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584408 No.584408 [Reply] [Original]

I really like Tsukihime, but the same crappy music looping non-stop gets boring fast.

Has anyone experimented with replacing the original music? What did you use?

>> No.584416

Benny hill for the sex scenes.

>> No.584421



>> No.584426


>> No.584429

you're going to get a lot of different responses, probably.
But this is also relevant to my interests.
The trick is to get songs that have the same mood and tone as the original ones. That can be tough (especially with the kind of..."touching" or "flashback" song. You know the one)
I also like them to be instrumental because if there are words, they can definitely detract from the words onscreen.

>> No.584435


>> No.584433

they suggest a music pack you can dl, its on /rs/ also

i actually downloaded the benny hill version before I knew what happened. Such an interesting dream shiki had.

>> No.584434

How about replacing that shitty game with FSN

>> No.584442

in before someone takes the bait

>> No.584451

0/10 Didn't even try.

>> No.584456


What makes Tsukihime better than FSN is the atsmosphere, you can feel the danger , the drama, the mindfuck.The music does a better job to add to the atmosphere than FSN.The characters interactions are so superior to the character interactions of FSN that it hurts,and the slice of life segments and Shirou's Pov are fucking annoying.FSN plot is too forced at times, some times they lead to plot holes,weak plot or unexplainable developments.Tsukihime's plot flows better, it's simple and credible..
Tsukihime's plot is also more mature, each resolution have more weight to them 1) Arc and Shiki didn't end up in good terms in Ciel's True End, 2) After every single of the Far Side of the Moon routes, Arc and Ciel will keep hunting Roa, 3) Akiha ends up as a doll in one ending, 4) Akiha and Kohaku die in another end, 5) Hisui's Good End wasn't precisely happy. In F/sn, only 2 characters couldn't be saved: 1) Ilya in UBW, 2) Saber and Ilya in HF.
Shirou never actually shows his resolve when it comes to deal with people who are prepared to kill,and the story does not have serious and mature Masters - aside from Zōken-and the only time Shirou had to confront one of his friends, was in HF against Black Saber. Shiki, on the other hand, had to fight Arc, Ciel, Akiha, and Satsuki at some point - there's also the point when he realises all what Kohaku has been doing.
FSN is just too light and aimed at teenagers. That why the dark and cold as ice Tsukihime is superior.

>> No.584460
File: 97 KB, 800x500, 1210292384702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.584466


>> No.584484

4th time I see that copypasta today.

>> No.584538


Anons fuckwin awesome alternative Turkeyhandle soundtrack

>> No.584552

You're a faggot. I loved the music.

>> No.584582


ah fuck it I can't even be bothered to try.

>> No.584626

Used some appropriate moody & rocking NIN tracks.

"Closer" for the sex scenes obviously.

>> No.584645

I used the Ever17 music. Its one of the best VN soundtracks I know of.

>> No.584651

Tsukihime ~Ever After~.

Admittedly, there's still a lot of looping, but it's a substantial improvement and designed espressely for the game.

>> No.584677

Seconded. Don't forget Benny hill for the sex.

>> No.584693

I used FSN music.


>> No.584707


>> No.584734

What makes chicken fettuchini alfredo better than spaghetti is the sause, you can taste the Parmesan cheese , the butter, the garlic, or the cream in the bowl. The seasoning does a better job to add to the noodles than spaghetti.The flavor interactions are so superior to the flavor interactions of spaghetti that it hurts,and the spherical cow segments and tomato sauce are fucking annoying.Spaghetti taste feels too forced at times, this leads to weak taste or unexplainable developments.Fettuchini alfredo's taste flows better, it's simple, credible and convey feelings better.
Fettuchini alfredo's taste is also more serious, each resolution have more weight to them 1) the chicken gives the dish an air of dignity, 2) After every single of the noodles are eaten you want ot eat another, 3) cream sauce is fucking delicious, 4) thousands of innocent birds died to make it, 5) eating with fork isn't precisely happy. In spaghetti, only 2 sensations couldn't be savored: 1) the vulgar taste of stringy pasta, 2) Meatballs in tomato sauce.
Spaghetti never actually shows its resolve when it comes to deal with people who are prepared to judge,and the taste does not have serious and mature Gourmets - aside from Cicéro-.The only time Spaghetti had to confront one of his counterparts, was in Italy against Pizza. Fettuchini Alfredo, on the other hand, had to fight Lasagna, Ravioli, Bologna, and Spaghetti all´aglio, olio e peperoncino at some point - there's also the point when he realises all what Macaroni has been doing.
Spaghetti is just too light, childish and aimed at teenagers. That why the dark and cold as ice Fettuchini Alfredo is superior.

>> No.584812

Mind uploading this?

>> No.584874


Turning a copypasta into literal pasta? I love you.

>> No.584957
File: 47 KB, 646x512, 1210298372088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.585009
File: 63 KB, 647x511, 1210298674611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.585014

seconding this

>> No.585049

I used a bunch of tracks that I liked and already had. I used some tracks from the Fullmetal Alchemist OSTs for the sad scenes and for the evil music. For the others that I couldn't come up with a fitting alternative I just used Kagetsu Tohya tracks.

>> No.585066

pro tip, kagetsu tohya soundtrack is the same as the ever after soundtrack

>> No.585107

i couldnt get music to work on tsukihime, it worked for kagetsu tohya ;_;
i kinda like it that way though, it makes tsukihime more atmospheric

>> No.585120
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lol my screenshots

>> No.585128

lrn2 rs.4chan.org
it's on there like 2 or 3 times. I got it from there, as I downloaded my first copy of Tsukihime, along with many other downloads. It's a WONDERFUL resource. lrn it.

>> No.585142
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>> No.585149


>> No.585156

I played Tsukihime in the middle of the night with no music on. Well, originally, I didn't know I fucked it up and lost the music (I still had sound effects), but now I am glad I didn't have music, sets the atmosphere better.

>> No.585164

Damn, this is the exact same soundtrack Tsukihime came with for me. Oh well.

>> No.585170

Sort of off the subject, but who else agrees that Tsukihime had fucking awesome credits music?

>> No.585184

they've got different mixes.
There's the Ever After, which i guess would be possible for you to get it with. There's the other one that's...the same music except just better quality. I downloaded that one one time on accident. I was pissed.
Then there's other ones, like the alternative mix named in here. That one was kinda weird

>> No.585187

shit, those first 3 piano chord things now have a lasting impression on me. That and track 7 (i think) It's the one that they play at the end of Akiha's route, as well as Arc's True. Damn...That one gets me.

>> No.585208

