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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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582476 No.582476 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.582484

i'm just wondering who takes all these pics. i don't think i could start shooting loli who's sitting on her dads (or apperantly someone really close to her) lap in a train

>> No.582496


You have to do it really sneaky with a cellphone.

>> No.582498


>> No.582505

Probably why the dad is using his hands to cover the gap in the daughter's skirt.

>> No.582510

Or covering the penis he already inserted into her tight little hole.

>> No.582527

Just a father and daughter

>> No.582539


>> No.582543

Fucking pedos go back to /b/ and /r/ some CP.
2D 'pedophilia' is ok,but this is just fucking sick.

>> No.582551

exactly. quit looking at this like 4channers, faggots.

>> No.582557

Japan's public transportation is famously crowded. Don't see any problem with a dad keeping a young child on his lap.

I can't really tell if that's a skirt or shorts.

>> No.583573

>>2D 'pedophilia' is ok,but this is just fucking sick.

rofl, hypocritical double standard losers on /jp/

>> No.583580
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>> No.583578

you just know that guy is rock hard and is pushing his man meat up against her no longer virgin hole

>> No.583581

I want one :(

>> No.583584

Speak for yourself.

>> No.583586

3d pig disgusting.

>> No.583583

We love us teh toons. We haet teh IRL loli.

>> No.583591

>> Speak for yourself.
No, Anon, you do.

>> No.583598

nigga plz

real lolis are fucking awesome

just keep those adult women away from me

>> No.583603

Why is there a boy there? Or is that to portray the image of it not being sexual? It's failing.

Also, he should have one sitting on his face.

>> No.583607


>> No.583620

You haevn't seen average humans. You look at the JapKiddyIdols and think"FUCKWIN!!!".
Reality is a mouth that looks like a "Black & Decker Pecker Wrecker".
Your illusion is the false one.

>> No.583627

I just laugh at these losers who think Pedophilia is some kind of accectable behavior, when they know full damn well that they would hide it completely from anyone they knew in real life.

>> No.583628
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There is no illusion, pretty much every time I go outside I see beautiful little girls. I always smile, and they usually smile or wave back.

Sometimes this pisses off the parents, but what can they do? Arrest me for smiling?

>> No.583626

Nah, I see real lolis all the time, and a good few of them are cute. It's the puberty that turns most of them into ugly whores.

>> No.583636

MODS! Delete this thread.

>> No.583634

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.583638

It's like homosexuality was decades ago. A mental disease causing people to do hideous things that should never be spoken of, and for it they should go to prison and rot. Funny thing is, turns out homosexuality is a normal genetic "defect" that turns up in a high percentage of individuals, and is scientifically proven not to be a disease. I personally wonder if pedophilia will ever get to that point, and people will stop trying to be "cured".

>> No.583647

as a pedo I agree with you, it is something we need to keep hidden because people just plain don't accept it. i'm a healthy intelligent adult though, and I'd never intentionally harm anyone, much less a child (don't confuse pedophiles with child molesters)

I know you have a distorted view of pedos (you used the word "behaviour" to describe a passive sexuality) who are just like you, well maybe smarter than you, but certainly not anything you'd look twice at in the street.

we are your boss and we haul your trash. we guard you while you sleep. and we don't hurt kids.

>> No.583651

Pedophilia is bad because kids are not mature enough to make decisions like that.

Gay people can. That makes all the difference.

>> No.583655

Actually, humans didn't live much older than 30 less than 1000 years ago. procreating as fast as possible is the normal genetic instinct.

The older you get before procreating, the more genetic damage your kids will have to live with.

>> No.583661

hay guys, I jerk off to little kids because I cant get any women my own age

>> No.583653

Why must you people discriminate?

Little girls are fine
Teens are fine
Adult women are fine

>> No.583663

I never suggested having sex with kids. I merely suggested that the sexual attraction is viewed in a similar strain as homosexuality was before it was "discovered" that it was actually genetic.

>> No.583667
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ITT: pedos try to justify their thoughts/actions

>> No.583669

actually average lifespans for those who passed childhood, in the civilised world, hasn't dropped much below sixty since biblical times

average life expectancy rates are higher now mainly because infant mortality rates are much lower. Discounting childhood deaths, we only live about 15-20 years longer than they did back when Jesus was pimpin' his hos in Nazareth

>> No.583670

Welcome to /jp/, normalfag. gb2/b/

>> No.583671

A good proof of my point - homosexuality is viewed by now ignorant conservatives the same as everyone viewed it decades ago, as a choice the person made. People now think that pedophilia is a choice, but I can tell you I'd rather be normal.

>> No.583666

Even if it was proven that Pedophilia is a "defect", there's no way in hell they'd allow a mature adult to have sex with a child.

Maybe they'll stop sending people in jail for POSSESSION of CP, but having sex with children and making the CP will still get you vanned

>> No.583674

Right, I didn't advocate actually having sex with children. If you think I did, then you need to pull your head out of your ass and stop hearing what you want to hear.

>> No.583680

>i'd rather be normal
as a fellow pedo, i sometimes feel this way. but i'd hate to imagine looking at a little girl's beautiful face and feeling...nothing. Or as many here would claim, hatred for the child.

but yes, it would be nice not to feel like a criminal by basically everyone i know (when they're making jokes about pedos and i laugh along)

>> No.583681

If you're older than 25, you should get a vasectomy to prevent you from making a retard.

>> No.583683

oh the irony
(sad thing is, he won't understand the irony)

>> No.583684

Creepy gif is creeeeeepy.

>> No.583686

Men can still love children in a non-sexual way. People believe it's true, so I honestly think there might be some truth to it. It's more of recognizing the cute innocence of a child's mind than seeing the beauty of an unmarred body, though. However, I still can't understand how people can hate all kids.

>> No.583687

>>583671 I'd rather be normal.
GTFO normalfag

>> No.583689

lolis can't get pregnant you asshat

>> No.583698


>> No.583694

I don't mean that I'd like to come to 4chan to brag about my girlfriend and ask if the bumps on my penis are herpes. I mean I'd like to be able to find a consenting partner that I am sexually attracted to in my lifetime.

>> No.583701

you will

and then you'll have a daughter together...

>> No.583702

She had breasts and pubic hair. Not a veritable loli.

>> No.583699


>> No.583708

Don't worry, I've been dreaming about it. I've been trying to find a female that I can at least put up with to try the whole "dating" thing.

>> No.583709

Actually, being aware of my ass-burgers means the irony is not lost on me. Myt father was 52 when he dumped the load that made me, and my younger siblings are just...

Well, the irony is on your side, not mine.

And that is delicious.

>> No.583704


Consent is overrated. It's much more fun and exciting when they don't want it.

>> No.583714


>> No.583712

Problem is, I'm attracted to the lolis. Raping a loli is much, much worse than having consensual sex with a loli.

>> No.583722

So, I can shoot you for being a pedo, right?

>> No.583724

paedos need a kicking

>> No.583734

shitty somethingawful catchphrase

>> No.583735

I reccomend that you assume the fetal position. You will get what you want.

>> No.583736

Fuck, did school just get out?

>> No.583729

You know, some people honestly believe that.

>> No.583742

I believe it. It's obviously a lot more traumatic to be raped at any age, let alone when you don't even know what sex is. If you sit your loli down and talk things out, explain, etc, and make it so it can be pleasurable, it's still wrong, but it's much less harmful.

>> No.583745


>> No.583747


word to the wise: pedophiles LOVE GIRLS/BOYS

they don't rape them, any more than normalfags would rape an adult woman, which isn't often and is the result of sociopathic psychosis, not because he "likes girls", as a rapist clearly hates girls.

pedophile:= pedo[CHILD] phile[LOVER]



>> No.583752

I see. I figured it would be retarded.

Honestly, what intelligent person would use a term like "ass-burgers" on the internet.

>> No.583756
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>> No.583763

It's how you say asperger's on 4chan. Murk loar, fagabilly.

>> No.583773

>conform more

also, lol autism

enjoy being a crippled social pariah

>> No.583775

Welcome to 4chan. Home of intelligent people.

>> No.583780

Sorry, I don't browse the shithole that is /b/, so these fag terms for normal words are lost on me. I only know things relevant to /jp/, such as THIS THREAD HAS MADE ME PEDRO.

>> No.583789

I believe that came from your anus, not the consensus.

>> No.583786



>> No.583799
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>> No.583806
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>> No.583817

I dry humped my neighbor girl when I was in middle school and she was probably around 10-12.

It was in her basement, behind her couch when she wanted to play "house" with me and I told her we should make babies. The whole time she kept asking, "are you sure this it how you make babies?"

>> No.583824

ITT: BAWWW! I lurk /jp/ I'm not one of those /b/ fags! BAAAAAAAAAAAAW!

Your soul -is- corrupt. Stop liyng to us, and yourself. If you're on 4chan, you're scum. Stop acting like your shit don't stink.

>> No.583827

in b4 404

>> No.583831
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>> No.583838

I know I'm a 4channer, but I don't hang around the immature shithole that's /b/. I'm at least better than they are.

>> No.583845


>> No.583844

/b/ is shit

if you disagree you are a smelly newfag

>> No.583851

Can't believe I'm saging a pedo thread.

gb2/b/ you faggot

>> No.583855
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I usually get a lot of that, amigo.

>> No.583857

If you're going to claim everyone is the same, at least act like everyone else while doing so.

>> No.583860

well that was full of failure

saging myself

>> No.583861

/b/ -is- shit. But if you're on 4chan, you -are- scum. NO EXCEPTIONS.

>> No.583862
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>> No.583867


Truth. Eat it, scum.

>> No.583873


>> No.583871
File: 14 KB, 120x113, 1210287313270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.583876

4chan is the third most popular forum on the entire internet

popular, as in, mainstream

>> No.583881

Popular in terms of traffic. However, does that really make it mainstream?

The memes here are found everywhere but no one of repute IRL seems to know it too well.

>> No.583891

I've seen 12-year-olds irl brag about their EPIC DDOS ON THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY LULZ, so yeah.

>> No.583892


You're not disproving the "everyone is scum" part. And so it rests. Everyone on 4chan is scum. NO EXCEPTIONS.

>> No.583889


>> No.583902

So according to your logic everyone on the Internet is scum?

>> No.583896

I no longer have faith in humanity, thanks anon...

>> No.583908


>> No.583913

popular in terms of posts and traffic

people visit 4chan to jack off, it tends to slip by normal conversation

i've been on 4chan since 2004 (for the record, I am not posturing, I have no tripcode and I have nothing to gain from e-penis since I am anonymous) and I now mostly stick to zip, the only boards I browse much are /g/ (I was one of the first to post on /g/, when it turned to tech from guro) /hr/, /m/, /k/ and /jp/

I can't fucking stand the people, but it's fun to have intellectual trolling duels sometimes. Sometimes it's frustrating as shit because your opponents are idiots and don't even know when they're wrong.

>> No.583916

Is that how you interpret that?! Interesting.

>> No.583936

For someone who doesn't like e-penis, you're really sucking yourself off there.

>> No.583935
File: 105 KB, 900x300, 1210287946234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a father and his daughter is pedophilia too now? I can't wait until this picture is actually true.

>> No.583941

fuck yeah pbf

>> No.583946

So True.

>> No.583942

welcome to England

>> No.583959

Uh, that's 'legally' how it is. Your delusion is the one of safty. Common sence tells people not to photograph their kids.

>> No.583967

I was really disappointed to find this strip not reprinted in the print book.

>> No.583973
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>Uh, that's 'legally' how it is. Your delusion is the one of safty. Common sence tells people not to photograph their kids

Ah, anti's sure are retards, eh?

>> No.583981

My parents have tons of pictures of my brother and I bathing with our cousins... I should totally sue them for making child pornography of me and causing psychological ruin. Fuck yeah, money.

>> No.583984

And she isn't in jail because of the crime she comitted because...?
