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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 84 KB, 582x477, thisisincestb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
581851 No.581851 [Reply] [Original]

Incest loves Japan.

>> No.581866


>> No.581872

everytime I am in /jp/ this image is on the front page

stop it

>> No.581897

Yeah it'd be better if it was only Touhou threads m i rite?

>> No.581904


I find it comforting that there's always a typemoon, touhou, and incest thread on the front page of /jp/

Reminds me of good times.

>> No.581906

"It seems we are not related by blood after all!"
Is usualy what happens in ero-vns.

>> No.582565

"Let us do the blood-handshake and become blood brothers then, Onii-chan!"

>> No.582573

I liked this topic, glad there is a round 2.

Has anyone actually done anything incestual?

>> No.582591

No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

>> No.582635

Weren't you the girl with the brother if i remember correctly?

>> No.582656

Nope. I only have 3 step sisters who I visit every few weeks.

>> No.582674


Oh right.

Do you find 4chan has desensitized you to incest?

>> No.582686

4chan did too much to me.
I use to be so nice, and now whenever I see a black person I think "NIGGER" or a little girl/boy.."LOLI/SHOTA".
And I also love touhou. As for the incest, doesn't matter to me anymore.

>> No.582693

So, you wouldn't be averse to the idea of a massive orgy with your step-sisters then?

>> No.582700

"step" = not related by blood = DO NOT WANT

>> No.582704

I feel you. This place really made my concept of what perverse is dissepear.

>> No.582710

As long as there are no kids, it's okay.

>> No.582712


I fail to see how four sisters screwing could result in kids anyway.

>> No.582720

Do you like loli?

>> No.582724

My youngest step sis is 12, Very DFC.

Anyways, why would I do anything with my step sisters?

>> No.582735


Because it's fucking hot?

>> No.582766
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>> No.582792
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>> No.582798


I was under the impression you were a girl.

>> No.582804

I can't stop laughing at this pic. Every time I see it I lol hard.

>> No.582815
File: 5 KB, 400x400, cirno (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

It annoys me everytime I see it.

>> No.582820

Could we have a pic then? Or a pic of your stepsister(s)?

>> No.582823

What's your opinion on lolis? Fappable/meh/unicef?

>> No.582832

Why not?

>> No.582850

fuck off

>> No.582856

One question, why do so many girls camwhore on /b/? I mean, why do they have to cancer 4chan up with that shit? Tell me, as a girl, what is the motivation behind doing something like that?

>> No.582878

Nope. Anons will start saging for camwhoring, also /jp/ hates 3D the most (from what I've seen)
Hell, just saying I'm a girl gets sages. Perfect example: >>582850

Meh. Cute, untill it goes to NSFW, and well..That's pretty disgusting.

>> No.582903

Giving your sister your sausage is the best thing you could do for her, Even if she says no just penetrate her in the end she will love it and maybe even maybe ask for more.

>> No.582908

>>582878Meh. Cute, untill it goes to NSFW, and well..That's pretty disgusting.

Did you think your body was disgusting when you were little?

>> No.582912

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.582929
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1201250211801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbian incest porn.

>> No.582946


Where discussing sister fucking, wanna join us ?

>> No.582960

but only in the theater of our minds.

>> No.583332

This is Japan you're talking about. Getting it on with someone you've known your entire life would give a deeper sense of security, I think. Rather that than put yourself at risk trusting other people.

>> No.583498

I fooled around with my slightly-younger sister once when we were both around 10-11. I don't like to talk about it much.

>> No.583503

I fooled around with my slightly-younger sister once. I don't like to talk about it much. Believe me, the aftermath is nowhere near as happy as VNs and mangas make it out to be. It's just a whole lot of awkwardness, embarrassment, and shame.

>> No.583506


go on...

>> No.583539

It's an anonymous message board.

>> No.583579

Why do you think I'm even admitting to it in the first place?

>> No.583590

How old were both of you?

>> No.583595


Dude, that's gross.

>> No.583596

Right, so you might as well talk about it. It's not like you were going to enjoy your day anyway.

>> No.583600

That post amounts to shit. Details, details! Preferrably of the aftermath.

>> No.583604

die in a fire normalfag.

>> No.583602

And fuckwin hot.

>> No.583644


Ok, fine. I may be a lolicon, but I would never think of my sisters in that way.

But his story did turn me on a bit.

I'm confused. Fuck you /jp/

>> No.583658


lucky bastard.

>> No.583676


What are they now... 3 and 10? I haven't seen them in a while, so I wouldn't know.

But srsly, real incest isn't cool. Real pedophilia isn't cool.

But shit, anything goes on the internet, amirite?

>> No.583700

>real incest is cool. Real pedophilia is cool.


>> No.583705


Wait four years, then the older one will be 14 and it will be alright. Real incest = awesome.

>> No.583764


I sure hope not. I plan on living my life without committing major sins against humanity.

>> No.583819

dont be a faggot.

>> No.583828

Pedophilia is alive and well.

>> No.584044

404. oh the irony.

>> No.584068

>Real incest = awesome
Someone doesn't have any living relatives. It's fucking sick.

>> No.584194

Well, we were both pretty young. 10-11 or so. We barely had a grasp of what sex was, and we clearly weren't fully aware of its significance.

As for the aftermath, if you're thinking I got her pregnant, I didn't. It's just that as we eventually began to realize the weight of what we'd done, we both became horribly ashamed of it. Even though it had been consentual, I started feeling guilty about it. I feel like a bad person for having ever carried through with it, regardless of the fact that neither of us really understood what we were doing.

Hell, even typing this is painful for me.

>> No.584237

my friend and his sister had oral sex when they were 10ish

at least he told me they did, now they're both drug addicts and live in los vegas.

>> No.584244

its never hot when with your relatives, but its oh so fucking hot with other people.

>> No.584256


Now let's keep this bumped so everyone can realise the realities of incest.

>> No.584260

Well that's interesting, yet sad...

>> No.584290

my older female cousin used to play with my dick

that was before i knew what it was, really

i think she knew what it was

>> No.584359

Apparently sisters are far more likely to have sexual fantasies about their brothers than vice versa. And most sisters with a male sibling will have sexual fantasies about him at some point in their life. They will also use him as a yardstick to measure other men they date by.

>> No.584372


Good thing I'm an only child. I wouldn't make much of a yardstick.

>> No.584380

I'd question if Anonymous would even be worth those little 6" rulers you get in elementary school. And I mean that in more than one sense.

>> No.584384

younger or older sisters?

I would imagine younger, but could it be both?

>> No.584387

Good thing I have a brother. All I do is work (I'm doing a masters) and play video games. Occasionally I go out to eat with friends too. But other than that I'm an absolute degenerate.

I would love a little sister to dote on though, not for any incestuous reason, just to dote on her and buy her things.

>> No.584403

>and buy her things.
Like dildos and vibrators, amirite?

>> No.584409


I heard that too. Apparently if they don't have a brother they use their dad as the yardstick, ergo why fatherless girls or girls who were abused turn into absolute whores.

>> No.584414

Not really, if ever I got rich I'd buy my hypothetical sister a pony.

>> No.584419

How do you expect a pony to sexually please a young girl? That's even worse than an adult male.

>> No.584549


>> No.584998

Where did you hear that?

>> No.585868

I don't think young girls really like ponies anymore. I didn't. Right now they're all into the Hanna Montana shit.

>> No.586758

So if Hannah Montana started fucking her brother would all girls want to try it?

>> No.586768



>> No.586776

incest is a beautiful thing

>> No.586778

I now know the fiendish plot I must work towards...

>> No.586787

Okay, but how are you going to... Does she even have a brother?

>> No.586813

The only females anon feels close to are his female siblings, ergo incest threads are abundant. Amirite?

>> No.586818

Actually, no.

>> No.586827

My sibling and I are both fags, but of opposite sexes. Does yardsticking still apply?

>> No.586834


i bet she's gorgeous though.

>> No.586849

why would you think that?

>> No.586860


I woulld have just assumed so. Most nerdy lezzers I have met are pretty hot.

>> No.586868

Fuck eachother.

>> No.586870

rl hot nerdy lesbians? Where do you live?

>> No.586952

I am SO getting a boner over this.

>> No.589186
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 1174954888493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.589202


I was ashamed to admit it, but as long as I'm not the only one anymore...


>> No.589244

It's satisfying when your cute little sister smiles and hugs you because you did something nice. Sure, she'll be throwing a tantrum half an hour from now, but the feeling of that moment really makes you feel like an older sibling.

>> No.589278

What about when she smiles and hugs you because you made her cum?

>> No.589799
File: 102 KB, 803x602, 1210371267630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
