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5851654 No.5851654 [Reply] [Original]

Can Sion's Black Barrel kill Servants?

>> No.5851663
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Yes, but it'd be nowhere near as efficient as the true Black Barrel.

Barrel Replica does NOT imitate Black Barrel's elemental properties, only its status of a Conceptual Weapon.

>> No.5851661

She'll never meet one so who cares.

And its not like your fanfiction will ever be canon.

>> No.5851676
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>> No.5851697 [DELETED] 
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What does this mean for the future of medicine

>> No.5851708


>> No.5851723

I was implying that the only reason anyone would need to know such information is for writing fanfiction.

Unless you were trying to start a powerlevels troll thread, in which case I apologize.

>> No.5851727
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I dont go to cons beacuse I am not a faggot

>> No.5851733

>Unless you were trying to start a powerlevels troll thread
Isn't that what all TM threads are destined to be?

>> No.5851747
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Well, that and extensive fetish threads, yeah.

>> No.5851751

Also, Waifu wars

>> No.5851754

I'm really starting to get tired of the damn things, I've been seeing them for like 4 years now.

We shouldn't even have those until next winter comiket when the next Complex doujin comes out, or some other content that would connect the multiple universes.

>> No.5851765

It can't. Barrel Replica's strength is proportional to target's remaining life span. Servants are already dead.

>> No.5851769

I thought you mean when Mahoyo gets released

>> No.5851775


If she's black her barrel must be LONG.

>> No.5851794

Yeah but that'll just add 20 names to the COPY PASTE power level charts and maybe a few more abilities to argue how they cancel eachother out, and more butthurt without any H scenes.

Though I'm obviously mad. Maybe it'll be awesome and we can stop power level arguing for a month or so and enjoy the game.

>> No.5851820
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Actually she juts can't sing.If you base your judgement on anything other than the singing you are a bad person.(The song aws shit anyway)

>> No.5851855
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