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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5868493 No.5868493 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or Aya is starting to look awfully emaciated as of late?
Also, while I find short hair good on women, maybe it would better for her to go to a different hairdresser from now on. In her last TV appearances it looked like she was wearing a toupée to cover her bald (sorry for the awful mental image, but this was the impression I got).

>> No.5868497

She strangely resembles the common-place carp.

>> No.5868506

She must be stressed about doing this stuff.(and losing her "fans")I admit when i heard she had sex with more than one person at the same time it kinda made her look like a slut in my eyes but i still wish the best for her.

>> No.5869080

who the fuck would want to fuck that shit? the look's like Skeletor

>> No.5869085


She did what now?

>> No.5869086

How did this bitch become so popular?

>> No.5869087

To me, she lost her attractiveness when she cut her hair.

>> No.5869090

too 3D for me. that hairstyle doesn't help any, either.

>> No.5869096

>sex with more than one person at the same time

I hope they weren't both men.

>> No.5869097


She did the voice of Haruhi. That's pretty much it. She then became a pop idol, and did a lot of really stupid photo shoots, and everyone was sort of left shaking their heads, "What the fuck, Aya?"

She's like Britney Spears if Spears went crazy at the START of her career rather than the end.

>> No.5869106

She looks like an average japanese woman.

>> No.5869105 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5869132

She entered the Seiyuu industry at age 12 or so. At least get your facts right.

>> No.5869152

Hirano Aya = Deko Bitch.

Deko = forehead.

>> No.5869169

>Deko Bitch

>> No.5869174
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Forgot my pic

>> No.5869220


Haruhi, Konata, and Misa Amane, to name a few.

>> No.5869239

The little remaining respect I have for 3D women is slowly draining away.

>> No.5869246

She's a dirty slut who sucked a few cocks to get leading seiyuu roles.

>> No.5869301

Here's a few things wrong with Dragon Ball Kai. Hirano Aya is Dende and AKB48 is "singing" the latest ED.

>> No.5871584

Here's a few things wrong with you:
1) You exist
2) You watch Dragon Ball Kai and take every part of it seriously

>> No.5871613

I used to think that once idols turned 30, their careers were over. Now I think it's 20. If only they could stay young forever.

>> No.5871637

Bite your tongue, commoner. If you ever insult my pimp and drug lord again you'll regret it.

>> No.5871647

Reported for speaking to Hong Meiling 門門
in a negative tone.

>> No.5871650

I don't know if I can defend "several guys at once"

>> No.5871661

You'd have to be a fucking moron to believe that part is true in the first place. But hey, everything sankaku says is true amirite?

>> No.5871687

Well, they were quoting HER.

Sankaku makes quotes up? That's pretty low.

>> No.5871702

I hope you are aware that Aya herself personally admitted all of this a couple of days ago, on national television.

>> No.5871720

All she said was that she prefers older men.

But of course, the VIP must scream bloody murder.

>> No.5871759

Quoting in a different language is a different story...

>> No.5871772

She didn't. She said she likes older men and dated many of them but at no point did she ever say she dated some at the same time.

Artefact makes shit up constantly, that's how he gets traffic. Sankaku is basically a tabloid for weeaboos.

>> No.5871785

How much traffic do you think Sanakaku gets? We should just make a rival site and make even wilder / incorrect claims and news stories and just link to Japanese sites so the reader base can't verify.

>> No.5871839

I wonder who will be the new seiyuu for Haruhi or Konata in the future.
Her career in the anime industry seems to be over.

Why would the 2chfags raged so hard if it is just "i prefer/dating old guys"?
I mean there are plenty of other seiyuu out there that are married or has a boyfriend and they dont receive this kind of backlash.

>> No.5871845

She never said she dated several men "at once". Artefact twisted his cherry picked comments as usual to cause a shitstorm.

>> No.5871862

Unfortunately, it's a lot, although it's unclear how much is just for the porn site. It has a shitload of blogs and other attention whores linking in which drives it really high on search rankings too.

>> No.5871863

>Why would the 2chfags raged so hard if it is just "i prefer/dating old guys"?
Because they consider her tainted and unpure since she lost her virginity.

>> No.5871896

It's Japan, I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.5871912

If she acts like an idol and blatently appeal to ronery otaku then surely some of them will expect her to live up to their unrealistic ideal.

>> No.5871932

otakus buy Haruhi because Aya sell her sweet girl personality

Haruhi is a shit anime, if Aya confess everything in the first place, Haruhi will have shitty sales

in conclusion: moe anime sell many copies because they sell Seiyuu, not because they are good anime

>> No.5872152
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