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5780325 No.5780325 [Reply] [Original]

jp, why did hiri muu died?

>> No.5780331

Lol someone post her "death" message.Also sup' Hiri

>> No.5780332
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>> No.5780339

You can't say "why did x died", jackass. You have to use the bare form of the verb when you make a question with "did" in it. For example:"Why did hiri nuu die?"

>> No.5780345

I sincerely hope this guy's email is a spoof.

Let me tell you why. We are talking about fatal anemia followed by an unspecified heart disease, in what is presumably not a 50yo horribly obese hambeast. That shit just doesn't happen.

Fatal "heart disease" with months ahead time simply doesn't happen to people under 40 (I will assume hiri is a hot teenage catgirl for discussion's purpose). Sure, they can die of sudden cardiac arrest, or in a crash accident, or of some malignant tumor.

But a progressive "heart disease" with months to spend in hospital? Fuck that. There is only one way that could happen and it's progressive cardiomyopathy with heart failure. It is possible it's cystic fibrosis as well, which would cause right heart failure followed by left heart failure and essentially be the same end result.

You know what sucks about CMP? You die slowly. You die suffocating on your own fluids. No device, no medication can help with this because this is the fluid that accumulates directly in your alveolae, microscopic sacs in your lungs, by rules of hydrostatic pressure we can't hope to beat. You know that feeling when you accidentally inhale a bit of your spittle or a bit of dust or a morsel of half-chewed food somehow lands in your larynx, and you spend the next five minutes coughing like crazy with your eyes watering, and you feel this incredibly unpleasant strangling sensation in your throat fifteen minutes after that?

Multiply that by 100 and make the agony last for days, weeks or months, without respite, even in your sleep, gasping for breath every step of the way, knowing that this time the coughing will never stop, that this time it will only get worse, that this time at the end there is only death...

and you have progressive CMP.

That is why I SENCERELY fucking hope this is a spoof

>> No.5780361
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>> No.5780363

Why did you posted?

>> No.5780383
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The fuck is Hiri Muu?
Call me ignorant or newfag, but my knowledge of /jp/ lore doesn't go past Sion's antics.

>> No.5780390

newfag lol

>> No.5780395

Just another autistic nobody

>> No.5780399

Dead ugly australian girl.

>> No.5780403

Go back to sleep, idoltard.

>> No.5780412
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>> No.5780450

what did she look like?
