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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5842639 No.5842639 [Reply] [Original]

Some fun facts about Germany few people are unfortunately aware of:

- The German government has never officially apologized for starting either the First or Second World War.
- The German government has never delivered restitution money to so-called "comfort women": Polish, Czech and Ukrainians who were kidnapped and forced to perform sexual acts on German soldiers.
- German textbooks for schoolchildren make no direct mention of the Holocaust, and refer to Hitler's overarching genocidal campaign merely as "The European Incident."
- Auschwitz, located 60 kilometers or so from the capital city of Krakow, is now a disco club. Modern Polacks are literally dancing over their late ancestors' corpses.

America apologized for slavery. Britain apologized for the gulf oil spill. I think it's time for Germany to apologize for the cold-blooded murder of over 6,000,000 million Jews.

>> No.5842643

who gives a shit about jews?

>> No.5842650

>- Auschwitz, located 60 kilometers or so from the capital city of Krakow, is now a disco club. Modern Polacks are literally dancing over their late ancestors' corpses.
This is the best day ever.

>> No.5842652

six trillion jews ?!

>> No.5842653

who gives a shit about germany?

>> No.5842662


Well it's not like it's people or anythings

>> No.5842669
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>> No.5842673
File: 38 KB, 330x244, brandt_willy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German chancellor actually went on his knees in Poland to apologize

>> No.5842675

they deserve it because they are jews

>> No.5842677

>- German textbooks for schoolchildren make no direct mention of the Holocaust, and refer to Hitler's overarching genocidal campaign merely as "The European Incident."

>- Auschwitz, located 60 kilometers or so from the capital city of Krakow, is now a disco club. Modern Polacks are literally dancing over their late ancestors' corpses.

But the holocaust never happened.

>> No.5842689
File: 43 KB, 486x675, HeSaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-The German government has never officially apologized for starting either the First or Second World War.

>Implying germany started either of those wars, and that it wasn't Austria both fucking times.

>> No.5842692

who do you wanna burn it with fire, the nigga or the jew?

>> No.5842705

/jp/ - Umineko/Germany

>> No.5842714

Poor attempt to make a connection to Japan, but Germany actually has officially apologized for the deaths and fully recognize both being the instigator of WWII and the holocaust.

The two nations are completely different in their attitude toward the war, really.

>> No.5842726

Well, Germany gets killed in every American FPS, sounds fair to me.

>> No.5842728

Japan apologized.

>> No.5842739

Stupid thread.
Stupid replies.


>> No.5842746

Who fucking cares

It was 60 years ago, it's not like Germany today has even anything to do with what happened back then.

>> No.5842751

Fun fact: Bullshit.

Confirmed by me, a German.

>> No.5842758

Germans are apologetic as fuck and ashamed of what happened. That's good enough for me.

>> No.5842764
File: 145 KB, 376x910, 77a5c069e393dd199999b83171812efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America apologized for slavery
As a black guy I don't give a fuck, and anybody who gives a fuck about countries apologizing for anything is a fool.

Same thing with restitution money.

>The German government has never officially apologized for starting either the First or Second World War.

See above

>- German textbooks for schoolchildren make no direct mention of the Holocaust, and refer to Hitler's overarching genocidal campaign merely as "The European Incident."

Dick move

>- Auschwitz, located 60 kilometers or so from the capital city of Krakow, is now a disco club. Modern Polacks are literally dancing over their late ancestors' corpses.

That's horrid.

All the same Germany is very very strict about anything Nazi, that is to say it is a jailable offense fo do anything Nazi-like. Seig heil? Enjoy your prison. Red armband? Enjoy your prison. Hitler mustache? Enjoy your prison and ridicule.

Also I guess this is why they call this Otaku Cultue XD

>- The German government has never delivered restitution money to so-called "comfort women": Polish, Czech and Ukrainians who were kidnapped and forced to perform sexual acts on German soldiers.

>> No.5842773

Germany here. We apologize for not gassing enough jews.

>> No.5842788

>Auschwitz, located 60 kilometers or so from the capital city of Krakow, is now a disco club. Modern Polacks are literally dancing over their late ancestors' corpses.

I wish this was true, it would be fucking amazing.

>> No.5842803

>- German textbooks for schoolchildren make no direct mention of the Holocaust, and refer to Hitler's overarching genocidal campaign merely as "The European Incident."
I wish. For 5 years of my formal education I was bombarded with bullshit about nazism and the world wars in every subject from history, over German and politics, to ethics.

>> No.5842808

>America has apologized for slavery

I don't see why at all, unless egypt, rome, Iran (modern Mesopotamia), Sierra Leone, Angola and a hundred other countries do as well.

>> No.5842822

America is #1 and invented freedom

>> No.5842839

>The German government has never delivered restitution money to so-called "comfort women": Polish, Czech and Ukrainians who were kidnapped and forced to perform sexual acts on German soldiers.

They are not hookers, why would they receive anything?

>> No.5842837
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1248346283488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apologize for the cold-blooded murder of over 6,000,000 million Jews
>apologize for ... Jews
Laughing out loud.

>> No.5842844

Japan here. We apologize for the Rape of Nanking ending so soon.

>> No.5842845

American slavery happend for centuries and it was acceptable at all levels. Blacks are still viewed as lesser beings to this day despite being freed.

Nazi era was a sweeping movement started by a small group at a vulnerable time when Germany needed leadership since they were fucked after losing WWI. After they lost in WWII everyone knew they fucked up.

>> No.5842871

Six million million Jews? That sounds like a number you'd use when talking about something of enormous size or distance somewhere in the universe...

>> No.5842930

Jews never do anything wrong. They're perfect just like all the other protected ethnic groups. Redirect all criticism about my personality or culture to my racial characteristics. When they're mad they insult the way I look so that means their problem with me is the way I look.

>> No.5842945

>they never do anything wrong
You've never actually met one before, have you?

>> No.5842947
File: 208 KB, 799x480, 2009-03-30-xxl--20090330030438_KF_John_Rabe_KF501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany here. Sorry for interfering with your Rape of Nanking, Japan.

>> No.5842960
File: 14 KB, 324x243, eva3009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you suck at sarcasm.

>> No.5842973

You actually believe I'm kidding.
