the game took me more than a year to complete.

>> No.5885347
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Playing Desire. Loved Albert's scenario and started on Makoto's, I can already see why everyone complained about it.

I'm quite surprised it isn't more well known, being translated and all.

And Tina is adorable.

>> No.5885387 [SPOILER] 
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this is me waiting for the fandisc

>> No.5885431

Playing Ouzoku
It's pretty fun but the grind is frustrating.

>> No.5885498
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>> No.5885506

>implying you have to grind in ouzoku

>> No.5885529

I'm looking for a recent/newish VN that has SF, drama, horror, action, or some mixture of these elements to one degree or another. A good story and good routes are a must. I'm not expecting an A+ epic, but it should be "above average" or better.

>> No.5885543

Tina is my favorite loli ever, just wait and see why during the last route. And yeah just ctrl through Makoto's route and stop when you see something noteworthy basically. Her route is mainly there due to they needed more sex for a game in 94.

>> No.5885574

Muv Luv?

>> No.5885596

Baldr Sky has all those to some degree, and Sinsemille here seems to have some too >>5884024 (have not played it myself)

>> No.5885619

lol Spoonfeeding
