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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5836685 No.5836685 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, how long do you normally fap for before you cum?

Me 15-20 minutes. Those hour long edging sessions are really nice though, but it's hard to find an hour block without any chance of interruption.

>> No.5836709

45-60 minutes. Any shorter and I feel the fap isn't worth the effort, any longer and I feel like I'm wasting time when I could be reading eroge

>> No.5836712

Usually 5 minutes.

>> No.5836717

I can't cum.

>> No.5836716

It depends.

>> No.5836719

2 or 3. the sooner it's over with, the better.

>> No.5836726

3-7 minutes.

>> No.5836735

When i am reading an eroge and it is hot it takes up to an hour.
When i am horny as hell 4 minutes. Usually when i have no time 2 or 3 minutes.

>> No.5836746

2-3 hours.

Makes a huge fucking mess sometimes.

>> No.5836750

An hour. Recently I've been going for two hours because of really getting into the eroge I've been playing, but my balls kind of hurt after going that long.

>> No.5836757

Woah that's long. How do yo find the iron will to resist cumming for that long?

>> No.5836769

Fapping really slow. Stopping for a few minutes, iron willpower, thinking of my grandmother lying dead in her bed when i found her.

>> No.5836784

If I'm in a hurry: seconds
If I'm bored: hours

>> No.5836795

>thinking of my grandmother lying dead in her bed

>> No.5836801

Longest I've gone is half an hour. Normally I never go over 10 minutes because I just want to finish up and do something else.

>> No.5836813

>become even harder

>> No.5836809

Does anyone else have a hard time cumming when they've just woken up? Every morning when I masturbate I end up doing it for atleast an hour and cumming a big load every time.

>> No.5836817

2 minutes to an hours

depending on the Lunar cycle.

>> No.5836831

Aren't you the guy who said he hasn't fapped for 3 years because images of your dead grandmother killed your boner? Finally decided to masturbate again?

>> No.5836832

About an hour on average. But with a high variation.

>> No.5836869

I go 0 to 60 in about 3.7 seconds. I'm a fucking Ferrari.

>> No.5836880

Quickdraw McGraw, are we?

>> No.5836885

Lack of focus. I rub it fast as hell, but I'm usually laughing at the "plot" of the comic or idly fapping, letting it build up, while I find the perfect image. I go through a bunch of images, like 3 comics and then I realize it's been like 2 hours. It is possible to do it quicker if I find something that fits my fetishes, but it's usually more something I'm doing to kill time than trying to get over as quickly as possible. Basically yankin on it without actually thinking anything. The lack of "OH GOD ALL OVER HER LITTLE BUNNY TAIL" in your head goes a long way towards longevity.

>> No.5836894

Around 10 to 30 minutes I think

>> No.5836908
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Depends on how long I WANT it to take. Other factors might be how much energy I have free ("Lead engineer! Divert all energy to the left hand!") and how aroused I am.

All three turned to minimum time values? About 20 seconds. Maximum? About 3 hours, with my erection varying hardness without going completely flacid.

The median average is about 20-30 minutes, the mean average is about 45 minutes.

>> No.5836920

Yup. They never see me coming.

>> No.5836931

Get Behind girl, take out penis, start fapping, finish, pack in. It's like changing tires in F1.

>> No.5836928

It usually takes me like 30-45 minutes. I have a compulsion to arrange a collection of porn related to a specific fetish, and then I must fap to that.

>> No.5836932

Must be convenient for public fapping

>> No.5836962

That amongst other things.

>> No.5837004

>It's like the beginning of a certain Henmaru Machino manga

>> No.5837007

Usually 10,000 years

>> No.5837034

Probably 5 minutes.

It's even less when using a onahole.

Worstless cock. If I was the little girl things would be different around here.

>> No.5837046

>If I was the little girl things would be different around here.

Damn right, you could chain orgasm all day

>> No.5837293

I'm laughing so hard I'm crying, well played sir.

>> No.5837324

An hour or two.

>> No.5837819

6 hours.

>> No.5837824 [DELETED] 
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sI your bodyr eady, /jp/?


>> No.5837830

My body is so ready for you Cornelia-chan.

>> No.5837837

45-60 minutes with breathers and breaks. I can hardly fap non-stop without my fingers cramping.

>> No.5837839

Its hard to cum when you're saving and sorting images.

>> No.5837857

10-15 minutes
I'm really desensitized to most of the porn out there
The only reason I fap is so I don't lose my concentration

>> No.5837866

I don't time myself, but many hours. The longer, the better.

Maybe you fast-fappers should learn to enjoy the whole session, not just the climax.

>> No.5837881

>Maybe you fast-fappers should learn to enjoy the whole session, not just the climax.

How does that work?

>> No.5837882

My fastest fap would be 2 minutes.

But god that makes you feel tired and with a sore arm.

>> No.5837894

10 minutes or so, I'd rather go read a book or something than just sit there for hours fapping

>> No.5837893

Sometimes 30-60 seconds when I try for that, other times hour+.
The only reason I go for the quick ones is that if I do it fast enough I can go 4-5 times without any real refractory period or softening. The downside is I am covered in sweat and panting after those types. So they're usually reserved for right before showers.
Usually I have to have 2-4 orgasms per session before I settle down. The hour long faps usually require 2-4 orgasms just to clean all of the semen out of my balls. I think I must produce an abnormal amount of semen because as long as I rub my balls to keep it flowing I can go over and over again, and HAVE to go over and over again.

>> No.5837889

About 3 minutes. I only really masturbate when I get headaches, the dopamine release helps relieve pain.

>> No.5837906

Oh, god. I'm not the only one.

>> No.5837921

5 minutes tops. I don't fap for pleasure, more as a sleep aid or cure for boredom

>> No.5837926

You must be somehow fundamentally different from me to even ask something like that. Fapping(/sex) is supposed to feel good. Sure, orgasm is peak of the pleasure, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the things leading to it.

>> No.5837936

I only fap to correct my mood, one ejaculation will keep me from thinking about sex for about a week.
So I usually only take 10 minutes.

If I'm depressed I don't do it at all, I just wake up with gooey blankets.

>> No.5837939

I don't know about you, but it starts to feel good well before the climax.

>> No.5837948

I think that my problem is that I can't get truly horny anymore...

>> No.5837966

How old are you and what kind of things do you usually fap to?

>> No.5837976

From the moment of beginning my search for something to get off to, to the moment of climax, usually around 45 minutes, I think.

Great. Now I'm getting an urge to time myself.

>> No.5837986

I'm 19. Lately I've been mostly fapping to pics of the guy I have a crush on. It's useless to even try to fap with porn.

>> No.5837996


You're gay. I don't quite like gay people.

All my best friend used to do is rub up against me and ask me what I thought of girls sexually all the time.

I think he was gay.

>> No.5838008

Have you tried not masturbating for a few days while looking at things you normally masturbate to?

This might sound weird, but I actually only get horny towards the ends of long sessions if I've masturbated in the past 24 hours. You're talking about more of a mental arousal, right?

>> No.5838013
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>Shugoi thread


You guys

>> No.5838018

Yeah, I do that all the time. I fap maximum twice a week now.

>> No.5838037

So young? One's body should be sexually most active around that age. You shouldn't think about reality when fapping. Find something else you enjoy. You're here, so you likely enjoy hentai and have many fetishes. Try getting into something new?

>> No.5838040


>> No.5838049
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Yeah. Finding a fetish will stimulate you pretty well.

Short hair and glasses reporting in.

>> No.5838050
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>> No.5838064

I really can't get into any fetish. I saw pretty much everything that exists on 4chan and nothing specially turns me on.

>> No.5838077

Then go outside 4chan, /d/ is pretty /d/ull nowadays.

>> No.5838082

>/d/ is pretty /d/ull nowadays.
And so am I.

>> No.5838086

I can keep myself going for quite a while if I choose to.

Also not-/jp/ related.

>> No.5838090

Not necessarily dicks or tentacles. Finding the kind of girl you like in porn material may work for you.

Though, it may end up in pleasure or torture.

>> No.5838092

>nothing specially turns me on.

Nothing? Be honest.

I don't believe there could be asexual beings with us here in 4chan.

>> No.5838101


See >>5837986 for more info

>> No.5838109

In b4 that guy already has a girlfriend.

>> No.5838124

Thankfully he doesn't, at least for now. Also, he's bi. It's not like I'll ever have any chance with him, though. I am on /jp/, after all...

>> No.5838131


that's not what asexual means.

>> No.5838142
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>not /jp/ related

>> No.5838161

If guys can develop a fetish for traps and dickgirls, gays can develop a fetish for gigantic breasts and vaginas(tomboys?)

>> No.5838199

Unfortunately, I can't just decide to like something.

>> No.5838342

I often fap between 3 and 5 hours.
Sometimes I wonder if that's even healthy.

>> No.5838447

Usually about 3 - 7 mins
When I orgasm I don't feel much pleasure at all ;__;

>> No.5838475

either 5-10 min if I just wanna get of or 30min- 1 hour if I wanna spend some time.

I need to find some way to do it hands free, probably either a good dildo or some vibrator, just stick it in and browse about. That'd be some good shit.

>> No.5838502

>either 5-10 min if I just wanna get of or 30min- 1 hour if I wanna spend some time.


>> No.5838509

>either 5-10 min if I just wanna get off or 30min- 1 hour if I wanna spend some time.

Fuck, fixed.

>> No.5838512

I've never found that the urge to cum gets much stronger the longer I go. Resisting later on isn't harder than resisting it in the beginning. Also I guess my fapping is rather slow paced rather than just jerking it like mad. If I get really close to cumming I'll stop for like 10 seconds.

>> No.5838513

5min Premature ejaculation

max is 30min

>> No.5838552

I fap about 7 times a day so any longer than what it takes to cum is a waste. Which can be 5 minutes or less.

>> No.5838609

if I have porn to fap to, around 7 minutes.
if I have no materials, around half an hour.

>> No.5838632

Why would you bother doing it more than once a day. I don't understand. Or are you that sexually frustrated?

>> No.5838636

35-40 minutes.

>> No.5838638

Feels good, man.
You wouldn't know how it feels.
I'm sorry for you.

>> No.5838691

Yes, it does. But what's the point of making it a routine? You'll just lose interest quickly.
