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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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58692 No.58692 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, guys! I just wanted to let you know I'm taking a hard earned break from compiling the installer, but it will be back in progress shortly!

>> No.58755
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>> No.58850
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Anything called patch.xp3 (patch2.xp3, etc.) overrides other data packs. That way releasing a minor correction of something is much easier than modify the original data pack.
I've tried "making my own galge" using krkr and studied the engine. It's very robust and with some twists you can make one in English(and make it run without Japanese locale). But I laced people who were interested and gradually lost interest. And now I'm into idols so I doubt I would try to make a galge anymore. Ah, another downside of krkr is that nearly all the documentation is in moonspeak.

>> No.60405
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I just checked the Mirror Moon forums.

Guess who's butthurt and delaying the patch again?

>> No.58708

Your very avatar has become a symbol of despair.

>> No.58714

I lol every time I see one of these threads.

>> No.58710

Remember when UBW was nearly released?

>> No.58720

Yeah, but then I woke up.

>> No.58726

I want to cry now.

>> No.58719

Remember when we hoped for a Christmas UBW?

>> No.58737

Am I the only person who wants to cut off that hand of his and punch all his teeth out?

>> No.58739

Now, I know that coding is more of a bitch than I can possibly imagine, but couldn't they just add the UBW files to the Fate installer and call it a day?

>> No.58745


I actually thought it would be out a few days before Thanksgiving. Damn do I feel like a dumb ass.

>> No.58746

If I see this faggot, it would end worst for him than the fucking Ideon ending.

>> No.58762

hey Message, how's the KiriKiri engine compaired to Nscript/Onscripter?

>> No.58764

I'll be taking a break and playing crysis now, see y'all

>> No.58765

There is this Chinese guy who translated Fate and UBW and released it in a patch.
What was the whole patch? A file called patch.xp3
5 Mb and it translated all the shit (up to UBW) into Chinese. It was epic.
Install? Drop it into your Fate folder and run the game normally.
The bad side is that the menu and all that secondary shit was still in Japanese.

>> No.58784

so KiriKiri also uses a single packaged script file like nscript.dat?

>> No.58785

It's been established that the only reason for the installer is that mirror moon doesn't want anyone else using their translation files.

>> No.58786

You've got to be kidding. This only makes my RAGE levels skyrocket.

>> No.58801

That's impossible though, the scripts that the game run on isn't compiled (ie, not machine code), or else it would be nearly impossible to do a translation.

By the same token, once we get the game, it's going to be simple to reverse engineer the xp3 file to look at the plain text.

Installer can't do shit about it

>> No.58813

Possible, you can use as many as you like. Patching is as easy as putting a file named patch.xp3 containing the changed script files and whatever else you've changed. It will automatically try reading from any patch.xp3 files before using the standard data.xp3 file.

>> No.58827

Is there KiriKiri engine documentation in english?

If not, how the hell are they making it? Don't tell me they're just fucking around with the code then just run it and hope it doesn't crash?

>> No.58837

Given that they are TRANSLATING the game, I suspect they are capable of TRANSLATING the documentation.

>> No.62975
File: 3 KB, 80x80, 1203842789338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never finished the translation, we never even worked on it at all, we were just updating the progress on the site. Think about it, we suddenly decided we didn't want any outside editors? That's because we needed to keep it internal for this troll to work.

"But you translated Fate!" you say? Silly anon, this was all a gigantic troll in the making. Sure, we legitimately translated the most boring part of the game, but that was only to rope you in. Now you're stuck with a terrible case of blue balls. Completely at my mercy.

So as I pray, Unlimited Troll Works

>> No.58844

I would, seriously.

>> No.58845

Nah, onscripter is also smart enough to run on unpacked files like jpg, mp3, dat and i think even 0.txt. Packing them in nsa and arc files is only done so that noobs can't just extract the HCGs and not bother playing the game.

>> No.63128
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I've joked about it before, but I swear to god, if any route of this ACTUALLY finishes being translated before UBW I will laugh so hard.

>> No.60372

Dude, the person you know as Message died in a car accident just three days ago.

>> No.60386


>> No.60417


>> No.60421

This is the saddest excuse for failing at something ever.

>> No.60457

Wow, Message is an asshole. Who would have thought?

>> No.62806


>> No.62842

Shit...Message really programmed it to do everything eh?

>> No.62905


>> No.62904

except install

>> No.62918


>> No.62929


>> No.62980




>> No.62992

You know all those people that expect it sometime in 08' and 09'?
I'm gonna laugh at when it becomes 2010.

>> No.62997

Message isn't an asshole. He was finished with the installer six months ago. Something went horribly wrong when he started it up and it is now keeping him hostage in his basement while trolling 10 forums at once, including 4chan.

>> No.63008


Burn in hell

>> No.63063


ahahahahahahahahha god why is this so believeable

>> No.63085

This is the real Message.

>> No.63100

Because it is the real Message.

>> No.63109

gork gork gork
