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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 210 KB, 807x631, ijiwaru my master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5880633 No.5880633 [Reply] [Original]

What is our name /jp/?

Default is Sakurajousui Kurumi unless someone else has a better idea of how 桜上水 should be read.

Personally I think Kurumi is a fine name but since her name isn't spoken anything else will do as well.

>> No.5880637

Sorry about the long long delay, I got preempted to go out to a fish fry in Payson with my family. It was ok.

>> No.5880641


>> No.5880645


>> No.5880670

ももこ is particularly my favorite female Japanese name for some reason. I wish I knew how to write it in Kanji forms, though.

>> No.5880690

Name us Assclown Buttsniffer

It'll be hilarious.

>> No.5880700

Sakura tap water? wat

>> No.5880707

桃々子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃己 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃湖 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃狐 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃鼓 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃瑚 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃香 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃子 [ももこ] /Momoko (s,f)/
桃代 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃百子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃萌子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
桃恋 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百々子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百古 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百瑚 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百光 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百校 [ももこ] /Momoko (u)/
百紅 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百考 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百香 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百子 [ももこ] /Momoko (s,f)/
百桃子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百百子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
百萌子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
母々子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
萌々香 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
萌々子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
萌桃子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
萌木子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
萌萠子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
茂々子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
李胡 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
李子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
李桃子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/
萠々子 [ももこ] /Momoko (f)/

>> No.5880727

Thank you, my friend. Such a beautiful name. By the way, I'm surprised men can be called ももこ too.

>> No.5880733
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>> No.5880763
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Everything is white. Not simply that what I see is white but what I feel is white, I myself have become white to the tips of my fingers. Everything is fluffy, it feels nice, like I'm part of the clouds.

Ahh, I'm late, my classmates have already gone. There is nobody waiting for me at the door. Outside it's raining.

This is a beautiful game, you guys should download it just to listen to the music.


>> No.5880797
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>> No.5880830
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By now all the students have left carrying their umbrellas past the gate. They all have somewhere to go, they all have someone to see. Last night it began to rain and it's rained throughout the day. The clouds cover the emptiness of the sky.

I don't hate rainy days. Everything is enveloped in gray with the gentle sound of rain. The rain splashes off my umbrella and gets the cuffs of my uniform wet.

Although my house is close by I take the trouble to walk through the shopping district. There's a cute swingset in the general store, new chocolate in the sweets shop, and a pen with strawberries in the stationary store.

Since I'm alone I can take my time walking by the shops. The truth is I'm more comfortable being alone occasionally. It's as if I live inside a jar looking at the world around me. I see the world but I don't experience it. Everyday I watch the scenery pass by alone. Crying, getting angry, laughing, these feelings are too bothersome.

Truthfully it's not that I'm inside a jar watching the world go by, I'm outside watching the world within.

>> No.5880855
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I stop in front of the flower shop. Blue roses ...

>> No.5880949
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As I'm standing in front of the roses a shadow passes by in front of me.

It's my junior from class Shirosaki Homura. Although he is close to my age he's very tall and mature. He's very popular with the other girls, I thought I would spend my whole life and never have the chance to even speak with him. Despite this after several months he unexpectedly started talking with me.

>> No.5880954 [DELETED] 


>> No.5881043

What is this? Ijiwaru My Rapist playthrough thread? Spoiler: all the guys are dicks.

>> No.5881047
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He tells me that it's too bad these flowers are artificially blue. They change the color of white roses to blue. Real blue roses are far too expensive to import.

The meaning of blue roses is the impossible. I tell him that I wish I could one day hold a true blue rose, it would be as if holding a miracle.

Homura-kun tells me he thinks I'm cute. I'm so embarrassed I can't help but look away but is that his true feelings? He suddenly asked me if we could be friends but, I don't understand his intentions.

I try asking him why he wanted to become friends with me but I'm too shy to say it.

He asks why I'm alone. Shouldn't I be walking home with my friends? I say that they left without me today. He says it's good for him because he got to talk with me.

Awwww, look, I'm blushing.

I wish I could be so carefree with my feelings. I feel my ears grow hot, I don't want him to see me like this so I hide my face by walking faster. He calls out to me saying he doesn't want me to show such a face.

He says that when I'm by myself I don't smile. He doesn't want me to feel isolate and alone.

>> No.5881052

I could go for that. The title IS my unkind master.

>> No.5881075
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>Leon's Route is translated.
>Franz's, Lucas', Eins' routes are under translation.
>The translation project is stalled.
>There is no patch.

>> No.5881080
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dammit, wrong picture of me blushing

>> No.5881088

Wait, there's a partial translation? Should I continue? I'm just reading it, even a partial translation would be better.

A lot of people wanted Clear too .....

>> No.5881110
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Oh shit, he just asked me if I want to go out with him.

>> No.5881127


Well do you?

>> No.5881151
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I tell him that he's popular and I'm worthless.

I just can't believe that his confession is real.

He tells me that he's always thought I was gentle and beautiful.

I can't believe what he's saying. I simply shake my head in answer. He says he's sorry for surprising me like that and to think about it before giving him a reply.

I tell him that it's not that I don't want to go out with him but that I'm just a boring girl.

He answers that if that's the case then when we're together we'll have fun.

I would like to have him as my boyfriend but the other girls would be jealous and nobody would want to be my friend. I don't think it would be possible. It would be frightening.

He says again that I don't need to answer now, he'll wait for me forever. He gives me a present because he's happy that he had the courage to confess. It has beautiful white wrapping paper with a bright blue ribbon.

>> No.5881154

He is pretty dreamy

>> No.5881157

He looks like a faggot. Are all the other dateable guys like this one?

>> No.5881167

If I was female I would have orgasmed instantly upon reading that. As a male I am merely rock hard now.

>> No.5881189
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He says it's for the miracle of my existence. He then runs off down the street. Even from behind I can see him blushing, his ears have turned red.

I sit at a bench for the crepe shop and quickly remove the ribbon and wrapping paper. It's a blue rose

That's it, we all have to kill ourselves guys. None of us will ever be this smooth. ;_;

>> No.5881197

>None of us will ever be this smooth.

I don't know man. There are lots of eroge experts on /jp/

>> No.5881211

Being smooth isn't the problem.
Being not rich enough to buy expensive jewerly is.

>> No.5881223

I've never been so happy to receive a gift before. I quickly clasp the chain over my head and look at myself in a hand mirror I take from my bag. It's as if a drop of rain has caused a rose to bloom between my breasts.

Today is a good day.

All right, gonna take a break, wasn't expecting a confession in the first few minutes.

>> No.5881233

In high school no less.

>> No.5881251

>Otome game with sex
Picked up.

>> No.5881888


>> No.5881924


A otome game with a MC that is actually cute and feminine, with long hair and all instead of a short haired tomboy slut ? I'm putting this one down in my backlog.

>> No.5884575
File: 1.05 MB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stare off into the sky. It feels as if I understand the meaning of the ladder that ascends into heaven. Suddenly there's a light in the distance. It seems to come closer. Then a gust of wind tears the bag from my hands and lifts me into the air. I struggle against it but it's in vain. I shriek as I'm caught into the white. I close my eyes against the pressure of the wind.

I open my eyes.

I did not know there was magic in this world. Although I guess the school looks the same as the one in Under the Moon.

>> No.5884631
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Looking around I see nothing but the gray forest. I can't tell if it's noon or evening here. Is the sun overhead or the moon? I hear the cry of strange birds. There are no people here, except the birds there's no other living thing in this gloomy forest.

I start calling if anyone is there but there is nothing. I call again and again. Suddenly someone answers.

>> No.5884641

what a hot girl

>> No.5884659


also, jousui = on reading in name = wat

>> No.5884706
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He has brilliant yellow eyes. He appears to be the same age as me. His skin is the color of chocolate and he's very tall. It can't be, would someone of his age be into cosplay?

I ask what he's staring at, he says he's staring at me. I ask why, he says because I'm in front of him. (He sounds stoned by the way, completely stoned).

What a strange person, to be staring at people like he does.

He asks if I'm human with a leisurely smile. I don't understand what he's asking but say that I'm human. He says he doesn't sense magic from me so I must be human. Magic? What is he talking about?

He says he found something good. He'll get a lot of money.

>> No.5884718

I'm terrible at names, hence why I asked.

We've been kidnapped! Where's the option to poke his eyes out!

>> No.5884781
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I get carried away on his shoulder. As much as I kick and hit him it doesn't seem to affect him at all. Finally tired I give up and let myself be carried without a struggle. He has wings on his back. What sort of crazy hobbies is he into? I have a bad feeling. The moon is orange. I've never seen the moon that color before.

There's a story I remember; about a girl being carried away to another world in a tornado. I don't remember what it's called. Such a thing can't really happen can it?

I'm carried someplace under the brilliant light of the moon. There's a market but everything is strange and full of wonders. People have animal ears and wings with strange color hair. Although the fruit and vegetables they buy seem very ordinary.

This blockhead dumps me on the ground with a thump. My head feels dizzy from being carried for so long. Then he pushes me into a cage and locks it. I shout to let me out, he tells me to shut up or I won't sell.

>> No.5884790


>> No.5884833
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He calls out to people passing by to see the rare thing he found. A human. He calls out to the strange passers by to see the human he's found. How can a human be so odd, they're the odd ones. Finally someone stops by to peer into my cage. He calls the man who caught me Luca (it's Lucus in the opening, I guess Luca for short)

(I'm taking my sweet time reading this, there seems to be a lot of exposition that's important to the story)

He has brown eyes like acorns. He looks startled. He says what is this? It moves but it's not using magic. Luca calls the new boy Evans. He says I'm a human, hasn't he heard of a human before? Of course says Evans, a human is a chemical right?

>> No.5884955
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Someone with a soft voice peers into my cage. He has soft emerald eyes. He's an incredibly beautiful blond haired boy like a prince born from a fairy tale. I smile without remembering my situation because of the sweetness of his smile. He says I'll be happy with him as a master.

Luca calls him Eins and asks if he'll buy. He says he will because he has an interest in something so rare. Evans complains that he wants to buy too. He says it'll be very helpful in his research into chemicals.

Buy, buy? Do they mean me?

Since there's only one they argue over who'll buy me. Evans says it's all right, they can split me in half. Eins explains that if you cut a human in half they die. The three then begin negotiating over price.

It can't be true. They're treating me like an article for sale? This must be a dream.

They keep arguing over the price. Eins wants me for a servant. Evans wants me for research.

Finally Luca says since they can't decide, should they ask the human to decide? He looks into my cage and asks which master would I rather have. How can he ask something so absurd!

The choices are:
Become a servant
Become a research assistant

>> No.5885013


[x] research subject

>> No.5885023

I'd rather be a servant, the blond haired green eyed prince will treat us well.

>> No.5885036

[x] Become a servant

>> No.5885255
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I say I can be a servant ... I suppose.

So Luca sells me to Eins. He's excited to sell me for so much money and releases me from the cage.

Eins gives me a slight smile and tells me to come with him. I ask where we're going. To master's estate he answers. I ask if I can be returned home.

He says that's too bad but he'll listen about it in the carriage. He gently leads me to his carriage.

>> No.5885337

Why is this shit so fucking hot?

>> No.5885749
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The carriage is delicate like from a fairy tale with roses in relief.

There is a place with a powerful aristocratic family of magic users. Nobody would dare fight against the prince who possesses such magical power (prince in this case referring to the son of a noble family, not the direct son of the king).

He went against the demon king himself. However, he became so awed by a girl that he saw in the courtyard that he took her by force. But this girl was beloved by the demon king and so it enraged him against the prince.

Because of that he became cursed with a powerful curse by the demon king. The prince was separated from the people of his fiefdom and locked away inside his castle forever searching for a way to break the curse.

>> No.5885792
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Where am I going? Where am I? I want to ask so many questions but instead I listen to the gentle vibrations of the coach. Eins tells me that I shouldn't be afraid. My master isn't a scary person. He explains that he's a dragon named Eins.

A dragon?

I ask again if I can be taken home. He says that's too bad but I'm being taken to the master's estate. I'm told to look outside, we have arrived at Leon-sama's castle.

>> No.5885841
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Everything inside is gorgeous and expensive. I feel like I've been placed inside a larger more elaborate cage. I'm afraid, I want to run away. Eins mistakes my trembling for wonder. He explains that Leon-sama is from a very high and noble family. What sort of dream am I having?

My attention is taken by the window. The moon is no longer orange but pale blue. I want it to be morning already.

Eins is concerned that I don't look too well. He asks if I'm tired from the long coach ride. Would I like to meet the master now or have something to drink?

Choices are:
I want to meet him now
I want to go home
I want to rest

>> No.5885853

>I want to go home

It's not like we want to be a servant or anything right?

>> No.5885872

I doubt that would work, the two previous times she asked to be taken home were met with "that's too bad".

I say we rest, let the prince rot.

>> No.5885927

Ohh so it's either Leon or Ains... Leon is pretty much a brute tsundere man, Ains is a manipulative asshole.
Pick your poison.

>> No.5886503


>> No.5886635

Oh damnit, Manipulative asshole route here we go.

>> No.5886786


Which choice are we making?

>> No.5888935

I'm not sure if it's lack of interest or people don't realize I'm waiting because there's one vote for 2 different choices. I'll assume the first but bump this one final time.

>> No.5889520

meet him now

>> No.5889529

I want to go home to break the tie.

>> No.5889609


>> No.5889810
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I simply want to wake from this dream. I tell him that I just want to go home.

Eins looks at me quizzically. He says that's too bad. For now he should have me speak with the master. It's useless to try to say anything to him, he doesn't listen to me.

I give up and let him lead me to the master's room. For such a huge castle I expect to find many servants, however we're alone.

>> No.5889843
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I hang my head dejectedly, I've given up already. I almost bump into Eins when he stops in front of a room. He knocks and a voice calls to come inside. The doorknob is gold. Inside the carpet is a lush blue, there is expensive white porcelain vases and ...

blue roses.

I remember what Homura-kun said to me before, that blue roses are fake, they're white roses that have been colored. These are probably the same.

Eins tells me to introduce myself to the master. He forces me to take a step forward.

>> No.5889908
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He has a scowling face, his blue eyes are like evening dew on blue roses. A gentle and deep color but his eyes are sharp and cold. He looks lonely under the blue light of the moon.

Who is this girl? Leon demands. The new maid Eins answers.

I don't want it, Leon says. Get this girl out of my sight. She's a human, Eins says. I see, Leon says. He licks his lips. I feel a terrible itching feeling as he looks me up and down.

His hair is the silver color of a morning star. He has a nice pointed nose and shapely stubborn lips. He looks manufactured by a cold and calculating hand. He is tall and well muscled, this is the first time I've seen such a beautiful man. I thought Eins was good looking before but Leon is so much more. He has an overwhelming aura surrounding him. I feel imprisoned by his gaze but with no desire to escape.

I have the same impression as before, that his eyes seem lonely.

>> No.5889966
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He calls me to him and as if by some magic I'm drawn to take his hand. My hands are warm in comparison, I can feel the warmth being drawn away.

So wonderful! he shouts. I've never felt such warmth. Leave us, he orders.

Eins leaves the two of us alone, I'm gripped by anxiety to be alone in this room with him. He orders me to come closer.

Examining me closely he says I have a pretty face. However, I seem like a stupid girl.

I say that I'm not stupid. That's fine he says, I'll train you. He reaches out and pulls me toward himself and touches my chest to listen to my heartbeat.

I don't know what to do, this is the first time a boy has touched me like this.

Let me go! I shout. You please me, he says. From today on I am your master. You will respect me and attend to me.

I thought he was beautiful but is he worthless inside?

Whether you're happy or if you cry it makes no difference to me, he says.

>> No.5890001
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He pulls me forward and kisses me. He forces his tongue past my lips and plays with my tongue with his.

(yay rape kissing again and strangely enough just like in Under the Moon her first kiss lacks a cg)

I try and fight back, my first kiss is being taken away. But as I struggle I feel something like an electric current in my body and my mind goes blank. Wait! I can't forget myself!

Such an obedient girl, he says. I can feel your resistance giving away.

No no!

Choices are:
Give in to the sensation

>> No.5890007


>> No.5890011

show him who's boss

>> No.5890025

Bitchslap him

>> No.5890027

[x] Resist

>> No.5890343


>> No.5890372


But I don't want my first time to be like this

>> No.5890835

He's a closet-rapist and you have a rape fetish because you're a twisted little hypocrite.
Enjoy your new life together.

>> No.5891005

Give in. You know you want it.

>> No.5891025

I didn't get all the endings, but I was left with a question: who is that girl in the palace? Princess?

>> No.5893401

I am rather sick today. It is not a fun day.

>> No.5895430



>> No.5896331

I have fun doing this and I'd like to finish a route but I'm really sick.

>> No.5896356

What's the problem?

>> No.5896391

No yuri route?

>> No.5896487


It's an otome game you retard

>> No.5896729

Not sure what that means or has to do with anything.

>> No.5896744

In this context, it means "for girls."

(Not gay ones.)


>> No.5896826

Ah. I see.
Well... I guess that's all I can say to that.

>> No.5897527


>> No.5898634

Went to the emergency room last night, they had to stick an IV in me because I can't keep anything down. I'm very very sick, will spend the next day or two at my aunt's. Terribly sorry, I'll get to this thread again later; if it's not alive I'll restart a new one.

>> No.5898745

Oh, wow. Hope you're doing all right. Get better soon.

>> No.5903312


>> No.5903313

I love this thread.

>> No.5906548


>> No.5908311
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All right.


>> No.5908372
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I yell at Leon that he's a pervert. He yells back that I have no respect. I then yell for someone to save me and Eins quickly comes in the room. I run behind him and hide from Leon. Eins asks what happened.

Leon's expression changes from shock to anger. Nothing happened! he shouts, suddenly this vulgar girl started calling me a pervert! Momoko did? Eins asks.

I'm frightened by Leon's rage so I shrink further behind Eins trying to become invisible.

Did you call Leon-sama a pervert? Eins asks. Turning to me he looks like he's about to laugh.

Y, yes. I stammer, but ...

You mustn't say such things. Eins says.

That's right! Leon shouts. Your words hurt me!

B, but he suddenly kissed me. I say.

Leon's lonely, Eins says. Besides I can't blame him for kissing someone so beautiful.

>> No.5908406
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That's right, kissing's not a big deal. Leon says.

But it was my first kiss, I say.

Your first? Eins asks in surprise. Your first? Leon asks. What's with this reaction?

I, I don't even have a boyfriend yet, I say. Or even someone I particularly like, and then, and then. I feel so embarrassed to be telling them that it was my first time.

That means, you're a virgin? Leon says.

He has no delicacy!

O, Of course, I think that's normal! I shout. Who cares if I'm a virgin anyway! Is it so bad that I'm a virgin? I ask.

No, says Eins. Wonderful! Wonderful Eins! Leon shouts. This girl is a human maiden!

Aren't you glad Leon-sama? Eins asks. It's a miracle! Leon says. A human maiden is before me!

Hey you ... what do I call you? Leon asks.

Momoko, I say.

>> No.5908427

Fuck yeah, glad to see you're back.

>> No.5908446
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Eins, get her the best room, Leon says. As you wish, Eins says.

It's late, the red moon is rising, Leon says.

I grab onto Eins and let him lead me out. I'll take you to your room, Eins says. My room? I ask. Yes, the room you'll be living in from now on.

Wait a moment, I say. I haven't decided to live here yet. These two keep ignoring what I'm trying to say.

What does it matter what you decide? Eins says. I paid a lot of money for you. You understand what that means right? You cost the same as 20 carriages. Are you going to pay me back?

He just smiles at me.

(hurray! I am the little maid slave!)

How can I possibly repay? Eins' grin grows as he watches me.

I'll lead you to your room now, ok?

Please use this room as you wish, he says.

>> No.5908461

At least the room is delightfully girly.

>> No.5908479

>Who cares if I'm a virgin anyway! Is it so bad that I'm a virgin?
Yes it is, I want to be a slutty little girl.

>> No.5908502
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I sit next to the bed and take a deep breath.


Have you calmed down? Eins asks. You can rest today. There is a change of clothes in the closet.


If there's anything you need, please tell me, he says.


I feebly nod. I hear a small breath from Eins, then he quietly leaves me alone.


I'm suddenly alone. I feel cold. How did I get like this? This is a long, long dream. A long, long, terrible dream.

I open the door and run. I run through the halls. Inside the castle it's a maze. The same halls, the same stairs up or down. The same shadows, the same angles, everywhere I look it's empty.

I have to escape!

I find a massive gate and push it open. The cool air glides past my face.

>> No.5908553
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The cold light from the ghostly blue moon pierces me. It makes me feel sick. I look away from it and run through the garden. Finally I run through the gates away from the castle grounds.

The carriage that brought me here is gone. I'm encircled by a deep forest. I can't even see a meter ahead in the darkness. My body shudders.

... if I can't go forward, how will I get home? I take a breath, close my eyes, and run.

The trees rustle. I can no longer hear the cry of birds. I only hear my footsteps echo in the silent night. Suddenly I hear the howl of a beast and my legs stop. A wolf? I hear it again and freeze. There's nobody out here that can help me.

Afraid, I'm forced to turn and go back.

>> No.5908627
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I've returned to the castle after all. What will happen after this ...

I stumble and fall on a stone. A lot of blood oozes out. I can be injured, even in a dream. I can hurt, even in a dream.

It's not a dream after all. I've been taken away to a strange world. I won't be able to wake up. This is my life.

Overcome with despair I sit and grip my knees to my face. A gentle and beautiful fragrance drifts by. In front of me is an amazing scene. There's no doubt, they're blue roses and they grow from the ground, these are real.

I forget the pain in my knee and walk to the thicket. I touch them and they don't disappear, they feel like velvet. In the language of flowers, they are called the impossible.

(I just had to look it up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_rose))

>> No.5908712
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You're a brave girl to run away. I turn and see Leon stand before me.

I choke when I try to speak. These flowers are ... roses?

Such unusual things, Leon says. He takes one and hands it to me. I know the fragrance already, I can tell they're roses.

I thought blue roses didn't exist, I say.

I've heard blue roses don't exist in the human world.

Human world? I ask.

This is the spirit world, he says. Humans are from another world, did you not know this?

Spirit world? It's a legend; I've heard that the spirit world is where witches and other frightening things live.

Your face says you didn't know, Leon says. He clicks his tongue in a bothersome way as he gets ready to explain.

>> No.5910173
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This world is divided into two large countries. The devil king rules the demon country, every household of the demons recognizes him as king. There is also a smaller country of the goblins. Leon is one of the noble houses in the demon country.

You're a demon? I ask, then, Eins is ...?

Eins is one of the goblin kind, Leon says. Humans here are a fairy tale.

Also in this world, everyone knows the time of day by the colors. Morning is white, noon is yellow, evening is orange, and night is blue.

Now, it's night, I say looking up at the blue light of the moon. Blue roses bloom under the blue moon. I reach out to the blue rose necklace that blooms between my breasts. It's gone! The necklace is gone. I search my uniform, I find my handkerchief and a small box of chocolates but the necklace is gone.

Is this what you're searching for? Leon asks.

(bastard, give that back!)

>> No.5910243
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There's no doubt, it's the precious blue rose necklace that Homura-kun gave me.

You dropped it in my room, Leon says with a grin while swinging the pendant in front of me.

Please return it! I shout. I reach for it but Leon keeps it out of my reach.

Is this important? Leon asks. Did a boy give it to you?

It has nothing to do with you, I say.

Hmph. He puts the pendant into his shirt pocket. If you want it back, return obediently to the castle. He smacks his lips in amusement. You will serve my needs every day, when you quietly obey then I'll give you back your precious thing.

Really? I ask. I have no idea where I am in this world of spirits.

Leon sees right through me. Either way, he says, you have nowhere to go.

I don't know how to return home, I say.

There's a gate connecting the spirit world with the human world. However you'll be turned away at the gate.

>> No.5910289
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What will you do, will you search for the gate alone? Leon asks.

It's as he says, as terrible as it may be. I silently nod to him.

Then return to your room, Leon says.

Before you go to your room have Eins heal you, Leon says. He turns away into the garden. The blue roses bloom like phantoms.

I lose my way in the maze of corridors in the castle.

Eins is waiting for me in my room. He sees my injured knee and in a twinkle the wound is healed. He leaves and I crumble onto the bed and stare at the patterns of the ceiling until I fall asleep.

>> No.5910297

This story is quickly becoming Beauty and the Beast

>> No.5910354
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The moon shines white through the curtains. The sparrows flutter about but they're unlike normal sparrows, they're an ultramarine color. The fog of my mind lifts, I'm lost in the world of spirits. Yesterday was reality after all.


I sit on the bed and straighten my hair. I slept in my uniform, my body is sore, my uniform is wrinkled. Eins said something about a change of clothes. I search my room. I didn't think about it before but this room is extravagant. The furniture is fine quality, the feel of the sheets is amazingly good.

There is a knock and the door opens. Eins says good morning. What's the purpose of knocking if you don't wait for a reply?

You didn't have a bath before sleeping last night, you may use the one indoors. Please prepare a change of clothes.

(there's an interesting exchange going on here between Eins and Momoko that doesn't translate too well. He says he's just a servant and nobody important and asks her to speak to him normally, in other words to drop the polite -masu form she's speaking to him in for a direct form, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense outside Japan)

>> No.5910364
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It's pretty cute watching her struggle to speak in the plain form.

It's also a rather friendly form of speech. He's reminding her that they're equals in the house, both just servants, but he's also basically asking her to speak to him on friendly terms.

>> No.5910386

wait wat
I thought it was Devils and Demons, with Devils being more powerful than Demons.

>> No.5910415
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There's a change of clothes left on the bed when I return; but what am I supposed to do about underwear?

I search the closet and find underwear. Who prepared this room? All the underwear is white. Who's hobby was it to collect underwear? Leon? Is he interested in pure white underwear? He's a strange man.

Ah! My, my change of clothes is ....

There's an odd sensation on my inner thigh as I walk. Are clothes like this normal for this world? It's such an indecent appearance.

>> No.5910443
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I knock on Leon's door, when he says enter I open the door halfway and peer in.

What are you doing, come in, Leon says.


Why are you hesitating, come in, Eins says.

Eins pries the door open and forcibly takes me into the middle of the room.


>> No.5910449
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Since everyone will probably want a clear shot.

>> No.5910451

please be threesomes tiem nao?

>> No.5910469
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Ohh, Leon says.

Hmmm, Eins says.

What will I do, I don't even know how to move in this. How do I move my hands, how do I walk?

Oh ho, Leon says.

Rather nice, Eins says. How is this rather nice?? I'm trying very hard to pull the hem down and rubbing my legs together in embarrassment. I've never worn a skirt so short before. If I bend over even a little you can see my underwear

(bad news for you hon, you don't even need to bend over ...)

And it's the first time I've warn something with the top of my chest exposed. If I bend over you'll see my cleavage.

Oh ho, Leon says.

Hmmm, Eins says.

I don't want them staring.

>> No.5910529
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They both laugh.

Good job on the design Leon, Eins says. I thought she would refuse.


I'm glad I reconsidered, it's a great success, Leon says.

The other maids all refused to wear it, Eins says.

You did this to me! I shout

Something wrong with it? Leon asks, it's a good design, it's cute and indecent.

Could it be, all the other maids were forced to wear this outfit so they ran away!

I'm going to change! I shout. I refuse to wear this!

They're making me look stupid. I just don't know anything about this world.

Oh, you going to quit then? Leon says. Grinning broadly he removes my necklace from his pocket.

Last night you said if I served you you would return that, I say.

Wearing those clothes is part of your service to me, he says. If you don't like it then get out.

Right now I think about really giving up my necklace. I remember Homura-kun, he gave it to me as a present for confessing, then said it's for the miracle of my existence.

He was smiling. I can't give up now.

Besides I know that if I were to leave I'd have to come back. I can't go through that forest alone.

Will you quit then? Or will you serve me.

I'll serve, I say.

>> No.5910539


She's doing all of this for a fucking necklace? What a dumb bitch

>> No.5910562

I lol'd.

>> No.5910566

What a fucking prick.

>> No.5910589
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I'm so miserable.

Well then, Eins says. I'll teach you about the castle.

Ok, I say. I follow him out into the corridor.

May I ask a question, I say. This underwear is it Leon-sama's hobby?

Hmm, I'd say so, Eins says.

I knew it, he's a pervert. How am I supposed to take care of someone like him?

Ahh, I should say, he's quick to add. In this world white is a royal color.

White is a beautiful color.

Well, black on the outside is for protection and a sign of royalty but women in the world of spirits still prefer white underwear.

I see, I say.

Leon-sama always dreamed of having an obedient woman wear white underwear. He's a romantic.


(what a strange conversation)

>> No.5910598

she also can't leave the forest alone. She really does have nowhere else to go. The necklace is important but so is the fact that she can't leave anyway.

>> No.5910635

I'll continue tomorrow, tired.

>> No.5911588

Just curious, does this game have bad ends?

>> No.5912577

Probably. There were bad endings in Under the Moon

>> No.5915095


>> No.5915113

I hope there is a haruma end

>> No.5915808
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Sorry, today I was having very much fun with cosumiku bureiku
