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File: 362 KB, 574x355, with preasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5865767 No.5865767 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from: >>5846556

Helpful resources:

Game download:
http://homepage3.nifty.com/rfish/index_e.html for 1.16
http://noaneko.squares.net/dev/ for beta version 1.22 (may contain bugs/unimplemented features)

>> No.5865911
File: 316 KB, 554x480, dad'sdyingsocan'tspell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you sucssed

>> No.5865943
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Second attempt, I think I'm gonna go cry in a corner now.

>> No.5865960
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>> No.5865968
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Wait. What?

>> No.5865983

It's a moongate.

>> No.5865991

>A Hira-Shuriken
What is this?

>> No.5866002


I was just surprised to see that cirno was in this game now.

>> No.5866011
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>> No.5866255
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>> No.5866317

Where did you get your twinbells?
I've got their .npc file, checked the slave trader and gone through quite a number of dungeons and I've yet to find one.
I'd assume they're rare but still...

>> No.5866351

I'm absolutely terrible at this game. Anyone got some tips for a beginner? I read the stuff on the Elona wiki but I still fail.

>> No.5866423

Scroll of ally, forcequit again and again until it gives you a gold bell/silver bell... then it's just easy mode all the way.

>> No.5866439
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Fourth one.

There's no way around that quality, is there?

Found my first one in a hunting quest, but I didn't notice until later that they would also show up on the slave trader. I think I was level...19? And they're 15 or 16. Panic quests can also show up for 'user', and you could probably temporarily move the NPC files to face your desired target for domination.

>> No.5866441

where do you get a scroll of ally?

>> No.5866445

Somebody post the mansion of younger sister area.

>> No.5866447

I'm having the same damn problem, where do you check to see if you have the NPC files? what is it named?

>> No.5866451

>Panic quests can also show up for 'user', and you could probably temporarily move the NPC files to face your desired target for domination.
I'm sorry, I don't understand...

>> No.5866452

It's in the snowy area to the top left side of the map.

>> No.5866472

Check magic or general good stores. They sell them from time to time, sort of rare imo. They're about 7k each.

In your elona folder, under the "user" folder.

>> No.5866489

>Correct us of Cirno saying she's the strongest after actually winning?
Well, I never.

>> No.5866492

Ah, yeah it is there, but the summons dun show up in game, very odd, maybe i should try leveling a bit more, may still be out of their range.

>> No.5866500

Anyone else notice that you kind of look like Guitar from Violinist of Hamlin when you're riding something?

>> No.5866522

Slave master doesn't sell every moongate summons, even if you are qualified. I'm level 23, and she's not selling me white wolf warrior (which is level 1) or paladin (level 15 I think). Scroll of ally, on the other hand, can get you anything near your level... as long you have the patience to forcequit and repeat over and over, or have a huge stack of it handy.

>> No.5866581

Whoboy, lemmie try the scroll then thanks.

>> No.5866643
File: 338 KB, 1029x797, 288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

288 speed... feel godly. One of these days, I'm gonna beat this evil cat tamer, and add that paladin into my *erhm* party...

>> No.5866664

Asura..? I got Asura..?

>> No.5866826

how do i sell ores fore money? when i try to sell a gold bar it sells for round 300 gp, but when i give the ore to a pet, they sell it for 4500 gp.

>> No.5866872

Buy ore, give to pet, perform for pet, take pet's money.

>> No.5866875

Protip: cast silence on her. Keeps her from summoning layers of meat shield lions.

>> No.5866931
File: 710 KB, 1286x796, Equipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have crummy negotiation so you're going to get crummy prices for your stuff until it rises. Also pets always sell ores for set amounts despite whatever their negotiation is. They use this gold to raise their own potential, but if you really want you cen get it from them be performing. Just make sure your performer skill is actually good enough to play in front of them.

I've been wondering what others have for their equipment. I think I've got a pretty good set. I've got #####+ critical hits, #####+ ranged attacks, the immunities besides poison, superb poison resistance, +42 strength, and other things. They also all have pretty good names too. Sadly I've never come across a living weapon. I'm jealous of >>5866439 who's got four now.

What do you guys have for equipment? I imagine some of you must of come across some great things.

>> No.5866932

I know how to beat it, I'm farming it.

>> No.5866967

I got crummy equipment, just things i found in dungeon, been focusing on pv. I finally manage to buy a castle but im having a hard time earning money since quests dont pay as much at higher levels

>> No.5866972
File: 304 KB, 669x485, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best item aside from a living wakizashi that's going to have 16 levels or more worth of nether damage ##### when I'm done with it.

>> No.5867052

Tips on making money. First one, get performer and make a performer outfit. Simply always be on the lookout for equipment with +performer, in your salary chest, dungeons, wherever. Second tip, get cooking and fishing, acquire outfits and tools for them in the manner mentioned above. Get a barbeque pit from a party time quest with pickpocket and find a fishing pole. There's one in Vernis I think. Fishing and cooking with high skill in them when combined can give sushi and sushi sells for lots. Also excellent for use in trading to adventurers. Tip three, learn the cargo system. There are various ways to abuse it, but here's a simple one. Buy a storage house deed, place it right next to Noyel. Every so often visit Noyel and purchase its snowthemed cargo, put it in the storage house. When you've amassed a large amount of cargo in the storage house, pick it all up and use a scroll of return to return to your house. Your house should optimally be located right next to a city. Go to that city and sell the cargo. Apparently this method can make millions. Final tip, don't ignore boosting your salary. Be sure to boost your voting rank, adventurer rank, arena rank, all the ranks you have. You can also get good items from salary. Just recently a I got a potential potion. Also you can cut down on taxes by abusing the pet arena. Simply enter your pet in then immediately quit the match to lose. This can be repeated indefinitely to lose all fame and subsequently minimize taxes and rogue boss strength if you still have to walk a bit with tons of cargo.

>> No.5867090

Performing is broken in beta. Farmers throw rocks at you at 20 performing.

It will take fucking forever to level up fishing and cooking enough to get sushi. And doesnt sushi rot too?

The storage cargo trick doesnt work that well because trade vendors have limited cash. If you run 50 inner tubes from port kapul to noyel theres a very high chance the vendor in noyel cant afford to buy all 50. And you cant invest in them either.

A faster way to lose fame is to deliberately fail harvest time quests in yowyn.

>> No.5867122

You probably know this already, but the bait is soooo tempting...

Grind more.

Grind more. Also, freezer.

You can keep selling even when their pockets are empty.

Harvest time quests are limited.

>> No.5867169

This is probably the best equipment I have. Too bad neither my waifu or I melee a lot, so this thing hardly get leveled.

>> No.5867173
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Oops forgot image

>> No.5867185

Jeez, done like 100+ scrolls of allies and I STILL can't get any of the summoned monsters to appear. I'm level 17, so I shouldn't have problems getting the summons from the twin bell moongates right?

>> No.5867199

You seem to be underestimating equipment bonuses. You know when you see it improves skill by ##? That doesn't mean 2. It means 5-9. ### means 10-14 and # means 1-4. Skill bonuses are not that uncommon on artifacts and also not that uncommon on great rank item. Five ##s essentially means +25-45 skill in something which is massive. My cooking is only 18 and my fishing is only 10, but I've made several sushis after a bit of fishing a couple of hours ago. Highest selling sushi was of an ancientfish. It is worth more than my follower's chrome aurora ring.

However this method is still underwhelming compared to performing when you're good at it. Also when you get good at it, performer starts going up ludicrously fast even with crap potential. It seems audience satisfaction and money you get ties into its experience.

>> No.5867221

My bullet got damaged fighting off the alien infestation in Palmia. Is there any way to repair bullets?

>> No.5867234

Since ammo can't be effected by enchant scrolls, no. If it's just -1 then you can bless it to balance it back to normal. Be sure to acidproof and fireproof your stuff. And carry blankets just to be safe.

>> No.5867237

Enchant weapon scrolls will reduce the negative number by 1, until it is +3 again. You should really acidproof and fireproof your important gears, fireproof more importantly than acidproof (since you can still repair if it is just damaged by acid, but not by fire)

>> No.5867249
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>> No.5867260

[G] Interested in a lil' tail tonight?

>> No.5867268
File: 211 KB, 566x390, BOOLIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's -4 still worth keeping?

>> No.5867281

Obviously that would depend on whether you have something better.

>> No.5867316

You dont get money if you sell with their pockets empty.

>> No.5867443

I FINALLY Encountered the tadano in the wild, but not even a rod of domination could catch it, what gives?

>> No.5867464

Please go choke on a penis and die.

>> No.5867471

Just tried it. You lie.

>> No.5867505

Rods of domination are only really useful with high magic device and a monster heart. You're better off with balls most of the time, but then again they're hard to find.

>> No.5867544

Tadano is like impossible to hit for me..also I have the monster heart, so I guess I need to raise Use Device?

>> No.5867556

You should really try to get that back to +0 or higher, because while it doesn't provide much in the way of bonuses, it gets some good ammo.

fucking TIME STOP bullets are amazing

>> No.5867566

Just thought that was quite a bit of irony
>Unequaled Weakness

>> No.5867578

No way for him to. Enchant weapon scrolls only work on weapons. Ammo items fall into some area that is not armor and is not weaponry.

>> No.5867582
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halp :(

>> No.5867586

Is that something new in 1.22?

Back in 1.16 I very much recall being able to fully enchant a good arrow to go with my Bow of Vinderre.

>> No.5867613

It wasn't possible to enchant ammo items in 1.16 and it still isn't in 1.22. Are you sure you enchanted an arrow?

>> No.5867632

Seriously? They can pay you with no money in their pockets? Wow....

>> No.5867641

Obvious misinformation samefag.

>> No.5867650
File: 217 KB, 612x630, letsragnarok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I did, but I lack screenshots.

>> No.5867715
File: 43 KB, 260x755, 4coma07E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, we seem to have a Lomias in this thread.

>> No.5867762

How do you kill bells/quicklings? They regenerate hp too damn fast.

>> No.5867772

Oh god...I was doing an escort last time before I saved & quit, and the etherwind struck as I passed by Palmia.

I was running from Noyel to Kapul for some ridiculous cash

This happened, and I have no casino chips or potions of cure corruption. I do have some small medals, but I'd rather not spend them yet.

Should I bite it and just go trade some medals for potion of cure corruption?

>> No.5867776
File: 540 KB, 809x625, ether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god...I was doing an escort last time before I saved & quit, and the etherwind struck as I passed by Palmia.

I was running from Noyel to Kapul for some ridiculous cash

This happened, and I have no casino chips or potions of cure corruption. I do have some small medals, but I'd rather not spend them yet.

Should I bite it and just go trade some medals for potion of cure corruption?

delete+repost = forgot my screenshot

>> No.5867777

i fucking suck at this board!

>> No.5867785

Shena's pantys, best weapon ever

>> No.5867788

Simply find a piece of equipment that prevents teleportation. I think any item with the of silence modifier has it so look for pieces of equipment with that. The dementia one isn't really bad if you're not a caster. Also look for casino chips. They're not hard to find. Simply keep searching material places. They're everywhere.

>> No.5867791

I thought it was supposed to be a headgear!

>> No.5867800

Play blackjack. Might take savescumming though. Bet 1 coin, 4 wins = 1 cure corruption pot(most of the time).

>> No.5867801

Why are nobles the ones who have it? Seriously there aren't even any nobles in Vernis. How do they get them? Does she sell her panties for ridiculously high prices only the nobility can afford and then have it mailed from Vernis to Palmia?

>> No.5867811

She uses them to make a bit of extra cash at parties.

>> No.5867823

I don't have any coins, but I could find them.

The only problem with getting something that prevents teleportation is actually finding a piece of equipment (that won't replace something awesome that I'm using) with that mod.

And you're right, the Dementia effect doesn't bother me at all, this is a catsister farmer and the closest she does to magic is drink potions, read scrolls, and use rods.

Shena is a high-class whore. It only makes sense that a nobles would have her panties, as they're the only ones who can afford her "services". Everyone else has to make due with the prostitutes in Derphy.

>> No.5867855

Goddamit my Elona had almost every sprite edited and it died in a HD crash.

Should I download 1.16 or 1.22?

>> No.5867857

Apparently Noa's computer died. I wonder when the next update will be.

>> No.5867880

1.16. Every new version just keeps getting more and more Corean.
Seriously though, get 1.16 unless you have a masochistic adoration of grinding. It's like Noa's been picking out the favored methods of grinding gold and nerfed them.

>> No.5867886

Is there any font that looks great aside from the default?

>> No.5867929

Welp, ran to the Embassy.

Saw a magnificent woodwork blue treasure machine and decided that I JUST HAVE TO HAVE THIS for my home.

>Buy it after selling a good number of supplies to make up the small gold deficit.
>It weighs 210s
>Can't move
>No scrolls of Return
>Decide that the best way to get home is to starve to death.

Feels good, man.

>> No.5868011

I'd have to agree with >>5867880. Also adventurers can tell when you're stealing from them in the newer versions now. Before you ever transfer to 1.22 you should grind your performer, cooking, and fishing. An already high performer skill will allow you to bypass the new performer grind and cooking and fishing will allow you to make sushi which rates very high with adventurers so you can get their superpowered artifacts of their worth more than anything you have besides precious artifacts value. Otherwise nothing much has changed yet. Also stock up love potions. In the newer versions adventurers can give you new year gifts during the new year period and what they have depend on your relationship with them so you'll want your visiting adventurers to be at least amiable since they pretty much just give you letter bombs otherwise. These letterbombs can release a vicious pack of monsters, fire, or a curse.

>> No.5868047
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You'd think so.

>> No.5868078

Scrolls of return don't work if you can't move at all anyways.

>> No.5868087


Mother of god...

>> No.5868093

How do you kill bells/quicklings? They regenerate hp too damn fast.

Also how do you increase a NPC's relationship? Most of them seem to be stuck at normal and annoying.

>> No.5868178

I find that throwing bottles of dye/poison at them works extremely well. You could also try throwing paralyze or sleeping drugs at them too to render them immobile for a short time.

Another good method is by setting the ground on fire (acid won't work on bells) and luring them through it.

They're so fast that the poison/burn/acid effects kill them because they're taking the damage multiple times for every one of your turns, making them die extremely fast.

>> No.5868184

Don't they float?

>> No.5868205


>Eye of Mind Skill

I can see Archer liking those panties quite a bit... Unless he already has them equipped.

>> No.5868210

Bells float, meaning the puddles don't hit them. But Fire grounds, and hitting them with potions will have an effect.

Quicklings don't float, meaning they're affected by anything on the ground too, so even missed potions can still work.

If you're a mage-y sort, cast Gravity and they'll stop floating.

>> No.5868222

I just tried fire. Quicklings outheal it.

>> No.5868271

Is there some way to access the game script?

>> No.5868303

Isn´t Elona a continent in Guild Wars?

>> No.5868313

Elona is also a character in Divine Divinity.

>> No.5868321

I´m tempted, what is this game?

>> No.5868351


>> No.5868353

Yeah, you should probably check out the OP for more information.

>> No.5868526

Can someone post that site with all the sprites and the one with the sprite generator?

>> No.5868530

Eternal League of Nefia

>> No.5868618
File: 977 KB, 1289x862, TGM173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Panic quests that show up at 30K fame and start with "Help! Our town is being seized by several subspecies of (Monster) which are expected to be around (###) level".

'User' can be included as a monster, and when you enter you'll see a variety of the custom NPCs you've downloaded (higher levels not included if it's a lower level panic quest?). Seems like everything scales except for life and mana, so you could eventually find something like this.


Game breaker for sure.

>> No.5868640

Oh wow, crap. How could Noa get rid of void domination and leave this...

>> No.5868689


Mid-way through the main questline, plowed through the Crypt of the Damned with ease...

And then Issizzle one-shots me with a Darkness Arrow. :(

>> No.5868855

I had something similar happen to me in the minotaur nest. I ran right through that baby like a hot knife through butter, then out of no where, the "king" came and one slash killed me

>> No.5868927

So I made a fairy claymore and can't seem to find a weapon, punching shit left and right with my 6 year old 4kg fairy is awesome but I get one shotted most of the time.


>> No.5868937
File: 7 KB, 535x16, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found a <<Knight>> due to the scroll.
Use him? Dismiss him?

>> No.5868939


That's why you don't breeze through dungeons in a rogue-like. Ever.

>> No.5868970
File: 122 KB, 573x375, ediblearmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think this is worth it compared to a Spirit Cloth Girdle (10, 1) with no additional attributes?
I'm guessing not, seeing as you can't change Godly items' materials.

>> No.5868995

You can, actually with material kits, but not on something like this. There are better godly items

>> No.5869021

It's made of raw. Eat it.

>> No.5869027

He can't. It maintains luck.

>> No.5869050

why is that bad?

>> No.5869060

It causes crashes in the beta.

>> No.5869064

So I run into white wolf in the arena and she drops a corpse of "user" ... yeah how do I feel about eating myself?

>> No.5869089

I just discovered a fantastic trick.

Claim the altar in palmia for your god.

Then zap rods of summon monster so that the altar gets burnt down.

When the town respawns the altar will be unclaimed, and you can get 5x favor for claiming the altar again.

>> No.5869156

Why the fuck isn't the rod of domination working on the summoned monsters from the moongates? I Just ran into girl of dark water but can't tame her.

>> No.5869186

I don't think you can get that high of a level pets compared to the voids though.

>> No.5869197

.....what the fuck? I Caught a girl of dark water in a monster ball (FINALLY) and when i used it white wolf came out. Huh?

>> No.5869216

moon gates are like that

>> No.5869222

I caught it outside of a moongate tho?

>> No.5869231

It said monster ball (user), didn't it? Just move the other npc files so it'll open up with the one you want.

Funny that you brought up the girl of dark water, because I had the same problem even though I could dominate other custom NPCs. Eventually settled for the monster ball method.

>> No.5869244

Ah ha, well will remember that the next time I catch one thanks. I just stuck the white wolf in the ranch for now, hopefully when she breeds it'll be something else.

>> No.5869299
File: 774 KB, 1283x793, TGM174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running into a small problem. All the god pets I've picked up lately don't come with any impress rating. I don't remember if the first one I picked up had this issue as well, but is it somehow related to the other god pets in the ranch that I've yet to add to the party? Brought out one of the ones I bred and it's all the same.

>> No.5869330

If I remember the first God Pet you get from any God has no Impress rating by default, if you breed them it SHOULD'VE been there though...

You could try EloSnack and add it in maybe.

>> No.5869351

You sure? My golden knight had an impress rating and it was my first god pet.

>> No.5869352

I think its just that you cant see it...

>> No.5869588
File: 836 KB, 1289x797, TGM175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. After going through a bunch of love potions and engagement rings and amulets I was able to marry her.

Thanks, I didn't consider that. Better with than without.

>> No.5869633

Twin bells throwing panties, such fun.

>> No.5869802

Interesting, guess the "--" just means not displayed then.

It's a shame all the "special" NPCs can't be married. I like some of them.

>> No.5870042

how do you guys get your summons from moon gates? i tried a rod of domination near a girl from dark water and it said no target is found. Do i need to use a monster ball on the summonings to get them?

>> No.5870048
File: 303 KB, 697x777, paladin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, finally got her into my *erhm* party. She's only 10 though, does that makes me a pedo?

>> No.5870076

In the moongate, look for "summoning crystal". If you press "s" or "enter" (search around), it'll tell you if there's a crystal on the map or not. Find it, and use it. It will then summon the pet into your world, which you can then buy at either slave master or just capture in your normal dungeons/random field/etc.

If you are using monster balls, however, it will randomly give you 1 summon you've summoned into the world instead of giving you what you caught, unless you temporally take out all the other files. This can be abused, since you can catch a level 1 "summon" and then open it for a random level 30, level 50, level 100s.

>> No.5870084

Posting on /jp/ makes you a pedo.

>> No.5870114

i tried the domination rod outside of the moon gate but it still wouldnt find a target and i cant find the summonings in the derphy slave market. is my best bet just to try and use a monster ball, im lv 15 btw

>> No.5870142

I dunno. If all fails, just remember you can always go capture easier targets, like the white wolf guide, then take out everyone else besides dark water girl of your user folder.

>> No.5870211

i actually never seen a white wolf guide. i only got the pink hair one and the girl with puchi. if i did what you're saying, would it change the pink hair and girl with puchi to the npc i want or will is there a way i can change only one of them? also can i still put the files back after i delete them or do i have to find the moongates and summon them again?

>> No.5870263

Okay look, if you encounter any moongate summoned monster and manage to capture it with a monster ball, the ball will say it had a <user> in it.

Go to the Elona folder and in the user folder you'll see .npc files. These are the files of the summoned monsters, when you use the ball it will select one of those files and spawn the appropriate monster, NOT necessarily the one you captured.
So of you capture a moongate summon in a ball, go to the user folder and remove all the .npc files except the one you want and then use the ball, it will summon whatever you left behind. You can abuse this in a way that would let you capture a low level moongate monster and then switch the files in the user folder to get a more powerful one.

Okay, where did you get her from? I want it.

>> No.5870280

To expand on this, whenever the game spawns a moongate monster it does a <user> check then selects one at random from your user folder. If you're trying to get a specific monster first it may not be a bad idea to remove the other .npc files till you get one then put them back.

Also deleting the .npc files removes the monsters from the game, but putting them back in allows them to be spawned again, so just save them in a seperate folder on your desktop or something.

>> No.5870291

Removes the monster SPAWNS from the game* The ones you have will still be there dun worry.

>> No.5870409

Some advice from an experienced adventurer:

When you get a wish and have no idea what to wish for, you got your seven league boots, your vindale cloak, happy bed, dungeon, etc...

Here's a few things to think about so you don't waste your wish on something dumb:

--Material kits. You'll get a material kit for a random material, could be raw, could be diamond, but it's free.

--Equipment by name (plate mail, plate gauntlets, scythe, laser gun, etc). It'll spawn a piece of equipment of a random material and always at least Miracle level, Godly equipment can appear but is much rarer.

--Treasure maps. Treasure maps are always nice.

--Stats or skills. "skill<attribute or skillname>" The parser sometimes fails, for example, wishing "skillmagic" may increase your magic stat, magic capacity, control magic, etc.

--Happy apple. Though it is a precious item, it can be wished for even when not in wizard mode. +20 luck is nothing to scoff at.

--Niggers. You get a book of Nightmare, which is disturbing fitting.

>> No.5870634

can't wish for happy apple anymore, you get a happy bed now.

could in 1.16 though

>> No.5870635

miromi for the free +1 feat.

>> No.5870649

Getting a material kit that isn't raw/chain/metal/iron/silver from a wish is really fucking rare.

>> No.5870651

None of my armor skills are increasing at all, and my armor weight is considered heavy. I have all the armor skills (light, medium, heavy), so I don't see why none of them are going up.

Am I missing something?

>> No.5870893

is there a way to make twin bells stop using the ball spell, it always ends up killing my other pets.

>> No.5870949

>It brings an end.

That's the best weapon effect ever created.

>> No.5870992

Strange, my version doesn't have any effect like that. You didn't give it a grenade or some other weapon with invoke, did you?

Aside from making the weapon a pain in the ass to level, yes it is.

>> No.5871015


I thought it particularly awesome that it's on a living weapon. A ranged weapon, at that. You don't even have to get close to bring an end.


Give it to a pet bell. DO IT!

>> No.5871045

Level? Why do you need to level it?

It already results in complete annihilation, as is.

>> No.5871109
File: 128 KB, 801x593, petslist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i did what the an earlier post suggested, delete the npcs so i can my desired pet. could that have something to do with it since most my pets are name garbage now?

>> No.5871162

Well yes, you need to put them back once you get your pet of course.
Also as a note, once you summoned the monsters once you can't do so again, they won't turn up on the summoning crystal list, which is why I said you should save the files somewhere else.

>> No.5871174
File: 384 KB, 816x638, whoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd.

Anyway, I uh... accidentally the little sister's mansion. Is this bad?

>> No.5871189

younger sister's mansion I mean, not little sister.

>> No.5871190
File: 1.44 MB, 1283x1593, TGM176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete annihilation, player included. It's just that the item could have been much more practical, being a living weapon. Maybe I'll train it so she can take on the army she created. Or add more armor slots so she can outlast the dragons killing themselves over breath attacks. Maybe.

...can you invoke it multiple times during a single visit?

>> No.5871195
File: 116 KB, 1440x801, list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did put them back

>> No.5871207

Also you can just rename them as you like so the name change isn't a big deal, everything else should revert to normal once the .npc files are back in place.
I don't know what happens if you try leveling or using them while the files are gone tho.

>> No.5871211

Ah, well you need to rename them back to the original like I said, just do it through the interact option from the dial menu.

>> No.5871226

Are scrolls of name only obtainable through wishing, or will I eventually stumble upon them while crawling through high level dungeons?

>> No.5871233

I've never heard of it being invoked twice in the same map, but I don't see why you couldn't.

>> No.5871240

but the problem is something keeps casting ball on me. i checked everyone's equips and nothing causes it. even when the twin bell was gone it happened. after i killed a big daddy it stopped, dont know if its actually safe to bring twin bell back.

>> No.5871244

I think they're a rare drop from imps, but I'm not sure. If you invest in a magic shopkeeper and up your luck, your chances of finding one might increase in the shop.

>> No.5871257

I just give my twin bells a bow and it's all she uses, never casts ball and I've removed the twin bell.npc file and replaced it before.

>> No.5871295
File: 61 KB, 664x244, fuckingball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i really cant tell who actually casts it but considering how twin bell always goes third compared to my other two, i assume its her. is there any equip i can use that will permantly silent her or anyone i can get rid of the spell?

>> No.5871334

Why would the ball hit the bells if they cast it..? Not sure but it's never hit me before.

>> No.5871376

isnt it like a grenade, it hits everything around it including the user? as a side note, when i use only the twin bells they dont cast the spell. so im not sure whats casting it.

>> No.5871436

Well, doesn't seem to be the bells then, i never had them use it even once before.

>> No.5871472

Uploaded for you.


Be warn, she STEALS food from your opponent and eat it instantly, whether it is cursed, rotten or not. I'm still laughing at how she kept stealing all my rotten food and keep throwing up during my capture. You might want to give her an equip that lets her eat rotten food. On the other hand, she casts cheer a lot (making your entire party tough as hell), insults your opponent, runs around with 300 speed...

>> No.5871495

I've finally found the slime level grinding room again.
Now, how do I save it? If I remember you copy temp.eum and rename it?
Sorry I forgot.

>> No.5871501

Check her equipment for items that invoke sound ball. Actually, it's even possible to invoke grenade from non-grenades. An alternative is to gene-splice in control magic and give + equipment. My Yith has the genocide gun, which invokes both sound ball and nether ball, but Yiths have insane control magic so it never hurts any ally.

>> No.5871523

That's pretty much it. .eum files are moongate rooms. The temp.eum file is the moongate room you've most recently entered from a moongate. After you've made a copy of it, renamed it, and put it back in the user folder you can access it from the show room which is south east of the Puppy Cave I think as well as any other .eum files you've acquired. There's a site that catalogues them for download, but I don't remember what it is.

>> No.5871547

Thanks, and I think all monsters do that.

Also the white wolf I stuck in the ranch produced a girl of dark water, guess that's another way to get more moongate pets.

>> No.5871566

One of the hilarious times I've experienced with the Paladin NPC is when there was a blue bubble swarm. When neutral NPCs casts cheer everybody gets effected. Including enemies. Up to my arms in bubbles, but they were fairly easy to kill even if I had to kill each one multiple times with the result of even more bubbles. All my pets gained several skill ups during this so I'm not taking the Paladin out of my user folder just yet. It is frustrating when an annoying monster gets contingency from cheer though. I was really wondering why the hell some monsters just wouldn't die.

>> No.5871572

Once I got an npc from a moongate that spawned thousands of younger sisters. This npc was always in low level dungeons, and it was hostile to the monsters. Flooded every dungeon. Worst npc ever.

>> No.5871573

No no, she steals food directly from your opponent's inventory with her special move or something.

>> No.5871600

I'm calling her saber then, that little glutton.

>> No.5871618

I like Mizuho. The amount of younger sisters she summons may be gigantic, but they're a good way of telling what's ahead of you in this dungeon and when there's only younger sisters left you can perform for them which I'm guessing would be a good early way ton train since their levels are small. Hearing a lot of breath attacks go off is a good warning to a fuckbunch of hounds. Seriously, fuck those bunches of hounds. What do you guys call those large swarms of hounds that pretty much just start unleashing all of their breath attacks on you and your pets?

>> No.5871628
File: 627 KB, 1029x795, cirno3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say third time's the charm... apparently not. Cirno is still kicking my ass.

>> No.5871639

Could you upload the .eum file of her room or something? I'd like to give fighting her a go a bit later.

>> No.5871640

Any chance someone could upload other nice npcs and moongates? I mean, if you've already obtained them. It'd make things easier. Moongates are random (and runes almost as random unless you know what each one specifically has in it), and I might not find the same moongate again (though I could always savescum the moongate entry to reroll).

Point is, I don't think I'm the only one who would appreciate having most of the best npcs and moongates ready to import into my game as well as moongates to visit at the show room (like the one full of monsters in sand bags, and the lockpick trainers, etc.).

At any rate, thanks >>5871472 for the paladin. I look forward to finding her when I get to a level-appropriate spot.

>> No.5871646

Haven't you stocked up on cold resistance if you want to beat Chirno so bad?

>> No.5871651

So uh, where do I put that, and are there any others? And that Twin Bell, is that beta only? Might play this again, one with a normal character, the other with a god and elosnack so I can screw around.

>> No.5871655

>What do you guys call those large swarms of hounds that pretty much just start unleashing all of their breath attacks on you and your pets?

Time to run away. Alternatively, death. Or in the case that I'm a fairy and they aren't fire hounds, time to get hacking.

>> No.5871660

I could upload all the nice NPCs I've acquired later when I get home in several hours. It has a few old ones and ones from an old touhou pack I got like last year. I also have several interesting moongate rooms I've encountered and copied.

>> No.5871665



>> No.5871669

Are you suppose to catch them? Never really knew how to, or where to get those items.

>> No.5871689

Nation Leader Hotaru is a third generation adventurer, born a fairy from an unforeseen mutation from mixing dwarf blood and god blood from a golden knight. Her pet little girl wields <disappointed curse>, a claymore that is responsible for thousands of deaths. One day she hopes to gather enough power to banish her hated foes of democracy and liberalism.

>> No.5871695

Nah, I don't take her seriously. If I wanted to, I'd take my harem with me.

I chuckle, and throw a grenade at them.

I don't have Twin Bell (rather, I had it and deleted it). You put it in your user folder.

They appear as NPC, neutral, or hostile in random dungeons, fields or quests if you "summoned" them into your world. Like normal monsters, you can then capture them with rod of domination, monster balls, or get them through scroll of ally. Some of them are sold in slave master or horse master (white wolf girl only)

>> No.5871703

Isn't it possible to make your pet drink lots of potions of descent, and make the game think it's incredibly weak when it isn't? I swear that's how the pet battles against japenese pets takes place..

>> No.5871705

Fucking treasure maps.

I know there aren't many places that are PURE snowfield, but fuck this, i'm trading this to some dumbass adventurer in my game.

i have 3 more anyway

>> No.5871711
File: 612 KB, 807x633, fuckingmaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to forget my image :(

>> No.5871714

Has anyone seen c-princess? I like that pet. A little too powerful for her price range and level though.

>> No.5871721

>138 pp


>> No.5871733

You blind fuck, it's obviously has a cliff borders left and bottom sides.

>> No.5871740

I've had that many. When it takes 80 to learn a new skill or 30 to train an existing skill, they really start to pile up before you actually use them.

>> No.5871761

In moongate rooms, you can hit search to see if there's a summoning stone in the area. If there is you can use it to summon one of any of the CNPCs in the area which will then create a file of it inside your user folder which then allows you to encounter it normally in game.

For moongate rooms there is a site that catalogues them so you can download them from there, but you won't really have any idea what it's about since they're just labeled with numbers. You also have the option of copying the temp.eum file when you enter a moongate room you want.

>> No.5871775

There's a landmark in the lefternmost middle square.

Those aren't cliff borders. Just marks that naturally appears on all maps.

>> No.5871783

I always want to keep my first little girl all through the game, even though she's soon pitifully weak. Perhaps I should save up for a ranch early on so I don't have to abandon her.

>> No.5871795

yes lots of pp because training potentials takes a lot when skills get high.

i am not desperately in need of stuff, so I'll just trade it to an adventurer for whatever happens to be worthwhile.

i have some pretty nice gear :3

>> No.5871816


That would be very much appreciated, if you do.

>> No.5871847
File: 275 KB, 806x622, petgear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can be trained to be quite powerful. She's melee, though, so you gotta give her some nice melee equipment.

My first successful character was a debug race (lol God), and I kept that starter little girl all through the entire game, giving her some badass armor and stuff. She was a fucking TAAAAANK, looked something like this going down to Zeome.

That's far from optimum, yeah (lol chrome plate mail, gold helm, etc), but this girl was a beast and a half. All of her gear added up to #####+ resistance against all types of damage except nerve, so she could tank most hounds all day.

Just remember to engineer her abilities she needs (so, weaponskill, tactics, armor, eye of mind, evasion, etc...), and let her develop potentials, get kills to level, and she'll turn out nicely.

>> No.5872402

Pets are fucking annoying.

When i was using a little girl, they kept running past her to get at me so she coudlnt tank.

Then when i started using the exile, monsters started running past met o attack him instead.

Keeping them alive is a pain in the ass.

Also the quest system is massively flawed, the amount of platinum you get at 0 fame and 15k fame is the same.

>> No.5872416

Learn to abuse good pets, like gold bell, silver bell, or any overpowered pets from moongates.

>> No.5872427

Your melee pets need to be able to attack the enemy in order to tank it for you. Even then, if you attack it with spells it'll come after you anyway. If your attacks do less damage to the enemy than your pets' attacks, they'll also chase you instead.

>> No.5872433

...what i meant to say was, if you do more damage than your pet, it'll come after you instead. i should go to bed :/

>> No.5872478

Does anyone have the NPC file for the Twin Bell?

>> No.5872535

Which makes it silly because im guaranteed to do more damage than my pet so i cant tank.

Unless i use something overpowered like a quickling archer, but i have yet to find a rod of dominate.

>> No.5872576

Uploaded it for you.

>> No.5872656

Is there any way to get monster balls quicker and more reliably than at the General shops?

>> No.5872886

You get one from Shena's quest and the gene machine quest. But they're level 5.

>> No.5872896

Maybe I just missed it, or maybe it was in the last thread, but where is the file that contains your last entered moongate? I think it was in the Elona tmp folder and ended with the eum extension.

Also, fuck this captcha. I don't feel like doing maths just to verify myself as a human. Besides, that actually sounds rather counter to the point.

>> No.5872899

What level? If it's lv 50++ you're looking for just keep investing. I'd suggest investing in several shops to increase your chance if you have the money.

>> No.5872904
File: 457 KB, 1293x805, seamonster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5872913

I'm not even that high a level. Even 20+ would do, probably.

>> No.5872923

Solution? Paladin from moongate. Here, I'll even save you the trouble of going through all the moongates for it. Just take the file from this post and add it into your user folder >>5871472
Paladin is level 25, comes with two abilities that saves your party from fatal wounds (Lay Hand and cheer's contingency), two stats buff (cheer casts hero and speed), she herself have 300 base speed, dims/stuns her target. A party of a few paladin and a few gold/silver bell (or twin bell/tadano if you want to be more abusive) can and will destroy any enemy in your path (EVEN Ehekatl).

>> No.5872940
File: 460 KB, 1296x808, what is that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just scary looking.

>> No.5872944

You get a free lv 30 one from the sewer quest at Lumiest. It's pretty easy if you can handle chaos mushrooms, green slimes and mass monsters.

>> No.5872949

Any chance someone can upload this? My one has a broken sprite. Shows up as a yellow rectangle.

>> No.5872953

Your character level does not really matter anyways.

Just invest into some shops to increase the chance of it showing up. You could dungeon crawl for a bit too or use a rod of domination.

>> No.5872998
File: 228 KB, 703x401, tadano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said before, you picked the wrong one. That's not tadano, but the "explanation" monster.


>> No.5872999

That's just a one off, right? I'll probably just invest more like has been suggested. It'll be better long-term.

>> No.5873001

A very simple guide to raising Impress with NPCs and adventurers early on via socialising:

If your Charisma is really shitty, don't bother talking to them as it'll only drop their Impress most of the time

>> No.5873083
File: 66 KB, 421x239, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know my music was THAT good.

>> No.5873146

Elana pump

and demoed

>> No.5873154

>Guys getting wet
Not sure if want.

>> No.5873172

do i need to have enough charisma to get a god pet?

>> No.5873181

What level does your performer skill have to be for Loyter to stop being a faggot?

>> No.5873184

No. Charisma only affects how many you can control at a time.

>> No.5873188

At least 40. Just teleport or kill him, easier that way.

>> No.5873202

23 faith is enough to get a god pet right? i been fishing for a while to get one, just to make sure i can actually get it before i continue

>> No.5873213
File: 68 KB, 616x436, i've.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need 16 (which is 1600 favor cap, and you only need 1525 favor to pray)

rc: I've create over a thousand blade

>> No.5873220

15 is enough. I think you need like 25 for the second reward and 40 for the last one. The limit of favor is (your faith*100)+25. You need 1525 favor for the first reward, 2525 for the second and4025 for the final one.

>> No.5873227

It's in the user folder. Not the tmp folder.

Also here's that pack of interesting moongates and some NPCs I said I was going to upload earlier. I saved a ton of moongates a long time ago. I honestly did not get many NPCs from them since they were getting their graphics messed up do to an old glitch where having too many of them messed them up. Since that glitch is gone now with the newer versions I went through like moongates number 990 to 1030 and a few others. Then I stopped since some of these moongates are just trollish and disturbing. Have fun trying to obtain NPCs from these.

I named a few of the moongates though. Some are dungeon types with monsters to fight, some I saved for the novelty, and others I saved for utility. The one labeled Demonic Wealth Summoner contains a monster that repeatedly casts harvest a lot. However it can give insanity. You want to make sure you can tank a few breath attacks and have something that can distract it from you. You want dimensional move to get away from it since if it's focused on attacking then it won't bother casting harvest. However you have to aggro the damn thing before it starts casting harvest in the first place so it ends up as you running around the small area as it tries to attack and follow you while casting harvest all over the place. I also recomend a bell to get it off you. I had a shuriken on it at the time. I think if your bell has a panty the mind damage will confuse the thing and interrupt the harvest casting.

>> No.5873245

k also if i switch gods, will i lose all the gifts i get?

>> No.5873263

Yeah, I usually teleport him away. Thing is, he appeared next to me when I was performing in Party Time once, but he didn't kill me. I teleported him after that performance, just to be sure.
I'm gonna go test if he kills me, seeing as my Performer's at 41.

>> No.5873272

No, but you cannot get another god pet if you already have two god pet, unless you abandon one of them.

>> No.5873285
File: 503 KB, 1031x797, teleport..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teleport? Screw that. Sick him!

>> No.5873301
File: 545 KB, 1286x796, NotStrongAtAll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was pathetic. I killed her in two shots and the first one missed. You hyped her up too much.

>> No.5873337

>at least two pets
I don't even.

>> No.5873339

Why the fuck is the altar in my palmia missing?

>> No.5873352

I brought a horse and a bell since I'm not emotionally attached to them. I left behind my other pets since I was afraid Cirno might take them out. What's wrong about having high PV/DV with pets?

>> No.5873381

Because I ran in there with 1/3 of your DV, and 1/2 of your PV, and didn't bother to wear cold resistance gears. Also I only had my waifu with me, and she wasn't a gold bell, nor did she had over 150 speed or insane damage reduction/evasion like gold bell.

>> No.5873447

Learn jeweler and find some equipment with +jeweler skill and start making change material scrolls. Bless them and use the scrolls on your equipment. Get DV and PV to around 150 and 300 respectively. Enchant and bless all of your equipment get even more massive PV. Seriously change material scrolls are a godsend. Also use a shield. It raises PV based on your overall PV so more PV the better a shield is.

Also why are you taking your waifu into what is a deathtrap for you? Good husbands would leave their waifus at home so they don't end up getting them slaughtered by something they cannot protect their waifus from.

>> No.5873457


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the pack, too!

>> No.5873622

You really think I don't use change and superior scrolls? My equipment's base DV/PV ain't very good, but I prefer them since they gives a lot of speed, at least ### tactic, eye of mind, evasion, and/or greater evasion. Besides that, I have a tendency to give my good gears to my waifu (that include ring of steel dragon, dali-lion, palmia ring, etc) just so that I would always die before her and teleport us back home, so she wouldn't die if it gets too "dangerous". That is how much I love her.

>> No.5873626


Your pack gave me an error when starting. I'm guessing it's just one or two bad files in some way. I just unpacked it to the user folder.

HspError 12 WinError 2 Ver 1220 Mode 0
efId 0 efP 0 Area 0/0
ci 0#0 ti 0#0 cc 0#0 tc 0#0 rc 0#0
3. userNpc_update:set actions ct:0
2. userNpc_update:set ref ct:0
1. userNpc_update:2.1 ct:0
0. userNpc_update:2 ct:0
* (possibly)invalid show room:#0

>> No.5873654

Some of these moongates just cause me to crash and I didn't bother remembering which ones did. I think it helps if your game is in Japanese mode, but I still got several random crashes while in moongate areas even in Japanese mode. There's a whole bunch of files in there though so picking the ones that are bad out will take quite some time.

>> No.5873678


Got it.

>> No.5873694
File: 353 KB, 811x638, elona23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is the altar in my palmia missing?

>> No.5873893

My pet has a cursed item equipped. How do i get it off him?

>> No.5873908

Give him a scroll of uncurse.

>> No.5874154
File: 4 KB, 128x192, 876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's both hilarious and massively inconvenient

sorry for your lots. have this snail riding a horse sprite.

>> No.5874290

I've given up on my first character, and now I'm making a second one. I've decided I want to go with a God Warrior (unless you guys think something else would be better), but what stats should I roll highest? I locked charisma and learning at their highest, and rolled until I got decent strength and constitution, but maybe those aren't the most important stats to concentrate on.
And what feats/traits should I go with?

>> No.5874419

Actually, I just read more about the God race, and they have very limited equip slots, so even though they've got good stats, I can't really do much with them. So... what race should I go with? I want to make a melee character for my first playthrough.

>> No.5874481

Fairy Claymore.

Also something i have been wondering, according to the wiki Alraunia (a herb) greatly improves CHA, thing is i've been eating a few and i dun see any change.

>> No.5874494

According to an in game book herbs have to be blessed to have a significant effect. Also herbs are better used with pets apparently.

Captcha is loveless ʎq, is it just me or is it getting harder everyday?

>> No.5874589

Well that blows, tile to stockpile my herbs then.

And yes, it does seem like it..

>> No.5874821

Fairy claymore, eh? Well, I already made a Juere Warrior, and it seems alright so far. I like the slow digestion and good starting Performer level.

I've gotten to level 3 so far by letting the putits in the starting area hit me a lot, and I'm putting all my stat points in Performer, since I heard it's useful later on when I can get an instrument to play. Does that seem good?

>> No.5874845

Performer is considered the best way to make money for the most part. And when you're at the point it makes you money its growth becomes ridiculous. You can find a free instrument at the graveyard east of Lumiest. Also be on the lookout for any items with +performer as it will allow you to do party time quests earlier without getting stoned to death. One # means a 1-4 boost in the skill, two # means a 5-9 boost in the skill and so on. Also never play near a guy named Loyter until you have a load of performer or he will throw a stone that pretty much just makes you explode in death.

>> No.5874863

Going off the wiki, another good thing to wish for are the "Seven League Boots" speeds up travel time and is of a random material. Awesome for "Before it's too late..." and escort quests.

>> No.5874899

Thanks for the info. I didn't know there was a free instrument somewhere.

And yeah, on the Wiki it says that most NPCs that are higher levels than you will throw stones at you when you perform around them.

Also, I heard that it's good to level up Performer by performing for your pet. But how long should I perform for my pet before trying it on NPCs for money? What Performer level should I shoot for?

>> No.5874985

The wiki recommends 8 before starting to play for other people. Just try to keep performer at or above your level. You can use * to look around you at specific squares. When highlighting NPCs it will estimate their strength in comparison to you.
This has what each message means. If all the NPCs around you are your level or lower and your skill is at or above your level then it is most likely safe to play. If you find equipment with high +performer skill then the time needed before you can play at party times decreases drastically. It's hard to know how much it raises exactly though to be safe assume the minimum amount. # being +1-4, ## being +5-9, ### being +10-14 and so on.

>> No.5875171

Actually, you're supposed to be very conservative with your points and save them until training costs in the double digits or so... That way you can be as efficient as possible with your potential.

>> No.5875182

Also, if you're playing 1.22 performer seems to be bugged in that at level 20+ I'm regularly getting killed by people on green party time quests.

>> No.5875308
File: 35 KB, 1096x52, starving artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPCs in this game are interesting, to say the least.

>> No.5875342

I don't think that's a bug; I think you just need performer level 25-ish and decent speed for party time quests.

Different NPCs have different demands, the higher their level is relative to yours the harder they are to please apparently. The NPCs in the party room are very high level, which is why they can blow your head off with a thrown rock whereas most monsters don't even hit that often let alone cause significant damage.

>> No.5875402
File: 128 KB, 560x538, 4898806_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the name of the moongate that has the twinbells?

>> No.5875408


Whom dwell in the vanity keeps showing up in my Party Time quests. That goddamn asshole. I wish I could kill him.

>> No.5875493

It's easy to kill him. Simply get a ton of booze then curse it. Make a puddle line between you and him with the cursed booze then start flinging the cursed booze at him as he walks across a line of cursed booze puddles vomiting continuously trying to swing his ragnorak at you. If you're lucky he'll die of vomiting before he gets close enough to swing his ragnarok. If you're not lucky then ragnarok.

>> No.5875714

So how do i get the altar back in Palmia?

>> No.5875720
File: 934 KB, 1030x794, let-us-ragnarok-together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're not lucky then ragnarok.

>> No.5875943

>first playthrough
holy fuck this is hard
>second playthrough, after reading guides and making a good character and stuff

>> No.5876022

God only has weapon slots and no other equipment slots... unless you use EloSnack and just add them back in like I do.


captcha: deduction time

>> No.5876061

Is there any point in getting a castle? The maintenance costs mean that a castle generates less money at max rank than a shack at max rank....

Unless of course adventurers come more often to your castle than a shack.

>> No.5876084

>Is there any point in getting a castle
It's a fucking castle. What kind of faggot are you if you don't want to be the princess that owns a castle?

Anyway, by this time if you can afford to get a castle you should have enough money from doing all the other shit like performing.

>> No.5876094 [DELETED] 

Monthly income of your house should hardly matter at that point. So you can pick up more magic vendors and have fun decorating. Even though it's only slightly larger than the starting cave, at least you can drop more items.

Now that I've finally settled for a castle, I've run into a problem with the lower floor. I installed a downstairs while I was still living in my cave, and that's what transferred over rather than resetting to the default castle layout convenient in case I want to move again without taking screenshots to copy everything, but that level is still limited to 100 items. Any way to deal with this?

>> No.5876100

Monthly income of your house should hardly matter at that point. So you can pick up more magic vendors and have fun decorating. Even though it's only slightly larger than the starting cave, at least you can drop more items.

Now that I've finally settled for a castle, I've run into a problem with the lower floor. I installed a downstairs while I was still living in my cave, and that's what transferred over rather than resetting to the default castle layout. Convenient in case I want to move again without taking screenshots to copy everything, but that level is still limited to 100 items. Any way to deal with this?

>> No.5876120

Random tip: if you join the mage guild then magic vendors won't be important.

The reserve spellbook function can be used to horde up bulk quantities of whichever spells you choose; not only will you never run out but you can gain levels in those spells as well. They become much more powerful as well as gaining success rates, so you can get the power you need to take on late-game enemies. Then take your gold and spend it on investments instead.

>> No.5876131

It actually resets? My 1F does the same thing which you are describing.

>> No.5876143

Unless the mage guild has a legion of magic vendors it won't hurt to hire more and invest in them as well. And you can Return to them for convenience (or does the mage guild come with a Return perk?).

>> No.5876154

Performing is broken in beta.

>> No.5876162

As far as I understand, extra floors are merely for appearance. So I'm guessing the game doesn't care a great deal about it; just letting whatever go wherever.

If you want to force the game to give you a fresh start, my guess would be to invert the floors - take the stairs out and reverse them. Will require at least one escape/return.

>> No.5876190

How broken? It still seems to work fine for me.

>> No.5876208

I don't think it's broken, it's just that the game expects you to have 25+ skill before even attempting the party time jobs - before which all you're really doing is very slowly training for them.

As Microsoft would say, it's a feature not a bug.

>> No.5876229

The mage guild basically lets you have as many magic books as you want, of the types you choose.

You're presented with a list of books, you just mark ones you want as 'reserved.' Then over time these books stack up in large numbers. Reserve books, farm money, come back, buy books. You can pick what you want and get plenty of it - no luck required.

>> No.5876252

>it's just that the game expects you to have 25+ skill before even attempting the party time jobs
Hasn't it been like for the longest time? The first 8 levels are the hardest because you're playing for your pets most of the time. After that its much, much easier. Especially if you're reading the wiki for tips. Which apparently no one does, ever.

If you're trying to perform while not lv 25 for party time quests you could at least try looking for the poor people or that one catfreak girl that's always in there and just play for them only. Having gear with +# to performer skill is highly recommend obviously.

I wish I had that one picture where the player is playing for his pets and is getting stoned.

>> No.5876259

You have to give them the book you want them to reserve first, though. Only book you can't do this for is Harvest, as it was once used to generate money quicker than doing Performance quests and flood you with Small Medals.

>> No.5876269
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>> No.5876271

I'm reserving books without any such prerequisite; all I had to do was get into the guild.

But even if it were required it wouldn't be that difficult, I mean I'm getting magic arrow books by the dozen and knocking out dungeon bosses with it now.

>> No.5876288

I have level 20 performing and FARMERS are stoning the shit out of me. That is broken IMHO. Sister mansion is too slow now.

Im investing in the mages guild vendor but i have yet to see books of magic laser which is what im really after...

>> No.5876292

Oh; I just checked back with the wiki.

To clarify, you don't have to bring the book but you do need to have read it before. This means you *can* get exceptional books as long as you've read them at least once (and I'm assuming that means read them successfully.)

But my point is, you don't need to reserve rare books. Just pick one basic book and get a very large number of it, then you can take that spell to a very high level and it will not only become extremely effective but it will also reach a great success rate. This will leave you with high attack, high reliability, and low mana cost - perfect for efficient dungeon cleaning.

>> No.5876297

Although performance is sadly not actually bugged, I think we can agree that it is still 'broken.'

The problem is that there is no easy entry. You basically just lock yourself in a room and grind like everquest until you're fit to impress nobility.

>> No.5876316

Wait, so investing in the mages guild vendor does jack shit?

>> No.5876323

>level 20 performing and FARMERS are stoning the shit out of me
Well yeah. If you aren't using * to look for people that are well within your skill level range then you're asking to get stoned.

It's not broken, level it somewhere else for now or get more gear with +# performer. Roguelikes aren't supposed to be easy, but even then Elona isn't even that hard.

>> No.5876336

I'm not sure, but without any investment I was still getting very good results from them so I'm guessing it doesn't matter.

It seems books are unlocked by having read them. For all the rare spells like wish and meteor, you just have to go find them then hoard them until you have knowledge scrolls and high literacy.

5 recommended reserve books:
1: arrow of your choice, pick one and stick to it
2: ball -or- bolt spell of your choice, pick one.
3: identify.
4: return.
5: healing.

>> No.5876338

Sorry, I wasn't playing a character focused on magic at the moment. I was only thinking about the potions.

>So I'm guessing the game doesn't care a great deal about it; just letting whatever go wherever.

If you mean dropping stuff past what the 100 item limit indicated on the house board says then that's not possible.

>If you want to force the game to give you a fresh start, my guess would be to invert the floors - take the stairs out and reverse them. Will require at least one escape/return.

If I'm understanding you correctly, you want me to pretend there aren't any levels below the ground floor? B.1 is the only level affected by the lowered item capacity and workable tiles. If you could explain in a little more detail on how to revert this back to the state of the castle because I'm a little incompetent right now, or should I try to change it through EloSnack?

>> No.5876342

It isn't broken, they just seemed to up the skill requirement a bit.

Considering Performing is pretty much a ticket to unlimited gold...

>> No.5876344

Elona isnt that hard, just some aspects of it.

Farmers show up as "you can beat them with eyes closed". They still stone me.

>> No.5876354

Let's say i reserve on spell book.

When i return will the vendor have max inventory of that spell book, or just a few?

>> No.5876363

>If you mean dropping stuff past what the 100 item limit indicated on the house board says then that's not possible.
That's not what I was talking about; I meant that the game does not specifically keep track of the map tiles used in your because they aren't considered important. With a house board you can redesign them at will, you can just pick the board up and carry it to whatever room (including shops, museums, etc) you would like to redesign.

>If I'm understanding you correctly, you want me to pretend there aren't any levels below the ground floor?
What I'm thinking is that if you have a level below, you could take the stairs out and make it a level above instead. That might give you a fresh new map instead of preserving the old one.

>> No.5876371

From my experience the vendor reserves more spellbooks for me then I've ever been able to buy.

I think they pile up over time. So what you can do is go out and farm cash with escort/delivery jobs, then return with the money and there should be a large pile of books waiting for you. But as soon as you remove the reserve flag they'll go away, so make sure you bring plenty of money.

>> No.5876386

This is nothing but my own personal thought, but I would like to see performing work as more than just an easy cash source. It seems kind of empty; you just sit and train for a very long time getting pretty much nothing out of it, but once you finally reach the finish line it just gives you however much gold you feel like taking for yourself like cheat engine.

Here's what I'd like to see: performer skill can charm monsters like a domination spell. The levels of monsters you can tame are limited by your skill level (skill level 20 would be like a level 20 monster ball) and perhaps some monsters would only respond to specific instruments so that there would still be some need to find and choose items instead of just being able to take all the monsters you want at will.

Music goes with charisma, which goes with pets, so it just seems like something that would go well together as a method of gathering up new allies.

>> No.5876413

>Farmers show up as "you can beat them with eyes closed". They still stone me.

I usually use that as an estimate of what level they actually are compared to your character level. Then compare what their level is with your skill level. I can't find the list which tells me on the wiki though.

I can perform for Vanity(he's lv 78) with all my performing gear on, and he's well above my character level. But my skill level is well above his level.

>> No.5876424

>The problem is that there is no easy entry. You basically just lock yourself in a room and grind like everquest until you're fit to impress nobility.

As a musician in real life, that sounds pretty realistic to me.

>> No.5876452

Like I was saying; the problem is that there's pretty much nothing to do besides sit there and wait for it.

I'm thinking it would be a lot more fun if music were used for something relating to the actual adventuring, other than just a ticket to never ending easy money for people who have tapped the key enough times (which is most definitely not realistic.)

>> No.5876499


It would bring a certain spice to the skill that might make it reminiscent of the D&D class, bard. It would also give an option to charm monsters that doesn't require grinding magic in some way, or hunting down monster balls, so you can play in a different way.

>> No.5876576

Dont try to kill the mages guild members guys...they can cast spells 5 times in a row. They are uber versions of the exile pet.

>> No.5877427

What kind of pet should I get from the slave trader? I already have a little girl as my starting pet... should I just get another one or what?

>> No.5877524
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So here's a list of the moongate pets I managed to get so far, talk about a pain in the ass. The link has the .npc files.

Sadako = Girl of Dark Water (Duh).

Vanity Within = 『虚空を這いずっていた者』(Whom dwelt in the vanity).

Twin Belles = twins bells.

Yukata and Summer White Wolf/Sadako are 5 levels higher compared to the normal versions, so they have higher stats/skills.

Included the Yuakta and Summer sprites for the white wolf (there is no Yukata version for Sadako), stats are exactly the same.

Twins Bell and tadano are exactly the same, reason mine has different stats is cause I've been using her for awhile.

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?4s2kbj1k1dzok7v

>> No.5877597

How do you get a moongate pet? I've downloaded the twin bell, but I can't find it. (even have a rod of dominion just for the thing)

>> No.5877650

So I grinded my performance to 11 now at the little sister mansion. I have performance-boosting gear, though. Can I safely attempt "Party Time!" missions now? The gear bonus should bring me to 20+ equivalent.

>> No.5877669


Put the .npc file in the user folder in the game folder.

They appear as spawns of dungeons, quests, world map areas, ect.
Slave Trader has them rarely, Scroll of Ally also has a chance of spawning them.

Basically the game does a <user> check and picks one .npc file from your user folder at random, so having just one file guarantees it spawns the one you want.
ALL moongate pets are registered as <user> when they are not present in the game yet, eg. in a monster ball. Which means catching a moongate pet with a monster ball then using the ball triggers another random selection of the .npc files in your folder, also means you can abuse this method to catch a low level moongate pet and use the ball to get a higher level one by switching out the files.

Removing the files does not remove the pets from your game, it does however change the name, which can be changed back using interact from the dial menu. But it's best not to use them until you put the files back, you also need to restart the game for the changes to take place.

>> No.5877896

Got it, and... I think it's stronger than my best (sadly lost) character. And THAT guy managed to take out Ultima at level 16.
Also, autosage. New thread soon?

>> No.5878011

It's a bell, so yeah.

>> No.5878126
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>Only book you can't do this for is Harvest, as it was once used to generate money quicker than doing Performance quests and flood you with Small Medals.
Back in the day it'd also randomly generate the occational Rod of Wish.

RIP endless supply of Harvest.

>> No.5878344
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>Dodging tax for 14 months
>Already -100 karma
Feels good man.

>> No.5879201


>> No.5879246


I nyo talk funny, nyou talk funny♪

>> No.5879266

I'm level 6, with 16 performer. Could I do Party Time quests now, or should I level some more first? I don't have any +performer gear or anything.

>> No.5879317

>16 performance
Have fun being stoned to death by your pets. You'll need at least 25 to be able to perform to farmers, at least 40 to perform to nobles.

>> No.5879337

I don't get stoned to death by my pets, and usually the only people in town that stone me are guards, and I get decent money from other NPCs.

I heard performer got changed in 1.22, but I'm playing 1.16, so maybe that's why.

>> No.5879388

Should I learn fishing or cooking first? I don't even have enough platinum for one of them at the moment, but I'm gonna save up for one or the other.

>> No.5879463


Well, I had recently asked about performer. I went ahead with it anyway. I was able to successfully get through a low level Party Time! quest with my 11 performance and about 5 #s totaled of performance boosting gear. One item was a two ## boost, the rest just one #. I had to be VERY careful, though.

Give it a shot, I guess. I had to send my <<Knight>> pet to the bar, though. Fucker apparently is quite picky about her music. Yeah, that's right, my scroll of ally got me a boss chess piece.

>> No.5879554

Where'd you get your +performer gear and Scroll of Ally? I've been looking for both, but haven't been able to find either one. :(

>> No.5879623


Randomly, like pretty much everything else in this game.

Check magic shops. They sell various scrolls and potions. You might find between 1 to 3 scrolls of ally in a shop (without investing, if you haven't done any of that). I think general shops might have them, too.

I get the + performance gear randomly. Just check the bonuses your gear provides. Don't throw something out just because it doesn't have excellent damage or protection. It might be a weak item with a strong skill boost.

>> No.5879640

Cooking first. It complements several other skills including fishing. Fish sushi is worth a lot more than just the fish.

Also we're on page 14 now.

>> No.5879648

Somebody wanna start a new thread?
