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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 499x348, burn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5873855 No.5873855 [Reply] [Original]

Ah Japan, remember, remember this wonderful device that made you surrender?

>> No.5873864

how many is that now? I bet my bother $10 it will be >20

>> No.5873866
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>> No.5873880
File: 122 KB, 532x401, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All but 65 years ago nearly to the day. Face it, your culture is the sickened bastardization of ours. Your world would have been so much better if Perry never came. We took you out of pajamas and made you something. You took our boys in Hawaii, and this is what you get. Oh the world you thought you could have had.

>> No.5873894

Remember when America got owned hard by Vietnam 40 years ago? Good times.

>> No.5873896

Are there any hiroshima/nagasaki vids on nico if there are what are the comments like?

>> No.5873899

No one on /jp/ is Japanese, nor even likes the Japanese.
Go to the Gaiaonline anime board.

>> No.5873902

babbys first troll

good luck trolling the japanese here

oh wait..

>> No.5873905

whats with all the bomb threads today? ive literally ran out of scathing intelligent witty remarks to reply to them with

>> No.5873912

>hurrr durrr

>> No.5873915

Black humor at it's best! Keep it on, /jp/!

>> No.5873918

Keep responding, guys. That'll teach him.

>> No.5873927

>>Remember when America kicked Vietnam's ass hard 40 years ago? Good times!


>> No.5873932

you too

>> No.5873935

No one gives a shit about nuked Japan threads, brolly.
I'm quite sure most of /jp/ gets buttangry on threads like "you're a nerd and will never fuck a girl" though.

>> No.5873946


And the real irony is that Japan was still armed 5x times better than Vietnam and STILL surrendered. The kicker for the whole thing is just that. They take the proudest group of the Sinosphere and make them SURRENDER!

>> No.5873974

Pretty much all the countries that America went to war with were better armed than Vietnam.

>> No.5873979

I doubt mexico was better armed than Vietnam.

>> No.5873989
File: 247 KB, 576x720, uh copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, you mean making them realize this?

>> No.5873996

How's that supposed to make me angry?
Most people in general are ugly as shit.

>> No.5873997

>claim /jp/ doesn't care about Japan or WW2
>15 responses, only a few of them are OP samefagging

Just when you thought /jp/ sucked, it gets worse.

>> No.5873998

Nobody here reads Jump. Try /a/.

>> No.5874004

Maybe because people from /b/ keep coming here and misunderstanding. Even if we don't care about Japan, it's annoying to see these retards.

>> No.5874005
File: 31 KB, 335x475, mtv-films-present-better-luck-tomorrow-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe they would have better luck going back to the Old Edo Period? Pic title related.

>> No.5874013


Thank you so fucking much /jp/ I haven't laughed this hard since Yukio Mishima!

>> No.5874019

Who? Go back to /b/.

>> No.5874042

yeah but if you reply at all it means youve been trolled to the core because you love japan so much

>> No.5874045

Did something American break or mess up?

>> No.5874057

Ya! It's called Yamato.

>> No.5874088


Unless you count "latest Russian planes, tanks and anti-aircraft weaponry" in the same vein as "badly armed".

We couldn't just go flatten Hanoi and win, for example, because they were defending it with MiG-21s and SAM installations out the ass. And of course being a proxy war for US vs USSR, if the US resorted to nukes to get shit done then things could have gotten ugly fast.

Even so, Vietnam was a loss more because of the massively negative public opinion than anything (which in turn elected a president that pulled out), which was not helped by things such as the Draft and hippy flower-power stuff going on at the time. Kinda similar to Obama following Bush actually, only the Iraq war is much closer to a win than 'nam.. everything we set out to do was accomplished.. get rid of Saddam's government and put in a democratic state. No one said that the place was going to be peaceful and pristine instantly, but in another 20-50 years Iraq will be a powerful ally in the Mid East, due to having a pro-US gov installed, as long as it holds the way it is.

>> No.5874110

>>but in another 20-50 years Iraq will be a powerful ally in the Mid East, due to having a pro-US gov installed, as long as it holds the way it is.

I take it back, THIS is the best laugh I have had in years!

>> No.5874133

>Iraq will be a powerful ally in the Mid East, due to having a pro-US gov installed

Because that strategy has worked SO well for us in the past.

>> No.5874142


>in another 20-50 years Iraq will be a powerful ally in the Mid East, due to having a pro-US gov installed, as long as it holds the way it is.

hahaha, oh fucking wow

>> No.5874160


South Korea and Japan seem to be pretty important allies for us, and we totally did not install their governments, right?

Who gives a shit what their idiotic public thinks; their governments are under our thumb, and Yukio Hatoyama getting owned a few months ago over being unable to move Futenma Air Base off Okinawa (a promise that helped him get elected) is proof of that control.

>> No.5874198


A control that will ultimately backfire. The whole of the Sinosphere REEKS of pre-Pearl Harbor planning.

>> No.5874214


>> No.5874216


You guys are fucking idiots, he's right. Iraq especially.

The U.S is pouring in countless dollars into their infrastructure, military etc, and it doesn't matter what the public thinks, as long as the government is still subservient to their benefactors, which they are. Because guess what, some sweet (for the US) oil deals have already been struck out of Iraq, and hence many see that as the real reason for the war... and now it turns out that there are trillions of dollars of mineral reserves in Afghanistan, but they will need infrastructure to mine it out.. guess who's going to go over there and help them get it? Then again, I wouldn't expect /jp/ NEETs who don't know jack shit about the world outside their house, and 15 year old /b/tards who don't know jack shit about anything, to be able to execute those things called "observation" and "logic".

>> No.5874238

South Koreans hold their noses because they still need you thanks to Best Korea sticking around.

Post-WW2 Japan and Germany are the two countries where shit like that could actually work, since they had a culture that forced obedience and respect for strength. The reasoning went: they beat us, therefore they're stronger, therefore they're superior, therefore we must listen to them.

Middle East is the exact opposite of that. Look at Iran, it was actually controlled by US for about 20 years, see where it got us.

>> No.5874254
File: 115 KB, 412x680, Koreans_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it'll backfire for the Japanese more than anyone. If the US magically pulled out all influence from the zone (which is what the Chinese want), then Japan will have hell to pay from the Koreas and China over that whole Imperial dominance gig. Which yes, they are still very "HE MAD" about.

The US would be able to defend itself quite well from Chinese attack, considering that the civilian populace could stage pretty much the most epic guerilla war history has ever seen thanks to the 2nd amendment.. the only question is could the US break China? Probably not. Both countries are too big and too far from each other to chew out, without going nuclear and just fucking up everything for everyone.

>> No.5874263


Hello poster! My God, I didn't know there was still reason left on 4chan, let alone /jp/! I and what collective GOOD brain cells that are left in the human race thank you!

>> No.5874276


This...this image! Thank you! (tears) just...thank you! :)

>> No.5874291

>the civilian populace could stage pretty much the most epic guerilla war history has ever seen thanks to the 2nd amendment

Ha ha ha, you must be joking.

You don't need guns to start a guerilla warfare. Guns can be stolen off the occupation forces.

You need lots of fit, brave, resillient people to fight. Not fatasses who need an entire arsenal of guns to feed their ego and feel safe.

>> No.5874293

OP's pic isn't one of the Soviet Army in Manchuria.

>> No.5874325
File: 111 KB, 576x720, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah! So to put it in weeaboo parlance, instead of looking forward to the top pic, they should look forward to the bottom pic?

>> No.5874345
File: 10 KB, 207x224, 1216178172204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same thread gets posted once a day by a /b/tard
>/jp/(old /b/) ignores the threads like usual
>Some genius comes along and posts it today
>It gets 40 replies
>My face

>> No.5874371

I suppose you think >my face when, hilarious reaction image and greentext makes you superior to OP and those pesky newfags of /jp/ replying to him, right?

>> No.5874384


Despite the thread being started by a braindead troll (as more are sure to follow), this is the one day of the year where we basically are inclined to think about this.. it's hard to avoid the subject, the memorials are in the news, and if you are watching their TV, the Japanese take this subject very seriously (for obvious reasons) and hence are talking up a storm about it.

>> No.5874399
File: 25 KB, 209x242, mm..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the /b/tard...he says thank ya!

>> No.5874421

It's CurryButt guys. Carry on. Also, you guys are still bumping this shit? Dammit /jp/.

>> No.5874441

>>my face when Currybutt is still owning nerds as Anon

>> No.5874444


And to "Remember, remember that day, the 2nd of September, that day they had to take it in the ass and surrender, surrender to the glory that is America's big hard member...good night folks drive safely!

Beck doesn't have shit on this!

>> No.5874457
File: 46 KB, 440x500, 1280699226500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
