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5831442 No.5831442 [Reply] [Original]

Oh gosh now I feel bad for not actively participating in Umineko theory discussions.

>> No.5831448


>> No.5831466

Hachijou Tohya would not be pleased, child of man.

>> No.5831470

Most people who actively participate in Umineko theory discussions are shit at it anyway. You're doing those threads a favor.

>> No.5831526

A tip to OP: If you haven't been doing so yet, START THINKING about everything that's going on in the story. If you just wait for the ending to spoon-feed you the answers, you will be very disappointed.

This game requires you to think.

>> No.5831533

I'd rather discussing things with my 5 years old nepher rather than in /jp/.

On the other hand, if I need a good laugh, here's where I will go.

>> No.5831545

>hates puzzles, even a small one puts them in agony
>willingly reads detective novels
Seacats is full of these glaring plot inconsistencies. I might play these games someday when they are rewritten by someone who is older than 15.

>> No.5831550


that's not from umineko you idiot.

>> No.5831552

...but Umineko is written by someone older than 15..?

>> No.5831556

That isn't Umineko. But that aside, that's not really an inconsistency. Some just read detective fiction to be interested by the aura of mystery, but not actually attempt to solve it. Maybe they'll just guess who the culprit is based on how they act, but they're waiting for the big reveal.

>> No.5831569

R07 has the illusion that his mystery is solvable. It seems easy to him, because he wrote it. He even says that the mystery is solvable by the first four episodes! Unfortunately, we will soon be upon episode 7 and no one has any half way decent explanation for WHY someone is committing the murders.

>> No.5831570

A kettle calling a pot black


>> No.5831579

People has solved it since a long time ago.
You just refuse to accept the answer because it seems stupid to you.

>> No.5831600

Notice I said WHY you moron. I did not say who is committing the murder. That much is simple elimination by seeing who is available to commit murders. Explain to me the why of Shkanon because all I've heard thus far is bullshit about her getting sad from Battler not visiting. Episode 5 told me I need to trust the writer. I trust that he has an actual motive for the crimes. Dine also mentions both that a servant can not be the main culprit and that there can be no love interest.

>> No.5831620

>This game requires you to think

But most of the answers are retarded, and the game isn't even sure what it wants to tell

>> No.5831624

Why are you assuming that all Dine rules apply to Umineko just as they are just because that fantasy character is probably Dine? The Knox rules in Umineko are different from the original ones. One rule is even missing.

You say you have trust in the author, but you also say he's mistaken in saying it's solvable. If you have trust, shouldn't you believe it is solvable?

>> No.5831628

When I mean "solved", I included the "why" as well.

>> No.5831633

You don't even know what are you talking about.

>> No.5831641


R11, moron

And yes, i played it, and Satoru objective together with some plot points are totally derp

>> No.5831664

Thank you for proving my point.

/jp/. Never change.

>> No.5831666

Yes it is

>> No.5831672

Beatrice is the entire mystery behind the disappearance of the Uroshimiya, therefore she includes the main culprit.
She didn't kill for hatred, revenge, money or to make them fear them.

What is left? The one thing she has been repeating since the beginning.
Also what Maria has been repeating since the beginning.
She kills them to open the door to the golden land and to become a true witch.

Then you have another subplot, Kinzo.
What did he say in the very first scene? Everything he possessed will become ash to revive Beatrice
What do we know is there on the island? A bomb or some sort of explosive.

>> No.5831675
File: 5 KB, 800x600, Self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...sorry for those who mistook this as Umineko thread. I have no idea people took it seriously and waste time arguing.

The screenshot is from Remember11.

>> No.5831692

No, it's not.

>> No.5831686

>why are you assuming Dine's rules apply
>Dine is in the next game
Well, why would Ryu07 include Dine if he wasn't going to utilize the only rules which effect Umineko? It'll just be a waste of time if Dine comes in and does nothing to effect current theories. At the very least I believe the thing about the love interest is going to be important. Just because I trust the author this does not mean that I have to pretend his work has no faults. I trust that he is trying to make the mystery solvable and that the conclusion is well planned out and fits for a mystery novel. I do not trust that it is actually solvable as NO ONE HAS SOLVED IT AND WE ARE ALMOST AT EPISODE 7.

>Shkanon can be the main culprit because one of her personalities doesn't consider itself a servant
Is that what you're getting at?

I don't think anyone thought it was Umineko. We just began discussing it because you mentioned it in the OP.

>> No.5831688

R11 is how you should do your DID.
The DID in umineko is shit.

>> No.5831696

>R11 is how you should do your DID.

Where is Self?

>> No.5831698

He will effect some theories. Which rules actually will apply and what form they will take is another question entirely. It's too soon to assume anything.

>> No.5831701

Well, you must admit it will be interesting if
-no love interest is allowed
-servants can not be the main culprit
Honestly I think it would make people actually start to think again.

>> No.5831719
File: 938 KB, 767x851, r11cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop discussing Umineko in a Remember11 thread, you fucktards!

>> No.5831724

i've never played umineko and never will because every thread about it seems to be full of faggots overanalising every little detail for no reason and discussing pointless shit

>> No.5831731

OP here. I'm sorry for everyone involved. It's like successful trolling when it wasn't the intention.

Anyway Kokoro Day 04 right now. Still a long way to go.

>> No.5831736

We really care. Thanks for sharing, anonymous!

>> No.5831737

Unintentional successful troll is unintentionally.

Is that a new meme?

>> No.5831742

Blick winkle (and other people like him 4D people) and YOU (the player controlling the character).

>> No.5831743

Can somebody explain to me why the translators used "Lin" and "Kali," but not "Cocoro" and "Uni?"

>> No.5831862


>> No.5831864

Actually, Self is 0D, not 4D.

>> No.5831896 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 375x407, hotori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just being a red herring.

>> No.5831905

Oh really? How did you come to that conclusion?
I mean those guys were doing all those mind swapping shit experiment to summon blick winkle.

They obviously believe a higher being called shadow masquerading as DID disease that killed his imouto.

>> No.5831919


Don't mind me, just being a WOOD CARBUNCLE

>> No.5831930
File: 15 KB, 800x600, redtext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking red text ;_;

>> No.5831933

How much of R11 is currently unedited? And by unedited, does that mean that there are just a few grammar/spelling mistakes in a certain part?

>> No.5831938

Prbably half of Satoru route.
I finished it and I found it better than Clannad.

>> No.5831943

>Comparing R11 to Clannad
Use Swan Song or Ever17 you dolt.

>> No.5831945

I am clearly talking about its translation/editing quality.

>> No.5831955
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x961, awazumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Sheeta suddenly edited six out of seven days of Satoru's route in a week. Once a new patch is made, pretty much everything will be edited.

That Guy
For this person, there is no past.
For this person, there is no future.
To be more accurate, the concept of time does not exist for this person.
For this person, the past, the present, and the future
are all gathered into just one singular point.
0th dimension.

Three concepts that overlapped.
This person exists in a place devoid of everything.
That absolute will is the only thing there.
An absolute will.
According to them.

If we were to come up with an example, this person would be David。
Without a doubt, this person was a "king" that entirely ruled them.
To "him", a hateful enemy.
"Him"——if we were to come up with an example, would be Saul%。
11 years before 2012——
That's where it all began.

But Satoru....
know not of this.

Tip #88.

>> No.5831966

It must also be noted that the original word used for 'that guy' (アイツ) is not exclusively male in Japanese.

>> No.5832097

satoru wanted to trap "that guy" in a loop... but the player (blink winkel) ended up trapped.. so derp. We don't know who the fuck we are and what satoru truly wanted

>> No.5832439

Why does everybody assume the player is Blick Winkel? Remember11 gave no indication whatsoever of that.
