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5823039 No.5823039 [Reply] [Original]

There hasn't been even a sliver of closure and we're already done with six episodes.

How did everyone die in the first game? LOL, DUNNO. In the chapel? LOL, DUNNO. Third? LOL DUNNO. Fourth? God, who the fuck knows about episode four.

Fuck you, Ryu-kun. Eps 1 - 4 were amazing. "Chiru" is just plain terrible, so far.

>> No.5823042

How many episodes long is Umineko going to be anyway?

>> No.5823045
File: 183 KB, 480x640, せりこ@2日目東Y13b - EP7肖像画!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said from the beginning he isn't giving direct answers this time, he wants his audience to actually think instead of him revealing everything at the end like he did with Higurashi.

>> No.5823046


7-8 altogether. He'd better write fucking 8, though, or I'll be ripping pissed.

>> No.5823053

I remember reading a interview where Ryukishi said episode 8 might be a "Higurashi Rei" episode. Unfortunately I can't give a source.

>> No.5823056

The logic errors in episode 6 were his way of saying he hasn't decide what really happened yet.

>> No.5823060


Sad truth.

>> No.5823074

How did you not get the chapel one? It's the easiest one.
They were lured there, forced to eat something that would kill them, or otherwise be slaughter by some other method, then had an accomplice lock the outside door, and they hid somewhere, escaping later due to the shock of the crime

>> No.5823087

He is just making shit up as he goes

>> No.5823092

>God, who the fuck knows about episode four.
Eva did it.

>> No.5823106

More like he wants his readers to think for him.

>> No.5823115

But revealing everything at the end is our version of the red truth.
I want confirmation, dammit. I wanna know if any of my own personal theories are right

>> No.5823138

Wanting your readers to think is one thing. Using it as an excuse to not resolve anything is another.

>> No.5823139
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I'll just leave this here...

>> No.5823195
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>Kinzo screenshot

>> No.5823207
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>> No.5823216
File: 26 KB, 960x540, kinzo under the bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EP7 confirmed for better than EP6.

>> No.5823218



>> No.5823228

It's probably like a short flashback with Kinzo having less than 20 lines

>> No.5823233
File: 35 KB, 416x480, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5823250

... it took me about 50 seconds to realise that was Zepar.

>> No.5823253



>> No.5823254

And...? It's still motherfucking KINZO

>> No.5823259

That will confirm his relation to Kanon.

>> No.5823260

Wait, I have even better one. When they entered the chapel, the door wasn't closed. After they were killed, killer left and closed the door, after which it got locked automatically.

>> No.5823271

# No door with an auto-lock exists other than Kinzo's study!

>> No.5823317

Didn't even realize until you mentioned it

>> No.5823327

Van Dine confirmed for Meta-character (not that surprising though, considering his golden eyes).

>> No.5823341


Ldberated Battler?

>> No.5823336

I have an even better one: the chapel door was never locked.

I thought we got that ages ago.

>> No.5823352


>> No.5823360

Only if you're willing to accept many accomplices, but it's always better not to.

>> No.5823361

lol. i knew it was him the instant i saw the colors and thread and talking about seacats.

>> No.5823367

What do you mean? The accomplices might not even be the same each time.

>> No.5823392


definitely expect some more kinzo back story, anyone translate what those screens say?

>> No.5823407

It's possible to pin all the murders on Shannon, with as many as 2.5 accomplices: Genji, Maria and incompetent Nanjo. But only without Shkannon and with that "hurr durr Shannon died Beatrice taken over" for ep3 explanation.

>> No.5823453

Possible doesn't mean it's correct. Rosa is pretty much guaranteed to be in on at least something in Ep2, while maybe not so much in some other episodes.

>> No.5823477

Suspicious != guilty. Wasn't it one of the main messages of ep2?

>> No.5823512

True enough, but like I said, in on at least something. Fake murders that went unintentionally horribly wrong, perhaps. Although claiming to have spoken to Kinzo and trying to run away from the explosion with some gold in one hand and Maria in the other gets a bit too suspicious for my liking.

>> No.5823541


>with some gold in one hand

Don't forget that she's the top suspect for having the gold bars set up at the first twilight in Episode 2 since she's the only one who didn't let Gohda carry her luggage. Though that also raises the question of why she'd want to run off with some gold if she had it in the first place.

>> No.5823581

However, they later discuss it, and say that it was light:
>"No, I cannot believe that. When all of the relatives came to the mansion, I was entrusted with their luggage. I did not feel a suspicious weight back then."
>"......I think those would weigh about 10kg. If that much weight was in their bags, even I would notice. But it didn't seem that way."
>"Same here. At the most, there were some changes of clothes, medicine, Kyrie-san's makeup. Stuff like that, I think. Rosa oba-san's luggage also looked pretty light."

>> No.5823620


>looked pretty light

Yeah, that's all they say. Gold bars are heavy as shit and Rosa's been shown to be pretty strong for a woman. She could probably carry them for a while without showing much sign of fatigue. I don't think the game made any statement as to the size of the bars, but they're probably a foot long or less. Easy to put in a small suitcase.

>> No.5823647

I do kinda doubt she's strong enough to carry 30kg while looking like her bag is light. I don't think the bars were less than 4kg each, if you think those three were referring to the total weight.

Then again, who knows.

>> No.5823658

Bern is the GM in EP7.

She's going to RAPE the game. For fun.

If you want the answers, and don't know them yet, you'll get them. But you WON'T like how you get them.

>> No.5823674

And the point? And if she's just a mere accomplice, then it has even less sense.

On an unrelated note, all the relatives suspect Krauss of embezzlement, but what if he actually found the gold while exploring the island? As for b0mb, it could be some gold's defense mechanism to ensure it won't fall to someone who didn't properly solve the epitaph.

>> No.5823692

Im fairly sure it'll be clear enough in the end, I doubt he'll leave space for multiple theories

>> No.5823697
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>> No.5823698


He will. He's been preparing us for this end with the "multiple truths" bullshit from Ep4 onward.

However, I do sort of expect Ep8 to be about what "really happened" on Rokkenjima in 1986, and for Ange to be the one writing it.

>> No.5823706
File: 203 KB, 1000x782, 1280013377086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R07, is making up for ep6 with motherfucking kinzo and Bern, 34 might show her true colors too, which im waiting for.

>> No.5823742

There will be a "rei" for umineko, thus making it possible for another when they cry, just like how rei started off umineko. there's still a lot of plot holes from higurashi and umineko about the meta universe and how it all started, I think r07 is really trying too make a really deep universe and will explian a lot more then just the beginning of umineko, but the beginning of all when they crys so far.

>> No.5823744

Nasu will make everything seem like you know what happened, then in the very last ???? he will troll your ass and leave you with several multiple truths.

>> No.5823750

I still don't know how many people started the second game. If Shkanon is one person, or Beatrice is one of the family members, then who is the extra Beatrice there?

>> No.5824237


>> No.5824309

I wondered when someone would notice.
