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File: 102 KB, 355x381, kirei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5813017 No.5813017 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening, /jp/. I have some good news and some bad news.

First the bad news: through a rather inconvenient plot twist, you are being forced to compete in the next Holy Grail War. There's nothing you can do about it, so it's best that you just don't ask any questions.

But there is some good news. The Mage's Association is sympathetic, and will allow you access to our vast collection of heroic relics, allowing you to summon any Heroic Spirit you desire. The only limitation is that the hero cannot have fought in a previous Holy Grail War because we're just stingy like that.

So which hero from history would you like to fight alongside you, and why?

>> No.5813026

Kane. Because he is immortal and all-powerful.

>> No.5813029

>First the bad news: through a rather inconvenient plot twist, you are being forced to compete in the next Holy Grail War. There's nothing you can do about it, so it's best that you just don't ask any questions.

[X] Revoke the command seal.



I'll take the lance of Achilles, thank you kindly.

>> No.5813033


He will be a moe little blonde girl without an arm, a tendency to get seasick, and small breasts. Saber class. Captain's uniform. Leggings.

Her unique ability will be summoning the HMS Victory to swoop down from on high, with all of its crewmen, to deliver a punishing broadside, ala THE ARMY OF THE KING with Iskander.

>> No.5813034

Good evening to you too, repost thread from /tg/.

Neil Armstrong - Rider

>> No.5813035

Leonidas as Lancer. Do I really need to explain why ?

>> No.5813036

Rambo would be my choice.

>> No.5813043

Genghis Khan.

>> No.5813045

>you have encountered Archer
>"Hey Achilles! It's me Paris!"


>> No.5813051

Shiki Tohno as assassin, he would finish anyone with his MEoDP.

>> No.5813053
File: 25 KB, 306x314, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you won't mind if I take this...right?

>> No.5813056


He'd be better as Saber.

The spear would be better for the hoplite formation, unless you think he'll have a Noble Phantasm akin to Iskander's to bring the three hundred into play. It IS the most legendary thing Leonidas I has, so it's quite permissible to be a Noble Phantasm.

Otherwise, he'd be better off with Saber, since Lancer is a more combative-offensive class (speed and lethality), but Saber can be more stalwart and defensive.

>> No.5813057


Oh? You have a holy sword? MY Servant has magic boots, helmet, shield, AND a magic sword.

>> No.5813060
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually it's some kind of weird... halberd-thing in the nasuverse.

>> No.5813061

Hassan Sabbah technically counts if it's not one of the two who were summoned by Kotomine, right?

>> No.5813063


Point he he can become invisible at will, fly, and kill anything.

>> No.5813068

I'mma get me some Hitler = Caster

>> No.5813070



Woah, man.

Man, woah.

>> No.5813080


Erwin Rommel, Rider class. As he is.

Fuck their shit.

>> No.5813086

Paul Bunyan as Rider.


>> No.5813092
File: 208 KB, 600x450, 1275009459581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I summon sanae as caster.
Aww yeah mana replenishment.

>> No.5813095
File: 34 KB, 425x314, kurt-cobain-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any "hero" from history, right? Then this would mean this doesn't include anyone who technically doesn't exist (like made up people from myth).

If that's the case...

>> No.5813096

Anonymous as Assassin class. A whole legion with information. Damn, knowledge is power.

>> No.5813119


Blatantly fictional characters cannot be summoned.

Nobody ever believed Paul Bunyan existed.

>> No.5813127

Strength: -EX (Negative extreme)
Any one Anonymous is weak on its own, being a creature of information. It is because of this that hiding one's identity as a Master is even more critical.

"Seven Proxies: Tor's Blessing" - B+ Personal
A powerful barrier which further masks the true location of Anonymous, and strengthens its body to beyond superhuman levels. Since all it is is a mighty illusion, it can still be defeated by a Luck vs. Armor Class save. However, Seven Proxies' defense boost is the real thing.


>Captcha: never deviating

>> No.5813132

Rasputin, but as a genderswap.

>> No.5813133

Hmm... I haven't gotten to Fate/Zero yet, but the strongest ones seem to be... part-gods. Rulers. People who have defeated mythical beasts. I always take these types of questions way too seriously... Well, here are some possibilities:

> King Solomon: (Caster)
Legend says he commanded a legion of demons to construct the Temple of Jerusalem using a powerful sigil ring engraved with the Seal of Solomon. In reality, he was a wise and revered monarch who expanded the kingdom of Israel to it's greatest heights. However, in his late age, he succumbed to idolatry, worshiping false gods, and it is said that this doomed his future successors.

> Saint George (Lancer)
Christian martyr who was renowned for swiftly and easily killing a dragon with his mighty lance Ascalon. In truth, he was a powerful Roman soldier who worked his way up from the age of fourteen until he was an elite imperial guard. Unfortunately, when the emperor passed an edict that every soldier should make a sacrifice to the pagan gods, George loudly and openly refused because he was Christian. The emperor liked him, and offered him immense treasures to just make the minor sacrifice, but George refused. Finally, George was brutally tortured to death to uphold his faith.

...damn, but neither of these two meet both of the criteria. And worst of all, they're both men! I need to ponder this more.

>> No.5813136


Tall, insane Russian Nun moe?

>> No.5813138
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What class would he be?

>> No.5813143

The Night

>> No.5813144

Cu Chulain. Artorius. Medusa. Heracles. Angra Mainyu.

Fuck you, I believe that Paul Bunyan was based off of either some guy or a collection of overgrown second-hand accounts. He's as legitimate, if not more, than many canon Servants.

>> No.5813147

I always figured they could, in the Fake-Assassin-esque sort of way, but you're probably right.

Also, do I get some sort of catalogue to pick from? These heroes can be from any time frame, including the future, I want the hero in 100,000 years who saves the universe with his galaxy crushing space ship/mecha (Because it's the Nasuverse, ie. Japan).

If not, I pick the Archer class Simo Häyhä.

All you guys are fucked.

>> No.5813148

Do'h! Damn loopholes...

Although he doesn't seem to have a very good track record at winning competitions.

>> No.5813155

Or it could only include people who don;t exist, depending on your definition.

>> No.5813157

Pecos Bill as rider.

>> No.5813162

Can I summon Jesus?

>> No.5813164
File: 131 KB, 415x392, kirei2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it can't be from the future because we don't know what's going to end up as a relic, smartass. Kids these days...

>> No.5813168

In nasuverse rules that would be a god, gods > Heroic Spirits and can't be summoned so no.

>> No.5813171

Emperor Norton I

Because he's just a fucking badass.

>> No.5813174

Fine, I won't deny that Pecos Bill is a much better candidate for a Rider. I'll just take Paul Bunyan as a Berserker, then.

Fuck, I hope I don't die from the Mana drain...

>> No.5813175
File: 25 KB, 224x350, kirei3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is more or less considered a god, and you cannot summon gods. Good thought though. He'd make a nice Avenger class.

>> No.5813179

I don't really care, he'd fit my style and I like him. He's gimped in FSN because every mistake with him results in bad ends (which, you know, is the whole point of his class, take that away and of course he'd sucks), and he's gimped in Zero because Kotomine had to gain Gilgamesh for the plot to be coherent with FSN.

>> No.5813183


Why would you want to do that?
He'd fucking sacrifice himself for the world's sins (i.e. you die so he saves everyone else that you don't give a shit about THRICE).

>> No.5813184


>Cu Chulain. Artorius. Medusa. Heracles. Angra Mainyu.

People honestly believed all of these existed at some point.

Larger than life is not blatantly fictional.

>Fuck you, I believe that Paul Bunyan was based off of either some guy or a collection of overgrown second-hand accounts. He's as legitimate, if not more, than many canon Servants.

At absolute best, you're getting a nine foot tall creative lumberjack, not a fifty story superman who reshapes the earth to solve problems.
And probably not even that. Nobody ever believed in Paul Bunyan.


>I always figured they could, in the Fake-Assassin-esque sort of way, but you're probably right.

Assassin was a glitch. He wasn't Sasaki Kojirou in the first place. However, in the Nasuverse, there WAS a swordsman who created the technique Tsubame Gaeshi. Later in history people would claim "Sasaki Kojirou" used Tsubame Gaeshi, so he got lucky.
In other words, he's not a Heroic Spirit, but a coincidental swordsman.

>> No.5813189
File: 58 KB, 576x848, [large][AnimePaper]scans_Shingetsutan-Tsukihime_nanaya_103828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summoning Magical Girl Phantasmoon Eclipse as Caster.

>> No.5813198

Tohno Shiki, because he can kill servants.

>> No.5813201

and mana transfer = one way tricket to Hell.

>> No.5813202

Hmm... that's an interesting distinction, and I actually think I agree with you. It also explains why the older a servant is, the stronger they tend to be. Embellishments over time and whatnot.

Having said that, don't they point out in the story that heroic spirits make a deal to achieve superhuman skill in exchange for infinite servitude after they die?

(hence, people like Simo Hayha probably don't count unless you think they are superhuman... which actually might be the case)

>> No.5813209

At no point did anyone believe that Arthur was a woman, Excalibur could shoot mana laser beams, and had a magical wind barrier that blocked the view of Excalibur to her enemies.

Rider was also vastly changed as well. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING SNAKES?

Heracles maybe, but theology is a different matter, and Heracles is part-god.

The point is is that I think that the origin of the American "tall tales" is similar to, and just as legitimate as, the European and Asian-based heroic tales. We just don't have as many to muddle the mix, is all.

>> No.5813212

From memory, wasn't that only Counter Guardians? Most Heroic Spirits simply go there from being heroes and Arturia's case was unique. But I could always be wrong.

>> No.5813213


>Rider was also vastly changed as well. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING SNAKES?

They displayed her pre-snake condition.

>> No.5813216

Simo was either a heroic spirit or a time travelling robot badass with super-robot like aiming.

>> No.5813222

Before Rider was cursed by Poseidon (I think) she was actually pretty beautiful. Though, she did have golden hair if I'm not misstaken.

>> No.5813230

Before she was raped by Poseidon, she was still pure~

Also, the more she used that super-strength, the more snakelike she turned, if I remember correctly.

>> No.5813233


>At no point did anyone believe that Arthur was a woman, Excalibur could shoot mana laser beams, and had a magical wind barrier that blocked the view of Excalibur to her enemies.

Creative license. Arturia is unaffected by belief because she's not dead.

>Rider was also vastly changed as well. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING SNAKES?

Explained in Hollow Ataraxia.
They appear if she uses Monstrous Strength. The more she uses it, the closer she comes to becoming THAT: >>5813060.

>Heracles maybe, but theology is a different matter, and Heracles is part-god.

Only part, though. And people believed in the gods.

But gods are pure spirits and cannot be Heroic so yeah.

>> No.5813235

Raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple, and Athena punsihed her for it because she's a huge bitch.

>> No.5813237


Poseidon didn't curse her, he just got his Bone on with her.

>> No.5813245

>implying taking a womans virginity isnt the same thing as cursing her. (Atleast when the woman in question isnt fuckugly)

>> No.5813247

Aphrodite, I thought. Oh well. The Greek gods were equally petty.

The point is is that arguing the legitimacy of one myth over another by means of "people actually believed it" is moot, because at this current point in time, the number of people who would believe in either these myths or the "tall tales" being true are close to nil, but there's no way to prove that people didn't believe them at any one point in time.

>> No.5813249

Defiled was the word they used, most people think it was rape, though it could be virginity taking, which would make sense with the whole "snake-hair punishment" thing, if Athena didn't have a history of being a monstrous whore.

>> No.5813253


Are you joking? Poseidon was lauded as the father of over half the Greek Heroic lineage, next to Zeus. Every time he got his bone on - and there were many times - people thought it was a big deal.

>> No.5813254

As children, everyone believed in Santa. I think that makes him eligible.

So fuck yes, lightspeed gift-giver errwhere in this bitch.

(also, the gifts are death)

>> No.5813261


>but there's no way to prove that people didn't believe them at any one point in time.

Paul Bunyan legends were made about 1910.

Heroes became harder to believe in about the Renaissance.

Do you honestly people believed in 50 foot men just one hundred years ago?

>> No.5813265

Saint Nicholas Claus Kringle


>> No.5813270
File: 147 KB, 750x1085, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are small time.

>> No.5813278


Don't forget, there's also a chance that nobody actually believed any of that shit in ancient times, save for the Gods themselves (power of Theology).

>> No.5813281

People don't respect you enough, Askeladd. I mean, your dad lost his head over you merely existing!

>> No.5813288

A Welshman on the English throne? hah!

Germans, French, Danes, and Greeks maybe, but a Welshman, HAH!

>> No.5813292

You know, the temples, recordings of sacrifices, offerings and celebrations, as well as the vast, vast amounts of artworks depicting men worshipping them kind of says they did.

>> No.5813296
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Disgusting king of Sweyn pig. Die!

>> No.5813305

Like I said, except for the matters directly pertaining to the gods, you have no way of proving that the worshippers didn't believe any of the shit about monsters and half, quarter, or one-sixteenth gods, save for the ones that were worshiped.

>> No.5813318

Paul Bunyan = fakelore

>> No.5813326

That's a rather silly assumption, given the prevalence of them though. It'd be like people finding ruins of a city, seeing the tonnes of stores and saying "Yeah, but it's possible noone but the workers used those."

>> No.5813330

King Arthur = That Shit Never Happened

>> No.5813331

Shaka Zulu as Lancer.
Because I am an equal opportunity magician.

>> No.5813346

Same with the Pecos Bill and Paul Bunyan and John Henry stories then.

>> No.5813370

The trick is knowing their noble phantasm. For example, Gilgamesh really isn't that good of a fighter compared to the others, if you just look at him. But those fucking phantasms... So what hero would have the best one?

Seriously, I don't know.

>> No.5813380

Robin Hood as Archer. Stealing your shit before you know it.

>> No.5813386

Best at hiding it and utterly undefeatable with it? Samson.

>> No.5813416

Ooh, good point. Invulnerable (promised by God) and incredibly strong, save for his hair, which is his weakness?? I'd be hard-pressed to figure out his hair is his weakpoint.

>> No.5813421

Been done already, he's a bitch to control and mostly uses poisons.

>> No.5813422

Bingo bango. Winner. Summon him as a berserker, and hope that his jawbone-of-an-ass weapon doesn't give him away

>> No.5813438
File: 21 KB, 175x202, Masamune_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it'd be awesome to have some Sengoku era warlord as a Servant (Oda Nobunaga as Berserker or Date Masamune as Rider), I'm afraid that'd make things too similar to Sengoku Basara. While that's not a bad thing at all, I'd rather have something more creative. For example...

Goro Nyudo Masamune, the maker of the legendary Masamune swords. To make him different from EMIYA, he will rarely use his own swords and simply leave the fighting to the Master. His class would probably be Caster, as he's also a priest, and that's basically the best class to have if it's Master who's fighting. If the rules and/or Nasuverse allow that, he can be one with Sengo Muramasa, the other legendary swordsmith, and change between personalities whenever he wants. Of course, the Master will also be able to use Muramasa's swords.

Delicious brown elf waifus and DAIDARRAAAAAAAH are optional.

>> No.5813459

Fucking Sun Wukong.

And you're fucked.

>> No.5813464


Roland, the guy with the Durandal, who served under Charlemange. A Saber with a hatred for the filthy sand niggers.

>> No.5813471

My kind of guy.

>> No.5813472


Sun Wukong is awesome, but he's more like a spiritual force of chaos than a(n at least partially) human heroic spirit.

>> No.5813475

How about Audie Murphy, or David Crockett...AS BERSERKER?

Or Doc Holiday, as Archer?

>> No.5813478

Beowulf. Canon strongest man alive, enslaves giants, etc

>> No.5813479

He was in Fate/Extra

>> No.5813486


Durandal, by the way, grants three wishes. And the horn is probably an excellent 'fuck you' weapon- Charlemange's army arrives, but they arrive too late. Not too late to kill your enemy, however.

How about Tomoe Gonzen as Lancer? Japanese warrior maiden, gorgeous as all hell, suitably for a torrid love affair. Also, Mulan- But the latter was possibly a lesbian

>> No.5813494

How about Miyamoto Musashi as Saber? It's a little obvious, but he is supposed to be Japan's greatest swordsman, after all. Also, Circe as Caster- She had the whole turn men into beasts power...Which probably means 'turn cannon fodder into slavering hellbeasts under her control'.

If we're going with american folk heroes, how about John Henry? Big guy with a motherlovin' hammer. Berserker again.

>> No.5813496

Yes, yes... and the swords have a sort of will of their own to help with technique. Combined with amplifying the master's body with strengthening and other kinds of protective magics I think that would be very interesting indeed.

>> No.5813505

Damn... I considered him because I always thought Roland/Orlando was cool, but I didn't know enough about his legend to feel comfortable picking him.

>> No.5813507

No. The swords themselves fight for him. His stats are all ridiculously low, besides his Noble Phantasm, which is EX++.
His swords become Saber class fighters, on par with other Heroes.

The people are little girls.

>> No.5813509

That's... kinda optional, too. While I understand Nasu's giant boner for Muramasa (I have one, too, after all), I think it will be fine if it were simple magic swords.

>> No.5813512

Zhuge Liang as Rider.
He created the 24 Volumes on Military Strategy and used forces of nature to win campaigns such as the Battle of Chi Bi. He is also capable of trapping people in his Stone Sentinel Maze. He's not someone to mess around with.

>> No.5813528

Yeah... but I kind of like the idea of their roles being reversed, with the Servant being a support role because he's weak as a kitten except for the noble phantasm , and the master being an ultimate badass.

>> No.5813531



Once upon a time, during the Crusades, King Charlemange left his favorite Knight, Roland- Or Orlando, depending on the story, who wielded one of the three great swords...Joyeuse, Altima and Durandal- to ward against attacking sand niggers.

After butchering a shitload of them, Roland was fatally wounded- He'd sounded his mighty horn, Oliphant, but a traitor delayed the king from coming to his aid. With his last breath, he tried to destroy Durandal, and failed- It chopped through a mountain, so he threw it into a poison stream, then died.

The King came back, went "NOOOOOOO~!!!" and prayed to God; That the sun would not set until he'd found them and kicked their asses. God, being Wise and Merciful, granted the King his most fervent prayer.

>> No.5813545


He's a god. And, technically, a monkey.

Also, raw awesome.

Captcha: there Laflin


>> No.5813552
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According to the wiki, you don't necessarily have to be heroic if your actions, even evil actions, ultimately ended up beneficial to mankind.

Adolf Hitler

>> No.5813555
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Can he be my Heroic Spirit?

>> No.5813578

He's more of a Lancer, if you ask me.

>> No.5813597

That pretty much stretches it, but the later HFs are polluted either way.

>> No.5813600

Helen of Troy as Caster.

Her noble phantasm lets her seduce any male, like the attract move in pokemon except 100% effective.

If things were really going perfect for me then she could seduce any female as well.

>> No.5813614

Archer - George Washington


>> No.5813636

He'll kick you apart


>> No.5813643
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>> No.5813650

He is too preoccupied as a cybernetic devil summoner, cannot be called in Grail Wars

>> No.5813651


Hey, I already took him, eeer, I mean "her".

>> No.5813660
File: 196 KB, 700x969, DO NOT PURSUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5813666
File: 54 KB, 389x480, 192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basil II the Bulgar-slayer as Lancer

fuck yeah

>> No.5813683

I'll summon Tohno, and use a young virgin loli dressed provocatively as my catalyst. This way...

Shiki can kill servants.


>> No.5813697
File: 16 KB, 300x396, 516383-scrooge_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all lose.

>> No.5813700 [DELETED] 

Ah, so you did.
Fine then.

Can I have King Midas?
I hope you all enjoy having useless gold statues for servants.

>> No.5813707
File: 13 KB, 350x280, 1888.kingmidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you did.
Fine then.

Can I have King Midas?
I hope you all enjoy having useless gold statues for servants

>> No.5813719

Alulim, the first king, who ruled for thousands of years! The older the better, right?

So, who needs Gilgamesh when you can have someone even more original-er!

>> No.5813720

Enjoy having your servant starve to death after a week.

>> No.5813723


>> No.5813728

Since we're throwing kings around now

I'll take Ramesses II, as Rider.

>> No.5813744

I'll take William Tell as Archer class. And a fuckton of apples.

>> No.5813773
File: 58 KB, 353x449, Sigurd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Class: Saber
Sigurd, the dragon slayer.

Gram the sword of the chosen: B
A legendary sword able to cleanly cut all earthly materials and most others with ease.

Dragon Blood - Immortality: A
Immune against attacks ranked A or lower everywhere except his left shoulder.

Dragon Blood - Language Winged Beasts: C
Able to converse with with birds and other winged creatures.

Dragon Heart - Prophecy: A
By concentrating in a calm environment he can somewhat gaze upon the future, and or distant locations though fuzzy.

Height: 197cm
Weight: 102

Strength: B
Endurance: A+
Agility: A
Magical Energy: B
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: A

Mind's Eye (True): A
Able to sense the flow of things, sensing movement and gives the ability to sense actions before they are executed.
If there is a chance of victory, as long as it exist, be it 1% or less, this abillity greatily improves the chance of success.
Bravery: A+
Ability to ignore mental interfearance such as coercion. confusion or illusions.

>> No.5813797

>Luck: D
Is that really safe?

>> No.5813833

I hope the people who are choosing historical figures from the post-industrial age are aware of the fact that they are probably going to get useless bums who are barely stronger than avarage humans at best.
I'd choose Superman, because he'd own some serious ass. Skanderbeg or Hunyadi would be fun so like some RoTK characters though.

>> No.5813842

Legendary filipino folk hero 'Panday' as lancer. Eskrima rules

>> No.5813853


>> No.5813860 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 376x480, audrey-hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose the most devastating hero this world has ever seen devastatingly cute

>> No.5813885

Already done in Fate/Extra. As a Berserker, at that.

That is, if they allow him to touch anything. Unless he's as trained as, say, Shiki, he has little chances of doing so.

>> No.5813898


You forgot his shape changing cap, that enables him to take the form of any person he wishes to be.

>> No.5813914

The correct way to use Midas is obviously to use his gold to conquer the financial world within days and then use state of the art millitary weaopons and highly trained groups to do your bidding while you reside in a space station in space orbit.

>> No.5813919

Can I have Rika as a servant? I'd love to supply her with mana.

>> No.5813926

She'd be uterrly useless, outside of dying, and hoping someone else comes to clear the mess.
And she'd need no mana, since she just stands around and drinks.

>> No.5813927

He was statted a while ago, I think.

King Midas
Class: Berserker
Gender: Male
Attribute: Chaotic Natural


Charisma: B
Mad Enhancement: C
Magic Resistance: B
Divinity: C
Golden Rule: EX
Not even Gilgamesh can get goldier than this golden king. The King of Heroes can own the world all he wants, there are plenty of other planets out there Midas can turn into gold. He's not that greedy, though. He has learned his lesson. Probably. At this rank, it's simply absurd to think that this Servant will ever lack gold, whether he likes it or not.

Midas' common equipment includes a pair of golden gloves he uses to prevent his ability from activating by accident and a bow with which to shoot Cupid's arrow, as well as regular arrows, though he's definitely not the best archer around. He can also fight with a sword if he has to, but why bother when you have...

Noble Phantasms
Apollo's Curse - The King's Secret
Rank C, Anti-Unit Type
Range: Equal to target's eyesight range.
Maximum Target: 100
The ears of King Midas, usually kept under his hood out of shame, for they happen to be those of an ass. Those who behold them will not be in any condition to poke fun at him, however: anyone who bears witness to Midas' secret will share his curse. Further, if the unfortunate soul happened to be a Servant, the curse has another effect that doesn't apply to Midas himself: the affected Servant will be unable to dematerialize until the curse is lifted, which can be done by either killing Midas or by his will. Of course, revealing this Phantasm is as good as just telling the oppenents your name, there aren't many donkey eared figures around in history.

>> No.5813930

Midas Touch - Dionysos' Blessing
Rank A, Anti-Unit Type
Range: 1
Maximum Target: 1
King Midas' hands, capable of instantly transmuting any matter into gold. Physical contact will unconditionally turn anything and anyone without a Magic Resistance above rank B into solid gold. Those with sufficient Magic Resistance will only be partly affected - body parts may be changed instead of the whole body for Rank B, for example, while entities of exceptionally high Magic Resistance (Rank A or more) may only have the skin around the contact area affected with a single hit, but the effects will accumulate over repeated blows. Also pretty much reveals Midas' identity, even though as it is always active, its true name needs not to be spoken. Midas is immune to his own ability.

Midas Touch - Golden Flood of River Pactolus
Rank B, Anti-Army Type
Range: 1-50
Maximum Target: 100
Seeking to undo his wish, Midas took Dionysos' advice and washed in River Pactolus. It turned out to be a futile attempt, partly turning the river into gold in the process, but nonetheless the king's efforts are symbolized with this Noble Phantasm, which summons forth a river of liquid gold. A simple, straightforward anti-army Phantasm, Pactolus is considerably weaker than the likes of Excalibur in power, but uses just as less prana, wearing down the opposing Servant with a continuous stream of molten metal over several minutes if they get caught in it. Unlike Apollo's Curse and the other version of Midas Touch, this Noble Phantasm can not be used or maintained during Mad Enhancement.

>> No.5813934

She could stop time and decapitate other servants with her scythe while they were frozen. I think she'd be quite effective.

>> No.5813948

Silly fanservice games do not count, otherwise Taiga from Tiger Coliseum would dominate the Grail War.

>> No.5813949

The first murderer, Cain. Summoned as Saber.

>> No.5813954

Didn't he use a stone or club on his unsuspecting brother or something?
Just make him Assassin.

>> No.5813955

Reported for retarded shit against the rules of /jp/

>> No.5813957
File: 221 KB, 600x800, PursueMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me Bro.

>> No.5813958

Rika stopped time in Minagoroshi-hen and Matsuribayashi-hen.

>> No.5813962

I was referring to the scythe.
And again, her timestop was short and she could not do much other than catch a flimsy bullet.
Just keep her as a pet

>> No.5813964
File: 133 KB, 876x491, ryofuko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Lu Bu would assume his true form when summoned.

>> No.5813969
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 681704-front_cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se was depicted with the scythe on the cover of Minagoroshi-hen.

>> No.5813971

Lu Bu has been done anyway.
Any other great generals?

>> No.5813974

Again, tons of them in Sengoku era. Tens of them.

And !Nipaa, I respect you as a fellow JoJo fan, but forcing your opinion on others is going too far, don't you think?

>> No.5813977

You are really grasping at straws, aren't you?

>> No.5813978

F/SN would have been much better if all the Servants were lolis. It could have been explained as a magical side-effect of the summoning process.

>> No.5813985

How am I forcing my opinion on others?

>> No.5813986

One of the Four Horseman of Apocypse?
King Midas ( turn everyone into gold)
Jesus( turn water into wine - win.)
Sun Tzu - the best choice IMO

>> No.5813990

What about having Jesus turn blood into wine as an attack?

>> No.5813992

Like when you argue about your image of Rika being the only correct one even if it means nothing in the end. There's nothing to gain from keeping this discussion going.

>> No.5813994

...Nah, not really. I like the male ones as they are.

>> No.5813995

>Again, tons of them in Sengoku era
you are over-romanticizing the sengoku era. It was a civil war that spanned half an island, in the big picture that's pretty underwhelming.
China's Sangoku is the same, but at least it spanned half a continent instead.

>> No.5814000


In the Nasuverse, that would be terribly difficult.

Time is a part of Reality. Modifying it (e.g. speeding it up or halting it) would take tremendous amounts of mana and could only ever be exceedingly temporary, as well as localized. Consider Reality Marbles for comparison.

Well, the upside to your wish then would mean you'd have to supply Rika with a LOT of mana... The downside is, if she uses it too much (e.g. more than once without refueling) she'd probably hemorrhage and die.

Consider that one of the most elite magus hunters on the planet who's specifically trained for it could only, at best, slow down time a noticeable margin within a very tight limit (his own skin, not even outwardly infringing upon reality) at the cost of moderate internal damage and a great percentage of his prana.

>> No.5814006

You're forgetting that Japan is center of the Nasuverse.

>> No.5814007

To be fair Kiritsugu was never seen as that good a magus. I don't disagree that he was very skilled as a magus-hunter.

>> No.5814014
File: 76 KB, 400x384, vainamoinen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I summon Väinämöinen? He might or might not be god, so I'm not sure.

>> No.5814015

Agreed. Go with Belisarius. He was a great general.

>> No.5814016


>To be fair Kiritsugu was never seen as that good a magus.

From what was seen, he's at least competent as a magi, though his nature is abnormal. He doesn't have deficient levels of prana, either, like Shirou.

>> No.5814021


I can see the description now.

"Divinity: EX
Might have been a god.
... But that can't be right...?"

>> No.5814022

Even so, during Fate/Zero developement, Kinoko said to Urobuchi that japanese heroic spirits are pretty rare.

>> No.5814025

Bah, the generals of the Sengoku Era barely even had any access to proper armour.

There's always Sir Galahad The Perfect Knight.
Though he would break the "game".

>> No.5814026

So what? There's a reason Nasu chose only western/middle-east myths and made the only japanese servant a glitch in the system.
Extra is not canon and Tamamo-no-mae doesn't count.

>> No.5814034


>> No.5814038

Competent doesn't mean much though, since most characters in FSN and Fate/Zero are the best in the world. (E.g. Rin having 20 times the power of a normal magus.)

>> No.5814047

Extra is canon, but the rules in that war are different, as the Moon Cell Automaton records all life in planet Earth, so probably is not using the Throne like Einzbern Heaven's Feel.

>> No.5814051


It's kind of hard to swallow that an elite magus hunter wouldn't be at least a very good magus.

Bazett was.

>> No.5814074

Tamamo is not a Heroic Spirit, she explained it in Extra.

>> No.5814085

Kiritsugu's magic seems pretty basic. He uses magic to slow or speed up his body (which is essentially a dumped down version of his crest's power) and disperse his consciousness to go to sleep. Anything else?

>> No.5814090

He is good at the specific unique applications of magic he does. He is neither a good research, nor does have great natural talent. Being good at a limited aspect does not make you a good magus, you need to be decent at everything else outside your

>> No.5814094

Bazett had to rely on her skill as a magus to fight/avoid being killed, so of course she'd be competent.
Kiritsugu doesn't need to be competent because he relies on technology. Sure Fate/zero show him being able to use his particular magic pretty well, but we don't really know really its extent, so he could also be using it like a retard.

>> No.5814129

>China's Sangoku is the same, but at least it spanned half a continent instead.
It still is one of the bloodiest conflicts in the human history. Later Chinese civil wars were even worse and bloodier and only dwarfed by WW2 and mongols.
Chinks always knew how to kill themselves

>> No.5814141

I am fairly sure it's not Canon.
Nasu just gave "Game company X" the permission to use his work when they asked him, didn't he? Under the premise that it was "/Extra" and not be canon.

Isn't just like a commercially distributed "Doujin" game? Like if Werk would have been approved by Nasu when they did Battle Moon Wars (thought ehy ripped off Banpresto and SRW as well).

As far as I know Nasu hasn't even been involved in the development at all, even less so then with things such as Fate/Zero where he at least gave directions and posed regulations.

>> No.5814168

>As far as I know Nasu hasn't even been involved in the development at all,
I heard the game was delayed because he rewrote extensive parts of the script or something because he thought it was really bad? But yeah, just because Nasu had part on it doesn't make it canon, can people saying it is give sources?

>> No.5814193

Nasu didn't give much direction with Fate/Zero.
He basically told that Urobuchi could do whatever he wanted provided it was consistent with FSN.
Urobuchi is the one who thought about the new servants, noble phantasm, how the battles went, etc...

>> No.5814209
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, lance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure a lance with Christ's blood on it makes for a pretty good "anti-divinity" weapon. Suck it divineservantfags.

>> No.5814227


Too bad Longinus himself is probably a pretty shitty warrior.

>> No.5814236 [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 3057x2121, img011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first, yes.

But during developement, Nasu become involved and at the end, he wrote almost all the story and the setting.

So yes, right now, Extra is canon.

>> No.5814239 [DELETED] 

At first, yes.

But during development, Nasu become involved and at the end, he wrote almost all the story and the setting.

So yes, right now, Extra is canon.

>> No.5814268
File: 2.63 MB, 3057x2121, img011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first, yes.

But during development, Nasu become involved and at the end, he wrote almost all the story and the setting.

So yes, right now, Extra is canon.

>> No.5814281

Nasu gave him the idea of the three kings, Alexander general personality, the whole "Kirei and Zouken hate each other" and the Kirei vs. Kiritsugu.

>> No.5814286

He happens to be a saint. Being well known and a saint powers the shit out of you.

>> No.5814306

Is that just an inference? Because Nasu writing it doesn't automatically make it canon.

>> No.5814355

Nasu has written "Fanon" himself before.

>> No.5814373
File: 2.18 MB, 3057x2121, img012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing implying that is not canon.

Extra is a parallel world, but with all the stuff in Nasuverse working like always.

They even explained how the branching point of this world with standard Nasuverse are the 80's.

>> No.5814402
File: 384 KB, 228x160, 1279313272074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find funny how something like Extra, with explained place in Nasuverse is called "non-canon" and something like Notes, with Kinoko himself saying that he don't know yet if make it canon or not is called "canon".

>> No.5814409


This Pic confirms it.

Saber extra is Nero.

>> No.5814413

Then why not include Fate/ strange fake among things.
Just because Nasu rewrote scripts to his liking doesn't make it canon.

It started as not canon so I don't see why that would change just because he engaged himself to work with them eventually.

>> No.5814427

>This Pic confirms it.
No, the game confirmed it. Have you been under a rock for the past two weeks or something?

>> No.5814440

Gil, i'll just make him spam BG and win the war

>> No.5814443

Because Strange Fake is a FUCKING DOUJIN JOKE and not a legimate game with a legimate plot, maybe?!

>> No.5814458
File: 150 KB, 500x313, regggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5814491

>Extra is a parallel world,
So, confirmed for not canon.

>> No.5814515
File: 143 KB, 544x400, 1280362698427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Kagetsu Tohya and Fate/hollow ataraxia are not canon too...

Oh, so the whole fucking Second Sorcery is not canon! Poor Zelretch.

>> No.5814521

While I do like Fate/Extra it is as Canon as Dragon Ball.
Somewhere out there in the infinite multi verse there would be a Dragon Ball universe out there somewhere.

>> No.5814530

Tamano-no-Mae. Thank you.

>> No.5814541
File: 17 KB, 320x320, mo-LuBu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lu Bu as lancer.

>> No.5814543

Yeah, but Kinoko never wrote (and never will write) about it. So it's the same as non-canon.

Extra on the other hand...

>> No.5814588

What? He's a fucking Rider

>> No.5814597

If someday, Nasu write about a Dragon Ball Nasuverse and explain exactly where is branching point with good old Nasuverse, then yes...

Is canon.

>> No.5814615

Woah! Tamano isn't? Please do go on. And why is Tamano trolltastic?

>> No.5814618

Take a look at Fate/Extra if you please
I think he's a Berserker there
with Vlad Tepes as a Lancer

>> No.5814622

>Extra on the other hand...
he claimd wasn't canon, and he took no action to change that statement when he started to rewrite scripts.

>> No.5814647

You need to keep up on the latest news.
Confirmed within the game it takes place in the Nasumultiverse.

>> No.5814658

>Confirmed within the game it takes place in the Nasumultiverse.
Confirmed how? Battle Moon Wars also claims it takes place in the Nasumultiverse.

>> No.5814661

If Battle Moon Wars was licenced by TM and written largely by Nasu, we'd care.

>> No.5814667

Joseph Stalin

>> No.5814671

El Cid as Saber, because even in dead he still serve, also punch lions and all of that

Captcha: very flops

>> No.5814677
File: 48 KB, 387x259, blank_facepalm_224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5814678

Monty Python would be my choice.

>> No.5814683

...A bit more specific?

>> No.5814716

John Cleese as Assassin
You can imagine what he will be saying after killing anybody.

>> No.5814726

Developer accepts a third party orginization to make a fan game.
Confirmed not canon.
Developer becomes interested and joins the work.

Never confirmed not be canon.
Nasu needs to make an official statement.
The process of original developers working together with third party developers to make non-canon games isn't that un-common.

>> No.5814729

Meant "never confirmed to be canon"

>> No.5814734

Sure, nobody said Tiger Coliseum is not canon.
But the game itself confirms the existence of a multiverse and branching timelines. Not to mention the author working on teh game himself and the 'linking' with the original worlds thanks toa certain Berserker. There is no reason to deny this takes place in teh Nasu Multiverse(unrelated to the oens we see in all other works though).
It's the way DC acknowledges other continuities while the main one is specific.

>> No.5814737

If I had, I would choose between any of these:

Joan of Arc - Saber
Alister Crowley - Caster
Robin Hood - Archer
Longinus - Lancer
Major "King" Kong - Rider (aka the guy that rides on the nuclear missile in Dr. Strangelove)
Lee Harvey Oswald - Assassin

>> No.5814739

It was never said to be not canon.

Only to take place in a different world. And that's exactly the whole point.

Inb4 "I don't like Nero being a woman so it's not canon baaaaw".

>> No.5814746

why do you care so much about what's cannon and what's not? Are original creators not allowed to play around with various interpretations of their work?


>> No.5814773
File: 173 KB, 417x600, 417px-Simo_hayha_honorary_rifle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simo Häyhä, The White Death. As Assassin (Hassan can fuck right off)


>In temperatures between −40 and −20 degrees Celsius, dressed completely in white camouflage, Häyhä was credited with 505 confirmed kills of Soviet soldiers,[2][4] 542 if unconfirmed deaths are included.[4] The unofficial Finnish front line figure from the battlefield of Kollaa places the number of Häyhä's sniper kills over 800.[5] A daily account of the kills at Kollaa was conducted for the Finnish snipers. Besides his sniper kills, Häyhä was also credited with over two hundred kills with a Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun, thus bringing his credited kills to at least 705.[4] Remarkably, all of Häyhä's kills were accomplished in fewer than 100 days with a very limited amount of daylight per day.

>He preferred to use iron sights rather than telescopic sights to present a smaller target (the sniper must raise his head higher when using a telescopic sight), to prevent visibility risks (a telescopic sight's glass can fog up easily), and aid concealment (sunlight glare in telescopic sight lenses can reveal a sniper's position). Another tactic used by Häyhä was to compact the snow in front of him so that the shot wouldn't disturb the snow and reveal his position. He also kept snow in his mouth so that when breathing the steam would not give him away.

Who needs legends when you have reality?

>> No.5814783

Because no Servants from modern eras?

>> No.5814785

Sorry Finns, but you lost the Winter War. I know it's your only historical event worth of note, but you must deal with it.

>> No.5814787

Hassans were real too you know, supernatural bullshit added aside.

>> No.5814792

i cant believe you guys haven't mentioned merlin.
i mean he gave saber a magic penis, so he should be pretty hax. JUST THINK OF THE DOUJINS

>> No.5814795

I see your point, but in Nasuverse legend = power. Hayha was a regular human using regular means, the whole point of myths is people being remembered for superhuman feats.

>> No.5814804

Except SURPRISE! He has never died and lives of in a secluded dimension, thus cannot be summoned!

>> No.5814866
File: 63 KB, 488x306, 1280091831284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5814879

Goliath, Berserker class.

As long as nobody summons David, it's smooth sailing.

>> No.5814898

David, Archer Class.

Just to piss off the poor sod who thought they had smooth sailing by summoning Goliath.

>> No.5814971

Merlin is simply way too hax.
He is most liekly the wizard with most myths to him ever.

There has always been myths about magicians, withces and wizards of all kinds.
Merlin however, the court wizard of the perfect king, overshadowed all previous magicians and gained all attention. Being said to have been of demonic nature (some stories describe him as a half-incubus of sorts) also drew attention towards him, what had a shady demon/wizard to do with the pure king?

In short, all previous myths started to apply to him, Merlin the mysterious Wizard of the King as well.
Basically, if magician X could do something then it also changed so that "I bet Merlin can as well".
And with the merging of all the myths he somewhat evolved into some kind of "All Wizard".

Merlin is without doubt the most powerful wizard ever, who was only wary of the Lady of the Lake who has been described as some kind of extension of god in some tales.

That's Merlin for you, the wizard who could alter reality by will and create his own worlds as well as cut others off etc etc.
Dem oldfolks truly didn't hold back on the hyperbole, Merlin the mysterious wizard is right up there with Galahad the perfect knight and Arthur the perfect king.

>> No.5814972


Gah! My... my sailiing!

>> No.5814989
File: 30 KB, 327x481, Bouboulina_Friedel_engraving_1827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch right here. She was the shit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouboulina

She probably had pretty good eyes from being a captain, so as Archer.

>> No.5814999

Joan of Arc as Saber
Still Arturia as Saber
Yukimura Sanada as Assassin
Morgana or Merlin as Caster would be pretty sweet too

>> No.5815003

A strong warrior between 2 and 3 meters tall?
Goliath was in a league of his own in both skill and strength but he was still human.
Giant implied that he was large, he came from a human tribe. And if you want to go all science over its plausible that Goliath truly did exist as there are several sources that implies such a warrior existed, and its also plausible that he had a disease or something that sparked his growth to insane levels.
We have giants today who grow up to 3 meters tall and usually die in their early twenties. Its usually due to some brain tumour, otherwise they are stronger in everyway until the body becomes larger tha the body can handle.

>> No.5815011

Jesse James as Archer.
His Noble Phantasm can be a bullet that will never miss, like Gae Bolg with a revolver.
Also, he never has to reload, and has a rifle too.
He can also ride a horse.

>> No.5815012

Saber = Paladin/Knight
Archer = Rogue/Thief
Rider = Mounted Knight
Caster = Wizard/Sorcerer. (Holy Powers is something else)
Lancer = Agile long ranged (melee) weapon fighter

The Berserker class is a special case and following TM canon Assassin can't be anyone other than Hassan.

The Archer class is less about ranged fights even if that may be the standard, its more about having a varied skillset and lots of skillpoints.

>> No.5815013

> Lee Harvey Oswald - Assassin

And then the real gunmen as True Assassin.

>> No.5815022

The best Servant you know it to be true!

>> No.5815029 [DELETED] 


Enough said.

>> No.5815054
File: 27 KB, 375x470, kabuki-okuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izumo no Okuni as Caster. Originator of kabuki, and a brilliant professional troll.

- She was a roving miko who wandered around doing solo plays to get donation money
- Later she created a theatre troupe, made up of hookers and societal outcasts, and together they put on plays mocking the shit out of the ruling class
- She was banhammered many many times by multiple shoguns including Tokugawa, and evaded every one.

It might be a little like what would happen if Lambdadelta deciding to play by (most of) the rules of the Grail War.

>> No.5815061

> It might be a little like what would happen if Lambdadelta deciding to play by (most of) the rules of the Grail War.

This makes absolutely no sense

>> No.5815085
File: 3 KB, 300x57, miracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Joshua count?

Look, I just want to commit genocide and have them be considered miracles. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.5815118
File: 536 KB, 1000x800, 5f488bd8dcbe5604ffaac932bd216bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is allowed, I demand Anthy as Caster.

Not just a witch, but very possibly the embodiment of every witch in any work of fiction ever.

Plus she is SCREWED. UP. Medea can't hold a candle to her.

>> No.5815175

Wasn't there an Emiya servant with a Kiritsugu skill?

>> No.5815192

Woah! Tamano isn't? Please do go on. And why is Tamano trolltastic?

>> No.5815226

I choose Gengis Khan. We'll dominate the world together.

And I can choose the appearance too right? I mean, if King Arthur can look like that I can make Khan be a loli right?

>> No.5815256 [SPOILER] 
File: 635 KB, 797x592, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh heh. I always imagined this picture captioned with "Escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack! The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue"

>> No.5815312
File: 27 KB, 370x463, Georgi_Zhukov_in_1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshal Zhukov as a servant. Red Army as his noble phantasm. Stalingrad as perfect shield.


>> No.5815335

Heh heh. Beefcake... anyways, I've answered before, but here's a comprehensive list for me.

Sigurd -- SABER
Merlin -or- King Solomon -- CASTER
Minamoto no Tametomo -or- King Henry V -- ARCHER
Saint George -- LANCER
Pharaoh (concept) -- RIDER
Hassan-i Sabbah -- ASSASSIN (because of annoying Nasu rules)
Sampson -- BERSERKER

>> No.5815337
File: 294 KB, 800x800, 1279562935639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance as saber

>> No.5815427

Hah! Not a single female. You know nothing of this.

>> No.5815447 [DELETED] 

>>5815335 here

Hmm, I see... Archer is the hardest to pick then, and I seem to have misinterpreted his purpose. He should be someone like Sinbad the sailor, although I don't know if he'd be the strongest. I'll need to think on this...

>> No.5815459

>>5815335 here

Hmm, I see... Archer is the hardest to pick then, and I seem to have misinterpreted his purpose. He should be someone like Sinbad or Ulysses, although I don't know if they'd be the strongest. I'll need to think on this...

>> No.5815461

I still don't get the whole "lol assassin rule is annoying"...

You got a class with 18 potential drugged assassins and probably some of them are pretty deadly and awesome.

But no, people prefer the "lol Hattori Hanzo, or lol Jack The Ripper, lol Lee Harvey Oswald"... People probably even more crappy as Servants that HF4 Hassan.

>> No.5815493

Hmm... how is Berserker special? Is there one in every War, and it is just one of the other warrior classes chosen at random? Or does some kind of condition need to be met for him to be summoned

>> No.5815502

Well, honestly I've only played through the Fate route so I don't know first hand how badass he is. In retrospect I think he probably would be the best possible assassin. But it's still annoying not to have that kind of flexibility to make the decision myself...

>> No.5815510

Odysseus. Fuck yeah.

>> No.5815519

>But it's still annoying not to have that kind of flexibility to make the decision myself...
that's because this system wasn't thought keeping fanfiction into consideration

>> No.5815527

Hah! Very true. I'm just saying it's annoying for the purposes of this thread because I enjoy history, mythology, and grossly overthinking hypothetical questions.

>> No.5815550

Bruce Lee. Nuff said.

>> No.5815559
File: 47 KB, 340x273, guan yu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one Guan-Yu in this thread? Surprising!

He'd be Lancer probably

>> No.5815569

Holy shit you are right. Guan Yu would be the best servant EVER.

>> No.5815578

Sun Wukong

>> No.5815610

He'd be dissatisfied if he were summoned to protect a male Master.

>> No.5815614

Kashei as Saber.
Fuck yeah, immortality.

As for real people, either Rommel as RIder or Rasputin as Caster.

>> No.5815615

I summon Ben Frankilin. He's actually Lancer class and can use lightning magic. Also has a Reality Marble that summons 100 hundred dollar bills. He's also actually a delicious brown loli.

Makes no sense, right? Too bad, cause if Fate/Extra can make Nero like that, I can do that to anybody.
Yes, I mad about Saber's identity

>> No.5815625

White Feather, AKA Carlos motherfucking Hathcock. More legendary status than that hayha guy, therefore stronger as a servant. Also has a shit personality like we're used to from Archer classes.

>> No.5815641

Zhuge Liang, caster.

>> No.5815642
File: 27 KB, 150x329, 150px-Re-Horakhty.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I summon Ra.

Now I have the power to control the sun.

Bye bye!

>> No.5815654

Yorihime or Tenshi as Saber
Yuuka as Lancer
Eirin or VIVIT as Archer
Reimu as Rider
Yukari or Toyohime as Caster
Sakuya or Komachi as Assassin?
Yuugi or Flandre as Berserker

>> No.5815661

I would have Davy Crockett as Archer. He would also be the little girl.

>> No.5815662

Actually, screw my previous choice.
Pestilence as either Rider or Archer. I will ride on my white horse and spread AIDS throughout the land.

>> No.5815674

alister crowley as a caster

war = won

>> No.5815680

I summon Kaguya.

>> No.5815696

>how is Berserker special
Berserker is special as its a class that can be applied to anyone if one alters the summoning process a bit.

Increases in all stats in exhange for loosing their minds in a constant berserker rage, not being able to think nor converse.
Raises the mana upkeep considerably and is also the hardest class to control.

That said the Berserker class is special as its no specific kind of hero, it can be any hero who have ever been enraged at least once in their lifetime. This applies to 95-99% of all heroic spirits or something as people who stay pure and calm until their death not faulting once are rare indeed.
Having been enraged at least once is the only condition, otherwise anyone can be summoned into the Berserker class.

>> No.5815703

Your mom
Rider class

>> No.5815706

ORT as berserker.

Wait, fuck, I'd die within the day.

>> No.5815752

Damn... difficult trade-off. I guess controlling it is done through mental concentration or a constant flow of magical energy or something like that.

Either way I think I'll have to avoid that one.

>> No.5815793

In 4 out of 5 of the of the grail wars Berserker's master couldn't handle their servant and got killed by themselves.
And in the fifth war Berserker's master was a custom made humonculus prepared and made by the "Magi Master race" in advance one war beforehand.
Her entire lifespan is increadibly short and she functions as almost nothing other than a conductor for the grail itself and as a mana chaneller.

Translation, the Berserker class is a tough one.
Though the more powerful the servant summoned as Berserker, the harder the strain is.

>> No.5815796

Miscellaneous F/SN quesions:

- What ever happened to Kiritsugu's kickass guns?

- Did Arturia and Guenevere ever consummate their marriage? And if so, how?

- On a related note: did either of them love each other, or was it just for political/gender-hiding reasons?

- When did Saber gain her seemingly immense fellatio skills?

- Issei is gay, right?

>> No.5815801

Oh wait... what about Lancelot though?

>> No.5815815

Master died due to Lancelot's strain and the spine-eating worms, Lancelot froze when he could not receive any more mana which he consumed like a motherfucker.

>> No.5815827

1: Status:unknown. One oft hem could only be used by him either way.
2,3: Most likely, no. There was respect and acknowledgment of duty, but Guin craved some manmeat. Enter Lancelot
4: Observed Guin during her slut sessions? Throne of Heroes provides sexual education? Take your pick.
5: Surprisingly, maybe not.

>> No.5815830

>Did Arturia and Guenevere ever consummate their marriage? And if so, how?
Merlin made Arturia grow a penis and he made an homunclus out of the resulting sperm. Seriously
>On a related note: did either of them love each other, or was it just for political/gender-hiding reasons?
Political reasons, Guinever fell in love with Lancelot, Arturia knew this and didn't mind, the nobles though used this to get at the king
>When did Saber gain her seemingly immense fellatio skills?
when eroge
>Issei is gay, right?
that's the recurring joke.
>Oh wait... what about Lancelot though?
Kariya was reduced to a fucking wreck each time Lancelot fought with someone, vomiting worms, etc

>> No.5815849

Mmm... yeah, okay. I'll let that count.

>> No.5815949
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Huh. This is very interesting. Learning is fun!

Although I think the artificial penis is just speculation based on some of the astoundingly batshit insane backstory. Pic related.

>> No.5815972

>Merlin made Arturia grow a penis and he made an homunclus out of the resulting sperm. Seriously.
Guinevere /=/ Morgan


No, the whole penis thing is in Merlin entry in the materials.

>> No.5815980

>Although I think the artificial penis is just speculation
Nope, it was written in the character material that had Mordred, it's canon. She grew a magical penis, and Morgan used the sperm in her own womb. Mordred was a sort of half-clone/half-son.

>> No.5816112

Well I'll be damned.

Did she have it like... the whole time she was king or...? You know what, I'll just look it up myself.

>> No.5816124

What about King Solomon or David? They are both legends for their perceived power and wisdom. And two of the most well known figures in Judeo-Christian history. I'd like take one of those two. Leaning towards Solomon for the sheer ridiculous amount of power he was said to wield (derived from God anyhow) but I like the idea of David as an Archer class specializing in taking down Beserkers.

>> No.5816519

Hmm... so dragons are the strongest beings in the Nasu world right? Well, obviously not, but I mean the strongest ones that have a large crossover into myths and legends. So therefor the strongest Servants would be heroes who have defeated a dragon. A quick search on wikipedia reveals: Beowulf, Sigurd, John Lambton, Skuba Dratewka, Garshasp (killed two), Fereydun, and several Catholic saints (George, Mercurialis, Theodore, Michael). Am I missing any?

The only stronger hero would be one that killed a god, but I don't know any like that.

>> No.5816531

How do you know those who never bothered to fight one could not defeat one though?

>> No.5816536


Gilgamesh never killed a god per se, but he killed the ultimate weapon of the gods that the gods themselves dreaded to use.

It was about that time that they learned that they could do absolutely nothing to stop Gilgamesh.

>> No.5816575

Er... well, that's pretty solid logic.

Good point. And Gilgamesh is a further good example to demonstrate that heroes don't necessarily need to be physically strongest to win (based on his stats) as long as their noble phantasm is up to par.

>> No.5816628

Tokugawa, Alexander the Great, and Sun Tzu seem like the best choices to me. It's not just a matter of who the strongest servant is.

Though, for shits and giggles, I'd like to summon Gandhi and see him convince all the other masters to let him have the grail.

>> No.5816632

What will Tokugawa do, sit in a cave somewhere till every opposition dies from old age and lack of mana, then get the grail?

>> No.5816685

Teddy Roosevelt as Rider.
Or Jack Churchill. No idea whether he'd be Archer or Saber.

>> No.5817502
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A few notes on Gilgamesh.
While I can't think of somehting that would drive Gilgamesh to use his bare hands against puny mongrels, Gilgamesh is a wrestler in a class of his own and easily takes the price as the most skilled in unarmed combat in the entire Nasuverse.

However, weapons and special abilities > Unarmed combat.
And while Ea (the embodiment of the mesopotamian creation myth) is without doubt his most powerful weapon, he does have another noteworthy weapon.

Yet again I don't know what would drive Gilgamesh to accept that his almighty treassures aren't up for the task, but they did go all over how Gilgamesh was an owner and not a wielder in regards to his weapons.
And while this is more or less true, Gilgamesh does have a weapon he is proficient with, "The Axe of the Road", a weapon dear to him from his youth, and while being a top class weapon it is nothing fancy (world breaking stuff and so on), but it is the weapon he is proficient with.

>> No.5817579

You take biblical legends seriously? And people more than 2.5 meters tall have trouble even walking without crutches, so I rather doubt one would manage to be a warrior.

>> No.5817587


But no, the end all?
Martians. From the 1900s radio shows. That's right nigger. Rider.

>> No.5817614

Charlemagne, the King of Kings, as Rider.

Conquering Europe is a big deal, man.

>> No.5817615

One of the other servants coughs on them. Game over for you.

>> No.5817616

>“four cubits and a span”
Roughly six and a half feet
Roughly 1.9812 meters

>> No.5817631

1. He didn't conquer Europe.
2. He never ruled over the Roman empire despite his usurpation of the title Imperator Romanorum.

>> No.5817698

Marisa as caster
Then master fucking spark everything
(And if you think about it, Touhous have lot of fame, and in Japan...)

>> No.5817702

You'll get a Sasaki Kojirô at best

>> No.5817728

You mean a Youmu?

>> No.5817741
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Would JC Denton make a good Servant?

>> No.5817776
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captcha: revolution wingtips

>> No.5817806
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>> No.5817932
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Peter the Great

Having served as an artilleryman, he "rides" a field gun into battle

Czar's Party - Can magically coerce anyone intoxicated to do his bidding

>> No.5818738

Not Oddysseus. That would be a VERY bad idea.
