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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5846211 No.5846211 [Reply] [Original]

Yutaka Yamamoto, director of Lucky Star, on the state of the anime industry:
>Nowadays, good animation doesn't good sales, most otakus barely even notice good animation quality, only sakuga fags happy to see animation
>For example, Denno Coil and Birdy: Decode sale fail to live up to sakuga fags's hype, compare to Bakemonogatari and Railgun win the Otaku market.
>Your anime is always going to end up on Youtube. We're reaching the end of being able to sell home video. We're probably going to back to toy-funded business models of past: give anime away, try to sell toys.

Dai Sato, scriptwriter of Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo
>“When I see anime today, I realize that we have no pride left.”
>Sato was upset with the lack of respect for stories in Japan. He pointed out that “Ergo Proxy had DVD box sets around the world, but not in Japan.
>Anime has become a “super establishment system,” where nothing can be changed. And the system is moving towards the model of Akihabara – the importance of characters, images, merchandise.. As Sato sees it: “Manga is the last hold out. If that is lost, there will be no more anime.”
>He feels anime will die out in Japan over the next few decades

Hayao Miyazaki, director of Nausicaä, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away
>"I think Japanese animation is facing a dead end," he said.
>"I think there is a chance that the spread of Japanese animation overseas might only lead to embarrassment."
>And he described younger anime makers as the "copycat generation".

>> No.5846217

I'd say no. Bakemonogatari, K-ON!! and the Evangelion Movie (all recent anime) are the top sellers.

>> No.5846218

Sounds like nostalgia goggles.

>> No.5846226

They are all shit. EVA was always shit.

Anime should go back to its (violent/grimdark) roots.

>> No.5846227

On topic, anime was always the inferior medium, most good anime are adapted from manga/LNs/VNs/etc..

>> No.5846230

>Yutaka Yamamoto, director of Lucky Star, on the state of the anime industry:
Sounds like the gravedigger dissing the corpse.

>> No.5846232
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Sad but true. More and more companies are closing down, leading to monopolies that appeal to the mainstream with fanservice and repetition. I've talked to people working in the anime industry and there really is a lot of fear right now. Popularity and recognizability of brand is becoming more important than content.

It really saddens me, but my primary interests are manga and visual novels.

>> No.5846233

The moe bubble is going to burst in a few years, although it is actually slowly deflating.

There are less anime being produced each year, and most of them are products that focus more on merchandise and fan service. Those artists who draw the bulk of images in an anime get paid less than mcdonald's employees.

Add the VN market to that which is dying under the weight of piracy and overpriced products.

>> No.5846234

>>5846227 most good anime are adapted from manga/LNs/VNs/etc..
Good one.

>> No.5846235

>Yutaka Yamamoto, director of Lucky Star, on the state of the anime industry:
>Lucky Star
Woah, if he had any qualification on speaking about the shitty status of animation he just lost it, like a murderer whining about the raising rate of murders.

>Dai Sato, scriptwriter of Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo
>“When I see anime today, I realize that we have no pride left.”
Yeah, I can't help but feel bad for the guys who came up with great stuff like Galaxy Express 999, Harlock, Hokuto no Ken.
Now it's all fanservice.

>Hayao Miyazaki, director of Nausicaä, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away
Correction, not a "chance", if people were to see what passes throught the japanese anime channel they'd think everybody there is either a pedophile or a sexual deviant.

>> No.5846236

I thought Suigin, aka Gorespammer, stopped posting here.

>> No.5846240

Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Denno Coil and Birdy: Decode Lucky Star; shit
Hayao Miyazaki: relic

>> No.5846242

>Yutaka Yamamoto, director of Lucky Star, on the state of the anime industry
This is like reading
>The Jonas Brothers comment on the state of rock music

I don't even.

>> No.5846243

Would you prefer a show with actual characters, or one with Copy and Pasted lines and mannerisms?

Like it or not, Lucky star is what anime should be: Something different. I prefer it to weaboo action naruto power levels anime with 500 episodes of filler and 50 episodes of plot, much less horrible community.

>> No.5846254
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Saten time?

>> No.5846255
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>Yutaka Yamamoto, director of Lucky Star, on the state of the anime industry

>> No.5846256

>Sato was upset with the lack of respect for stories in Japan. He pointed out that “Ergo Proxy had DVD box sets around the world, but not in Japan.

I'd say dissing shit like Ergo Proxy shows a respect for stories. But that's just me.

>> No.5846257

This thread:

>> No.5846258

>>>5846243 Lucky star is what anime should be
You'd better be a troll.

And I prefer a good unoriginal anime that a shitty "different" anime.

>> No.5846262

Only that Lucky Star in a good anime.

>> No.5846264

Shounens are for little kids, stop comparing them with shit like Lucky Star obviously aimed at grown ups.
Compare it to something like Seto no Hanayome or Gurren Lagann, those were entertaining and fun to watch, on the other hand Lucky Star is a test on your mental sanity and endurance.

>> No.5846265

No you're right, Ergo proxy is complete shit.

>> No.5846266

How can the director of lucky start complain about anime today when one of the 3 main branches of the anime industry is pretty similar to what he did?

>> No.5846270

I meant "Star".

>> No.5846275

>18 posts omitted
Who gives a shit?

Fuck off to /a/

>> No.5846277

At least Lucky Star was not some shitty perverted anime(Other than a few remarks Konata made about Miyuki)

>> No.5846281

Try to understand him, what should've he answered ?
"You're right, I'm part of the cancer afflicting nowaday's animation, making money on fetishes and recycling old stereotypes instead of coming up with original ideas." ?

>> No.5846282

Bla bla random people on the state of PC gameing.

It's gonna fial in the next 4 years

It's shit no one plays PC games nowdays

Meanwhile at valve : We made quadrilions from seling PC games, there more PC gamers then ever,

VGChartz.com estimated 3 to 4 million people in South Korea playing SC2 on day 1 along with 1.8 million sales in the rest of the world. This would give Starcraft 2 the best day 1 sales total of any PC game in history.
So yeah it's like saying the movie indtury will die out because we have PC games and shit.

Anime will remain, just like Video games have and Movies have and just about everything that was doomed to fail at some point.

After the moe boom there will be some other boom... just like Avatar made 3D popular so will some other anime make that sort of anime popular.

Established entertainment platforms don't fail, they become smaller or bigger.

>> No.5846291

i dont care. i had fun watching lucky star and im gonna watch season 2 when it comes out

>> No.5846292

Nothing is dying, but all multimedia is atrophying in the new era because quite simply, nobody buys anything anymore.

That's why most Hollywood films now are children's films or remakes.
Why anime are mostly 12 episodes now, and not as eager to animate unique and unusual material.
Why every video game that comes out is an FPS, MMMO, or at least has those elements.

In times where the market dries up, you're forced to peddle to the broadest common denominator, that core market of what /jp/ would call "normalfags" who are the only people still coughing up money for stuff that can easily be downloaded.

That said anime really isn't taking it that bad. There's a bit more "cute girls doing cute things" in anime now, to appease the otaku crowd, but that's always been a mainstay of anime anyway, I don't see why you are watching at all if you don't like it. I loved Railgun.

>> No.5846295

>/a/ meta thread on /jp/.
Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.5846298

Typical butthurt expired directors and scriptwriter being sore loser about their bombed anime.

Bakemonogatari being good not a masterpiece mind you and selling well is a definite proof that anime isnt dying.

Seriously if we go back like 5-10years ago?
What were the so called good show?
Cowboy Bebob? Average.
Escaflowne? Average.
Ninja Scroll? Overblown violence and tits show
Akira? See above
Kenshin OVA is probably the only one that can be called a masterpiece.
And the truly great movie that Miyazaki did was Laputa and Kiki. Look at how shit ponyo was last year. It got killed by a disney flick called UP.

>> No.5846301

>Anons having a polite discussion about the animation's state in japan
>Random Tripfag enters in, post some silly shit nobody cares about and totally unrelated to the ungoing discussion
Hello there.

>> No.5846307

Spoiler: Lucky Star is shounen.

>> No.5846308
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Considering that less and less anime are airing each season now, I'd say yes.

>> No.5846311

>Bakemonogatari being good not a masterpiece mind you and selling well is a definite proof that anime isnt dying

mediocre show overhyped by retarded fanbase

>> No.5846312

anime in the 80s and 90s was almost all fanservice

either pointless sexy girls or pointless gore

>> No.5846315

>After the moe boom there will be some other boom
You really think people will eventually get tired of moe? Yeah, right.

>> No.5846319

except that yamamoto guy got kicked out of kyoani after directing three (or so) first episodes of lucky star because they sucked so much. he's more well-known for directing haruhi and kannagi. whoever wrote that doesn't know shit.

>> No.5846324

They don't get enough money to make more anime.

>> No.5846326

Those day's fanservice was waaay more tame than today's.
What did we get then ? A pantyshot ? Some closeup on a pair of tits ?
Now we have palapations, moans, nudes covered by lolmist, and more.

>> No.5846327

Lucky Star is Seinen. Comptiq is a Seinen magazine

>> No.5846328

I think you mean
>Escaflowne? Huge Noses Everywhere
I love Escaflowne and all, but Christ, those noses were huge.

>> No.5846331

One day we will all wake up and realize that we want our characters to be completely unlikeable. You just wait.

>> No.5846334

At least it didn't suffer from CLAMP's daddylonglegs syndrome.

>> No.5846335

You get full blown nudity last time.
You can see naked shizuka naked in doraemon and it is normal to see full frontal nude. Although they are not shown in a sexual way.

>> No.5846341 [DELETED] 

>Dai Sato
Hack, Ergo Proxy is the worst DEEP show i've ever seen

They should keep this guy as far from scripts as possibl.

Like that has ever been any different. If it isn't animation, they would copy tv and movies and

>> No.5846338
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Fukumoto would like a word with you.

>> No.5846340

UP beat Ponyo because the world prefers CG now. It's tragic but I think we are the very last generation who will value traditional animation. Children these days are growing up on all CG animations. Nobody is going to stick up for traditional hand-drawn animation and it will die in a few more decades. I'm just glad anime producers still have enough pride to keep CG to a minimum in their works. You'd think what with the state of the industry, that they would have sold out to the cheaper methods the way Disney has.

>> No.5846348

Further proof that anime was better in the 00s than the yesteryear.
We have AKAGI and KAIJI.
2006 was really a good year.

>> No.5846350

Lucky Star is also in *Shounen* Ace.

>> No.5846351
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Moe boom is temporally. It's like back in the 70's where it's a Golden Age of Super Robot Anime. Just wait, someday comes a director that will twisted the idea of moe the same way Tomino twisted the idea of Super Robots.

But that's not to say moe is a bad thing. Like me, I stopped watching anime not because of the sudden moe boom. But because i watched this, It feels like i found perfection or close to perfection that i have no willpower left to watch new ones. It's an enlightenment for me.

>> No.5846355

You used to have full frontal nudity, shower scenes everywhere, panty shot everywhere, actual details on the breasts and genitals. It was way more extreme than fanservice now.

Most fanservice now is girls touching each other or maybe showing girls in their underwear, you almost never get full nudity and when you do they don't have nipples or a slit.

Also old anime had way more rape and molestation, even in non-hentai

>> No.5846361

They didn't even say half the things implied. OP is putting words into their mouths.

This is like the 20th time i've seen it.

>> No.5846362

IIRC, those are cameo strips and appeared in several other mags.

>> No.5846365

>they don't have nipples
Have you seen ladies vs butlers?

>> No.5846367

But the original 4koma was in Comptiq

>> No.5846374

About this nudity fan-service discussion you guys are having:

My opinion is that in the past it was more "real" and direct. While today the nude fan-service comes with a lot of retarded shit with it, being stupid jokes, situations or anything like that, and that makes it really bad.

I remember now a scene of the first Extra Stage of Initial D (which is not even something that old) and there is a scene where you see breasts, it's nothing special and it feels so normal. But today you have all that "yaaa~~ pervert" shit and all and THAT is what makes the specified anime looks like "lol fan-service bullshit".

>> No.5846379

One must really have to ask why do they not use all that budget to create a porno series like back then?

Doukyuusei 2 was rather nice.

>> No.5846380

You can blame tenchi muyo and love hina for all these shit.
But overall if you take off your nostalgia google we have it way better compare to the 90s.

>> No.5846381

The fuck they are talking about? We've had KnK, Gundam Unicorn is being adapted, Eva 2.0, Casshern, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei had 3 fucking seasons, and that's just what I can recall off the top of my head.

>> No.5846389

>3 fucking seasons
Actually I wondered why anime never finish anymore the last complete anime was Inuyasha.

>> No.5846392

I don't think those are good examples of new "original" ideas.

>> No.5846396

>Gundam Unicorn
Well, of course a return to the glorious UC master race will seem amazing after close to 10 years of AU shit like Seed and 00.

>> No.5846400

SZS had 3 season + ovas, but it's not a "new" show.

>> No.5846402

theyre basically old newspaper/magazine editors saying the internet is shit because you don't get to hold actual paper and no love/research/magic sauce was put into making articles

>> No.5846404
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>yaaa~~ pervert
This really needs to die out.

>> No.5846420

>Your anime is always going to end up on Youtube

>> No.5846422

So you name off five counterexamples in the past decade, and think that disqualifies the whole argument? Proof by counterexample doesn't work bro.

Also if you look there you'll see that KnK, Eva and Gundam aren't original in the slightest, they are made solely because the producers know they will ride off the name.

>> No.5846431

Being new and original doesn't make you good. Like it or not, all my examples are high quality anime, which had careful production.

>> No.5846436

which is true

>> No.5846440

Look at >>5846338

Or are we talking about ORIGINAL ANIME ONRY and no adaptation?
Kowarekake no Orgel?
Hardly any non adaptation nowadays.

>> No.5846441

It's pretty related I was comparing the PC gaming industry with the anime industry. Since certain people believe that both are dying out. Yet they continue to thrive and sell millions of copies.

>> No.5846444

Reminds me of stuff like Najica, Aika and similar ecchi stuff.

>> No.5846450
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He's right for the most part. We get awesome shit sometimes like High School of the Dead,Break Blade/Broken Blade and stuff but there will most likely never be another Cowboy Bebop,Samurai Champloo,Big O etc etc

I remember a time when we got maybe 1-3 moe/slice of life shoes a season and they were of high quality. You could actually like the characters and develop feelings of moe for them.

Nowadays you have stuff like K-ON flooding the market which I refer to as "Mass Produced Moe" where they just take all the cliches and shit that's known to be successful and slap it into one show.

Want proof of this? Go watch a classic like Azumanga Daioh then watch an episode of K-ON. You'll understand exactly what I'm talking about.

I know some people aren't gonna like this comparison but whatever. The anime industry right now is a lot like Hip Hop. It's dying due to being flooded with garbage made by people who just want to make a quick buck and do it by copying off other people instead of trying to find their own style.

>> No.5846454

>High School of the Dead,Break Blade/Broken Blade and stuff but there will most likely never be another Cowboy Bebop,Samurai Champloo,Big O etc etc
None of these were good.
You are part of the problem.

>> No.5846460 [DELETED] 
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Oh and for the record. I enjoy moe/slice of life anime quite a bit.

>> No.5846463

Touhou will save the anime industry.

>> No.5846465

I think we should define the criteria better then.

I didn't like Akagi, Kaiji, Gundam or SZS. I don't think any of them are pinnacle examples of objective quality, if there even is such a thing.

All I was saying is that those 5 examples given were further proof that the industry is indeed resorting to everything either being otaku-pandering material or a rehash of something they already know could be marketed by name alone. Because the studios have to play it safe.

>> No.5846466

>Cowboy Bebop
I'm actually tired of hearing this every thread it was boring and uninteresting in my opinion.

>> No.5846468

>We get awesome shit sometimes like High School of the Dead
Bouncing boobs, panties, boob-grabbing zombies, sudden gore, etc. All of these are overused and plain.

.... Seriously.

>> No.5846471

No. Just because he doesn't like your animus doesn't mean hes part of any problem.

>> No.5846474
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>High school of the dead
>Break Blade
>Samurai Champloo
>Cowboy Bebop
>Big O
>Not Good

>> No.5846477


There's a board for talking about your shit cartoons, normalfags. Get back there.

>> No.5846480

You definitely have shit taste if you think Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Denno Coil and Birdy: Decode, Nausicaä, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are better than the show listed.
Take off your nostalgia google already.

>> No.5846481

He's what we'd call a hipster regurgitating an opinion based completely on people blinded by nostalgia and force-fed by the loud minority who considers themselves 'too good' to enjoy recent things.

>> No.5846482

You've never even watched K-On

Within its genre it stands out as very high quality and original.

>> No.5846484

Is there any anime you like?

>> No.5846491

I don't like any of those either so I guess I'm safe.

Except for Nausicaa, how can anyone say it's not a classic.

>> No.5846492

Who the fuck cares. Anime is shit anyway.

>> No.5846495

what a shitty thread you have there

>> No.5846496
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Guy who posted that here. Cowboy Bebop is overrated and I'm kind of tired of hearing about it too but you cannot deny that it was a revolutionary series worthy of the praise.


We have seen that all before but the characters in the show are interesting and the way they develop throughout the story makes for a good anime/manga.


Haha oh wow

>> No.5846498

Thread reported.

>> No.5846500

I prefer Laputa and Kiki.
Nausicaa is just meh when I watched it.

>> No.5846503

Generic post-apocalyptic shit.

>> No.5846505

There's still more than enough great anime coming out. Bakemonogatari is one of the best, and most important shows of recent years, it shows that you don't have to sacrifice good writing or direction even if you incorporate enough otaku-pandering elements to sell well.
Yutaka Yamamoto implying Bakemonogatari is a bad show is the most pathetic thing I've read in quite some time.
Though Denno Coil selling bad is sad, however predictable. That was a great show, but not really one with good rewatch value.
Also, >>>/a/.

>> No.5846509

>We have seen that all before but the characters in the show are interesting and the way they develop throughout the story makes for a good anime/manga.
Are you kidding? It's a bad Eli Roth movie in anime form.

>> No.5846518


It is pretty ironic for someone complaining about the state of the anime industry and then liking HOTD and Break Blade.
Break Blade is like a copycat of Code Gayass. Even the mechs look a like and with tons of ASS shot of the main heroine.

>> No.5846520

The problem is the fact that these days there's no surprise in watching most animes.
When we watched GL we couldn't even imagine we would've gone from some kind of old school mecha parody to fighting aliens in space.
When we watched Kaiji we never knew what was going to happen in the next episode because the mc was a tool and one moment he seemed brilliant, another one he'd seem a mongoloid.
I'm tired of watching the first episode of an anime and guess with a 90% accuracy how most events and characters relationships will evolve.

>> No.5846521
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>> No.5846522
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I watched the entire first season.

Horrible writing.
Bland art style.
Generic art direction.

Do yourself a favor. Leave K-ON alone and go watch Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.5846532

Post-apocalyptic is such an underrepresented setting that I don't think you can use "generic" and "post-apocalyptic" in the same sentence.

>> No.5846533
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>> No.5846535
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I raised you this.

>> No.5846539
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I acknowledge your opinion but respectfully disagree.

>Break Blade is like a copycat of Code Gayass.

I don't think you can say that when the series is only on the first episode.

>> No.5846541

>Post-apocalyptic is such an underrepresented setting


>> No.5846542

They should just stop arguing and make another Nadesico. I refuse to consider the movie as canon.

>> No.5846544

>Post-apocalyptic is such an underrepresented setting
The whole guy beating up rapists in a post-apocalyptic world was a big genre at one time.

>> No.5846549
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That's a good show too.

Highly recommended.

>> No.5846550

It's true. Someone email ZUN about this, I can't moon rune. We must do all we can to save this dying industry!

>> No.5846553

>Horrible writing.
And while art direction is not original, it's certainly very well done.
Hidamari Sketch is still more enjoyable show, though
Yeah, you're so edgy because you don't like popular shows, good for you.

>> No.5846555
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I believe in this context, a picture expresses more than words.

>> No.5846558

>Horrible Writing
For an episodic based show, the writing was not "horrible", simply because it's non-linear. It's also half as long as Hidamari Sketch, as well as revolving around a school club, forcing nearly all the episodes to have somewhat to do in a school environment. Something Hidamari got released on with the Apartments. K-ON! also makes, some, subtle character development, and I'm not talking about the last few episodes of sudden melodrama. That was the only example of bad writing I can really think of from the top of my head.
>Bland art style
Sorry KyoAni doesn't like to splash random wallpaper paint and cut to super-deformed every scene and call it day.
>Generic art direction
I really have no idea what you could possibly mean by that.

>> No.5846559
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>Generic art direction
You're brainwashed to hate K-On because it's the popular thing to do. Criticize what you will but you can't say it has generic art, anyone with an open mind can see that it doesn't.

This is generic anime art. K-On has a fairly unique style that is easily recognizable, that's why artists have drawn K-On -styled versions of other characters, and you can instantly tell it's supposed to be a crossover with K-On

>> No.5846560
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>> No.5846561

>Post-apocalyptic is such an underrepresented setting
Where have you been this past two centuries?

>> No.5846562

Suigin = gorespammer

>> No.5846563

I think Hetalia is fun...

>> No.5846565

>Yutaka Yamamoto
Oh yeah, the guy who made people think Lucky Star is a food anime and got kicked out after the first 4 eps sucked so bad.
You have no fucking say in anything.

>Dai Sato
No one cares about the pretentious shows you worked on, and you didn't do that much writing for Champloo or Bebop.

>Hayao Miyazaki
Shrivel up and die already. You hate everything forever. You are like fucking John Kricfalusi.


Anime isn't dying, but shit is dying off hopefully. Just go back to making superviolent random OVAs and awesome American co-produced cartoons, Japan.

>> No.5846566
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I raise you this

>> No.5846567
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I think the writing for K-ON is atrocious. If you enjoy the art style go watch Sora No Woto. It's a far superior series and I'm glad we agree that Hidamari Sketch is better than K-ON.

>> No.5846570

>Implying Ponyo was not the worst Miyazaki film in decades
>Implying Up didn't rightfully deserve to slap the shit out of Ponyo in sales and in every other aspect from characters, scenery, story-telling, pacing, etc.

>> No.5846571

K-ON has a very original and defining art direciton. No anime before it looked quite like it, only anime that copied it afterward. You can tell something is K-ON art easily. You cannot for example tell with most JCStaff shows. The "death" of the anime industry in the eyes of normalfriend directors is also a good thing.

>> No.5846572
File: 256 KB, 300x480, Pani_Poni_Dash!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you are mentioning SHAFT why not recommend Pani Poni Dash! as well? It's a fun show with "moe" characteristics that you will laugh even if you don't get the punch line or hidden references, etc on it.

>> No.5846574

Please name for me ten anime with a post-apocalyptic setting without going to google

>> No.5846575


Reported. It is terrible by default because it is disgustingly western.

>> No.5846576

Same like how majority of the f/a/ggots got brainwashed to hate Bakemonogatari as well.
It is pretty funny how a single person like gorespammer can do this.

>> No.5846579

>No anime before it looked quite like it,

>> No.5846580
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>> No.5846582

>you don't like popular shows

Or I don't like pretentious shit that postures as being "artistic" and "intellectual" (so as to inflate the ego of the mouthbreathers who watch it) when in reality, it uses all of the same tired archetypes and doesn't do anything original.

>> No.5846583

Well, if /a/nime is indeed dying, at least I'll always have /jp/nimation to fall back on.

>> No.5846584
File: 279 KB, 1024x1024, 2a58c3eea8609d61cd5dd98371682a7db0d2e4c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show. I couldn't remember what mitsudomoe was ripping off of, but yeah.

It's ripping off of that. Compare their hairstyles.

>> No.5846585

You do realize Sora no Woto is a drama with comedic elements, and is a completely different genre than K-On!? Save a few of the filler episodes.

>> No.5846590

The Girls in K-on Have very original personalities you have to at least admit that.

>> No.5846591

Get the fuck out, dumb weeaboo.

>> No.5846592
File: 39 KB, 307x230, Azumanga Daioh Osaka Waitress Chiyo-chan Penguin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game over anon.
You wont be able to top this.

>> No.5846593

Mitsudomoe is very different to Minami-ke. The only similarity is that both are about three sisters.

>> No.5846597

You get out.

I bet you're downloading all these Amerifaggot movies and talking up sluts on facebook as we speak.

>> No.5846598

Needs more SZS season 4.

>> No.5846605

Fuck off back to /a/.
You must be new here.
In /jp/ we criticize shit if they are shit. In this case UP is clearly superior to Ponyo in every way. We dont give a shit about the nationality or where it come from.

>> No.5846606

Personally, I like K-On! the best when it's just the characters interacting, rather than the gag scenes.
Like...off the top of my head, there was scene where Mio slipped up and said "Mama" instead of "Mom", that was good.

>> No.5846607

Personally I hate the K-ON art style. It looks terrible.

>> No.5846609

What? They are nothing alike.

I found K-ON and Hidamari Sketch to be equal, honestly.

>> No.5846614

Go away

>In this case UP is clearly superior to Ponyo in every way
You go away too

>> No.5846617

hokuto no ken OVA = best animu

you can't prove me wrong as it is fact.

>> No.5846628

That's kind of unfair, you know.

>> No.5846633
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>> No.5846634

K-ON is shit

>> No.5846636
File: 92 KB, 760x942, 3f4896d08e4ca0ad3ccb0e3ca315ad0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why but I just really don't like K-ON. The only character in the show I like was Mugi.

It felt like I was being forced to like all the other characters.

Especially Azusa.

>> No.5846643

Ah god, that thread into such a clusterfuck I don't even know who to reply to.
K-ON! is a good show. Hidamari Sketch is just as good in a different way but more enjoyable for me.
Bakemonogatari is a great show. Not because it's deep or anything(although it is artistic), but because it has great writing, great direction, and great art style. And it does all the things that were done before in a great way.
Anime isn't dying, it's getting better.
Don't give into peer pressure so much folks.
Take it easy, I'm out.

>> No.5846644
File: 164 KB, 400x300, azusa_cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's alright, Azusa is pretty much universally recognized as a fifth wheel. Practically nobody likes her.

>> No.5846648

Mugi gets the least attention out of all the girls and i don't think we have gotten an episode all about her yet.

>> No.5846651

>K-On is a good show
/jp/ is officially dead. No different from /a/ now.

>> No.5846652

Hokuto no Ken
Now and Then, Here and There
Sora no Woto
Blue Submarine nº6

Yes, I can't remember ten but that doesn't change the fact that this typeofsetting was used and reused in dozens of VNs, mangas, animes, films and books.

>> No.5846657

-Cowboy Bebop (Earth was post-apocalyptic)
-That Yukikikaze spinoff with the airplane girls
-Blue Gender
-Vampire Hunter D

>> No.5846659

The basic set up of K-on

>> No.5846660

Damn right.

>> No.5846661

Violence Jack
Desert Punk

>> No.5846662

Guess you should go away then.
/a/ is the board that would be shouting "HURR K-ON SUCKS DERP MOESHIT IZ FUR FAGETS"

>> No.5846663

The constant Azunyan threads in may disagree with you.
She seems to be currently the most liked of the K-ON cast.

>> No.5846665
File: 120 KB, 500x700, f8144f7845e8fd4ea5635165f75dc46b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


K-ON was bad but it got worst when they introduced Azusa. She does absolutely nothing but pander to moe obsessed otaku. It's like she was made in a factory and programmed to be cute. K-ON isn't even geared towards otaku. It was made for little girls.

I love Mugi but I cannot watch that garbage again.

>> No.5846669

>airplane girls
>post-apocalyptic setting
Uh...Sky Girls?

>> No.5846671

Oh, for fuck's sake, fuck off with your shit to >>>/a/.

>> No.5846674

Darker Than Black, Akira, Neon Genesis Evangelion / Rebuild of Evangelion, Desert Punk, Blue Gender, A Wind Named Amnesia, Stellvia of the Universe, Origins Spirits of the Past, Trinity Blood, Wolf's Rain, Zaion: I Wish You Were Here, Viper's Creed, Gunparade March, Scrapped Princess, Casshern Sins, Engage Planet Kiss Dum, Blue Submarine No. 6, Agent Aika, Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, Zegapain, Cowboy Bebop, Pale Cocoon, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Utawarerumono, Gilgamesh, Suteki Tantei Labyrinth, Fist of the North Star, Noein (in parts), The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye, Apocalypse Zero, Chrome Shelled Regios, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, Grey Digital Target, Innocent Venus, Kurogane Communication, Cybuster, Ladius, Violence Jack, Vampire Hunter D, Tide-Line Blue, Mushrambo, Future Boy Conan, Sky Girls, Rhea Gall Force, Needless, Wonderful Days, E's Otherwise.

>> No.5846679

Also, Sky Girls and Strike Witches.

>> No.5846683

Desert Punk
Ergo Proxy
Scrapped Princess
Trinity Blood

>> No.5846684

K-ON is full of terrible writing. I watched the entire first season of K-ON. It has no plot whatsoever. They make a goal in the beginning of the series. They wanna get a record deal and perform at some big venue or some shit. Guess what? They don't work towards this goal and guess what happens at the end of the series? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. It ends with them drinking tea and eating fucking cake. I don't care if it's moe shit,slice of life,reality TV or whatever. EVERY story ends with something being accomplished.

And you know what pisses me off about K-ON? They had the fucking gall to make a second season and do the same bullshit all over again.

>> No.5846689

the only good thing about darker than black is season 1. the rest is shit

>> No.5846690
File: 558 KB, 812x599, Nagisa_and_her_clone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the best anime around was made for little girls

>> No.5846691

Wy the fuck are Mio and Azusa so high?Mio is a big ass cry baby and Azusa is boring forced moe.

>> No.5846692


>> No.5846693

She serves as a second straight-man after Mio, and a more serious view on the band angle, basically, she tries to push the girls back into the music direction, but is usually ignored or just forced into cutesy stuff by the older girls.

>> No.5846694

The only thing keeping me interested in anime is the moeshit. Why does the Lucky Star director believe everyone wants youtube quality videos...Release them on bluray faggot.

>> No.5846699


K-ON! is a seinen manga, bro.

>> No.5846700

Ergo Proxy
That anime with the silver hair girl kicking the fridge

There is probably more

>> No.5846701

Oh yeah, even Gurren Lagann fits.

>> No.5846713


>And you know what pisses me off about K-ON? They had the fucking gall to make a second season and do the same bullshit all over again.

How dare KyoAni adapt the rest of the manga material for the 11th best ever selling anime!

>> No.5846717

No, this. Shit anime.

It was a spin off of Homolust Fairy Yukikaze about the airplanes as girls trying to appease otaku in a land of dying dreams.

>> No.5846725

And it took them 3 years to make the second season of Haruhi and look how that turned out....

>> No.5846726


A good read from CurryButt's blog.

>> No.5846736

Is this your first high school anime or something?
It ends when they FINISH HIGH SCHOOL just like Azumanga, Manabi and other similar shows of its ilk.

>> No.5846747
File: 21 KB, 290x300, Eiichiro-Oda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and print manga died after Dragon Ball ended.

They're just whining because they can't do anything about it. An unexpected savior will come along eventually.

>> No.5846750
File: 1.06 MB, 1115x1653, 33ff561b57f32ef9638083ba5970d24a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I own this on DVD actually. I watched it once and it was cute. I never touched it again.

>basically, she tries to push the girls back into the music direction, but is usually ignored or just forced into cutesy stuff by the older girls.

And that's the problem. She exists for exactly that reason. Her only purpose is to do random cute shit and wear cat ears.

I wish I could take Tsumugi out of K-ON and put her in a better show like Hidamari Sketch or something. She doesn't deserve to be associated with this second rate garbage.

>> No.5846754

>Though Denno Coil selling bad is sad, however predictable.

>> No.5846755

CurryButt has a blog?!
Why did I not know about this

>> No.5846766

>currybutt blog

hahaha oh wow.png, get the fuck out of here curry.

>> No.5846767

>wish I could take Tsumugi out of K-ON
We must share the same thoughts because i agree with everything you post.

>> No.5846776

You know who K-On appeals to? Faggots who cannot stand the concepts of drama or action. They watch slice of life SHIT like k-on because they're afraid to actually get attached to something, and watch as that something encounters problems. They can't stand the thought that their precious character might suffer, so they delude themselves with these shitty completely 1 dimensional characters who will never do anything aside from eat some fucking cake, go to sleep, and look cute. I could draw parallels to other slice of life shit like Yotsuba. I could, be it not for the fact that Yotsuba displays genuine character interaction and conflicts. You laugh at the cuteness of Yotsuba from an adult's point of view, you laugh at Yotsuba because she's a child, a child who was found in the rubble of some shithole and doesn't even know it. You laugh because you see the simple genuine happiness everyday life can bring a child.

K-on doesn't have anything remotely interesting as that, it caters to pathetic people who are afraid of interaction and disappointment, the same kind of people who lock themselves in their houses and blindly choose to ignore the reality in front of them, the fucking otaku scum.

Slice of like gets its humor from the way characters interact with their peers and their problems on a day to day basis. Calling K-on, a series which does not even as much as pretend to address this issue, is a slap to the fucking face to the genre.

>> No.5846778
File: 294 KB, 750x650, 5b6e7d0ba951e465c44f1bebddfc0677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great minds think alike.

>> No.5846781

Denno Coil is not that good
Please explain to me what makes it such a brilliant anime, besides it having lolis. It is applauded just on the basis of being sci-fi and dialog-driven, but there wasn't really that much substance there.

>> No.5846785

i love you

>> No.5846795

My basic opinion of slice of life is thus:

Why would I watch anime, when I could be watching the fresh prince of bel air instead?

>> No.5846796

You should join the military if you're not in it already.

>> No.5846799

>In this case UP is clearly superior to Ponyo in every way

But it IS better than Ponyo, which was weighed down by dull characters and dry story-telling, and don't get me started with the way water moves in the film. It's probably Miyazaki's worst film in the past twenty years.

Meanwhile, Up has the best story-telling out of any Pixar film any made. I will cite many Pixar films as great, but Up has earned the privilege of being called the first masterpiece of American animation in the 21st century.

>> No.5846808

It bombed because the first 10eps of Dennou coil was shit.
If the start of the dennou coil is as good as the 2nd half of it, it will definitely sell better.
How can you sell your show if all your potential buyers got turned off by the horrible start?

>> No.5846810

>the same kind of people who lock themselves in their houses and blindly choose to ignore the reality in front of them, the fucking otaku scum.
get out of /jp/

>> No.5846813
File: 20 KB, 340x327, 1246551000236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakemonogatari is one of the best, and most important shows of recent years

>> No.5846820

>Opinion and Generalizing

>> No.5846846


>Up has earned the privilege of being called the first masterpiece of American animation in the 21st century

WALL-E would like a word with you in the dark alley out back.

>> No.5846851

American animation in the 21st century is shit

How can you say UP had good storytelling

The story was dumb and there wasn't even really a villian

>> No.5846880

Mickey Mouse and Ed,Edd,Eddy are the only good american animation(And i'm not sure if they are american)

>> No.5846890

Anime entered it's prime during the early 90's, peaked in the late 90's and began turning shit after 2003.

>> No.5846909

I liked the 2006 anime i just hate that people are always screaming the 90's were the best when only a handfull were even worth looking twice at.(Not to mention all th shitty mecha.)

>> No.5846921

Ed Edd and Eddy was a horrible cartoon

Only people who are aged 17-20 like it, understandably, because it was childhood nostalgia to them.

>> No.5846938

I thought it was cute it even had a trap in it.(i think his name was jimmy)

>> No.5846945
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>> No.5846957


1. Go to Wikipedia's List of animated television series.
2. Jump to the 90's.
3. Click the little box next to "Country of origin."
4. Look at the series from Japan.
5. Repeat for the 00's.
6. Kill yourself.

>> No.5846961

Jimmy was just gay

>> No.5846973
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Yes, because I watch K-ON, I never watch any action or drama.

It is actually the people who enjoy moe slice of life who are the best anime fans. Because they watch moe slice of life and everything else, while the normals just watch everything else and rage uncontrollably over how poorly written and predictable young girls eating cake is. You can't tell /jp/ this though because much of /jp/ hates anime in general. Even though they love their touhou, they lash out against the same thing in anime. They are as bad as normals when it comes to it.

>> No.5846992

you forgot Dexter's Laboratory, Popeye the sailor, bugs bunny






>> No.5847004

>Jerry fucks with Tom's tail
>Tom starts screaming

That show sucked shit.

>> No.5847008
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>> No.5847009

>Dexter's Laboratory
Only likable charcter is DeeDee
>Popeye the sailor
It was cute sometimes but boring most of the time
>bugs bunny
How could i forget this!
>Tom and Jerry
....they don't even talk....
But i love courage the cowardly dog the most

>> No.5847032





>> No.5847044

Powerpuff girls is pretty awesome.
I know we have a huge fan lurking /jp/ too.

>> No.5847046

>Tom & Jerry Puss Gets The Boot

>> No.5847060


>> No.5847071

still better animated than most anime these days.

>> No.5847081

nah, the golden age of American animation was the 80s if you ask me

You had Little Mermaid, and all the Don Bluth films

some of the best animation of all time

>> No.5847099

Every episode they do something different, but sometimes they repeat some gags.

Nigger tom and jerry has won 7 oscars, and was nominated for 6 more.

13 fucking oscar nominations, fuck your shit.

>> No.5847116

Powerpuff girls were awesome.

Back to trolling with tom and jerry:

one 8 minute episode of tom and jerry resolved more conflicts than 2 seasons of K-on.


>> No.5847117
File: 12 KB, 320x240, nigger_tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about the Oscars

>> No.5847121


Animaniacs were awesome too though, and that was 90s.

>> No.5847123

It still makes me laugh now.

>> No.5847124

Never change, Miyazaki.

>> No.5847128

Nice source

>> No.5847129

Sadly, that's the truth.

>> No.5847131

there were conflicts in k-on?

>> No.5847139

Tsumugi couldn't get her hair straight.

>> No.5847141

slapstick humor makes you laugh?

>> No.5847150

Moe has been around forever, I'm sick of hearing about the "moe boom".

>> No.5847157

Yeah, I guess.

>> No.5847171

Yui's guitar, Yui's inability to play it, Yui trying to sing, Yui's cold, Ritsu's cold, Mio trying to get everyone to practice, Azunyan trying to get everyone to practice.

And that's just in the first season.

Trolling indeed. T&J was pure conflict, where K-ON is not.

>> No.5847179
File: 37 KB, 640x480, [a-classic] Sexy Commando - 09-16 [1E3D293A].avi_snapshot_00.24.48_[2010.08.02_15.20.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when comedy animu was good?

>> No.5847191

I wouldn't say Tom and Jerry had any real "conflicts"

>> No.5847209


Yeah, it's called SZS.

>> No.5847227
File: 35 KB, 467x353, tom_bawwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong, this is true Tom and Jerry right here

>> No.5847240
File: 220 KB, 704x846, Kona 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu~

>> No.5847264


I was talking about comedy animu, not comedy powerpoint presentations

>> No.5847329

>The story was dumb and there wasn't even really a villian


>> No.5847337

>Opinions thread
Cool opinions, bros.

Since there seems to be a fair amount of talk about K-ON, I might as well pitch in too. I like K-ON, I work long hours doing a fairly stressful job, so just being able to sit down and switch off for half an hour every week and watch a group of characters be generally carefree is just... nice.

There are rather subtle areas of character development in the show that are easy to glance over or dismiss. I won't say the characters are deep, but they're not entirely one-dimensional either.

>> No.5847339
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>People hating on Cowboy Beebop and Big O

Know what? I don't care if Anime dies anymore.

You guys don't deserve it.

>> No.5847346

>so just being able to sit down and switch off for half an hour every week and watch a group of characters be generally carefree is just... nice.

The main reason I like slice of life too, like Sketchbook Full Colors.

Relaxan Animu.

But it should not over saturate the market with it.

>> No.5847349

Henry the fifth had his soldiers go into battle with drawings and rough paintings of beautiful women, birds, flowers and girl-children on the inside of their sheilds.
The soldiers did this not because they were fags, but because in the horror of battle, they could look at something beautiful to ease the weight of what they were seeing and doing
being a man is a hard thing
and working full time and going to school and taking care of your shit (and your woman's shit most likely) is hard
sometimes, you want to just sit back and watch some cute stupid bullshit.
it doenst make you a pedo.
it just means you like girls

>> No.5847351

The market is not oversaturated with it by any means.

>> No.5847356

Why ask /jp/?

Anyway, shitty adaptations are now dominating the industry.

>> No.5847362


I did not say it was, I said it should not. It certainly may lead towards it.

Depends on your definition of Slice of Life.

>> No.5847370

Cowboy Bebop was an average anime in every way. It just had a few stand out episodes. Champloo was much better.

Big O has some of the best robot fightan but it was full of a bunch of vague unexplained deep sounding bullshit that could rival Evangelion.

Big O is awesome though.

>> No.5847379


They aren't "the best" out there but its better than the shit we have now.

>> No.5847395
File: 62 KB, 371x453, 1264279768087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything made after I graduated high school sucks

>> No.5847646
File: 64 KB, 640x480, ghost sweeper mikami wants to hang out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we will never see that Touhou anime again.

>> No.5847815

You fucking mongoloid nigger:
Look at this, this is fucking art.
Just look at it.
Mouse in Manhattan, a little country mouse out in the big city
this one moved me to tears, if you watch it, you'll understand.

Do you even begin to comprehend how amazing these cartoons are? Decades before your moeshit that doesn't even offer *anything* worth comparing.

It saddens me that you bash american cartoons, but don't even begin to mention the classics.

>> No.5848026 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 660x986, 1272348074818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime was dead before any of found out about it.

"The shitty dubs from 10-15 years ago were the old days because I'm in my 20s and wasn't alive before then." <- this is what the new anime fans actually believe

>> No.5848042
File: 103 KB, 660x986, 1272348074818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime was dead before any of you found out about it.

"The shitty dubs from 10-15 years ago were the old days because I'm in my 20s and wasn't alive before then." <- this is what the new anime fans actually believe

>> No.5848070

The classics were shit
Yes I respect them for what they did, they established the industry raised up a lot of brilliant future artists created some great animation techniques that would carry on for generations etc etc

However those cartoons have not aged well and are not entertaining by today's standards. They are in a style and format that only older generations could identify with. They are overly simplistic and shallow and many of them were just basically tech-demos or were made as lite entertainment to keep crowds at theaters pacified before the feature films started.

>> No.5848122

All right, guys, thanks for the demonstration of everything that's wrong with /a/.

Now can you please go back there? Please.

>> No.5848154

Why are there some who can't detect reveres trolls in here? I want to imagine it's just samefags replying to their own post, but from the looks of this thread...

I expected better from you, /jp/. At least try to detect trolls and reverse trolls. And anime isn't dying. Stop being retaded. I've seen OP's post has been reposted many times on /a/ already, and it always ends up in a shitstorm, but the general outcome is that anime isn't dying. People ranting and complaining about "moe" would like to believe so, though. Also, feels like gorespammer in here.

>> No.5848167

Who gives a fuck? Reported for /a/.

>> No.5848170

/a/ doesn't discuss anything.
If this was a roulette thread I would have agreed with you.

>> No.5848182

Hideaki Anno thinks so,

"in these 12 years, there has been no newer anime than Eva."

He also called modern anime stagnant and closed.

I happen to agree

>> No.5848198

>Blah blah speed racer herp derp kimba and gigantor yadda yadda yadda

go to bed, gramps.

>> No.5848201

You seem to have never visited /a/.

I envy you.

>> No.5848221

There is only one right now and it's this exact thread, funnily enough.

>> No.5848239
File: 3 KB, 300x57, lemming..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck are the new mods, tho?

I just now came from /a/ and it's 90% leejun crap. They're all posting shit like toy story porn, photos of tractors and mousepad crap.

>> No.5848253

>255 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

serious man serious

>> No.5848253,1 [INTERNAL] 

When I was a kid, I always assumed the first Tom & Jerry cartoons were those that are ugly as fuck and almost always include a guy with a bad temper. I hated those, and I hated that guy.
