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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5853306 No.5853306 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel that japanese people hate America, and you love japan?

If japanese person butchers English language its "OK" for both cultures. If American person speaks "not so good" japanese language then he/she is "stupid barbarian" or "weaboo".

>> No.5853317

If American person is offended in japan its good because he is evil forgeiner, if japanese person gets called "Asian" its racism.

>> No.5853320

When did I ever say that I liked Japan? Or hell, tolerate?

>> No.5853328

ya japan sucks, AMERICA FUCK YA

>> No.5853331

>If japanese person butchers English language its "OK" for both cultures. If American person speaks "not so good" japanese language then he/she is "stupid barbarian" or "weaboo".

This pisses me off too.
I fucking hate when a Jap can't even string a couple of words into a correct sentence, yet he expects to be treated like an ESL with native-level fluency. Arrogant, small-dicked vermins.

>> No.5853334

>How does it make you feel that japanese people hate America, and you love japan?
makes me feel indifferent. i think the guys at /a/ will rage though, try there.

>> No.5853337

You missed >>>/a/, sir. /jp/ hates japan.

>> No.5853338

How does it make you feel that you're failing to troll the most easily trolled board on 4chan?

>> No.5853339
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1279693588645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you love japan?

stopped reading there.

>> No.5853345

No one here cares. This board isn't about Japan.

>> No.5853350

I'm french.
catchpa : upcoming haiku

>> No.5853348

>Implying I'm American
>Implying I love Japan
>Implying japs aren't mocked for their engrish behind their backs

>> No.5853359

>yet he expects to be treated like an ESL with native-level fluency.

i take it you haven't spoken with a jap, they always add "please bear with me my english is not so good" to their sentence. retard.

>> No.5853372


They add "sorry" for every possible reason. It doesnt follow any actual feeling.

>> No.5853383

They dont respect European people too. They even dont see difrence between Europe and America. They dont know even who are Sandniggers.

>> No.5853386

>japanese people hate America
They don't.
>you love japan
I don't.

>> No.5853397

But when someone else than a Jap adds it, it has a meaning it it right?

>> No.5853407

Actually, if you can speak even a little bit of Japanese, Japanese people will go on and on about how "jouzu" you are, even if you're not. Part of it is because they want to compliment you, part of it is that they are so bad at English it's impressive to them, I guess.

>> No.5853419

>How does it make you feel that Japanese people hate America
Feels two nuclear bombs, man.

>> No.5853424
File: 67 KB, 364x447, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5853463

>If japanese person butchers English language its "OK" for both cultures.
Sure, if your definition of OK is having a freaking website dedicated to the mockery of bad English

>> No.5853473

No, it's the other way around. If American butchers Japanese it's perfectly okay. After all, no one expects anything else from a barbarian.

Now, if members of the master Japanese race can't learn a foreign language properly, they're subject to ridicule, and rightfully so.

>> No.5853474

ITT generalizations and OP bumping his own shitty thread, reported.

>> No.5853778

Let me say from Japan.
Do you assume we hate you the American or European?
Most of us don't hate you.It's true.
We are rather pleased that you foreigner have interest in Japanese culture and share delight.
Even if there is the person who hate you, they are just minority.

But we would be angry about insult to works by illegal download.

>> No.5853786

dont state the fact bro it hurts

>> No.5853787


>> No.5853801

For every stuff you buy, we pirate three.
Enjoy having less stuff and less money than us.

>> No.5853802
File: 605 KB, 2982x728, multiple w's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5853808

There are racists in every country.

>> No.5853813

Is that a picture of one of them getting butthurt by american downloaders?

>> No.5853815

I'm pretty sure the only place the black vans can appear on a daily basis is Japan.

>> No.5853824

I made that picture to troll the "pirating gaijin scum" dipshits.

>> No.5853847


Everybody hates America!

>> No.5853870

But I love murica

>> No.5853953 [DELETED] 

I don't know man, but if I were a Japanese I wouldn't want to see my country being represented on the Internet by a bunch of passivea-aggressive, paranoid netuyo.
The fact that such people encounter very little opposition both inside and outside of the Japanese Internet leads me to conclude that pretty much everyone in Japan subscribes to the bullshit they spew due to the typical wolf-pack mentality of the Japanese.
Speaking of which, I also notice that YouTube (as well as NicoNico, before the new regulations were in force) has basically become netuyo territory. It's mind boggling how those Japanese faggots seems to see no use in these new technologies other than spreading anti-foreign, pro-nationalist propaganda in an endless cycle.
It's absolutely baffling, in fact. They're acting like the Balkan nationalists which also infest YouTube on a regular basis, only more aggressive and ignorant.

>> No.5853962

I don't know man, but if I were a Japanese I wouldn't want to see my country being represented on the Internet by a bunch of passive-aggressive, paranoid netuyo.
The fact that such people encounter very little opposition both inside and outside of the Japanese Internet leads me to conclude that pretty much everyone in Japan subscribes to the bullshit they spew due to the typical wolf-pack mentality of the Japanese.
Speaking of which, I also noticed that YouTube (as well as NicoNico, before the new regulations were in force) has basically become netuyo territory. It's mind boggling how those Japanese faggots seems to see no use in these new technologies other than spreading anti-foreign, pro-nationalist propaganda in an endless cycle.
It's absolutely baffling, in fact. They're acting like the Balkan nationalists which also infest YouTube on a regular basis, only more aggressive and ignorant, yet nobody dares to call them out on their idiocies.

>> No.5853991
File: 97 KB, 800x589, 800px-Japanese_nationalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think those black vans can run and give anti gaijin propaganda on public streets on a daily basis?

>> No.5853998
File: 133 KB, 1196x477, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
