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File: 400 KB, 640x803, bunny_dakimakura_by_caidychen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5876260 No.5876260 [Reply] [Original]

Why does hugging one of these things feel comforting?

>> No.5876265

Like a pillow what do you expect?

>> No.5876268

Because I'm Batman.

>> No.5876273


...why is it more comforting to hug one than a regular pillow.

>> No.5876272
File: 269 KB, 364x224, 10mq2k9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.5876280

Why are dakimakura always so fucking lewd?
I hate that shit

>> No.5876286

it feels so good because it's your waifu

>> No.5876289


At least she's not naked.

>> No.5876290

This one is pretty softcore though.

>> No.5876321


I'm afraid to hug mine because of that reason. Since I have such strong feelings for Bern, the minute I hug the thing my next impulse is to fuck it. And I don't want to do that.

>> No.5876329

Obey to your desires and hump your dakimakura, it's awwright.

>> No.5876337

I whisper to my Satoko dakimakura while I hug her at night and call her my precious imouto and kiss her. It's the best time of day.

>> No.5876370

I walked past one today while shopping for groceries, it was Miku Hatsune, she was completely clothed and not even in a sexual position.

I thought to myself "what's the point?".

>> No.5876373


That seems a bit too weird, even for me. And I woke up from a nightmare to roll over and take comfort in the fact that Bern was lying next to me.

I don't sleep on my side, so I prop her up so she's turned towards me and put my arm around her whenever I go to bed.

>> No.5876381

I also dislike how dakimakura are lewd. I'm very interested in getting one but only if it's decent. I feel like having my waifu in such a position is really almost degrading.

>> No.5876416

why don't you guys make your own then?
its doable, I remember seeing a guide on that a while back.

>> No.5876437
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>this board

>> No.5876446
File: 86 KB, 720x540, 26693_439251125637_553970637_6325737_7570074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem isn't the print, it's finding a suitable image to get on one, according to them.

I'd say just draw your own, but meh. Bern looks fine to me, not really that lewd.

>> No.5876450


There's no good Suika pictures that would fit on one.

>> No.5876453

Welcome to /jp/, faggot.

>> No.5876500

well what would you consider good?

>> No.5876519

Well, one that looks like it goes on the pillow naturally. Most of the one's I have of her are her in an awkward position that literally wouldn't fit on the pillow unless some horrible resizing occurred.

Also, this is just me, but I wouldn't want a lewd picture of Suika on a body pillow.

>> No.5876522


Not naked, lewd, or looking sexy in any way I would think.

>> No.5876566

If I ever got a dakimakura, I'd like to get multiple pillowcases with mai waifu in different outfits so I can dress her up for different occasions etc. I guess I'd have to custom print them myself or something.

>> No.5876602


Would Suika even fit on a body pillow as her natural size? She's really small.

Probably just me wanting 1/1 scale dakimakura covers for any girl that gets printed on one.

>> No.5876695

I'm not sure. I thought she was anywhere from 4 to 5 feet.

What I meant in that comment you replied to was that there are too few images of Suika that would look good on a body pillow. I've seen like 3 or 4 that have a decent body pillow pose, but they have some stuff in the background or are too lewd.

>> No.5876720


Yeah, that's tiny. Suika's about as tall as a small child.

>> No.5879769

I want a Bern dakimakura so bad.

But if my parents are extremely homophobic and if they find out I'm a lesbian, I'm screwed.

>> No.5879800
File: 381 KB, 600x1500, 66541cf3cd90fb2e0c2f1ed8e35e415b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had one of these. I would like one though, too bad I'll never be able to though

>> No.5879810

If you just want to hug something, I hear Hot Topic has Edward Cullen dakimakura.

>> No.5879844

No thank you.

>> No.5879866

I'd love to wake up in such a bunny.

>> No.5879874

I am not going to google this to find out. You're lying.

>> No.5879878
File: 308 KB, 324x898, Suika_pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"no good suika pictures for a pillow"..

I don't think so, Tim

>> No.5879879

Tell them that it's not gay if it's a fictional character.

>> No.5879896

Ah, just shut it, you fags. If you really won't hit that bunny there is something wrong with you.

>> No.5879899

Who bumped this? Anyway, after browsing easymodo for a bit, I've found out there's a semi official Suika dakimakura. Can anyone post it?


>Dress unbuttoned
>Blue background and mini suikas

I'm the guy you were quoting. That's pretty much exactly what I meant by "no good". If I were to get one, I'd get one of her where she's fully clothed, I respect and like her too much to do otherwise(Yes, I realize how strange this might sound to normalfriends).

>> No.5879927
File: 192 KB, 800x1300, 1279448277069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves Reisen.

>> No.5880025


I won't allow it because it's Bern. She's mine. I already know my parents would look down on such a thing, so I have several hiding places in my room for the thing...my only trouble now is moving it out at the end of the month. I could always throw away the body pillow and order a new one at the end of the month (it was only 10 bucks), but for now the thing sits under my bed or in a trunk. I'm still very apprehensive about sleeping with her because as I mentioned...I have a REALLY strong urge to fuck it whenever I lay down next to her.


If you wouldn't fuck that bunny in every way you know of and then proceed to find new ways, something's wrong with you.

>> No.5880059


Nice stealth saging

Also, I would not touch her as my heart belongs to someone else, and if you would, you are not faithful to your waifu ;_;

>> No.5880099

No. Bern is mine, has been mine, will always be mine.
Don't you dare try to take my waifu away from me. She's a lesbian anyway, so she wouldn't want to be with you.

>> No.5880100
File: 317 KB, 800x800, Recol - 自分で塗ってみた.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't know I was stealth-saging, but oh well.

Also, I would never actually touch Reisen unless I was attempting to build a harem, but I'm fine with my one and only mistress. That doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to THINK about some of the Touhous, does it? I can look at Reisen and say "look at that sexy bunny" or whatever, but so long as I remain faithful to Bern, no harm no foul.

>> No.5880108
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Stay away from her. Mine. Not a lesbian...I will yield that she's bi, though.

>> No.5880129
File: 212 KB, 943x919, 5699469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just TRY and keep me away from her. Though let me warn you, you may end up losing an arm or two in the process.

>> No.5880139


Pistols at dawn? You want me to get ahold of the Love Demons so we can make this official?

>> No.5880144
File: 529 KB, 700x987, 1275178882852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy Eirin > stupid bunnygirls

>> No.5880155
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Heck yeah. I won't lose. No matter what.

>> No.5880160


Neither will I.

>> No.5880199

We'll see about that.

>> No.5880209

Bern is Lambda's waifu and only Lambda's. You two losers don't deserve her.

>> No.5880262


LAMBDA NEEDS TO GO DIE IN A HOLE. If she wants in on this contest, fine...but she can't use magic of certainty to guarantee a victory.
