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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5826796 No.5826796 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, are you doing the little girl thing this weekend too?

I just shaved everything below the neck and slipped into my favorite pair of pantyhose, feels good man.

>> No.5826813

I haven't shaved because I sometimes take my shirt off when I'm outside. I don't know which is worse, shaved/stubbly armpits and chest/stomach, or full on hairy stomach/chest. I keep myself shaved in the winter. It's great.

>> No.5826821
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>> No.5826850

I shave as often as I can.
I wanna feel like the little girl every day.

>> No.5827136

When I shave I barely stay smooth for 2 days. Half way through the second day I can already feel the stubble on my leg. I would've thought hair elsewhere grow slower than on your chin.

>> No.5827145

>Hey /jp/, are you doing the little girl thing this weekend too?

Fuck little girls, I wear pantyhose all the time. Shit is comfortable.

>> No.5827164

Everyone loves Tama, that slutty girl

>> No.5827174

I thought you were asking if we were going to be having sex with a little girl this weekend as well. I was disappointed when I realized what OP meant.

>> No.5827201

This weekend? Every day is girl day. I already shave my body hair twice a week.

>> No.5827208

> below the neck
You left your facial hair intact?
That sounds pretty awkward. What's it like to be a little bearded girl?

>> No.5827213

Well no I do shave there. Below the nostrils then.

>> No.5827229

The upper lip, you mean? Or right there underneath the nostrils? If the latter, it'd be better to just pluck your nose hair.

>> No.5827233

>>5826796 this weekend
bitch please. I'm girly-girling all day, every day.

I work from home.


>> No.5827244
File: 35 KB, 480x720, 1279879121509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men do Kigurumi.

>> No.5827250

Please refrain from using the bamboo girl as your OP pic.

Unlike you she is actually a real girl.

>> No.5827256

Kig is nice and all, but I'd rather feel the clothes on my skin rather than wear one of those full-body skin suits.

>> No.5827299

What is this called?

This looks hot, I want to get into it
Where is a good place for info/pics

>> No.5827303

You're an idiot

>> No.5827314

Another trip to filter, it seems.

>> No.5827335

I`m sorry, I don`t know how I should phrase the question.

The person dressed as a anime chick with the mask, is doing that called something?

Is it some fetish?

>> No.5827349

Where do they come from?

>> No.5827364

/a/, no doubt.
Either that, or /b/, but they likely come from /a/, thinking /jp/ is just the same kind of board.

Go back to whatever board you came from and leave us alone.

>> No.5827389

im from /v/ and /co/ mostly


Please answer my question and I will leave.

>> No.5827391
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I guess that's true but kigurumi is sexier.

That's just me though.

>> No.5827392


Because you're ten years old.

No little boys allowed.

>> No.5827393

>im from /v/
How the fuck did you come to /jp/, then?
Was it Rance? It was Rance, wasn't it?

Fuck off back to /v/ and don't come back here.

>> No.5827399

Learn to lurk moar. It's called kigurumi, try reading the text from the post with the picture: >>5827244

>> No.5827401

I "do the little girl thing" nearly every day. I should probably talk to a psych soon

>> No.5827403

Sexier for the viewer or the practitioner? I agree with the former but not the latter.

>> No.5827413

post pics first

>> No.5827416

what is rance?

anyways i hardly go to /v/ anymore mostly /co/ and a few other boards

can someone explain why everyone is mad?
i will gladly go away once answered.

>> No.5827423

I can't shave my legs. I'm boney as fuck and going over every bump with a razor I cut myself. And even then it's still stubby. This makes wearing a pantyhose fucking shitty. I can't afford special epilators and I won't go to some salon to get that shit done, for various reasons, one which is money.

what do I do?

>> No.5827426

>can someone explain why everyone is mad?
Because you're autistic.

>> No.5827430

thank you bro

i apologize as i thought that was the name of that specific character.

i will leave as i guess im not wanted here.

sorry for any inconvenience.

>> No.5827433

The fact that you have no idea what this board is about and how it works here pisses people off. Fuck, it's all so easy and yet still you faggots are too stupid to read.

>> No.5827440

And don't come back.

Damn kids always coming over and messing up my lawn.

>> No.5827441

Sorry, but no. I frown on camwhoring.

>> No.5827449
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I see the majority of you are assholes
fuck you weeaboo fag

Mad that im not a fucking loser like you?

p.s MOST anime is shit since the japs have tried appealing to a western audience.

>> No.5827451

Why are you still here, autistic child?

>> No.5827455



>> No.5827458

I will not be able to sleep tonight

>> No.5827459


>> No.5827460

Reported for breaking global rule #2.

>> No.5827470

>The fact that you have no idea what this board is about and how it works here pisses people off. Fuck, it's all so easy and yet still you faggots are too stupid to read.>>5827433


damn your a elitist fuck,bye
enjoy your samefaging and miserable life

>> No.5827475


You'd know what it's called if you lurked the board for more than a day. There's almost always a kigurumi thread.

>> No.5827476

Waxing or sugaring is pretty much it, then.
Or you could try tweezing each hair individually, which is the same as epilating, only it takes longer.

>> No.5827477


God, I understand what made Bob so mad.
You're a goddamn retard.

>> No.5827483

This. Or that foam that you put on and rinse off. I've never used it, but I've thought of it. I hate how waxing feels.

>> No.5827488

Oh, the hair removal creams?
I forgot all about those.

Nair and Veet are popular ones, but Nair doesn't work as well on me as Veet has, from my small tests.

>> No.5827526

I would recommend saving for an epilator. They're not terrible expensive and well worth the price. Much smoother and longer lasting than shaving, not as messy as waxing, ect.

>> No.5827546

How do those work, anyway? Do they remove the hair by the root? I've shaved for a while, but the hair just grows back after a day or so. I don't mind waxing except for the fact it's so messy. Out of frustration, I bought an epilator, but that thing is ridiculously painful. Even though I'm not usually sensitive to pain, using it is fucking TORTURE. I'm trying to get used to it gradually, but goddamn.

>> No.5827549

Epilators are great, but you need a high pain tolerance, at first anyway.

>> No.5827565

Yeah, the first time using mine I was nearly in tears. A bit of wine and some icepacks numbed most of it though. Now I can use it without feeling anything. Also long term usage pretty much destroys your hair follicles, so there are spots where I just stopped growing new hair. It's excellent.

>> No.5827571

The cream work by melting keratin (the thing that makes up hair and surface of the skin). So it only lasts as long as shaving as it only destroys the hair on the surface.

It's also an irritant on the skin if you are sensitive and/or leave it on for too long.

>> No.5827576

Epilators will eventually make you stop growing hair? This seems like all the more reason to buy one.

>> No.5827593
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Epilators will slow down hair growth since it pulls it out by the root, but even after an year and a half you'ld still grow hair, trust me, I know.

>> No.5827599

If you remove certain parts of hair by the root for an extended period of time, it will indeed stop growing or at least get lighter. Shaving has the opposite effect; hair gets darker and thicker with each shave. When you weigh all your options, shaving sucks.

>> No.5827606

Well yeah, it never completely stops with just that. But it slows down significantly. Also where did you get that outfit, I've always wanted to know

>> No.5827610

This very well might be why it seems I'm hairier every time after I shave my body.

>> No.5827627

Just read through the thread and all of that X13 kid's posts
For some reason I enjoy those occasional visitors, brings jp together for a moment.

>> No.5827640

Well guys, thanks. I'll try the VEET shit this time. I understand now that it's not as great as epilating but It'll be some time before I can get one of those. Also I'm not sure if I can dehair my legs entirely with these kind of stories.

>> No.5827645
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I haven't done this stuff in a while for these reasons:

1) Money.
2) Um...money.

I need a lot to do what I want. I plan on getting laser hair removal once I save enough of it. Might take 2-3 years but whatever...I'm incredibly patient. In the mean time I've just stopped shaving except for a pubic trim now and then, it's just too much effort.

I hate it, but oh well. I'll suffer these few short years so that in a while I can live in happiness.

>> No.5827646

I got it off of a local equivelent of ebay, the seller sells mainly punk goth clothing imported from japan.

>> No.5827648

It's an optical illusion - the ends of the hair you cut are flat as opposed to more see-through 'pointy' tips.

>> No.5827658

no, it's like a tree, you don't remove the stump and it'll just get larger.

>> No.5827668

How old are you guys.

I'm fairly young and I don't even see myself shaving and all of that.

>> No.5827673

Does anyone have tips for ingrown hair?

I don't want to get one near my asshole. That would be hard to take care of.

>> No.5827674


>> No.5827679

If you're young you probably don't have to worry about hair growth
also it's probably a good time to not grow an interest in these kinds of things for your own good.

>> No.5827680

I'm 20.

>> No.5827683

23 here. Hairy like a goddamn monkey. Fuck.

>> No.5827684
File: 210 KB, 825x429, doc064615[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Take more showers, with these,
2.scrub off dead skin
4.No ingrown hairs

>> No.5827687

20. I wish I had come to terms with myself about 5 years ago though. All this manly growth...

>> No.5827688


No, actually I was quite interested for some time now. When I was younger I had no hair whatsoever but now I'm just full of it; kind of saddens me. Also, I want to wear female clothes.

>> No.5827702

Soooo, is this thread about hating puberty?

>> No.5827713

elementary my dear watson

>> No.5827714

Ai, that it is.

There is no way for a human to change their bones.
Not without mind crippling pain, leastwise.

>> No.5827715

I have these. They don't work that well. For me anyways.

And I scrub pretty hard.

>> No.5827722



I just prefer shaved legs. I think hair is disgusting. I might go waist down.

>> No.5827728

I use this sort of scrubbing sandpaper like thing for callouses. That with some lotion afterward works perfectly for me.

>> No.5827730

No this is about shaving your legs so you can feel the ultimate feeling of wearing pantyhose.

Did you not read the thread again, X13-san?

>> No.5827734

Normal male t-shirts don't fit me because my shoulders are so wide. I'll never have an androgynous body to look nice for other people, but I can wear cute clothes in private. Atleast my legs and thighs look nice.

>> No.5827735


Well shit, I was so girly and feminine looking when I was a kid.

Good times.. I should've took care of my body and maybe the abomination I am now wouldn't exist.

>> No.5827743
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sounds like you need to take it up a few notches with the harder tougher stuff they have

>> No.5827775

Are these better than exfoliating gloves?

>> No.5827783


>> No.5827805

Waxing or doing anything else to pull out your hair by the roots is the WORST. It causes a shitload of ingrown hairs since the hair becomes weak, and because of that it can't pierce through the skin, so it misses the opening and grows under it. Shaving sucks, but it's the only thing that works for a gorilla like me.

>> No.5827806
File: 80 KB, 300x370, body-scrub[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't like using them because they are pretty hard. My dead skin comes off pretty easily, If I skip a shower for a day and do a good scrub I can see the dead skin floating on the water...

You can try looking into oat body scrubs or other recipies girls use to help exfoliate

There are many different ingredients that exfoliate your skin well, Salt are excellent at relaxing your muscles, and you can use any course variety of salt. Remember though if you have any cuts on your skin the salt based homemade body scrub will sting. Sugar scrubs are gentler than salt ones; they do not have the same properties but smell great and are cheaper. If you have dry itchy skin then porridge oats are fantastic, they are gentle on your skin but exfoliate really well.

>> No.5827820

>It causes a shitload of ingrown hairs since the hair becomes weak, and because of that it can't pierce through the skin
Which is why you epilate.

>> No.5827825

Sounds like you're a monkey covered in dead skin who doesn't exfoliate, the skin naturally has pores and openings for hair to grow through that's why gasses can be absorbed through the skin, you just have dead skin covering the openings. Girls wax and epilate all the time and if they can overcome this problem so can you, males have bigger pores than females by default afterall

>> No.5827831

Exfoliate, even.

>> No.5827873

>I personally don't like using them because they are pretty hard.
>pretty hard.
Great. I don't want to fuck around when it comes to ingrown hairs. Especially near my precious buttranged hole after I epilate. I also have a dry brush which I'm going to be using before using the gloves to help.

Have you tried those homemade exfoliates? I read up on some like Olive oil + Brown Sugar which apparently is good.

>> No.5827893

>Have you tried those homemade exfoliates? I read up on some like Olive oil + Brown Sugar which apparently is good.
I use plain baking soda which works fine. Olive oil and brown sugar is kind of erotic though, and probably has some skin benefits. Also you would smell really nice

>> No.5827895


It can be sexy for both. Dress up as your waifu,sit in front of a mirror,pretend she's futa and fap.

>> No.5827909

I bought thighhighs and an epilator recently. Waiting for them to arrive.

Thanks to the one Anonymous who recommended sockdreams.com

>> No.5827919

No problem bro. I love that site.

>> No.5827929


>> No.5827934

remember to read up on how to care for loofah sponges if you do get one, since they are made from plants, they are decomposible if you keep them wet for too long

>> No.5827937
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>> No.5827943

I'm a slowpoke but

RIP Danbo

>> No.5827960

What did he die or something?

>> No.5827974

He got ran over by a car or something and is in the hospital now with both legs broken, a fractured hip, and some other injury I can't remember.
