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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5781432 No.5781432 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, what is the sound of industrial lighting being turned on?

It sounds like a series of CHOOMs to me.

>> No.5781441

I thought it was established that that sound you hear was actually the humming of the bulbs turning on and the generators lending power to it. Light itself doesn't give off sound.

>> No.5781449

Hey /jp/, what is the sound of industrial 4chan report button being pressed?

It sounds like a series of BANs to me.

>> No.5781452


Of course, but regardless, the lights make a sound when activated.

>> No.5781464

The series of CHOOMs is due to individual circuit breakers activating row by row rather than by a master switch.

You'll never get it in any building made after 1950 or so.

>> No.5781467


It goes C-CLICK, right?

>> No.5781474


I can confirm the lighting in my bomb shelter makes that noise. I think it was constructed in 1958.

>> No.5781482


>> No.5781484


Y'know, when you think about it, a bomb shelter is the perfect hiki den.

>> No.5781491


What what? I live in a bomb shelter. It's about the size of an expanded cape, all said and done. The house it was used for burned down ages ago, and I got the property for a song. There are even apple trees around the entrance.

>> No.5781499


>> No.5781526


Again, what what. It's my house, what do you want from me.

>> No.5781543

Sounds more like rurr-rurr-rurr-rurr than chooms to me.

>> No.5781555

I demand to know why that guy gets a hole and I don't.

>> No.5781563


Because I bought it. With money.

>> No.5781573

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.5781591


Oh. All right. I think I have some around here. Would you like an interior or exterior view? The outsite view is just a metal gate and some concrete, so not terribly exciting.

>> No.5781622


>> No.5781625

Isn't it kind of creepy to live in a bomb shelter below the site of a burned-down house?

>> No.5781636

correct answer is both.

>> No.5781643

Why would that be creepy? I mean unless it was next to some normal houses.

>> No.5781669

So it's not next to any normal houses? That's even creepier!

>> No.5781685


Not terribly so. The house was bulldozed about 20 years before I bought the property. It's at the terminus of a pretty nice neighborhood. I think they thought I would, like, build a house on the lot or something. When I made it clear I had no such intention, the homeowner's association tried to have me thrown out for trivial things, but I won out in the end, and most people are just fine with "bomb shelter guy" these days.

Still looking for those pictures. Think they might be on an external.

>> No.5781695


Do people knock on your door on Halloween. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

>> No.5781868

How can you knock on a hole in the ground?

If I lived around there though, I'd arrange everyone to dress up as zombies for Halloween and call the guy outside. Either that or for April 1st.
