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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 113 KB, 464x599, 464px-H_3_Zero-G_Sonika_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5809491 No.5809491 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think the english vocaloids are not as popular as the japanese ones?

>> No.5809508

Bad design and crappy voices.(Though they might be doing a redesign for sweet ann)

>> No.5809511

Didn't they just hire some new marketing guy?

Oh well, he was retarded anyway. It's a niche product that can't decides if it wants to appeal to weeaboos or honest magicians. That's why it's failing so spectacularly.

>> No.5809525

They both shit OP, shitty voice everywhere...

>> No.5809522
File: 332 KB, 700x700, 4369150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. English has too many syllables that are difficult to make a computer sing

2. We don't like cute personifications of things

3. We don't care about actual music, all the popular shit nowadays is just generic background beat with auto-tune vocals. In other words, the singers themselves make themselves into Vocaloids, so there's no need to use a Vocaloid.

>> No.5809530

They said they might be doing a contest but nothing for sure.

>> No.5809540

>In other words, the singers themselves make themselves into Vocaloids, so there's no need to use a Vocaloid.

This. All music nowadays is auto-tune shit, they may as well be using Vocaloids for their music.

Unless it's rap, then it's not even singing, just someone talking in monotone with shit going on in the background.

Usually they'll just talk about how much better and rich they are than their fans, but their fans like that shit.

>> No.5809542

It's good Sonika can sing almost any language so she won't be forgotten she is even sold in china.

>3. We don't care about actual music, all the popular shit nowadays is just generic background beat with auto-tune vocals. In other words, the singers themselves make themselves into Vocaloids, so there's no need to use a Vocaloid
That's terrible.

>> No.5809555

Listen to them and find out


Big Al

Sweet Ann

>> No.5809565

Big Al and Sweet Ann are terrible Sonika is nice.

>> No.5809578

What are some good volcaloids? I might try them out.

>> No.5809579

If people made more music wth them instead of people(read children) on youtube redoing the same japanese songs over they would be more popular.

>> No.5809584

Same guy here.

Is Meiko good?

>> No.5809588

If you mean english sadly just Sonika.

If japanese all but Kaito,Meiko and Gakupo.

>> No.5809594

Actually I take back what i said about Meiko


this is great

>> No.5809597

Oh Big Al, you are amazing.

>> No.5809613

No shitting, newest vocaloids are awesome. Miku, since is the first, is the worst.

>> No.5809614

If they ae popular with the kids don't you think that's goos because kids are the future.

>> No.5809617

So which one should I get?

>> No.5809624


Leon is the first vocaloid actually with Lola

>> No.5809627

No one makes good music in america (or japan) so all you could do would be making the lyrics. Also less people are otaku so there's no niche. (most of those otaku would rather have the japanese one anyway)

>> No.5809634

Westerners aren't moe.

>> No.5809644

Meiku, I would say.

>> No.5809651

>If japanese all

>> No.5809664


Even a free program sounds better than english vocaloid

>> No.5809666

But don't think it will be easy obtain something decent. Get ready to waste hours

>> No.5809689

It's Ritsu.

>> No.5809696

Why can't english speaker make something nice with vocaloid/Utau.

The best english i heard was here

>> No.5809699

So Meiko?

>> No.5809704



>> No.5809705

While sticking to the topic of sound quality, is this worth buying and making music with?


>> No.5809714

Oh god that's mine....

>> No.5809716

Just look at the cover.

>> No.5809720

But I don't know Japanese...l_l

>> No.5809721

Wanted to say that.
This is more like a WoW cover than a Vocaloid one.

>> No.5809723

Sonika looks just as cute as Miku

>> No.5809736

Great. Not only can I not choose which one...

I can't even make japanese lyrics. Fuck.

>> No.5809738

People actually care about Vocaloid shit?

>> No.5809740

You should be ashamed

>> No.5809745

Are you asking a serious question?

>> No.5809748

How dare people on /jp/ have an actual discussion about Japanese stuff? They should go back to talking about autism and spamming anime images!

By the way, you guys see the newest Strike Witches episode?! Wasn't that shit funny? Look at this screenshot I took of the episode!

>> No.5809750
File: 28 KB, 451x263, 1279430338317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't stop listening. It's beautiful.

>> No.5809761


>> No.5809768


That's why.

>> No.5809770

Momo and Teto are good at english.

>> No.5809772


>> No.5809773

Does not work with that voice.

>> No.5809778
File: 166 KB, 1130x1406, miku_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miku, since is the first, is the worst.

>> No.5809782


Voiceroid time

>> No.5809788

Are you trying to make me have a heart attack

>> No.5809792
File: 37 KB, 191x191, 1277951945165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5809798


They sing better and more naturally than vocaloids

>> No.5809806

Needs more Meiko

>> No.5809821

So good.

>> No.5809825

Where do I get the UTAU program?

>> No.5809849


>> No.5809864
File: 103 KB, 512x512, 1233530675105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want me to make a pop music cover for you with Vocaloid, then just ask Anon.

As for original music no way can I write lyrics or even rhyme. Someone else would have to do that.

>> No.5809879

I can tell you're down

If you need me now

Just tell me?

>> No.5809910

American musician's would be embarrassed to use vocaloid.Heck alot of the radio personalites made fun of vocaloid when it hit number 1 on oricon in japan.(saying stuff like the otaku bought 20 copies and such when idol fags are much worse)

>> No.5809924

Some of these songs honestly gives me headache.....

>> No.5809941

Any examples?Because i'm a big fan of vocaloid and i agree that song like Popipo are irritating.

>> No.5809958


We here in the west aren't as DO IT YOURSELF as they are in Japan. When someone in Japan is presented with something that allows them to create original content they're on it like white on rice.

Ryo, the guy behind SuperCell who wrote and composed "The World is Mine" (my favorite vocaloid song) is a doctor.

You know what we got when Fruity Loops,Garage Band etc.. was developed? We got Soulja Boy and a bunch of random faggots living with their parents calling themselves "music producers" trying to be the next Timbaland and Pharell.

>> No.5809974

>Ryo is a doctor

>> No.5809986

I now want to see doujin with Sonika and Miku.

>> No.5810010

Sonika is mostly shown with Gumi.

>> No.5810013

For example this>>5809594
Too many sounds at the same time. Head hurts.

>> No.5810022



>Ryo is a doctor in Japan, who posts songs on iCompositions, a site for songs created using the Mac application GarageBand. His first few songs were short, Beatles-inspired songs, and all his songs have a 60s-70s feel to them.

>Ryo is also a famous songwriter amongst Vocaloid2 fans. He made some of the most professionally made Miku Hatsune songs like MELT, Black Rockshooter and World is Mine. Melt PV is currently the 2nd most popular video on NicoNico Douga.


>> No.5810024

They sound fucking terrible.

It sounds like a Japanese person trying to speak English. It's just THAT bad.

>> No.5810039

Think that's pretty much covered by number 1, but he was a bit more nice about saying it.

>> No.5810046

Livetune is way better at making music than Ryo.

>> No.5810055


That has nothing to do with this though.

>> No.5810066
File: 157 KB, 800x600, 1258223302436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so sad

>> No.5810448

The difference is that the english vocaloid are made using indie(Terrible) singers voices and only sonika was voiced by a true voice actor.

BTW i think sonic would be good at this song

>> No.5810523


This is nice

>> No.5810542


>> No.5810553

>Why do you think the english vocaloids are not as popular as the japanese ones?

Because weeaboos who, consciously or unconscious, treat everything from Japan as being superior by virtue of being completely ignorant of it.

>> No.5810568

To be fair the english vocaloids are terrible(Except Sonika)

>> No.5810581

So are the jap ones.

>> No.5810589

Maybe but stil better quality than the english ones

>> No.5810600

I wish china would make some vocaloids so that i could actually make nice music with a vocaloid.

>> No.5810608

yess pop cover vocaloid pleeaase

>> No.5810632

>stil better quality than the english ones

This is what weeaboos actually believe.

>> No.5810640

I'm stating a fact go listen to them and see so Sonika is a diamond in the rough though.

>> No.5810657

Yeah they need more like Sonika.

>> No.5811043

I've yet to find an actual person do a cover of songs such as Stardust Utopia or Miracle Paint that suited my tastes.

Some songs I do prefer actual human voices with though, like World is Mine.

The problem is, lost of people make covers of songs when they use English Vocaloids, rather than making original songs. I've never liked any Vocaloid cover of a song, except maybe Rainbow Girl because of the context of the song.

Vocaloid originals though, I have quite a handful that I like. Songs made specifically for their voices, not them borrowing a song made for some other person's voice.

>> No.5811797

GUMI and Miku are top tier.
Meiko is a shit program that's worse than Teto.
KAITO is manly.
Gakupo is fabulous.
Rin and Len have voices like honey.

Though, in the end, all voices can be fine tuned and turned great.

>> No.5811919

>Meiko is a shit program that's worse than Teto
You are terrible and sould feel bad.

>> No.5811936

>Gakupo is a shit program that's worse than Kiyoteru

Oh and has anyone else noticed that Kaito and Kiyoteru suffer from same voice?

>> No.5811984

Too busy listening to Miku to feel bad, bro.

>> No.5812012

This sound bad to you?

>> No.5812039

>Though, in the end, all voices can be fine tuned and turned great.

Must I repeat myself?
Meiko is a shitty program.
Worse than a fanmade one.

>> No.5812040

That video is not a fair comparison of big AI's singing ability, whoever made it obviously doesn't know hoe to sing.
This is a better example:

>> No.5812063

Vocaloid Tonio Oh My God!It's great.

>> No.5812081

That's not good either.....but it's seems more western vocaloids are male unlike the JP ones.

>> No.5812122

Weird Ann, Sonika, This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I
Big AI


>> No.5812139

Wait i was counting vocaloid 1 aswell.

>> No.5812216

Is a good Leon song.

>> No.5812225

Lol fun fact on NND they like to think of Leon as black and on YT he is that blonde guy you see.

>> No.5812560

They need more original music and figures.
