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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 448x336, You wasterners = You nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5846434 No.5846434 [Reply] [Original]


It seems Sakura bleaching her hair into brown, it seems pink hair colour are taboo in China since it is rare for me to find a Chinese cosplayer with pink hair.

Anyway about the picture on the left are the evidence of how inferior westerners are.

You wasterners = You ugly inferior being = you FAIL in Cosplay = You don't have the DNA CODE to make Anime
You niggas = You shits

You Asians = You cute smart being = You SUCCEED in Cosplay = You have the DNA CODE to make Anime

The evidence wasterners are inferior being can be seen at the fact of how wasterners keep insisting to Cosplay our Anime/Asian characters rather than their own cartoon/wastern characters because they are very ashamed and sick of their wastern face and wastern self.

Stick to your shitty inferior cartoon/wastern characters racist wastern scumbags, stop ruining OUR Anime with your shitty FAIL and will ALWAYS FAIL Cosplay.

>> No.5846445


>> No.5846452


>> No.5846458

Asians all hate eachother though

You're probably some corean weeaboo

>> No.5846459

Shitty troll. This has been done a million times. Go to /a/ or /cgl/ with this shit at least.

>> No.5846464

Not this faggot again.

>> No.5846478

He has an ED page
He looks not too much different from the guy he posted
He's going to keep fucking bumping this thread too

>> No.5846486

remember that I'm not a FAT dumb lazy american or westerner like you who mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc so there it no reason for Japanese to hate my peoples especially me.

>> No.5846488

Oh, here we go again, the shit-skinned Indonigger has returned.

>> No.5846502

I'm asian and i think people like you make everyone think we are racist bastards get over yourself it's just dressup.(Inb4 people calling me a westerner)

>> No.5846504
















>> No.5846508


>> No.5846515

test 4

>> No.5846523

No but depending on what kind of asian you are glorious nippon may have raped plenty of your innocent proud asians.

>> No.5846527

or just report the fucking thread.

>> No.5846548

remember that I'm not a FAT dumb lazy american or westerner like you who mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc so there it no reason for Japanese to hate my peoples especially me.

>> No.5846564

Are you dense? The were all legit target.
Back when the military echelon felt that the Allies were about to invade the Japanese isles, they decided that the best way to drive them back to the sea was by training every civilian to close quarter combat: grown men were given second-hand guns and rifles, housewives were told to tie knives to broomhandles and use them as spears and children were taught how to gore people using the sharpened tip of a bamboo pole. Everyone was a potential soldier ready to be deployed against the Allied occupation forces.
Americans just did the smartest thing by dropping bombs on their head. They defeated this guerrilla force without engaging them directly.
And you call them dumb and lazy.

>> No.5846604

remember that I'm not a FAT dumb lazy american or westerner like you who mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc so there it no reason for Japanese to hate my peoples especially me.

>> No.5846612

You must indeed feel proud to suck up to the country that oppressed yours for nearly a decade.

>> No.5846619 [DELETED] 

But it was a good thing. Do you thing that airdropping soldiers from the sky and manually killing all these old men, housewives and children one by one would've been a more sensible and cost-effective solution to end the war?

>> No.5846624

remember that I'm not a FAT dumb lazy american or westerner like you who mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc so there it no reason for Japanese to hate my peoples especially me.

>> No.5846627

But it was a good thing. Do you really think that airdropping soldiers from the sky and manually killing all these old men, housewives and children one by one would've been a more sensible and cost-effective solution to end the war?

>> No.5846635

remember that I'm not a FAT dumb lazy american or westerner like you who mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc so there it no reason for Japanese to hate my peoples especially me.

>> No.5846638
File: 126 KB, 601x561, garand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5846641

BAWWWWWWW collateral damage, cry me a fucking river.

>> No.5846656

You could have simply let Russia do the work, but you just had to win this dick waving competition.
Same thing with Germany.
On the other hand, both Japan and West Germany are pretty lucky to have avoided Soviet rulership, so in the end noone (with a brain) really blames you.

>> No.5846682

remember that I'm not a FAT dumb lazy american or westerner like you who mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc so there it no reason for Japanese to hate my peoples especially me.

>> No.5846696
File: 152 KB, 800x526, 1279255700626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, just don't reply to him at all.. He just wants us to reply, don't give him the pleasure.

But anyway: Touhou Hijack

Flavor: Reimu

>> No.5846709

Sure is summer in here

>> No.5846714

You can always find solace in the fact that they died for a cause, which is to bring democracy to a military dictatorship such as pre-WWII Japan.
Can you say the same about your fellow Indonesians who died from forced labor during the Japanese occupation?

>> No.5846769
File: 23 KB, 140x170, 90809w8e900jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy... Anyone feeling suicidal yet? If not they should.
Cremation comes for free today!
