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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5832916 No.5832916 [Reply] [Original]

What time do you usually wake up, /jp/?

11-12PM here.

>> No.5832925

7:20am on the dot every day.

>> No.5832929

Between 9:30 am and noon

>> No.5832931

Don't you have a Job or anything?

>> No.5832932

7 to 8.

9 If I go to sleep at 3.

>> No.5832933

anywhere from 3PM to 9PM for the last year or so

/jp/ - Hikkikimori General

>> No.5832934

It varies day to day, but usually around noon.

>> No.5832935

Time is in AM, of course.

>> No.5832945

Does not compute.

>> No.5832949

On an average day 10:00-11:00.

I can usually get myself to wake up earlier around 7:30 by drinking two pints of water before I sleep.

>> No.5832951

How can you people live like this?

Everytime I go to my bed, I get so depressed like, man, I'm not doing ANYTHING. This is a terrible feeling. How can anybody like being a hikki or NEET? I hate it, but am unable to stop.

>> No.5832952

Your computing software sucks balls.

>> No.5832954

Depends on if I have to work the next day.

Usually 10-11 for going to bed, 7-8 AM for waking up.

>> No.5832955

/jp/ is a full time job

>> No.5832958


Gets easier every week.

>> No.5832959

Monday - Friday: 5:30am
Saturday & Sunday: 10pm - 1pm

I sleep less than 6 hours everyday, shit fucking sucks.

>> No.5832961

Between noon and 2 pm. But I don't sleep all that long, 8-9 hours at most. Had to go shopping early today, so I slept like 3 or 4 hours, maybe I'll manage to go to sleep a bit earlier today.

>> No.5832963

Around 3-5am.

I feel depressed when I wake up at noon, even though I have nothing to get up for. My window is also patched up so it's always night to me.

>> No.5832964

Find a game you like and play it until you can't stand the shit community anymore. Repeat.

>> No.5832965

So your saying everyone in /jp/ lives with their parents?
I'm not sure I could live like that, being a hindrance to my parents.

>> No.5832970

Who says we don't feel bad? I feel terrible about it. All I ever think is how I'm wasting my life, getting older, not going to reach my dreams etc etc

I distract myself every waking moment and usually can't get to sleep until 4am when I'm literally nodding off in my chair. I'm gaming / watching anime / posting on 4chan pretty much right up to my last moments of consciousness.

>> No.5832980

So you're both lazy and self-conscious?
Ever thought about doing something about it?

>> No.5832983

I try for 11AM but I usually end up pressing the snooze button the max amount of times and waking up around 1PM. I wish I could wake up at 3:30 AM. It's so peaceful when you wake up around that time. I'm normally still awake at 3:30AM, so I have to go to sleep very early.

>> No.5832985

Go to bed at 12pm-3pm

>> No.5832991

he is doing something about it can't you read

>> No.5832994

all the time, of course

please don't continue preaching though, I get enough lectures from my parents and am not looking for life advice from random strangers on the internet

>> No.5832999

Why don't you tell drug addicts to stop taking drugs if they know it's bad for them.

>> No.5833003

going to bed - about noon
waking up - 7-8pm

>> No.5833006

I usually wake up around 1-5PM.

I'm perfectly happy with this life style, because the only other alternative is to become normal and have to actually talk to other people. I can't talk to other people, I'm too afraid that they'll go out of their way to insult me or beat me up or whatever.

>> No.5833007

Between 3 and 4 pm.

>> No.5833018

You're comparing laziness to having an addiction.
How is this relevant?
All I see is excuses for being lazy.
It's not hard to get of your behind, go outside, get a bus or train to the City Centre and look for a Job.

>> No.5833031 [DELETED] 

Reported for trolling, global rule #2.

>> No.5833045
File: 52 KB, 192x192, Heresy Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son, you better stop.

>> No.5833049

You don't think people can become addicted to the internet, gaming, or sleeping? People can get addicted to anything.

And what you said is very hard. Especially in this economy where jobs are limited, employers are scrutinizing their applicants more than ever. Job interviews are incredibly stressful, especially for people with social anxiety, low self-confidence, or who have just become spoiled on living a carefree life. I would say applying and interviewing for jobs is even more stressful than actually working said job. That's a huge entry gap to cross when you're a fucked in the head NEET / hikki

>> No.5833052

And you felt the need to inform of this little "statement" why?

>> No.5833057

Well, look. You don't know anything about this. The fact that you think this is simple laziness really shows you do not understand.

You should probably leave this thread because the only thing you're going to be doing is spamming the same "laziness" argument ad nauseam because you are too stubborn to learn something new.

>> No.5833058

I wake up at 6:30am every day. I used to have a terrible sleeping schedule when I was a student, and I was often tired during the week and overslept on weekends. It feels so much better to wake up early and get enough sleep each night (7 hours for me). I do the same routine even when I have nothing I need to wake up for.

>> No.5833062

the internet is glorious digital darwinism. let all us beta males die peaceful and lonely lives.

>> No.5833063

Usually 2 PM.
I fall asleep around 7 AM. I really wish I could sleep longer. Waking up during the daytime, feels bad man.

>> No.5833074

I woke up at 4pm yesterday, 12 today.

>> No.5833105

Usually wake up around 12:30PM, get up near 1. Been having trouble falling asleep before 6 AM lately, probably because not too long ago I slept in till 7PM.

>> No.5833106

Ah I see, you're blaming all your problem on some phony mental illness.
Life isn't fair, sitting around all day blaming other people for your own failings won't get you anywhere.

>> No.5833113

Anywhere between 0900 and 1500. More often 1500, because come on, I'm an owl, 0100 is my peak performance time.

>> No.5833120

> spamming the same "laziness" argument ad nauseam

And there it went...

>> No.5833127

I didn't mean to imply mental illness when I said fucked in the head.

Fucked in the head is fucked in the head. Nothing out of my control. I don't ultimately blame anybody but myself. Conditions out there are very tough, but it's my choice not to try.

>> No.5833128

Don't argue with those kind of people, it's pointless.

>> No.5833142

Oh, is that so. You're obviously right in that case, I don't understand, I just don't get it and I don't know what I'm talking about.
Well, if it's not laziness, what would you call it?
Try to avoid blaming other people and try to avoid using lame-ass phony "mental-illness" bs.

>> No.5833156

Well it's clear to me that you have no argument and so just point blank refuse to talk. That's kind of childish and sad. I thought you would at least be able to justify your reasons and opinions, but obviously not.

>> No.5833157

This thread painfully reminds me that starting 15th October my 2 and a half year long NEET life will finally end and university will kick in.
Shit, when I graduate I'm 27, that's hardly an age where you can go back to being a NEET.
My days are numbered, in 2 months the rest of my life will only consist of study and work till I die ;_;

>> No.5833166

I just got up. It's 1:30PM.

>> No.5833172

How did you end up being a NEET and then starting Uni at age 27?

>> No.5833174

Maybe I should do that, go back to school. It's the only thing I really know how to do.

>> No.5833189

At least get into a major you enjoy, maybe it won't be too shitty.

I'm a senior in Biological Science and I hate every fucking class. I don't even know what I'm going to do when I graduate, you can't get a job with a BS in Biology and it's already too late to apply for grad/med school. My parents also flat out refused letting me move back, they'd rather watch me die homeless.

Suicide isn't looking to bad right about now.

>> No.5833190

Wait...../jp/ is full of hikkys? I thought you guys were weeaboos.

>> No.5833191

Well it's better than doing nothing with your life like these wasters:
I know I'd rather be doing something with my life, rather than staying in doors all day doing nothing what so ever, just watching life go by.

>> No.5833194

Noon-ish. Woke up at 12:30 today.

>> No.5833196


>> No.5833199

Well you were wrong. We are the most misunderstood board on 4chan.

>> No.5833201

so that's why you're on jp! mystery solved.

>> No.5833203

'scuse me what? /a/ is shit because it's full of spoilers of animes

>> No.5833206

Someone never learned to take it easy.

There's hardly anything better than waking up whenever, doing whatever, and going to sleep solely so you can dream about Gensokyo.

>> No.5833208

most of us just can't or don't want to fit into society.

>> No.5833210

3pm today.

>> No.5833214

Please ignore the troll by not replying.

>> No.5833218

Either stay inside doing whatever you want all day, slaving over boring video games ultimately for no reason


Stay inside all day, doing whatever someone else tells you, slaving over tedious paperwork (or if you really suck, a fryer or something) so some millionaire guy's net worth can increase by a few bucks.

Pick your poison. Both suck.

>> No.5833224

You just need to get a job, lol. Since you guys are NEETs you could go for the cool shit paying job...no?

>> No.5833228

If that's your reason as to why /a/ is full of shit, you belong in /a/.

>> No.5833229

Wake up at 3PM normally. I normally stay up until like 11AM (though night and everything). Well, today I woke up at like 1:30 (naturally. Nothing woke me up) for some reason.

Note: I'm a hikkikomori.

>> No.5833232

Typical retard post.
>No argument
>Doesn't agree with me
>He must be "trolling xD"

Saging a thread on /jp/ and just ignoring your problems won't make them go away little child.

>> No.5833237

sweet I'll just go find some listings at


>> No.5833240

3- 5pm.
I got to sleep usually 7-9 am. Sometimes i don't sleep at all.

>> No.5833241

6:22 AM every day.

>> No.5833243

By being German.
You usually graduate from Gymnasium (which is not the place where you do sports, but the highest of the 3 basic schools you can go to after elementary school) at age 19.
Then I pissed away 9 months with shitty alternative service (fuck mandatory conscription).
After that I only applied at one university for a completely overrun major and got rejected despite my fairly decent grades.
Spent 2 years doing nothing because of that, the year after that I didn't even apply anywhere.

Due to pressure from my parents I now applied again, this time for aerospace engineering and was acepted.

Should be happy, but I'm depressed as shit.

>> No.5833245

why are you a hikkikomori? I really don't understand this shit. Don't you watch shounen anime? Don't you want to be best at something? Don't know about you but the whole Hokage, Pirate King, Shaman King etc is a constant reminder of my dream...to be the best chef in the world! (inb4 lolgay)

>> No.5833249

Calling someone lazy is not an argument.
If you stopped to think for a second that your baseless accusations wouldn't cause anything except Gaia-level drama, this thread wouldn't have been derailed in the first place.

>> No.5833251

Wow, you're a faggot.

Seriously, fuck off to /a/.

Why do underaged keep coming to /jp/, anyway? Shouldn't they all be in /a/? When did /a/ have such a high opinion of us that they come here?

>> No.5833253


not sure how to feel about this post

>> No.5833254

I live by getting money free money from the government by faking depression. How does this make you feel?

>> No.5833257


>> No.5833258

You're do edgy and unique.
You realize if everyone had that kind of mentality the human race would have died out a long time ago.
Yes, spending all of your time doing something you hate for little money, just so you can eat and pay your rent sucks. That's just life, deal with it.

>> No.5833259

Stop replying to trolls.

>> No.5833262

>Don't you watch shounen anime? Don't you want to be best at something? Don't know about you but the whole Hokage, Pirate King, Shaman King etc is a constant reminder of my dream...to be the best chef in the world! (inb4 lolgay)
No, we don't because we're not fucking twelve years old. Go back to whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.5833268

>You realize if everyone had that kind of mentality the human race would have died out a long time ago.
But he isn't everyone. Humans have different views and opinions. Respect that and fuck off back to /a/ already.

>> No.5833269

Because of Umineko. And because of faggots going to other boards posting Rance. Seriously, I'm starting to hate Rance now because of all the damn threads.

>> No.5833274

Just pointing out a fact sir. No need to be harsh. I don't think I'm edgy or unique or that this is anything new.

>> No.5833275

Most of deal with it by picking option A.
Why are you fighting? What do you hope to achieve by rampaging through this thread?

>> No.5833276

>lame-ass phony "mental-illness" bs.
Are you seriously implying that social anxiety isn't a serious issue.
My hair is falling out due to stress, my teeth are worn down because I gnash them together in my sleep due to stress, I have Temporomandibular joint disorder due to stress, I get incredibly pain full migraines due to stress.
And all of this just because I'm lazy.
Thank the Gods you are here or I would have wasted a lot of money on psychiatry.

>> No.5833279

why bother working the jews are rich enough already

>> No.5833283


Stop giving them material to work with. It's like you want /jp/ to be shitty.
Ignore him, then he'll get bored because no one is paying attention to him and shut up.

>> No.5833298

But I want to argue. I don't even think he's a troll. I just genuine think he's a faggot from /a/ that has came here with a retarded holier-than-thou attitude to preach to us.

>> No.5833300

No. He starts samefagging and starts talking to himself. Then some idiot will read the argument and reply.

>> No.5833301

It's like you think that we're not aware we're responding to a troll.

We know. Stop trying to educate everyone. /jp/ is always going to be shitty so don't deny me this simple pleasure. I don't have anything to say about Umineko in the other 9 threads on the front page so I might as well chat with this troll guy.

>> No.5833303

I have nothing wrong with people expressing their personal opinions, I would hate to live in a world where people couldn't. Trying to justify being lazy and being a hindrance to society however isn't respectable. These people live of other people, I am paying my Taxes for these social degenerates to sit on their asses all day masturbating to lolis and playing video games. This is totally wrong.

>> No.5833311

>nothing wrong with people expressing their personal opinions
>Trying to justify being lazy and being a hindrance to society however isn't respectable

>> No.5833314

>But I want to argue.
You shouldn't be here.

>> No.5833316

No one is trying to justify it. It's bad. We know. You just need to DEAL WITH IT.]

>> No.5833326

you niggers bore me, i am going to play SC2 now

>> No.5833328

Well ideally your taxes would support the education system and development of infrastructure.

But instead they are going to supporting NEETs and if it weren't going there it would be paying for illegal immigrants to rob the US out of food stamps and healthcare, or it would be at best going to the "war" effort in Afghanistan, or it would even more likely be going into some politician's pocket.

Sorry bro. Try going to Sweden or something if you want your hard-earned taxmoney to be spent properly on the betterment of the people.

>> No.5833331

What time do you wake up, 90+ posts. Ok.

>> No.5833342

You see, Sir, your post just points out why /jp/ is so bad now.
People go around with their pompous "I'm better then everyone else" attitude and when they disagree with someone it's "Lol troll go back to /a/ hurr" There's no properly though out replies, no justification, no factual information, no evidence or proof or source behind their posts, just plain retard.
This whole "My board is better than your board" is completely ridiculous and the core of the problem.

>> No.5833344

you're being miserable to support my happiness. thanks.

>> No.5833351

>Who says we don't feel bad? I feel terrible about it. All I ever think is how I'm wasting my life, getting older, not going to reach my dreams etc etc

>> No.5833359

>People go around with their pompous "I'm better then everyone else" attitude
Sounds exactly like you. I'll post without telling you to go back to /a/, though, if it makes you feel better.

>> No.5833360

You see this racist fool right here, this retard will never be anything, not because he is lazy, but because he is thick and because of terrible parents/Social surroundings.

>> No.5833361

Elitism is nothing new here.
It's what kept the board good until it was completely overrun by faggots like you.
Besides, aren't you the one going around preaching "I'm better than you" right now?

>> No.5833365

I say nigger often, and I'm not ACTUALLY racist. Sure, it is an offensive word that black people take offense to, but people hating someone for their skin colour is obviously fucking dumb. I doubt very many people on /jp/ are racist.

>> No.5833369

It;s like you're actually obvious to that big flannel of irony slapping you in the face.

>> No.5833376

Elitism is not what kept the board good
The board was good because people didn't used to whine endlessly about everything. Constantly crying for moderation and yelling at every post to return to /a/ or /v/. We used to have civilized, lengthy discussions about even off-topic subjects.

The whole "hurr TRUE NEET ONLY" and "lol secondaryfag" and all that shit only started up heavily in recent times after this place had already begun decay.

/jp/ was good because we used to take it easy.

>> No.5833378

>It;s like you're actually obvious to that big flannel of irony slapping you in the face.
Don't you mean oblivious, chucklefuck? I never claimed to be better than you. No one has.

>> No.5833379
File: 8 KB, 298x379, 658658765986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure, you're not racist you just don't like black people right?

>> No.5833381

yes let's fawn over all the great things blacks have contributed to society instead.

>> No.5833384


Good morning /jp/

>> No.5833389

dude, everybody who says they have depression or social anxiety is obviously just making up excuses.

Depression and social anxiety are fake. Like God, there is no such thing as depression and social anxiety. And the only purpose of life? Reproduce and spread your superior seed and get smashed at parties. That's all there is to life.

>> No.5833391

Obviously I meant to say oblivious, isn't that obvious?
Pointing out stupid shit like that though really doesn't make you look you think the Sun shines out of your behind though.

>> No.5833396

I never said I didn't like black people. I dislike the 'gangster' stereotype. I also hate the 'chav' stereotype. That doesn't make me racist. Black people are nearly the same. They're just cultured differently.

>> No.5833398

yes let's fawn over all the great things YOU have contributed to society instead.

>> No.5833401

Hey. Look. You disregarded my actual counter-argument. Because you can't handle it. Retard.

>> No.5833404

Too obvious. Adding "getting smashed at parties" at the end was too much.

>> No.5833407

I'm not a race you brainwashed liberal.

>> No.5833410

Shiiiiiit, at least people on /a/ take it easy.

>> No.5833411

>getting smashed at parties
I actually hate this shit. 'Having a life' is to go and get drunk. It's just as much a 'waste' of your time as playing video games.

>> No.5833414

are you just all bored and getting in some trolling practice here, or...? (you need it)

>> No.5833415
File: 474 KB, 625x561, 1215126771507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elitist attitude /jp/ takes is unique in its own way. It tries to kick any new comer out. If you weren't a faggot/whiteknight you would fucking realize that. /jp/ was better when people started saging threads because someone used a reaction image someone posted this because they used sage in all fields.

You're a retard if you believe the population should be some other way. You are the type of people /jp/ wants to kick out. /jp/ took up that attitude because /a/ believes themselves to be better then weeaboos. And we fucking look down on /a/ because they are just as bad. Now this makes us all believe it is /jp/ > /a/ > weeaboos. In other words its all the same shit no matter where you go. Just leave. If you're gonna complain about us go complain at /a/ first if you think your opinions actually matter. /jp/ used to be better 'cause of the fact a lot of people hated each other and knew who was who based off posting style but now it's so overwhelmed with shit you can't tell anything apart.

>> No.5833418

I'm not talking about the True Neet only bullshit (that originated in early/mid 2009 by the way, which is hardly "in recent times" considering /jp/'s age).
I'm talking about the general rejection of everything that wasn't established here and mostly negative attitude towards newcomers.

>> No.5833426

You're a complete idiot i'm not even going to argue with you.

>> No.5833430

/jp/ is not a forum
you can't "kick people out"
and saging for the sake of being rude while telling everyone to fuck off back to /a/ only provokes them to do it more

>> No.5833433

> come back to this thread
> see that /jp/ is still replying to this tripfag instead of ignoring him

Fuck you, /jp/.

>> No.5833434

Looks like you're the one complaining to me, and how is complaining about the problem going to help it?

>> No.5833434,1 [INTERNAL] 

shit, i missed so much fun. damn you sleep.

>> No.5833434,2 [INTERNAL] 

What, ANOTHER thread made by late teens/early 20s that still think Internet humor/NEETism is cool and only to serve as a constant reminder of how far 4chan and /jp/ has lost their way?

>> No.5833434,3 [INTERNAL] 

I wish /jp/ would discuss VNs (besides Umineko) or even Touhou (even though I don't enjoy it much) with the same dedication. It seems nowadays it's just threads like this that get any attention so I've stopped posting altogether. I'll probably leave after comiket, no sense staying for what has become /r9k/ with anime girls.

>> No.5833434,4 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, if you want more zeal, why don't you actually start posting in VN (other than Seacat) or Touhou threads? That way it will be two more of us in there. Or you could, you know, leave and let the summerfriends continue their LOLNEET2D shit, either way works.

>> No.5833434,5 [INTERNAL] 

I did try my best to post in and keep alive the threads I'm interested in. And I don't mind threads being slow. It's just that /jp/ is much faster and seems to have many more people that have nothing to do with the board's topic and just come to participate in off topic tomfoolery than last year or two years ago. Either your thread is bumped off the board by off topic spam, or it manages to stay on the first page only to become the target of shitposting. I cared about the board a lot and never wanted to abandon it, but I don't think this environment is salvageable.
