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5837580 No.5837580 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any VN using the Five Elements as their
magic system?
I have watched the FSN but tit use the Greek's Classification.

>> No.5837606


>> No.5837618


>> No.5837642
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>> No.5837656

That is the india 's Classification.

>> No.5837662

Greek system is good enough that we still use it today.
Only difference is we call them states of matter.
Air = Gas
Water = Liquid
Earth = Solid
Fire = Plasma

Wood fails.

>> No.5837668

F/SN uses both, doesn't it?

>> No.5837681 [DELETED] 

fire not effective vs. wood? .....

>> No.5837690
File: 706 KB, 1600x1200, 1264995863511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy uses "wood" as a element, wood-haters.

>> No.5837710

Pretty much. Each system uses it's own classifications after all.

>> No.5837712

I guess there are Touhou VNs, not that they'll be translated.

>> No.5837723

is that way

>> No.5837740

No she doesn't. Fire, air, metal, earth and water.

>> No.5837743

have you played SA?

>> No.5837745


>> No.5837762

>Patchouli's magic based on elements of Wood, Fire, Metal, Water, and Earth. In Chinese signs of the Zodiac there are five beasts: Azure Dragon, Red Bird, White Tiger, Black Turtle and Yellow Dragon. Each of the five beasts refer to same elements Patchouli use: Azure Dragon - Wood, Red Bird - Fire, White Tiger - Metal, Black Turtle - Water and Yellow Dragon - Earth.
this is on "fun facts" on the wikia.

>As she is a magician, she uses magic often. Her specialty is elemental magic employing the seven elements Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Metal, Sun and Moon. In addition, she can combine the elements as well.
and this is from PMiSS

>> No.5837795
File: 73 KB, 640x480, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play the games.

>> No.5837805

Pachy's magic is actually based off the japanese names for the days of the week.

>> No.5837815
File: 49 KB, 640x480, PatchyReflectorCard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy also uses "Moon" and "Sun elements, at the very least in SWR. They're not exactly primary elements.
Pic related. Moon Metal Sign "Sunshine Reflector"
She also has Sun Wood Sign "Photosynthesis"

>> No.5837876

Going by SWR, she has five different element skills and three for each one. Wood is not one of them. 236=fire 214=metal 623=wind 421=earth 22=water

>> No.5837884


>> No.5837904

Those are skills. Spells are different.

>> No.5837972
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I just realized that 10 of Patchy's spellcards are a combination of elements. Moon Wood Sign etc.

>> No.5838027

I gotta say it.

I like asymmetrical elemental dominance systems rather than RPS (or RPSSL) and "lol fire and water do double damage to each other" systems.

>> No.5838054

I like RO's element system the best.

>> No.5838072

I prefer lifeforce for a magic system myself.

One of the dungeons and dragons campaign had you sitting over a world completely drained and fucked by extreme magic usage for a global war.

The atmosphere was so clogged with dead spirits and objects that spirits refused to move on after death since they would be torn apart, and instead walked as undead. Also a high level spell kills something still alive in that world, so dragons could instakill people with mana sapping for spell fuel.

>> No.5838080

SHIKIGAMI whitecyc

>> No.5838122

Wood is pretty much EARTH.

>> No.5838134

does a rock seems to be a wood branch to you? Earth is not all about mud.

>> No.5838148

Wood mean growing

>> No.5838158

Well, if you lump things together enough, you could also say that METAL = EARTH as well, bringing it down to RPS.

Oh, whoops, Verification just came back as soon as I tried to post this.
