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5836079 No.5836079 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I got problem.
My emotions are being pulled from side to another and i cannot choose. There is this hell-raven with nuclear power and i couldn't think of nothing more awesome than that. But then there is grave robbing hellcat who makes my heart melt. And i just dont know.

For whom i should give my heart /jp/?

>> No.5836085
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>> No.5836082

Rin. Okuu will give you cancer

>> No.5836089

Go for the harem end, man.

>> No.5836087
File: 528 KB, 1000x692, Utsuho61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the cat.

The bird's mine.

>> No.5836103


better idea

>> No.5836099
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>> No.5836178

Sounds tempting~
Might be true... My body couldnt keep up...

>> No.5836189
File: 895 KB, 1158x1211, Utsuho36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat....because the bird is mai waifu!

>> No.5836283
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>> No.5836309


>> No.5836365

1 for Okuu 4 for Orin. Seems like Okuu is well liked with others to be begin with... Harem ending would be nice but it would feel somehow unfair.

>> No.5836498

It seems moot finally implemented captcha. Good for him.

Anyway, I go with Okuu.

>> No.5836513
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Aw shit, forgot to include the image.

>> No.5836529

Lullaby of a Demon hell sold me on Orin. You can have Okuu.

>> No.5836551

I want to snuggle.

>> No.5836621

Hey hey! It doesnt mean that we'd be together forever. At least we'll never hear their choice of us... This is just for which one i should dream of forever...

>> No.5836626
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You mean Lullaby of a deserted hell,
or abandoned prison,
or discarded jail

>> No.5836678

I'm not certain what you mean. Are you saying the correct translation that list?


>> No.5836771

Everyone loves either one of these two. Even Satori isnt that hated..

>> No.5836807

That's true isn't it, Utsuho and Orin have to be some of the two most popular Touhou around now

>> No.5836876

Dunno. There is some popularity gauge somewhere but dont know where and i heard Sanae is pretty much top on it.

>> No.5836901

廃獄ララバイ doesn't have the world "demon" in it at all.

>> No.5836919
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That is adorable.

BUT, as to your problem....why not both?

Be Marisa, don't settle for 1!

>> No.5836934

That's called "being a whore".

>> No.5836984
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The male definition is "pimp" I do believe.

>> No.5837010

Noo... They are just those two who you'd really fall in love and not tell anyone.

>> No.5837014

Adopt one of them as a bro friend.

For me, it's Nitori. I love her, but not in that way. Nitori wouldn't be the romantic type anyway.

>> No.5837147

Scandaroon being slightly-positive today?

>> No.5837193

Yes. I'd do but i dont know which one should be the bro-friend.

>> No.5837286

The cat is miiine.....

>> No.5838026

You see i could go for Okuu like, "Oh you are so cool!" Then i could go for Orin like... "You always cheer me up."
Now even there i got problem.

>> No.5838299
File: 203 KB, 436x1337, OkuuRinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both gay, so i doubt they would want you.
Also, before anyone asks, source is Happy Flame Time; The Moriya, the Yakumo, and the Komeiji.

>> No.5838312

So harem end and bro-friend denied. What to do?

>> No.5838318


>They're both gay, so i doubt they would want you.

Kill yourself, fanon lover.

>> No.5838321

In fanon EVERYONE is gay.

>> No.5838325


Kill yourself, fanon lover.

>> No.5838327
File: 143 KB, 600x651, 1275848976895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you choose the raven, you'll have an unlimited source of power, so you won't have to pay again a bill from the electrical company.

If you choose the cat, she will take care of your body when you die.

>> No.5838354


>If you choose the raven, you'll have an unlimited source of power, so you won't have to pay again a bill from the electrical company.

Clean Nuclear Energy is a myth.

>> No.5838357

That would help my life significantly.

"Take care of my body after i die" ...Swweeeeeeeet.......!

>> No.5838373

Hmh you got a point... And what would happen if she meltdown'd? It would become hard for me to live with the quilt.

>> No.5838378

Why do you think it exists in Gensokyo?

>> No.5838392
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If you make her cum hard, you could even provide power for a whole continent with her power for around 1 hour.

>> No.5838402
File: 13 KB, 423x297, umad1234876512348765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will always be people who see the Touhou universe to be gay. Deal with it.

>> No.5838414
File: 165 KB, 771x992, 6a00d41430187d685e00e398ec4a8e0005-500pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, you guys.

The Nuclear Dumping in Gensokyo is killing off or mutating the local species.

>> No.5838418

Touhous are too boring for me to give my heart to one of them.

>> No.5838419

And where did you get your statistics? Bunbunmaru? Kakashi Nenpo?

I want hard, solid evidence that a Nuclear Hell Raven is having such an impact on Gensokyo's environment.

>> No.5838421


Yuka should use that fertilizer

>> No.5838424


>> No.5838425



How are you not seeing the upswing in autism amongst young Touhous. Look at Chen.

It's obviously the radioactive Nuclear Waste that's causing it.

>> No.5838428
File: 10 KB, 251x201, okuu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impact on Gensokyo's environment.
Nope, no impact. Needs proof.

>> No.5838435

Not Gensokyo~
And again, you fail to provide proof! I'm beginning to think this propaganda against Gensokyo's nuclear power is a cover for your support in the Yukarist party, Arc.
This is a land of magical little girls flying into gaps we're talking about. The circumstances may be VERY different.

>> No.5838438

True, the circumstances might be different...but I don't see anyone in the Touhou universe worrying about it.

>> No.5838444

Probably because they don't need to?

>> No.5838453

So why are we giving a shit in the first place?
I forgot.

>> No.5838457

No one worried about asbestos and look how that turned out.

>> No.5838480

Point taken.

>> No.5838482

You got good thoughts.
As for me i can explain more. I've been fascinated with death since i was kid. I've seen close people carry their close dead to their graves and i've seen victims and those who scavange their parts that is why especially crows are close to my heart. But i've also been cat-person for all my life. Actual death doesnt attract me that much. Just how it looks like to those who are alive. Otherwise i'd have gone for Komachi.

>> No.5838488

but what effects will nuclear test in gensokyo do? enlarging the girls to godzilla size? give them super powers? how do we know if radiation is turning the girls into X-Men?

>> No.5838491
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>> No.5838494
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>turning the girls into Men

>> No.5838500
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Easy, we call an expert for help.

>> No.5838503
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>> No.5838505
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>> No.5838507

they dont need radiation for that

>> No.5838516

I just noticed that in OP's pic Okuu's hair ribbon thingy makes it look like her hair is a raven and the ribbon thingy is the beak

>> No.5838523

Oh fuck cannot unsee.

>> No.5838526

Oshit it does. Nice eye Phys.

>> No.5838536
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>> No.5838543

I know, i put my heart in search of right OP picture too. Love is serious business you know?

>> No.5838558
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>> No.5838566

Anyway it is 4 and 4 for both. Draw. 4 who i shall go~?

>> No.5838582


i still want to discover the effects of radiation in the gensokyo population, a godzilla size komachi could be interesting

>> No.5838589

Ever seen a fairy with a tumor as large as its body? They can't die, even from that. It'll scar you for life.

>> No.5838592
File: 10 KB, 251x201, suika_giant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres only room for one godzilla-sized character...

>> No.5838596

Hmh, as i told. I'd feel bit quilty of harem ending... But anyway, it is 3 for harem ending.

>> No.5838631

if you go for a harem ending you also get satori

is a win-win

captcha: by pacifists

>> No.5838637

Yes i could be with Satori in cold husband/wife relationship and lust for her pets.

>> No.5838666


>> No.5838810

Ah come on! To these pets you cant say no! They are just so adorable... ♥

>> No.5838849

Why Komachi?
