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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5813980 No.5813980 [Reply] [Original]

So ronery

>> No.5813983

Are there still some true anons? Come to lonely asylum, place free from normalfags and kids.

>> No.5813988

Get the fuck back to /r9k/ and don't come back

>> No.5813991

You mad idiot, /r9k/ is full of normalfags.

>> No.5814010
File: 236 KB, 800x800, 1296908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not ronery, idiot. You're lonely.

Ronery is not wishing you had a woman. Ronery is despair over knowing that the woman you want cannot exist, or that you want none of the women that do exist because you desire something better. Even a person in a relationship can be ronery because the relationship is merely a compromise in their eyes.

>> No.5814017

Why does everyone want to run their own version of 4chan? Do faggots not realize that by creating hundreds of 4chan clones, they're only spreading out and dividing the comparatively small userbase of good posters actually dedicated enough to post frequently with decent original content?

4chan may have changed, but you're not going to be able to get the "old 4chan" back by running your own little shitty clone, it just doesn't work that way.

>> No.5814035

- 4chan is complete shit
- You can post on more than 1 imageboard, it's not a fucking monogamous relationship
- 4chan is complete shit
- Different boards attract different people, so you can get different opinions on the same subject without being told to 'gb2/jp/' or whatever
- 4chan is complete fucking shit

>> No.5814040

Whatever, anyone who isn't lonely is normalfag cancer.
If you accept what 4chan has become, you are cancer too.

>> No.5814041

Normalfags and roneryfags. Here at /jp/ we aren't interested in 3D, excluding some idolfags.

>> No.5814057

No anon you are the normalfag

>> No.5814071

No, normalfag is someone who had a girlfriend.

>> No.5814075

Not being weaboo doesn't make normalfag.

>> No.5814092

Someone who has had a girlfriend was a normalfag at some point
That doesn't necessarily mean they're a normalfag now
You can be a pathetic beta male virgin fuck and still be a normalfag

>> No.5814123

Only normalfags are born with skills to get a girlfriend. Your argument is invalid

>> No.5814126

And you are probably normalfag who tries to justify his presence here

>> No.5814147

If you don't want a 3D girl you're a NORMALFAG. All you 2D lovers with you're waifus don't understand how ronery and dark and brooding I am.

>> No.5814166

They aren't normalfags, but not loving 2D doesn't make a normalfag too.

>> No.5814180

Reported for angst.

>> No.5814190

>4chan is complete shit
Then why would other imageboard webmasters want 4channers posting on their site?

>You can post on more than 1 imageboard, it's not a fucking monogamous relationship
But you can't post on more than 1 imageboard at the same time, and people only have so much time. I post heavily on about 3 boards and fairly regularly on maybe 5 or 6 more, but any more than that and I begin to feel like I'm stretched too thin. It's hard to remember or care about a board that only gets a few posts each day, and disgruntled former /b/tards making dozens of imageboards that all claim to be the old 4chan revived seem to me to do far more damage than good.

>Different boards attract different people, so you can get different opinions on the same subject without being told to 'gb2/jp/' or whatever
This I can buy, but that's only provided you're willing to wait hours for people on various dead boards to answer your questions. Also, if all you want is a wide variety of opinions, you could just as well ask on a php style forum, or a more general use type website or SNS.

One of the big advantages of imageboards is that they feature a large number of likeminded Anonymous users, but when the user base of such a website is too small, everyone posting knows everyone else, and the whole ordeal basically turns into a circle jerk, often to the point that all the users may as well be using tripcodes.

>> No.5814200

Small board is better than cancerous /a/ and /jp/

>> No.5814211

And 4chan has tripcodes, so your argument is unrelated.

>> No.5814222

Reported for not understanding my pain.

>> No.5814228

But I can't have conversations with random people I don't know in real time on most small boards. That's the draw of 4chan, and Anonymity on the internet in general if you ask me.

That has nothing to do with my argument, learn reading comprehension.
