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File: 280 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 001a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5804851 No.5804851 [Reply] [Original]

What is /jp/'s honest opinion on Fate/Stay Night?

>> No.5804854

I think you're a shitty tripfag.

>> No.5804860

Will you ever stop making shitty posts?

>> No.5804861

All of the characters are ugly stupid and unlikeable
The plot/concept is shit
Over-all pretty fuckin' terrible

>> No.5804864


>> No.5804872

KS devs detected

>> No.5804889

I'm going to sleep.


>> No.5804907

An entertaining VN with 3 routes that flow really well together. It drags on a bit like most other VN's so balls to the shitty writing argument.

>> No.5804930
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A game with the best installer out there

>> No.5804950

>Fate/Stay Night
It's shit.

>> No.5804953

SHUT up Message

>> No.5804965

Too much slice of life which tends to drag on quite a bit for a plot-heavy VN. Some of the character logic/ideals are fucked up especially Sakura in HF. Also, the copious number of saves/reloads required to unlock all the endings for a shitty Touhou parody in Tiger Dojo.

>> No.5804976

I liked it more than I thought I would, which is probably due to the fact that the characters are very likable.

>> No.5804982

Honestly one of my favorite VNs, and I've played my share of them, both translated and untranslated.

>> No.5804998

The only good route is Heaven's Feel.
I liked Tsukihime better.

>> No.5805013

It's alright, but nothing great. I find it to be pretty lacklustre compared to some other action eroge out there (Ayakashibito or Muramasa for example).

>> No.5805055 [DELETED] 

>ITT: Everyone's read/seen it, so it must be mediocre

Replace that new must-have figurine with a Macbook Air, and you all aren't really any different from those sweater-wearing faggots sitting outside of Starbucks.

>> No.5805065

>ITT: Everyone's read/seen it, so it must be mediocre

Replace that new must-have figurine with a Macbook Air, and you all aren't really any different from those sweater-wearing faggots sitting outside of Starbucks with their laptop.

>> No.5805076

Awesome. My second favorite VN.

>> No.5805124
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Just finished it (well... technically just one possible route), fell for Saber, got teary-eyed, made a different thread about it, etc.

It had some amazing aspects and some shockingly stupid aspects. The premise was great, the characters: great. Some of the scenes were very memorable. The fight scenes in particular were very well-written I thought.

However the plot tended to veer off into wild tangents at times (lengthy paragraphs about food, the astoundingly long prologues). The sex scenes were not only poorly integrated, they were written really weirdly.

But on the whole I was impressed and it was MUCH better than I expected. I'm looking forward to Unlimited Blade Works, but I just hope it has as much GAR as people claim it does to make up for the lack of Saber romance.

>> No.5805141

Solid 8/10 in retrospect.
Has a lot of flaws and the whole narrative doesn't go as far as I would have wanted but it's still a good eroge.
I remember being pretty hard on it immediately after reading it but it did have some good ideas and themes I liked, even if they weren't executed as well as I would have liked.

But yeah as someone said above, it's no Muramasa or Ayakashibito.

>> No.5805144

UBW and HF both blow Fate out of the water. F/SN is one of those games where you have to clear all the routes to have really played it.

>> No.5805162
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Loved every second of it.

>> No.5805165

Good characters (nothing groundbreaking, but a step above the eroge average), good action, bad pacing, one of the best settings I've read in an eroge.
The whole mythology/ancient relics/magic system thing is what makes me like this so much ( and why I personally like Fate/Zero over FSN as far as bare plot goes). Only Muramasaverse can compete, as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.5805186

It's even worse than Umineko and Clannad, and that's saying something.

>> No.5805231

>worse than Umineko
I don't think son tim

>> No.5805239

Well, I liked it.
Pretty damn good, with enough good traits to like it and withstand the flaws.
Of the best english shit we have.

>> No.5805260

dropped it after first bad end

>> No.5805290
File: 211 KB, 1326x1600, 1279332226344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played it two years ago and just couldn't get through it.

Lacking plot, uninteresting characters, awkward ero scenes. I am used to Vns plots digressing, but walls of text about virtually nothing is what made me uninstal..

>> No.5805304

...Nothing? Really?
One of my complaints is that I was spoonfed too much relevant info at times.

>> No.5805339

Yeah the setting was the best thing about it.
I also liked the whole development of Shirou and the "road of a hero" that FSN tried to portray as a whole but I don't it was done that well.

Well my main complain was that it was too much "shonen"-ish, not enough "seinen"-ish, which mean too many convenient developments and "we are good and the bad guys are bad" stuff.

Only HF tried to show something more but I think Nasu dropped the ball in this route, the execution was just below average.

>> No.5805348
File: 21 KB, 660x435, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lacking plot, uninteresting characters
>walls of text about virtually nothing
>picture of Uiharu

I think you posted the wrong pic, bro

>> No.5805420

I don't understand why people like this one so much. It doesn't have much to it other than the battles to keeep the kiddies entertained. It was repetitive as fuck and the ero scenes came out of nowhere even for a Japanese porn game. The characters where all terrible also. It had a pretty straight forward message which is lost on the fanbase. I give it a 6/10 I don't see a reason to give it anything more.

>> No.5805457

Fucking opinions, how do they work?

>> No.5805514

>It doesn't have much to it other than the battles
I keep seeing this over and over again and I can't help to figure it's nothing but troll talk.

The battles are scarce, not very frequent, rather short and the majority of them aren't that great (as far as action goes).
One can't really say that f/sn is about battles, can one? The whole premise of the grail war is that the grail war isn't as it seems and it's how the characters confront this realization that is the major turn in the story.

The people who want battles hsould read Fate/Zero, it seems to be what most people believe Fate/Stay Night would be anyway.
If one wants an action VN with battles, then there are lots and lots of better VNs that has that focuses ont hat sort of stuff, f/sn on the other hand is low tier in that department.

>> No.5805541

6/10 is still above average(or mediocre, depnding what you use the scaling system for), and means it can have traits that are up to people's taste/
For something you call 'terrible', this score makes no sense.

>> No.5805558

Maybe not terrible, but who would want to play a game where almost half the time it's bad, when there are many other titles out there higher than a 6/10?

>> No.5805589

Someone who doesn't think it's bad almost half the time?

>> No.5805604

The funny thing is, if FSN hadn't been one of the first "big" games translated and would now be untranslated, everyone would suck its digital cock so much.
before Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, the eroge scene basically didn't exist. I know it's cool to hate on the stuff you used as entry-level and all, but that entry-level game is one of the better eroge out there, I hope you're realizing that as shittier games are getting translated.

>> No.5805631
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It only had one good character.

And she didnt get a route WHICH MAKES ME ANGRY

>> No.5805642

Again, 6/10 is not a BAD score, and personal tastes make certain things appeal to them more.
And you either read it and you like it, or you stop.
If you FORCE READ things you do not enjoy, you are fucking weird.

>> No.5805644

>when there are many other titles out there higher than a 6/10?


>one good character
Is your idea of a "good character" synonymous with "she's so moe!"?

>> No.5805647

There is nothing moe about caster in F/SN

>> No.5805650

I'm liking it. About half-way through Heaven's Feel. I think they could have let the protagonist be a bit less scared of women.

>> No.5805672

People plays it and judge it based on their own taste.
That's all, it's not a question of backlash or whatever.

>> No.5805674

Some people are completionists.
Personally I always end the VNs I play provided it's not downright shitty.

>> No.5805683

One that you call 'terrible' should not be.
It's not like there is a challenge to get 'maximum' completion or anything that gives an extra incentive in this case.

>> No.5805691

I'm not that guy.
But why the fuck are you so butthurt over this? Maybe he didn't choose his words that well, that's all.

>> No.5805699

I am wondering why one would keep reading something he finds terrible. It's not like F/Sn is short.
I do not even touch the 'score' and claim the VN is better than that.
Just finding the attitude weird.

>> No.5805703

I didn't say it was terrible. Reread it.

>> No.5805710

You must understand that Shirou has conflicting feelings when it comes to love.
He doesn't feel he can allow himself to love, he doesn't feel love is something meant for him, he knows what he is supposed to do.

He also misses whatever parts of him that can be seen as attractive to the opposite sex, always assuming that one shouldn't love a man that only helps others often through self-sacrifice, and he knows it's only the start.
And whatever girl that falls in love with the man on the hill of swords with a glass heart, is bound to become sad.

Shirou however is still "normal" deep down, and of course he earns for love as any normal person, him falling in love (or at least accepting love) in the different routes is a major change in himself as a person.

>> No.5805713
File: 339 KB, 800x600, 0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just good.

>> No.5805716

Not YOU specifically.

>> No.5805718

I'm sure there are people who honestly dislike F/SN, but to say no one hates or trolls it for being popular and "baby's first VN" or whatever is rather absurd.

It's actually interesting how hate for F/SN has increased. Sure there were always people who disliked or trolled it, but now it's gotten to the point where even suggesting that there might be anything good about the game is heresy. It's really quite different from how it was received a couple years ago. I'm surprised how relatively civil this thread is, probably because of the time of day.

>> No.5805720

Not these people above.
But for my case the reason I played to the end was simply because people kept telling me that it would get better with time.
And by the time I was halfway through, well I could at least finish it, it's not like I don't have any freetime.

>> No.5805730

I made the original post. I didn't say it was terrible.

>> No.5805733

Well, I also have plenty of free time, But I usually only do shit I really like.
There are so many things available, to read, watch and play, I'd need a second lifetime even while being picky.

>> No.5805736

I remember when Fate was released, people kept calling it mediocre and you had lots of people whiteknighing it saying "UBW AND HF ARE MUCH BETTER YOU WILL SEE".

Then UBW was released and there was a lot of disappointment too, then you had people coming once again to say "FATE AND UBW ARE JUST THE INTRODUCTION, HF IS THE REAL DEAL".
And when HF was released, well do I even have to talk? It's the most criticized route.

What you are talking about is simply when people only had the summaries to fuel their debate, of course FSN sounds awesome on paper.
But the heavy criticism started since the first route was translated, if anything there is less these days.

>> No.5805740

The point stands regardless of F/SN.
It all started with
where the score and comments did not match.

>> No.5805755

All I was saying was that it was overrated. I noted some bad things about it but I never meant to call it terrible. I think it's a slightly a above average game.

>> No.5805763

Well, that was definitely NOT the message given.
Duly noted, any way.

>> No.5805789
File: 237 KB, 800x533, 1253734155957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played it for 6 hours then stopped cus the whole time they did nothing but explain how the Fate/Stay universe works, very lazy writing IMO, the setting is supposed to be explained gradually not all at once in the beginning. It's the only well known VN I've played that couldn't suck me into the story right off the bat, I honestly give it a 1/10 not even trolling.

Read Crecendo or Planetarian instead.

>> No.5805796

That's not how I remember it but it's been years since then. At the very least saying it's less criticized now is something I can't agree with. This is the most positive F/SN thread I've seen in months and it's far from praising the game, it just isn't 90% made up of comments calling it shit and flaming anyone who likes it.

>> No.5805807

Personally, I didn't much care for Fate/Stay Night.

But I never really bought into the Nasuverse, and that's probably where the main appeal of the game comes from.

>> No.5805845

>The people who want battles hsould read Fate/Zero, it seems to be what most people believe Fate/Stay Night would be anyway.

Funny but true
F/sn is supposedly about battles but it turns out that's quite not it.
Tsukihime is supposedly not quite about battles but it turns out it is.

>> No.5805873

Tsukihime about battles?


>> No.5805897

It's become less about the quality itself, and more about it's status, as in 'popular' or know to 'non-/jp/ers', thus gag reflex is to say 'GTFO'

>> No.5805925

Played it, enjoyed it. Could have used less slice-of-life scenes, especially in HF where most people would be tired of it by then. Liked most characters, their development, plot, and setting. Disliked initial Shirou though I can somewhat understand why he's like that.

>> No.5805958

Come on, there are just as many battles in Tsukihime as in Fate/Stay Night and there's powerlevels all over the thing.

>> No.5805967

Personally I just don't get people who obsess over it.
I played it, it wasn't too bad and then I moved on.

>> No.5806283

...You do know how to COUNT, right?

>> No.5806561

There aren't that many fights in f/sn and in tsukihime almost all characters fight, and more than once.
There's Shiki, SHIKI, Roa, Ciel, Akiha, Arcueid, Nero, Random monsters and Satsuki. All of it together adds up to quite many fights.

Now it was years since I last read tsukihime so I own't bothe re-reading the thing just to count battles.

This is of course if you don't count all bad ends and dojos (most of them aren't fights anyway).

Feel free to count them yourself if you are convinced that there's a large diffarance.

>> No.5806688

>there's powerlevels all over the thing.
But of course! Because Shiki can kill 'X'.

>> No.5806704

fucking this
overall, i liked Tsukihime more than this

>> No.5806706

Personally the fights in Tsukihime felt far more "badass" than the ones in FSN.
I'm not trying to insult it but FSN felt kinda like a shonen during its fights, they weren't that exciting.

>> No.5806744

Really? You sure you hadn't just changed as a person from when you read them?

Because it's mostly the same.

>> No.5806754

My personal bearing on the fights is that Fate's felt more dynamic than Tsukihime's, but Shiki was a more interesting fighter than Shirou so from the main character's perspective, Tsukihime's felt more interesting.

Funnily enough, my favorite fights in F/SN are all told from the neutral Interlude perspective instead of Shirou's. And Archer vs. Lancer from Tohsaka's perspective in the Prologue.
Shirou dampens fights by witnessing them!

>> No.5806766

It's not really the same.
Tsukihime is more "I don't care if you are monsters or whatever, I'll show you what it means to kill".
There isn't much bullshit, just Shiki, a knife and some good one liners once in a while.


>> No.5806779

I liked it. Wish Tsukihime had as much derivated works though.

>> No.5806824

Garbage, i wish i could forget it, because HF and Shirou's stupidity still hurt.

The prologue was awesome, and then it turns in some retarded Shounenshit with tons of otaku pandering (lol it's King Arthur, but he's a girl so you can bang her and it still cool) and plot hax.
And the "heroic spirits" are stupid as fuck and underused for some reason.

No words can describe the writing and the exposition.

Nevertheless, the setting is awesome, thank god Nasu didn't write Zero.

>> No.5806834

i think both are great. FSN was more intense, but tsukihime had vampires

>> No.5806837


>No words can describe the writing and the exposition.
>Nevertheless, the setting is awesome, thank god Nasu didn't write Zero.

Type-Moon in a fucking bottle.

Nasu is a meticulous and intriguing world-builder, but an exhausting, repetitive, and very empty writer.

He should outsource the writing while he just writes general scripts and notes for them, like a director.

>> No.5806843

lulz, i know what you mean Shirou beats GIRUGAFUCKINGMESH = GAYNESS

>> No.5806848


Unless you call every single special ability PLOT DEVICE, I do not see how that woks. Oh well.

>> No.5806868


The entire fight was Shirou running on luck and Gilgamesh's automated plot induced idiocy injection system (™) running max power. It was mentioned several times, even with Shirou panicking that Gilgamesh might wisen up mid-assault.

>> No.5806896

If you didn't like HF, you will not like Fate/Zero, because the thematic is basically the same again but by Urobuchi.

>> No.5806902

I really wanted to like UBW, just that it made no fucking sense. Girugamesh could mop the floor against berseker or saber, but can't beat a high school kid who's only notable achievement was banging RIN(which was plot induced as well)?

>> No.5806904

Shirou stopped running on lack at quite a specific point.
ou may say 'GIRUGAMESH PLOT STUPIDITY LOL', but his personality and actions are consistent pretty much on every route and situation.
At most, you can complain about giving him the personality of a vain fool, and say that THAT is a plot device to serve as an excuse for the fights, but then you just start thinking too hard and miss the point.

>> No.5806913

Considering that the conditions and circumstances of the fight,along with the abilities and differences in each fight are fucking spoonfed constantly, if you do not GET it, you really lack something somewhere.

>> No.5806918

Except Urobuchi does it in a much better way.
For some people, it's not the thematic that was a problem in HF, but simply the way it was executed.

>> No.5806931

The conditions on Zero do not resemble any of the F/Sn ones in the first place, not to mention much different focus.

>> No.5806933


It makes perfect sense when you consider how Gilgamesh considers people.

[Hercules] and [Arturia] = [people], [warriors]
[Faker] = [disease-ridden peasant grubber]

In the same way that a King won't pull out his crown sceptre to smite a cutpurse, Gilgamesh didn't even consider using anything more than minimal effort on Shirou and that was his downfall because Shirou's powers have the winning edge against JUST that level of effort.

>> No.5806947

Giving a fatal flaw to the overpowered antagonist is a pretty common development in Shonen.
That way the author doesn't have to think much to defeat him, just exploit his flaw.

>> No.5806955


I read Zero, and i love it.

The servants FINALLY act like servants, there are not just "loli'm eviiiil", the writing is very good and the fights are actually fights.

>> No.5806963

It's sad that you think this is common in SHOUNEN, before thinking of the fucking broader picture.
And being vain and even sadistic is not exactly a 'battle exploitation flaw ' only.

>> No.5806967

I think Nasu can write rather well. I think KnK was rather good.

I remember him saying during one interview for Fate/Zero was that he'd have liked writing the story like that, but he thought VNs was a different market, so he decided to focus on romance.

>> No.5806973

It's a fatal flaw when it's exploited in the way it was in FSN.

>> No.5806980

Apparently it worked.

>> No.5806981

Suuuuure. It was the only factor, of course/

>> No.5806983


Well, ya know, someone would think The King of Heroes would actually be smart and wise..
But again, King Arthur is a moe girl who can't come up with battle strategies, so..

>> No.5807005

Why would he?
Most renowed heroes of legends are such because of battle prowess and often died because of stupid decisions. Silly assumption is silly. And Saber's moe quality in F/SN is nigh nonexistent. As for the battle strategies, are you the same idiot who insists 'going to the temple back then was stupid' and ignored any point presented?

>> No.5807006
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I loved it and it is one of my favorite VNs. It's interesting that I disliked Shirou when I first watched the anime, but found him more likable when I read Fate, and then liked him a lot as I read the rest of the routes. I can't stand misogyny, but at least his noble intentions and knightly heart are clear. I found Shirou highly relatable, as two of my biggest ideals in life are to help everyone and to be together with my True Destined Love (TM)regardless of all obstacles.

I liked most of the characters as well. I'm a huge myths buff, so I really geeked out on all the myths and legends. I would have liked an Ilya route, but it's the creators' choice. Some slice of life scenes are unnecessary (and I could use a little less of "TEN YEARS AGO"), and the sex scenes were really awkwardly placed, though ironically they do technically have a valid explanation, since in myths semen was considered to be a vital spiritual energy, which is why in some countries masturbation is illegal or discouraged. Personally, I found it far more interesting and polished than Tsukihime, though I'll agree that the deathline concept is more interesting than regular battle.

I don't really care for powerlevels and the way it's being milked now, but I'm still interested enough to play the spin-offs if they ever get translated.

>> No.5807011

jumped the shark, cash cow

>> No.5807013

It's good and anyone who thinks it's bad has never played a bad visual novel.

>> No.5807109

It's bad and anyone who thinks it's good has never played a good visual novel.

>> No.5807128

Now, Tsukihime might be precious to you or something but it's not really different.

Just look at Nero's last fight, the whole Arcueid vs Nero thing is ridiculous. Nero pulls PLOT DEVICE X and brings forth gigantic super monsters, and Arcueid manages somewhat handle it due to PLOT DEVICE Y as she reveeals her Marble Phantasm.
Then there's some Shiki vs beasts and Nero who can't even begin to think that a mere human can hurt him, and after Nero has pushed Arcueid to the limit Shiki manages to come up close and then he pulls of his PLOT DEVICE Z(cheap ass eyes) and strikes down the allmighty psuedo immortal being with a pocket knife.

It's just like in f/sn.

>> No.5807147

...I start to think nobody on this thread has read either and they go by wiki summaries or posts on 4chan.

>> No.5807269

Older, shit in terms of art and sound. A forgotten anime adaptation.
/jp/ likes it because of their nostalgia goggles and due to it not being as popular or mainstream.
>Fate/stay Night
Younger, better in terms of graphic and sound. Has a well known (yet as shitty) anime adaptation.
/jp/ hates it because it's mainstream, popular and overall more known.

>> No.5807288

You can't honestly think FSN's adaption was as shitty. It was bad, but really nowhere near as crappy as Tsukihime. At least the girls looked like girls in the FSN anime.

>> No.5807293

I don't like it.
I love Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai, so it's not a problem with Nasu's stuff.
I hated most of the characters, Shirou especially is a pretty awful protagonist. He is almost impossible to relate to.
The world building is the best thing, as usual with Type-Moon, but I can't help to find the whole Heroic Spirit deal fucking retarded. It reminds me of those romance of three kingdoms parodies, but played straight up.
The writing is awful, Nasu always had a problem with pacing, but here it takes the cake. You'll be most of the time bored out of your skull, the occasional battles waking you up.

It's not awful (it looks good, it's got some good parts too,...), but it's not great.
In fact, it's the kind of game which sounds better when you're hearing about it than actually reading it.

>> No.5807320

I rank it between "Water Closet" and "Pretty Soldier Wars".

>> No.5807322

Judging it by art are you?

It was horrible. They merged all three routes in a way that didn't work.
They hinted at tons of stuff all the time as if they couldn't get enough of it, yet they never took anything further than empty hints.
Besides their original content was beyond horrible and they sacrificed many important scenes for character developement to make room for fanservice such as extra fights and silly poses.

Tsukihime's aime was horrible as well but at least it consisted of so much filler that they managed to make the overall transition somewhat smooth, shitty but smooth.
f/sn's anime was a horrible patchwork after the first few episodes.

They are both horrible.

>> No.5807334

At least Shingetsutan Tsukihime had actual sex instead of dragons.

>> No.5807336

After playing Dies Irae, I appreciate FSN a lot more than I used to.

>> No.5807387

/jp/ hates what's popular
/jp/ in a nutshell

>> No.5807395

that's curious, why is that?

>> No.5807422

Oh this so much this.
TM is all the same shit.

>> No.5807446

Dies Irae is basically FSN gone wrong. If you think FSN has too convenient twists and power ups, I can't fathom what you'll think of Dies Irae. And it's obviously a huge, blatant FSN ripofff.

>> No.5807457

People here don't have the same opinions over thing because this place isn't a fucking hivemind.

Why the fuck can't you take criticism as such?
Or you can't accept that some people didn't like FSN as much as you?

>> No.5807466

When did I say I like it?
I only said popular things are disliked.

>> No.5807472

Popular = more people play it
More people play it = more people will dislike it.
It's fucking normal.

>> No.5807485

It's just that the ones who dislikes things are more vocal.

>> No.5807509

i liked it (played without voices)
it was my second reading, after tsukihime, and thank to this i continued reading vns

I think that realta nua tuined a little bit the game adding that extra ending

>> No.5807854

Won't it be wonderful when the Tsukihime remake is done?
Then it can be just as popular and the fights will be all more graphic and it will pull all the more shounen fans from /a/ than ever before.
Tsukihime movies will be made by better studios, it will run in Theaters and grow to appeal to the mainstream more than you can immagine.

Things will never be the same, sounds fun, right?

>> No.5807891

I don't care.
I just want to play the Sacchin route.

>> No.5807913

If it is decent by itself, who cares?
I do not think the VN itself caters much to what a 'shounen' crowd from /a/ wants in the first place, pace and focus lack....excitement, I guess?
Whatever. TM shit gets reposted on /a/ constantly regardless, and we have not had an influx in any way.

>> No.5807925

Will the remake ever be done?
Are they having troubles with the voice actors or something?

Their other works seem to move forward fine but they haven't said anything about the remake have they?

>> No.5807935

It's Lucy and the football all over again.

>> No.5808160

Mahoutsukai no Yoru is due to 2010-09-30.
But do we even know anythng about girls work other than how it's not Nasu's thing and how the city itself is somewhat important and special?

>> No.5808562
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I really love all the bashing in Nasu Kinoko writing when...

1) Almost everyone here reads fucking translations (and very bad ones!)

2) His style writing novels is very different as the one in visual novels (as he said, games have an advantage over novels because it can use pictures and music on top of text so a standard novel needs to be three times as interesting).

3) Nasu Kinoko writing today is very different as was years ago, and with his new style and works he's getting really praised. Mahoyo will be a fusion of his old (Rakkyo, Tsukihime, Fate) and new style (DDD).

>> No.5808905

Yeah it's funny.

I know it doesn't show well if you all you have read are the translations, especially you have only Tsukihime and Fate/stay night.
But Nasu does have a certain style to his actual writing that's that's actually not that bad and he makes good use of the Japanese to twist and say things in different ways "the same way".
It might sound weird or stupid reading it here but it's actually not that bad.

>> No.5808918 [DELETED] 
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I like Saber Seta.

>> No.5808938
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>> No.5808982

Oh boy, mirror moon thinks his writing style is bad so it must be!

>> No.5808986

I read the Japanese version.
When I read it, the Nasu style annoyed me greatly due to all these weird kanji that compose the "nasu-speak".
Personally I have nothing against writing styles that use Japanese to its utmost, you can do a lot with this language.
But Nasu didn't, most of the weird kanji and shits didn't bring anything, it just seemed like they were there to make the whole thing seem smarter than it was.

Using Japanese language with all the different readings, kanji puns, etc..., can be well done, look at Asairo or the raiL-soft titles for example, that's good writing.

>> No.5809144

I've seen some reviews of Fate/zero that list the lack of Nasu's writing style as a con.

>> No.5809242


Several translators think he's bad, doesn't this tell you anything?

>> No.5809278

Those translators are the shit human beings at Mirrormoon, so their opinion hardly counts.

>> No.5809289

The translators suck.

>> No.5809327

But isn't more like a prose thing, and I don't mean the melody of the prose, there's more to it than melody and rhymes.

>> No.5809396

It tells me that Nasu's writing style is rather polarizing. Tons of native Japanese speakers like it. Unique writing styles like Nasu's tend to be love or hate.

>> No.5809414

I loved everything about it.

>> No.5809477

I know of all the "stay in the kitchen" deal, but I don't feel it's right to call it misogyny because I got the feeling Shirou acted the way he did because he valued females as something precious, above men to a certain extent.
They don't deserve to go through bad or horrible things, and if someone have to then why not a man?

>> No.5809529

It was the editors and the proof readers.that made the translation look shitty.

>> No.5809552

>Unique writing styles like Nasu's tend to be love or hate.
But simply, there are BY FAR more unique styles and everyone fucking loves them. Even in the eroge community there is more distinct styles that people like.

Nasu is the equivalent of a writer taking out a thesaurus and using it like the motherfucking Fist of the North Star.

>> No.5809576

I like Fate/Stay Night. I understand that other people do not necessarily like FSN and may even be rather vocal about their dislike of it. I also accept the possibility of their dislike being based around the popularity of Fate/Stay Night. However, regardless of their reasons, it does not affect me.

>> No.5809586

Yes, that is sexism.

>> No.5809606

Buh wha? But the whole point of the Fate route is that he realizes he's a sexist dick.

>> No.5809621

It's more than just his vocabulary that makes his writing unique though.

>> No.5809717


Also stupidity, did he miss that Saber is a motherfucking Queen warrior that fought in many wars?

>> No.5809735
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I was having a bitch of a time, getting the one I had to work....then someone posted a three rar file set, and it worked, perfectly.

As to oppnions? I enjoy it. Very few things have made me feel as warm and fuzzy as UBW good end.

>> No.5809739

The only thing I didn't like was all the cooking. The infodumps many people complain about I didn't mind. In fact I thought those were the best and most interesting parts, even before the rather well done action.

>> No.5809743

>143 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
◔ヮ◔</jp/ is tsundere for FSN

>> No.5809757

I don't care what anyone says, I liked the cooking. It was cute slice of life and it was warm and homey.

>> No.5810604

>Yes, that is sexism.
Yes it is, that is sexism if he values females above male.

However, sexism != mysogyny
Mysogyny basically translates to "hatred for women", and this is quite the opposite.

Not allowing your daughter to enter the millitary while you approve of your son is sexist.
Men having higher salaries than women is mysogyny.

>> No.5811721

I wonder what will happen to /jp/ if more of Nasu's works ever got translated, be it the new upcoming ones or DDD or whatever.

TM undoubtly has a strong impact on this board.

>> No.5813803 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 640x480, Firefly_Alley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ Ar Tonelico ]

New Ar Tonelico thread. The previous thread (>>5675068) has reached the bump limit.

Download the 4chan Sounds greasemonkey script and click on the Ar Tonelico tag in brackets at the top to hear music! (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/64678))

This time, it's Screaming Seagull from the Ar Tonelico 1 OST, which was Firefly Alley's theme. Enjoy!

>> No.5813838

/jp/ will always hates what gets translated.
That's why we eyt don't have any good VNs.

>> No.5813843

Food Stay/Night - It can't be helped

>> No.5813846

Can't people just like something and then move on?
It looks like you have to choose between a big fanboy who think the game is perfect or a hater who think this game is utter shit.

Personally I thought it wasn't too bad, a nice experience but I wouldn't put it near my favorites VNs.

>> No.5813849

That's not true, it's just tripfags and their followers playing trolls thinking they're cool.
But it is a fact that most untranslated VNs are overhyped, I can think of titles like Ayakashibito or BaldrSky that, while being good games, aren't nearly the masterpieces most people would have others believe.

>> No.5813851

You really are new here.

>> No.5813859

Ayakashibito definitely isn't perfect, though I think it's top tier as an action eroge.
But /jp/ would probably love Baldr Sky to death.

>> No.5814048

I wonder how this will look in the remake.

>> No.5816322

I love Fate/stay night.

>> No.5816337

My honest opinion is that I really like the title BGM when you unlock the "last episode."

>> No.5816370


>> No.5816915


>> No.5816932

I like it.

I like Tsukihime more.

>> No.5816979

God tier:
Symphonic Rain
Sharin no Kuni
Swan Song
Cross Channel

Very good tier
Sekien no Inganock
Phantom of Inferno

Good tier
Eien no Aselia
Family Project
Kira Kira
Yume miru kusuri

>> No.5816982

How does it feel to be a retard who is easily impressed by anything?
You haven't played anything you hate?

>> No.5816993

I did, I just didn't list them.

>> No.5817354


>> No.5817474
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>What is /jp/'s honest opinion on Fate/Stay Night?

Acceptable. Kinda entertaining, has a strong high concept and nice, friendly production values. Also has really torturous pacing at times and many of the characters just piss me off.
