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5881614 No.5881614 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

There is an Ikusa Megami Zero translation project

What is Ikusa Megami Zero?
Go here: http://vndb.org/v768

Despite receiving a "C & D" the leader of the project wishes to continue. The has been hacked and all scripts have been extracted.

What does this project require?
-Image Editors
-and everything else

Who the hell started this?
Some fanatic who really wants to see this game translated. But needs to formally learn Japanese before he can actually begin translating effectively.

Why did you start a project with no resources?
Because I'm a very odd person who is happy with the idea that a project has been started, despite it's future looking bleak.

Where is the project located?
An SVN server here.

I'm rather worried about linking to it. But since it's found with one google search, it shouldn't make a difference.

>> No.5881625
File: 54 KB, 586x212, ou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>project wishes to continue.
>What does this project require?

>> No.5881636

where is the retrans interface and the babelfish translations?

>> No.5881639

>RPG looking
I'm VERY OK with this getting a translation

>> No.5881652
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>getting a translation
>What does this project require?

>> No.5881654

Better find someone to translate SubaHibi. Don't waste time for this shitty rpg.

>> No.5881657

Nothing will ever get done if you guys keep spawning projects and not attending to them. Finish Hatsukoi and Flyable Heart first.

>> No.5881665

wait for moogy
its a different people you autistic blind virgin

>> No.5881671

moogy already dropped the project due to respecting the author wishes after realizing he cant translate it.

>> No.5881680

but moogy is a retard so yeah

>> No.5881706
File: 720 KB, 750x1000, 12310391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clumsy guy, your posts makes it seem you're more hopeless than you really are. The Hatsukoi-post format really doesn't help, nor does asking help for everything as if you yourself couldn't do anything.

So yeah guys, cut him some slack. The game's been hacked by some experienced person and I at least want to think this guy is more interested in actually doing something than Cudder and co.

>> No.5881707

I, and probably many others, can translate if given one simple thing: ripped Japanese text in a text document.

The same goes for image editing; I'm highly proficient with both photoshop and computer drawing. But if someone wants me to work on something, I expect to see ready-to-go ripped images first.

Before I spend my own time checking, can someone tell me if it has these? To put it bluntly, I (and most others willing to contribute) don't want to spend time on something before it shows promise.

>> No.5882142
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You didn't just call Ikusa Megami shitty did you? It's better than SubaHibi you know? And yes I have played both. And my tastes >>>>>> your tastes

I could help with some minor things, but not really with translation as my moon still sucks too much and I'd want IM games to have as good translation as possible.

>> No.5882164


Well here's the first script in their list.

I'd be willing to edit the images if you personally posted some of the ones that needed to be edited on /jp/, but I'm too lazy otherwise.

>> No.5882203


The images are also located on the site


>> No.5882223


No, I mean if you personally post the ones that need heavy duty editing in a thread on /jp/.

I did one of the chaos;head images when they had those three that none of their other editors could do, for example, when they posted them on /jp/.(And now JAST owns it)

>> No.5882249
File: 42 KB, 314x322, 1275377459792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use virgin as an insult

>> No.5882253

Potential volunteer here,

I'm going to bed, I've bookmarked this thead and I'll be checking back later tomorrow evening. I will slowly check over and consider things that I actually see links for.

If anything is "need vague help please" status today, then get it into actual specific help status by then and I'll look at it. Anything requiring undefined unspecific help will be ignored. See you then, hope there's plenty.

>> No.5882256

takes quick look on first script
Oh god no, Japanase suck at romanization, don't use the official spelling just use Serika please. I just couldnt get used to the C in the name when I read it first time and with all this time I still feel uncomfortable with it, and in spoken lines its pretty clearly S and not C. And in kana its S.
But yeah, minor personal nitpick.

>> No.5882281

OP here.

Translators are most necessary now, if the project is to persist in any way.


I haven't decided what to go for yet. I only used Celica because it was the official spelling. Before I had preferred Serika because it was more psuedo-Japanese (I still refer to the character as Serika).

Regardless it's very easy to replace all at once.
