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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5820997 No.5820997 [Reply] [Original]


This is the 100 most influential japanese
and ZUN is 78th

>> No.5821002

And moot's the most influential person in the world, right? Since these things are all objective truth?

>> No.5821001

Oh shi-

>> No.5821005

That's actually surprising.

>> No.5821023

Moot has done some good but he would be great if he would get some mods and delete /b/ and /r9k/.

>> No.5821028

He's #78 because we haven't figured out how to rig it yet.

>> No.5821031
File: 16 KB, 242x265, ZUN_reitaisai2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awesome!

In your fat face #79 Seiji Maehara member of the Japanese House of Representatives!!

>> No.5821063

ZUN will always be the #1 most influential man in our hearts.

>> No.5821092

#76 Hideaki Anno


>> No.5821106
File: 42 KB, 281x218, 1235303648019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how many otaku he's corrupted, it's perfectly understandable.

>> No.5821114

releasing a ton of sub-par doujin shooters is influential?

>> No.5821171

Honestly? Seeing how fickle the Japanese public usually is, with publicly acknowledging people linked to the seedy doujin underbelly that they shun.. I'm glad he's on that list at all.

No but really, if someone called /b/ and told them that ZUN is "epic win" and that they can "troll all of Japan", he'd be #1 in no time. Actually though, he'd hate us to pieces for doing that, since being a successful well-known public figure doesn't really jive with his taking-it-easy indie lifestyle.

>> No.5821172
File: 152 KB, 800x600, 1276188153696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, he is the most influential on /jp/. If one days he comes here and tell us to post pics of our asses, we would do it without hesitate.

Seriously, guys. This is too much.

>> No.5821190
File: 147 KB, 632x979, 1214729813977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's pretty influential on Pixiv at least.

>> No.5821201

I would even post my 2 inches dick if he asks me to.

>> No.5821262


Does anyone know where ZUN lives?

I'm not kidding, I would send him some cases of some of the best micro-brew beers in the world, as an anonymous gift.

>> No.5821356

Touhou Corporation
158 Touhou Parkway
Prismriver Shores
Gensokyo 5519

>> No.5821369
File: 98 KB, 453x302, Sanae_knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also my captcha had "killjoy" in it, just thought I'd mention

>> No.5821403

>Takeshi Kitano
Whaat? Since when?

>> No.5821419

My soul. How do i send it?

>> No.5821426

>not #1

>> No.5821429

> ZUN is 78th
That's ZUN-sama for you.

>> No.5821435


>> No.5821521

Try to look directly at >>5820997 Zun's eyes, it will feel like you were high.

>> No.5823358

Because internet polls are always right.

>> No.5823385
File: 342 KB, 450x633, zun wresling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he never showed up in any media-related stuffs.
im pretty surprised that he was in the top 100.

>> No.5823411

Just 78th?
What the fuck man.

captcha: behaviours sherlock

>> No.5823440

huh? I've seen ZUN appearing in a japanese TV broadcast and even heard of him in the radio...

>> No.5823464
File: 362 KB, 750x750, zun sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea a little bit. but not as many times like the other people who got into top 100.

>> No.5823471

Not terribly surprised actually seeing as how he has (most likely unintentionally) burrowed himself into modern internet culture. Pixiv is swollen with fanart based off his characters, at has conventions revolved around the series and a section at Comiket solely for Touhou merchandise. He's also probably the most remixed artist of the decade. So much crap has been made based off Touhou (albeit unofficial), such as figurines, dolls, cups, keychains, pillows (body and regular), stickers, etc. Almost every character has their own series of memes. When StB was sold at Reitaisai, I believe he sold over 10000 units. The impact he has had on internet culture is undeniable.

I'd say he damn well deserves to be on such a list, even though his influence really only stretches across nerd culture.

>> No.5823480

He has his own damn figurine, authorized too.

>Recaptcha: insight it.

>> No.5823523


I even send my mother's soul if I can.

>> No.5823686

If you're gonna rig it, put him in the most well known number in touhou

>> No.5824159


or make the other 99 be touhou characters! (are there 99 of them yet?)

noticed he's the only name spelled with roman characters. is there no kanji for ZUN>?

>> No.5824172

If only counting windows there are only 70-80 characters in touhou

>> No.5824181

Your jokes aren't funny. Unless one likes to laugh at mental retardation, that is.

>> No.5824191

There are around 120-130, I think.

>> No.5824214

There were 100+ on the latest poll, but some of them are the likes of "Alice's Dolls", "Giant Toad", etc.

>> No.5824325

>He's also probably the most remixed artist of the decade.

I'd guess "of all time" for songs actually put to record. There are at least 10,000 individual recorded arrangements/remixes of his songs.

>> No.5824347

I'm guessing at least a few classical composers beat that easily.

>> No.5824390

>or make the other 99 be touhou characters!

It'd never happen. We'd spend too much time arguing to decide who should be #2, #3, etc to actually fix the vote.

>> No.5824420

I wouldn't say classical compositions are majorly rearranged quite as much.

>> No.5824426

It will be decided in the way of the elders: To the most prolific vote-riggers go the spoils!

>> No.5824488

I'm not counting regular performances, those feel distinctly different from fan arrangements.

Anyway everyone knows those guys get their shit played more than anyone, but ZUN definitely has the most of SOMETHING. Tribute albums maybe?

>> No.5824521

This is where I direct you to the infamous Pachelbel rant.

But seriously. Even ZUN rearranged Beethoven, remember.

>> No.5824580

>This is where I direct you to the infamous Pachelbel rant.
Nah. You'd have a point if people even knew they were practically copying Canon in D.

>But seriously. Even ZUN rearranged Beethoven, remember.
I was referring to rearrangements of complete pieces of music, not a melody line thrown in as a reference or homage here and there.

>> No.5824624

>I was referring to rearrangements of complete pieces of music,

And that's what your usual classical arrangements is.

>not a melody line thrown in as a reference or homage here and there.

You just disqualified a huge percentage of Touhou arranges.

>> No.5824704

>And that's what your usual classical arrangements is.
I'd wager a guess that most of them are actually orchestrations and such "simple" instrument changes rather than proper arrangements.

>You just disqualified a huge percentage of Touhou arranges.
Clearly I haven't listened enough of them then. Nevertheless, I like to imagine that since they usually cite the source, they count as arrangements.

>> No.5824733

>most of them are actually orchestrations and such "simple" instrument changes

Another huge percentage of Touhou arrangements says hello.

>rather than proper arrangements.

Umm, those are as proper arrangements as you can get. Don't redefine the word.

>> No.5824734

There are things that claim to be Touhou arrangements which I cannot find any similarity with the track they claim to arrange.

>> No.5824765

>Another huge percentage of Touhou arrangements says hello.
Orchestration means no stylistic or any other changes beside the instruments from the source piece. I'm sure some exist, but that can't be a huge percentage.

>Don't redefine the word.
I'm not. If you can handle Wikipedia text, then

>The American Federation of Musicians defines arranging as "the art of preparing and adapting an already written composition for presentation in other than its original form. An arrangement may include reharmonization, paraphrasing, and/or development of a composition, so that it fully represents the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structure" (Corozine 2002, p. 3). Orchestration differs in that it is only adapting music for an orchestra or musical ensemble while arranging "involves adding compositional techniques, such as new thematic material for introductions, transitions, or modulations, and endings...Arranging is the art of giving an existing melody musical variety" (ibid).

>> No.5824831

>that can't be a huge percentage

You'd be surprised how little some arrangers can change (and I'm talking about the very best here). I sure was when the realization struck.

>adding compositional techniques

Much of the arrangers actually remove rather than add to ZUN's compositions, sadly. I guess they technically don't count as arrangements, then.

>> No.5824903

>Much of the arrangers actually remove rather than add to ZUN's compositions, sadly. I guess they technically don't count as arrangements, then.
That's a silly argument, but following that logic I could say the same about every classical arrangement that doesn't include every single movement of the original piece.

>> No.5824913

Didn't you just do just that a few posts ago?

>> No.5824932

He looks hungry.

>> No.5824954

What, in >>5824580? No, I was talking about songs that aren't actually arrangements of a particular song but songs that use elements from other songs. The intention is a fine line. I could write a song and use that Pachelbel chord progression for the verse as an homage, but I wouldn't be rearranging Canon in D.

>> No.5824967

He wants to eat your soul

Captcha: the Britannia

>> No.5824982

>in >>5824580?

No, in >>5824704.

>> No.5825011

Arguing over the precise definition of an arrangement is silly. Famous composers are separated out because they get in the way of the subjective thing you're trying to measure. You don't need to find a perfect technical point of separation so you can be allowed to eliminate them.

>> No.5825064

I did no such thing there. in that post I said that orchestrations are not arrangements. An orchestration is the original song, beat by beat, like if you were given a sheet music and played it with three different instruments.

You could take one four-bar riff off of a song and loop it for 3 minutes and call it an arrangement. Of course the chances are it'd be a terrible arrangement if nothing else happens, but it's an arrangement nevertheless.

>Arguing over the precise definition of an arrangement is silly.
True enough, but I didn't expect it to be challenged. I assumed the difference between an arrangement and an homage was obvious.

Well, since the amount of original arrangements of classical pieces is conjecture right now, maybe it's best to just let the subject drop since it's unprovable either way.

My captcha says "to merriness"

>> No.5825133

>I said that orchestrations are not arrangements

Precisely my point.

>You could take one four-bar riff off of a song and loop it for 3 minutes and call it an arrangement.

Yeah, people do that.

But when you take the main melodic line and play it in its entirety, it's an orchestration, right? Well, that's what most single-instrument recordings (and certainly almost every one that isn't for a piano) do.

>> No.5825215

>But when you take the main melodic line and play it in its entirety, it's an orchestration, right? Well, that's what most single-instrument recordings (and certainly almost every one that isn't for a piano) do.
Don't Realize from that recent minami's solo album comes to mind. It's simply a lead guitar playing the melody line of the Prismriver sisters theme - plus two harmony guitars that follow the original chord progression, only the tempo and key are different - but the biggest change is the general feel of the song, it gives a completely different vibe than the source. Mainly because it's an ensemble composition arranged as a solo. It's an arrangement. It would be more of an orchestration if he played the rest of the instruments from the source too.

I recorded the Organ Short #600 Million from Umineko on acoustic guitar without changing anything. It's an orchestration.

>> No.5825283

You really make it sound like the distinction is entirely subjective.

>> No.5825367

Not at all. If you're playing the exact same song with some other instrument (not counting small necessary changes to make it playable), it's an orchestration. If you intentionally modify the song in order to make it different from the original in some way (structure, key, style, feel etc), it's an arrangement.

Playing the main melodic line from a song (that originally has an ensemble behind it) as a solo is an arrangement because it's clearly different from the original.

>> No.5825401

You still do. How do you objectively decide what is clearly different from the original?

>> No.5825439

Structure, key, style, feel etc? I'm saying that you could have one piece of sheet music and make a dozen different orchestrations with it, all playing the same thing, but until something changes other than a couple of notes so playing a piano piece with a guitar is possible and so on, it's not an arrangement. Arrangement means that you have actually arranged something.

>> No.5825584

>Structure, key

Stay the same in the context we're discussing.

>style, feel

Purely subjective by definition. Also, note that interpretation is not an arrangement.

>I'm saying that you could have one piece of sheet music and make a dozen different orchestrations with it, all playing the same thing

But then they'd be, well, playing the same thing. When talking about classical arrangements, we're talking about different pieces of sheet music by definition, since that's (still) the primary medium it's distributed in.

>> No.5825764

>Purely subjective by definition.
Technically yes, but noticable by anyone. I wasn't talking about minute changes like holding notes a bit longer, anyone can tell there's a stylistic difference between even rock and metal versions of the same song.

>But then they'd be, well, playing the same thing.
Well yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying an orchestration is. Or transcription in some sense.

Hey, I didn't come up with these terms. I have to admit they're not written in stone. Arrangement is a hyponym to orchestration to some people, some think it's all the same shit.

Music IS a highly subjective medium, after all. The kind you hear, not the theory. That's objective.
