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5816318 No.5816318 [Reply] [Original]

So when's Nasu going to get off his fat rich ass and gives a story about the hell Shirou passed through as he tried and failed to keep his ideals and how more and more he started to be like Kisturugi.

FATE/MIND OF STEEL the novel. Make it happen Nasu.

>> No.5816327

If he wanted to he would've already wrote a novel about it.

>> No.5816349

After he finishes Tsukihime 2.

>> No.5816362
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A bit of Archer backstory is shown in Fate/Extra.

And that's all you will see.

>> No.5816378

Yeah please rip this franchise off even more instead of listening to the people wanting new things.

>> No.5816379

Or he could, you know, move on to other original things.

>> No.5816392

>eroge market
>fat rich ass
you seem to have the wrong idea on exactly how much money a "successful" eroge company makes

>> No.5816407

Oh, TYPE-MOON has lots of money for a eroge company, you know?

That's even a recurring joke in the eroge world.

>> No.5816444

People rampantly complaining about Nasu milking F/SN when Mahou Tsukai no Yoru comes out in two months?

>> No.5816462

A very short game after 5 years, and with no voice to add to it?
Yeah he sure delivers a lot.

>> No.5816470
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Typemoon isn't limited to Eroge. It has several videogames, several movies, several manga, several light novels, two anime and a couple other miscellaneous things. I don't know their net worth but I'm sure Nasu is rich, or at least comfortably well off unlike some people *cough*Zun*cough*get a real job you drunnkard, girls with silly headresses will only get you so far.


Which is after Duke Nukem Forever, Starcraft Ghost and the third season of Rozen maiden.

I'd say f their was enough fan demand for it he'd probably do it.

>> No.5816477

It's going to be a short, all ages game with no voices. Not something to really be excited about. The art is nice though.

>> No.5816503

When finally comes out, I bet that everyone here will be fapping on how awesome the art is.


>> No.5816511

Lots of eroge have great art these days.

>> No.5816518

I know I will be.

>> No.5816533

Much as I liked the idea of MIND OF STEEL, you know Ilya would just lose it to see Shirou go down Kiritsugu's path, and then Berserker would take things to 11.

Never piss off the imouto. Even when she's older than you.

>> No.5816542
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He chose not to kill one to save many, and even if many fell because he refused to kill one, he tried to save one and many and by doing so he went against a huge part of him he will never be without.

He does have his ideal, but he also has a set of rules other than his ideal that he can't go against.
Even with the mind of steel ending where he did go against said rules, Iliya (who knew everything about Archer) told Shirou that by doing so he would "decieve himself forever".

HF is a perfect example of a hero whose ideal is crushed but who can't give up.
Mind of Steel is the easy way out.

>> No.5816562
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HF brings up a situation where all choices available breaks his ideal no matter what.
The task at hand for Shirou becomes how to respond and adapt to his ideal being crushed.

>> No.5816573

Almso tnothing Shirou does is ever fucking easy.
The morale courage required to live your life either way, the sacrifices you make, the things you loose, and the persistence needed are just outrageous.
The only matter is his focus and whether he is being 'truthful' to his desires.
Living a life where you deny yourself for the sake of many cannot be easy.

>> No.5816585

I hope they'll stop miling fate/stay shit and give me a tsukihime anime

>> No.5816589


>> No.5816586

I hate all lol should have killed Sakura comments about HF. The whole point is that he has to deal with his ideal breaking down in HF because of the impossible choice he must make. in Fate and UBW he has it easy.

>> No.5816596

that shit was stupid back then and is stupid now

>> No.5816611

It's easy because this is what he wants.
It's not like he is being a martyr, living and dieing for other isn't a sacrifice to him.
He is basically like a maso, he gets pleasure and joy in life by behaving like this.

>> No.5816613

Nasu said that he is done with the Fate Series.

>> No.5816617

Recently finished UBW.

Did I miss something? How did Archer come back and save Rin, Shinji and Shirou?

>> No.5816619

I hope we get more information on Girl's Work. I'm more interested in that than anything else.

>> No.5816622

Never dead, just pierced and buried in rubble.
Till you ACTUALLY see the boddy dissipate with a proper description(like Rider or Berserker), assume nothing.

>> No.5816624

Welcome to Deus Ex Machina

>> No.5816633

Oh, thanks.

>> No.5816639
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Ok, read as "easier".
It was everything from easy in actuality, I just worded it badly.

However, the Mind of Steel path is the least conflicting against the ideal, its the path with the fewest penalties to human life.

The option of betting on the chance of Sakura is way more risky as it might fail completely and also takes more time either way, and causing more deaths.

Saving Sakura and doing it before more people can die is however the most ideal end, but its also the least realistic, furthest from reality.
And the longer the task at hand takes and depending on how well it succeeds more and more people die.

In Mind of Steel Ending he sacrifices one to save many.
Otherwise he fights against a time limit he knows he cannot beat, and the longer he takes the more people die and he doesn't even have a guarantee he will succeed even so.

The HF ends are the ones where he pursues the most idealistic goal, yet its also the ones with the most penalties, and he knew this, but he tried anyway.

>> No.5816640

speaking of HF which ending did you guys like better? I preferred the normal ending

>> No.5816652
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Everything is better than DISNEY end.

>> No.5816669

I enjoyed true end, but then again i like dicks.

>> No.5816683

Is easy for him, the whole point of Shirou as character is that he's a fucking void faker.

>> No.5816675

Depends on what you consider 'penalties'.
Giving up his own happiness for the sake of ideal and keeping on trying to do the impossible forever is not easy.
Unless the sole point is 'concerning how he reacts to his existing ideal', you cannot measure hoe 'easy' the way he chooses to live is, not by a longshot.

>> No.5816697

Sad ends /=/ Better ends

>> No.5816703

Once again it's easy for Shirou because he is completely fucked up.
He is just doing what he wants to, why the fuck would this be difficult for him?

>> No.5816711

Short term and versus his ideal I bet it was the easier path, or rather choice.
Otherwise, far from it.
The Mind of Steel path haunts Shirou for the rest of eternity were he to choose it.
>"You're going to be decieving yourself forever with that crying face of yours."

>> No.5816723
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capcha: satisfying love

>> No.5816727

>I hate all lol should have killed Sakura comments about HF
Why? I like Sakura. But its the most realistic way to end the problem, though if Shirou had thought of using Rule Breaker shit wouldn't have gotten that bad.

>> No.5816737

Guys, the whole point of Fate/stay night is Shirou trying to be himself and not a fake human like Archer call him.

In UBW he know this but try to follow the ideal because is beautiful.

In HF brings up a situation where all choices available breaks his ideal, so at the end, he ends up being a new Emiya Shiro with his own happiness.

Like THIS ILLUSION lyrics said, "Lets gently throw our fake selves away, and just be who we are".

>> No.5816741

Exact nature of problem(contract with AVENGAH) was not exactly clear till quite some time later

>> No.5816746

That's why HF could have been the best route if it has been better done.

>> No.5816763

I haven't gotten any good end, only normals. But even though I enjoyed HF the best with UBW coming second I fucking hat the ending.

Sakura fucks a doll and has to live with her dark side forever

Rin dies lonely

Shirou dies and turns into a doll

Only person who gets a good end is Rider.

>> No.5816785
File: 15 KB, 233x253, hell yeah, motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rin dies lonely

>> No.5816793

>he ends up being a new Emiya Shiro with his own happiness.
But this is also abviously a major hurdle for Shirou to overcome.
He is after all, deep down convinced that hapiness for him should never be.
He also seems to completely miss any aprts about himself that might come off as attractive to the opposite sex, also because of how he can't see how someone can love "the empety man with a glass heart on the top of the hill of swords".

His own well being is always way down in his priority lists.

>> No.5816850
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Fate saga is not very positive with Kiritsugu ideal and similar ones, really...

We have Archer and Kiritsugu, who ended pretty badly. Kiritsugu situation is made to mirror de HF one, but with bad end for him. Arturia ended pretty bad too sealing her emotions.

Then, we have Shiro obtaining happiness in HF and a awesome guy like Alexander (loved and followed to the end) saying that binding stuff like ideals are crap.


>> No.5816876

Yeah, that the reason why all he did in HF was because he wanted Sakura to be happy, not him.

He's like Kirei, void. The only difference is that Kirei born this way. Shiro can obtain happiness, Kirei wasn't able to do so.

>> No.5816885

Shirou's pursuit of ideal in UBW is shown to a pretty positive thing.

And for Alexander, it was just typical Nitroplus.

>> No.5816901


The game explains why in this last two years, Sakura was able to get over her guilt.

And Touko "dolls" are pretty much like standard human bodies. Rin even gives us a whole wall of text to why Shirou is the same fucking Emiya Shirou as always.

>> No.5816924

More than a positive light is... a hopeful one, with the whole "maybe i'm cursed but no wrong".

But then HF comes...

>> No.5816921

>Sakura was able to get over her guilt.

she doesn't have the right to do that in the first place

>> No.5816939

No? So you are saying that she need to be punished after the end? Because will be only a fucking act of sick justice that will give to the world more suffering.


>> No.5816942

Point is, there are different ways to achieve happiness.
Even Archer realizes 'it was not a mistake'.
The bullshit afterlife was the bummer, his life was something he could truly be proud of.

>> No.5816972

>Shirou's pursuit of ideal in UBW is shown to a pretty positive thing.
Well yeah
But still
Archer died satisfied with a smile on his face.
After his death however he was thrown into a never ending loop being thrust thrust the ugliness of mankind forced to act against his ideal, but that's another matter as it's after his life.

Shirou on the other hand was in UBW confronted by Archer as to how his path saves no one and how he can't act on his ideal ever, not in his life nor after.
Archer was the embodiment of their Ideal, he was "living" proof of how it was impossible for them and how it only worked to bring suffering both to themselves and the ideal.
Yet Shirou convinced himself (and Archer) that it wasn't wrong to try even if it's impossible.

He had his ideal crushed by being given "living" proof that acting on said ideal brings nothing but the opposite for all eternity in the end.
But he still wanted to embrace such a life (but he also trusted Rin to make sure he didn't end up like Archer).

>> No.5816985
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When you do something bad, you need to be punished for it, even if you didn't mean it.

>> No.5817006

They probably had to make a new graveyard for the victims.

>> No.5817025

That's like giving a schizophrenic person the death penalty instead of giving him forced mental care.

>> No.5817044

I was thinking this exact same thought yesterday

>> No.5817069

Tell that to the family of the people who died.
At least she should have had some sort of comeuppance.
It doesn't matter if she didn't mean it, if she was sick of possessed, at the end people died.

>> No.5817138

>It doesn't matter if she didn't mean it, if she was sick of possessed, at the end people died.
Yes and? She also became cured, a different person from what commited the tasks.
Revenge would wouldn't give anything for anyone.
It would be futile.
To avenge people only to satisfy some old ego even though it changes nothing is nothing other than empty feelings of regret.
Yes it can drive people mad but revenge isn't the way to go.

>> No.5817165

If every criminal just needed to repent and say "I won't do it again", we wouldn't need justice.
Even if they mean it, it's the same thing.

>> No.5817194

Wether or not they mean it doesn't matter, it is wether or not they won't that matters.

What do you think punishments are for?
They are made to prevent crimes from being done.

If no one really would ever commit crime again, then yes Justice wouldn't be "neccesary" as everything would already be Just.

>> No.5817212

Revenge provides closure, an outlet for the frustration of the victim as well as a deterrent.

Its better than the bullshit justice we have in the real world.

>> No.5817222

Punishment and justice also exist for the family and friends of the people who died.
They have the rights to see their losses avenged.
If you do something bad, there should be retributions, that's how human society works.

>> No.5817304

I see we are completely different people on a fundamental level.
Revenge are truly empty feelings, it brings nothing other than further pain.
Closure is one thing, but revenge is not the only path to reach closure.

One can repent.
One can be punishet.
In an ideal world a change of heart and true and deep apology should be enough.

>> No.5817334

I certainly don't want to live in a world where just repenting and a big sorry are enough to compensate something like murders.
There is nothing worse than losing your important persons like this, to learn that someone took their life away even though they still had so much to do, to live.

It seems you don't understand what murder really means.

>> No.5818005

Its just that pain iflicted on others won't make your situation any better.
As long as the murderer won't commit any more crimes then it should be fine.
The reason why people end up in jail and is sentenced to death is to prevent them from commiting crimes.

If someone steals something from you, you have a right to be compensated.
If someone were to say murder a family member of yours, you still have a right to be compensated, but unlike theft, one can't bring the murdered back, nor anything of equal value as lives are priceless.

Inflicting pain and or death onto the murderer will satisfy nothing other than a possible twisted joy born from feelings of revenge. That's no compensation.

And while Jail and or Death can prevent someone from committing crimes, they shouldn't be necessary if the convicted wouldn't committ another crime anyway.

Then other factors come into play, such as if the criminal is said to be mentally ill in specific ways.
If so the criminal might be deemed to be a victim themselves, and if that is the case forced mental care comes into play, be it closed or open.

The system is after all to prevent crimes and or help compensate victims, not to grant victims twisted feelings joy from revenge.

>> No.5818040

>Which is after Duke Nukem Forever, Starcraft Ghost and the third season of Rozen maiden.
Don't put DNF and those names together, they don't mix. They are actually working on DNF all those years, so it's more like Otome function.
