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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5872317 No.5872317 [Reply] [Original]


>A non-neutral Internet means that companies like AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and Google can turn the Net into cable TV and pick winners and losers online. A problem just for Internet geeks? You wish. All video, radio, phone and other services will soon be delivered through an Internet connection.
>Ending Net Neutrality would end the revolutionary potential that any website can act as a television or radio network. It would spell the end of our opportunity to wrest access and distribution of media content away from the handful of massive media corporations that currently control the television and radio dial.

>So the Google-Verizon deal can be summed up as this: "FCC, you have no authority over us and you're not going to do anything about it. Congress, we own you, and we'll get whatever legislation we want. And American people, you can't stop us.

>This Google-Verizon deal, this industry-captured FCC, and the way this is playing out is akin to the largest banks and the largest hedge funds writing the regulatory policy on derivative trading without any oversight or input from the public, and having it rubber stamped by the SEC. It's like BP and Halliburton ironing out the rules for offshore oil drilling with no public input, and having MMS sign off.

Ok look, I don't care whether you are a fucking liberal or conservative. I don't care if you are black or white. I don't care if you are a summerfag, lol-legionfag, normalfag, or selfproclaimed oldfag. I don't care if you are XX or XY. YOU ALL USE THE INTERNET!

Get the fuck up and realize that the Corporations can't keep fucking us over!
It's time. I don't care if you hate this legion shit, but its the only appropriate time for it. It's time. Spread the news and get people informed. Net neutrality might die if we do nothing to save it.
If you do nothing but spread the word, you are helping. Just DO something

>> No.5872331

You are so goddamn reported.

>> No.5872328

No one cares anymore because threads like these are made once or twice every day, so everyone has no real sense of "OMG NOES DANGER!!!" anymore.

>> No.5872335


>> No.5872342

Worse than Fox. Complete garbage.

>> No.5872356

Update: Phew... we think. Google's Public Policy Twitter account just belted out a denial of these claims, straight-up saying that the New York Times "is wrong." Here's the full tweet, which certainly makes us feel a bit more at ease. For now. "@NYTimes is wrong. We've not had any convos with VZN about paying for carriage of our traffic. We remain committed to an open internet."

Update 2: Verizon's now also issued a statement and, like Google, it's denying the claims in the original New York Times report. It's as follows:
"The New York Times article regarding conversations between Google and Verizon is mistaken. It fundamentally misunderstands our purpose. As we said in our earlier FCC filing, our goal is an Internet policy framework that ensures openness and accountability, and incorporates specific FCC authority, while maintaining investment and innovation. To suggest this is a business arrangement between our companies is entirely incorrect."

>> No.5872357

conservative detected

>> No.5872362

>Huffington Post

Get out, progressive scum.

/jp/ is for responsible Conservatives and Libertarians only. Take your hippie trash out with of here and kill yourself.

>> No.5872365

Ignore this, it is fake as shit, the deal was to PRESERVE net neutrality, which some absolute mouth breathers take to mean the opposite somehow.

>> No.5872370

>conservative detected
More like Libertarian. That's right, I'm way cooler than you on the social latter among hipsters right now. You're so early 2000's.

>> No.5872373

You're a moron.

>> No.5872371

is that supposed to be an insult?

>> No.5872378

>sits on their asses and doesn't work, draining the government of money


>> No.5872382

You are exponentially more of a retard for falling for such obvious trollbait.

>> No.5872386

I see the OP hopes to salvage his troll thread after all

>> No.5872398

The difference is that /jp/ knows they shouldn't be getting away with it.

>> No.5872470
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>> No.5872574

I agree with that. The government has proven that it doesn't know what to do with what money it gets and just wants more to not know what to do with it.

>> No.5872610

/jp/ should be libertarian (or at least civil libertarians) because both the left and the right would love to ban loli.

>> No.5872621

Why is this here? Reported.

>> No.5872706

/jp/'s userbase consist of libertarians and liberals, you [redacted]. I've confirmed this with several polls. Do a search for the term liberal on easymodo and see for yourself.
