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581016 No.581016 [Reply] [Original]

Both Clannad and Planetarian were great VNs that are both worthy of being in the top alongside Tsukihime, Ever17 and Phantom of Inferno.

>> No.581023


>> No.581030

I love all of them dearly, also Yume Miru Kusumi.

>> No.581034


While I agree with you, i think you're provoking something here.

>> No.581046

I don't like OP's artist.

>> No.581050

Those aren't the top, those are just translated ones. Some of those are at the top though.

>> No.581093
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Clannad would be awesome without Kotomi and Nagisa.

>> No.581096

You can't have threads like this anymore or something?
Actually they pretty much are the top, they are all worthy of being in the top 20 of the best VNs ever.

>> No.581097

I'm pretty sure /jp/ loves planetarian, it's just not long enough to discuss or anything.

Plus there are no shit storms about it.
"I think planetarian was great!"
"Yeah, me too"
end of thread.

>> No.581103

Didn't say otherwise

>> No.581100

They both have the best route alongside Tomoyo.

>> No.581108

Is there a top moonspeak VN list?

>> No.581111

I didn't like planetarian. Well I sort of did but I hated myself for liking something as pathetic as that.

>> No.581115
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>> No.581116


I know. I was just saying why planetarian doesn't get as many posts as other things.

>> No.581117

Erogamescape, also the getchu rankings are pretty good normally.

>> No.581122
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>> No.581125

You were playing a VN, it's already pathetic by most standard you know.

>> No.581136
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Sunohara had one of the best ending ever, I loved his speech to Mei at the end.

>> No.581139


Pac-man Tomoya.

>> No.581142

What's to discuss though?
It's a good, straightforward story.
No choices, no plethora of characters to love or hate etc.

You either like it or don't.

Clannad on the other hand, has too much shit to like or dislike.

>> No.581145

>>Clannad on the other hand, has too much shit to like or dislike.
It didn't stop Tsukihime and FSN and it's only your opinion anyways.
Now why don't you go fap to Shirou in another thread instead of trying to shit this one.

>> No.581148


Oh wow. Yeah, he's the one trying to shit up the thread. Jesus fucking Christ. Could you be a little more defensive maybe? This, why, nice things, etc.

>> No.581154


When I said shit, I referred only to the quantity (replace shit with stuff, misers).

Out of 5 main routes, 5 side routes, events like baseball, laser gun wars etc, etc, there are bound to be stuff you like AND stuff you won't (the ratio is dependent on tastes).

On the other hand, planetarian, there is ONE story.
You like it or not.

You guys have become too troll-cautious.

>> No.581157


Maybe the other routes were shit but the overall quality of the VN is good. Some may like "X", some dont. Its called opinions.

>> No.581164

>You guys have become too troll-cautious.

Considering all the faggotry recently, i think its justified.

>> No.581168

My life's pretty awesome so I don't feel pathetic for doing what I want on my free time.

>> No.581165


You really have to work on, if not sarcasm detection, reading comprehension. This thread has taken a turn for the sad and I feel bad.

>> No.581172

Here we go.

>> No.581174

Sarcasm detector hit on the >>581148, sure.
But not on >>581145.

Justified or not, it's a bad sign, it is.

>> No.581175

So diversity is a bad thing now?
And you don't have to like everything in a VN, for example I dislike Fate but love UBW and loved Aeka's route and was bored by the cat girl.
Honestly the fact that Clannad has so much to do is an advantage rather than a fault.

>> No.581179
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Only Kyou's route was somehow mediocre, everything else ranged from great to fucking awesome.

>> No.581182

Who the FUCK said it's bad thing?
I only said why there are BOUND to be more discussion for Clannad and games with more diversity.

Don't put opinions in my mouth.

>> No.581184


Humor was Clannad's strong point, Kyou's route had little to none, only angst.

>> No.581192

Needs more girls flipping out and killing shit if they aren't loved.

>> No.581193

While we're on the subject, anyone want to point me in the direction of the right Clannad torrent to get? It sounds interesting enough for me to overcome my innate disgust with KEY faces.

>> No.581190

Yeah I realized this myself now, my bad.
What happen when you don't sleep for 28 hours.

>> No.581197
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>> No.581203


/rs/. Also, seach for the SEEN.txt for the translation.

>> No.581220


I can't recommend any torrents atm, but I think it is up on /rs/ if you can't find it anywhere else

>> No.581223

Chiisana tenohira is always related.

>> No.581225


The one from TT seems fine.

>> No.581226

Make sure you play with the voice patch aswell.
Makes it much more enjoyable.

Nothing is funnier than Sunohara trying to pronounce "english".
"I am a pretty dog" etc.

>> No.581231



>> No.581233

Hongfire has everything you need.

>> No.581241


The only part that was voiced that made me cringed is Tomoyo's engrish speech. It was too long for my liking.

>> No.581255
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The voice acting in Clannad is really on another level altogether compared to most other VNs, it's worth playing just for that.

>> No.581267
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Also, cubes.

>> No.581300
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I liked Kyou's route, a lot.
I'm probably the only one though.
Still the scene in the rain broke my heart.

>> No.581314


I can't see how people can not like the fujibayashi route, it is just awesome.

>> No.581316


Rain scene is good. Earlier part of the route is shit though.

>> No.581321


Too much Ryou, not enough Kyou. Tomoya becomes OOC. Too much angst. Humor is mostly gone. Lacks Sunohara.

>> No.581324


How can you not love Ryou when she starts trying to get agressive?

>> No.581326

Sunohara had some great moments in that route though like when Kyou confesses to him.
Also I liked Ryou, she really developed and showed real strenght.

>> No.581330


Because its the source of angst.

>> No.581333


Well, the fact that she used Kyou to get close to Tomoya even though she knows her sister's feelings made me mad.

>> No.581334


Sunohara just finds it hard not to be awesome in every route.
Kyou's route was probably "Ahh well, might as well make my godly appearance, come in and save the day."

>> No.581338

Suppose to be quoting:

>> No.581342


Characters were not used properly in Kyou's route. I blame Kai for that.

>> No.581344
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You are not alone.

Fujibayashi rute is the best fucking thing in the whole vn.
Simple, beautiful and romantic.

I don't need a stupid and unreal drama starring by retards to cry.

>> No.581350


If anything, its more about Ryou growing up and angst. Lots of it. Tomoyo's route is the one that deals with romance and relationship.

>> No.581351
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another kyou fanboy reporting in...

>> No.581353

>Fujibayashi rute is the best fucking thing in the whole vn.

No, its not.

>> No.581355


>> No.581357
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>> No.581358
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>> No.581360
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>> No.581361

It's responses like yours that cause shitstorms.. Just let him be.
If he is serious well good for him, he's allowed his own tastes and opinion, just because they don't match yours doesn't make him wrong. just shut the fuck up
If he is a troll, ignore him and shut the fuck up.

>> No.581369
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>> No.581375

No room for Planetarian discussion?
Have you seen an argument over the short stories?

"The Junker lives!"

>> No.581376


Im still debating to what VN i should finish first, YMK or Planetarian.

>> No.581385


I actually have seen that exact debate before

>> No.581388

Kyou route guy has two right hands.

>> No.581402

i dont remember kappei being mistaken for a girl?

>> No.581408
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>> No.581413


Tomoya mistakes him for a girl while Sunohara insists that Kappei is a girl, even when he knows that he is a guy.

>> No.581416
File: 654 KB, 656x516, 1210248783209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you even read the route?

>> No.581423

lol KEY retcon

>> No.581434

oh yeah, now i remember.

I did, i remember Ryou's rape intentions, but had forgotten most the rest.

>> No.581465

Play the beginning of Planetarian again. The Junker fought some guys who had a car.
The short story ending isn't too much of a stretch.

>> No.581516
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Game needed more Mei, much more.

>> No.581523
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