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5826214 No.5826214 [Reply] [Original]

None of you spineless cowards would be able to do this

>Major Heinrich Ehrler (14 September 1917 – 4 April 1945) was a German World War II fighter ace who served in the Luftwaffe from 1940 until the end of the war. Heinrich Ehrler is a relatively unknown German Ace, as his flying was mostly done on the Northern Front. His 208 victories were achieved over a period of only 400 combat missions, on average one victory on every two missions
>"Theo. I have run out of ammunition. I'm going to ram this one. Good bye. We'll see each other in Valhalla." - Heinrich Ehrlers last transmission over the Squadron Radio Network before he rammed a B-24 bomber, destroying both aircraft and killing himself.

>> No.5826219
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He's not you

>> No.5826222

So manly.

>> No.5826225

I am going to listen die Fahne hoch right away

>> No.5826224

Yeah because I don't live in the 1910's dumbfuck.

>> No.5826228

So he was wasteful to the point of stupidity and afraid to land, or what?
Doesn't seem badass so much as foolish to me.
Bullets are easier to manufacture than aircraft and skilled pilots.

>> No.5826233

Just wait until the next world war.
I'll side with the Germans and this time, we'll win.

>> No.5826235

>Bullets are easier to manufacture than aircraft
No in may 1945 germany.

>> No.5826559

small time.


>> No.5826573

Of course I couldn't. If I could, why would I be here?

>> No.5826577

That guy is small time compared to Jack Motherfucking Churchill.

>> No.5826580
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>> No.5826582


Offing yourself doesn't make you a true man, it makes you a dead one. The whole idea of sacrificing your own life to kill the enemy, or worse yet, killing yourself rather than surrendering is fucking stupid.

Oh and, they still lost. What a waste.

>> No.5826594

Yeah, I'm not a nazi.

>> No.5826591

>killing yourself rather than surrendering is fucking stupid.
Getting raped and tortured yeah no

>> No.5826598

Hey keeper, where are you from?

>> No.5826605
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>> No.5826624

Are you just too inarticulate to put your thoughts to words, or too stupid to have any thoughts worth expressing?

>> No.5826634

>Getting raped and tortured yeah no
If you were a real men, you would be able to handle this.

>> No.5826642

One enemy aircraft ≠ the live of an ace + his aircraft.


>> No.5826643

Nope thats everything that was needed when someone claims that Luftwaffe,Kriegsmarinen or Wehrmacht were nazis.

>> No.5826647

Orders were to ram when ammo is out bro

>> No.5826644

Have they made a Strike Witch of him yet?

>> No.5826661

The concept of Ace doesn't exist for germans during wars. Either you're a soldier and you kill enemies (lots of 'em), or you aren't and you don't.
Most people probably didn't feel like his death was a huge loss.

>> No.5826675

And the orders were fucking stupid. Hitler's madness and his cronies lost WW.

>> No.5826678

Oh, what a ridiculous mistake, to consider the loyal military obediently serving the Nazi government of Nazi Germany during their murderous Nazi campaign of conquest, plunder, slavery, and genocide, to be Nazis.

>> No.5826684

What the shit are you talking about.
Especially during WWII aces were elevated above everyone else for propaganda.

>> No.5826688

Sorry but having your pilot captured and risking to leak information while they get your plane to exam is not a option. Brainwash them and make they perform a last duty.

>> No.5826696

Indeed a ridiculous mistake if you don't even know what a "Nazi" is.
Even more since most of the military consisted of conservatives.

>> No.5826697

Well, my dog does what I tell her, and I'm a human, so I guess that makes her human too!

>> No.5826702

Bombers: expensive. Mainly good for undermining the enemy's whole warfighting capability.
Fighters: cheap. Mainly good for taking out bombers.

Good trade is good.

>> No.5826705

>leak information while they get your plane to exam
Oh please, that was the end of the war, only one month from the end.
German actively used technology couldn't possibly impress anyone at this point and pilots had no interesting information.
This is not one of those crazy scientists we are talking about here.
Germany simply went full retarded and desperate due to shitty leaders being still alive. Just like Japan.

>> No.5826707

Certainly not in april 1945 on the german side.

>> No.5826716

ITT: Butthurt Jews and butthurt Nazis

>> No.5826719

>undermining the enemy's whole warfighting capability.
The war was already lost. Germany had no warfighting capability at this point. They had next to no capability by the time they had to use Hitler Jugend on frontlines and by the 1945 they were using 12-year-old kids.

They were just wasting the last resources they had. Not a good trade at all.

>> No.5826731


You can't prove that would happen, and saying it would happen is a straw man to my original statement.

Let me prove my point here.... There was no reason for thousands of Japanese civilians to jump off cliffs at the end of the Battle of Saipan.... They were simply scared by Hirohito and the last remaining Japanese soldiers into believing that they would be raped, eaten alive, etc by the dirty foreigners....and all because they didn't want the low caste people to fall into allied hands out of fears that it would do damage to the morale of the mainland.


>> No.5826739

The Nazis were the political party.

The Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe fought FOR the Nazis, but they weren't nazis themselves.

The American rookie pilots shot them all down by then. True story

>> No.5826745

Godwin is now masturbating in his grave.

>> No.5826750


Wow, you guys are pros at fallacies.

>> No.5826751

>Indeed a ridiculous mistake if you don't even know what a "Nazi" is.
You yourself don't appear to understand all accepted meanings of the word, so let's just leave it at you being an ignorant aspie who doesn't understand how normal people use language.

>> No.5826756

Just because most people are idiots doesn't mean you have to be one too.

>> No.5826764

Delaying the inevitable is a viable strategy.

I for one blame Fegelein for that. FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!

>> No.5826776

Every single person living in Nazi Germany that wasn't fighting against its government was a nazi period

>> No.5826786

Was he ever turned into a Strike Witch? If not I don't care.

>> No.5826790

As if giving his life for a country is worth it. I've been in the military and there's no honor in dying. People pretend that you're a hero but in the end they don't give a fuck about you. You died because some politicians deemed it necessary. They are enjoying their free money and control over population while you're in a coffin.

>> No.5826793

>The Nazis were the political party.
>The Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe fought FOR the Nazis, but they weren't nazis themselves.
...except that a lot of them WERE party members, especially in the higher ranks.

Furthermore, these forces were created by the Nazi government, as workarounds to the fact that Germany wasn't technically allowed to have a military at the time.

To call them Nazi organizations, and their members, by extension, Nazis, is hardly a stretch.

>> No.5826812

>I'm not an aspie.

>My perception that everyone is an idiot except me is a fair and realistic assessment of the situation, and not at all indicative of serious disabilities in processing language and other social competencies.
